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Nine Lives--Part One: The Katran Legacy, #1
Nine Lives--Part One: The Katran Legacy, #1
Nine Lives--Part One: The Katran Legacy, #1
Ebook213 pages2 hours

Nine Lives--Part One: The Katran Legacy, #1

Rating: 2 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

What if you discover Heaven is a rundown mess?


Eighteen-year-old Taylor is about to find out when she ends up dead and in a dystopian Heaven full of teens just like her. Part of her wonders if she might have landed in someplace far worse when Taylor learns her afterlife coach is her former tyrannical fifth grade teacher.


Plagued by questions her whole life, Taylor finds Heaven prompts even more. Why can't she remember her death? Why isn't Heaven the idyllic place she thought it would be? While Taylor tries to solve the mysteries of Heaven as it slowly crumbles around her, she learns there are dark forces at work behind the celestial show and they are after her.


This leads to the biggest question of all: Is she the only one who can stop them?


Find out if in Nine Lives Part One in the Katran Legacy Series by author Karin De Havin.

If you enjoy dystopian fantasy stories that are filled with adventure and make you laugh and bite your nails at the same time, scroll up and get your copy of Nine Lives Part One today!



Release dateJan 10, 2015
Nine Lives--Part One: The Katran Legacy, #1

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    Book preview

    Nine Lives--Part One - Karin De Havin

    Chapter 1




    Ashadowy fog clung to my body. Except, how could I stare down at myself? Strange. Where am I? Definitely not my bedroom. You could see my neon-striped comforter from outerspace .

    Something tugged at me like a giant vacuum cleaner. A blinding light made it impossible to see. I rubbed my eyes. When I opened them I was standing in an enormous plaza surrounded by mile-high skyscrapers. Everything sparkled and glowed so brightly I had to squint. I swallowed hard when a message appeared between two thunderclouds:

    Taylor N. Anderson. Departed Earth: August 20, 4:30 pm. Current Level: Junior Heaven.

    I read the sign one more time. Did the words really mean what I thought? Nah. I didn’t remember boarding a celestial plane.

    The message flickered for a moment, then changed:

    We are pleased to inform you that you are eligible for our rehabilitation program. Congratulations and




    I wiggled my fingers. Nothing bruised or broken. No blood. All my scars were still there—a map of my clumsiness and a few bad decisions. Other than an obnoxious low buzzing in my ears, and a sketchy memory, I was fine. Alive.

    On shaky feet, I walked into the empty square plaza. The thick, humid air felt like Florida in the summer. Most people would have broken a sweat. I loved the sauna-like heat. My gramp always joked I must be part iguana.

    My eyes strained under the perpetual glare of Junior Heaven. I walked deeper into the plaza, and my foot caught the edge of an uneven gold paver. The massive mirrored buildings that lined the plaza were chipped around the edges.

    Everything was slightly flawed—




    Could I really




    Jumping jacks. I needed to wake








    In mid-jump, a fragrance hung thick in the air. Roses. I turned around and the smell grew stronger. Something glowing descended on an invisible silk cord like the acrobats in Cirque Du Soleil. The object moved toward me. I blinked hard. A mass of platinum blond hair framed a china doll face. She looked like a young Christina Aguilera. No way! An angel.

    That’s not going to work, you know. A playful glint shone in her




    I stopped jumping.

    The angel extended her hand from a billowy sleeve. My name is Sabrina. I’m your guardian. She flashed a celebrity smile. Guess you think the Boss’s timing’s a bit off. I bet you thought you could screw up for years.

    Guardian angels really existed? I didn’t expect them to be so snarky. My CSI brain kicked in. Things weren't adding up. This had to be some kind of weird dream. If this were Heaven, my grandparents would be here to greet me. My heart skipped a beat. What about my almost-boyfriend Ryan? He died just a week ago saving his brother’s life. Was I having this dream because I missed him




    Sabrina gave me a smile. You’ll be with him again.

    Did she just read




    Yes, I did. The angel put her hand on my shoulder. "Are you sure




    Sorry. I peered over Sabrina’s wings at the Pearly Gates sign. "I don’t remember what happened before I got here. Am I




    You're an unusual case. Most children remember how they passed. Sabrina patted my hand gently. We find some teens need extra guidance. Things will be clearer after you attend orientation.

    Ugh. Sabrina was treating me like a kid. Wait a sec. I’m almost eighteen. Don’t I qualify for Adult Heaven?

    She stuffed back a laugh. "It’s called Senior Heaven. You need to be





    "Okay. So is this a stepping-stone to Senior Heaven? Are there only kids and teens here? What




    Sabrina smiled the way Grandma Allen always did when I asked too many questions. A bad habit I’d had ever since I learned to talk. The smile quickly faded when a silver disc the size of a large trash can lid darted out from between the clouds. A little man with a shaved head and a ridiculous handlebar mustache emerged from the disc. He pointed a tiny finger at me. Miss Taylor Anderson. You need to stop talking and proceed to orientation. Understood?

    I hunched my shoulders just like I always did in the principal’s office. Yet questions still flooded my mind. I don’t understand…

    The man on the disc held up his tiny hand like a stop sign. My mouth closed tight. How could I be intimidated by something so small?

    He smirked. Enjoy your stay…while it lasts.

    What the heck did that mean? So many questions and no answers—for now. I’d figure things out.




    The angel gave my hand a squeeze. "You’re strong. I like that




    She read my mind again.

    Sabrina led me around a corner and onto a stately boulevard. We ran into a group of equally dazed and confused kids dressed in everything from jeans and T-shirts to Halloween costumes, to Taco Hut uniforms. I searched wildly for any sign of Ryan’s tousled blond hair and crooked smile. Nothing. Strange, just like me, the kids showed no signs of how they died. Not a drop of blood on anyone. At least the dream I was having could be




    Funny, I’d expected to be given some regulation gossamer robe. Instead, I still wore my short black leather skirt and matching top with its plunging neckline. Must have been out with my boy-crazy best friend Julie. Had I known my day would end in Heaven, I would have picked a different outfit.

    My wrist felt naked. The woven leather bracelet I wore to hide my lopsided birthmark must have fallen off somewhere. More proof. I’d never let that happen in




    A girl dressed in a Catholic school uniform glared at my outfit. She pointed at my wrist. Hey, ginger girl, what’s up with the gross tattoo?

    What kind of Heaven had I conjured up? Instinctively I hid my arm behind my back. I see the nuns forgot to teach you not to talk to strangers.

    She sneered




    Sabrina walked over to the schoolgirl. Keep that up and you’ll end up with horns.

    The girl’s face turned white as she pushed past Sabrina and ran. Overhead, the storm clouds vanished and a group of angels flew in formation. They fluttered in all directions and spelled out the word Welcome across the faded




    Wow, that’s amazing. They must practice for hours. I rubbed my eyes. Behind the heavenly display, I sensed a bit of a




    Actually, they usually suck. The squad is made up of new angels learning to fly. She smiled. "You caught them on a




    Now I knew I’d dreamt up the whole thing. Of all the things I’d ever read about Heaven, nobody said it was funny. My adrenalin kicked in to hyper drive. I needed to figure out how to survive in this dream until I woke up. Sabrina might be my ticket out of here, so I better do what she said. I followed behind her until she stopped in front of a huge marble neo-classical building. An orange neon sign above the majestic columns read: Jump Start Your New Life. She led me to a gilded door. "Go right in. Your afterlife coach is waiting









    Sabrina just smiled, pumped her wings and disappeared into the sky. I peeked through the massive half-open paneled door. The walls were lined with paintings of angels flying through different heavenly settings. Then I turned the corner and couldn’t believe my eyes. Mrs. Schwartz, my horrifying fifth grade teacher, sat behind a desk the size of a Volkswagen. I must have turned the corner and wound up in Hell. I shouldn’t have stolen that fabulous black lace skirt from Macy’s last summer.

    My stomach churned as I stared at my grade school nemesis. Strange. Why would I want to face Schwartz again in a dream? Except, there she sat, ramrod straight in a velvet throne chair, sorting through a stack of papers. She still wore the same ratted out blond hairdo the class nicknamed Helmet.

    My former teacher caught me peering through the door. Stop gawking, Taylor. Get in here now. She gestured for me to sit in a swan-backed chair in front of




    Still stunned, and barely able to move, I managed to keep my skirt at a decent length as I sat down. I couldn’t believe Schwartz was wearing her favorite retro 80s bright purple power suit with linebacker shoulder pads. The kids lovingly used to call it "




    She cleared her throat, giving me a familiar chill. Well, I wish I could say I didn’t expect to see you for at least twenty years, but I knew your life would be short.

    I’m not dead. I’m dreaming!

    More like a nightmare with Schwartz as




    The Helmet tilted forward as Schwartz snorted. "Really? No buzzing or weakness in




    My legs seemed okay. My ears were another story. A whole colony of whispering bees flew around in my head. I didn’t like where this conversation was going. I couldn’t be dead. That would mean I’d never get any more kisses from my beautiful collie Lucy. I feel fine. Plus I don’t have any blood or bruising.

    Everyone here looks the same as they did the day they died. Before the fatal moment, of course.

    Of course, I repeated. Schwartz always hated it when I parroted her words.

    She thrust back her linebacker shoulders. Nice try. Are you ready to start taking responsibility for your actions?

    My suspicions were confirmed. I’d moved into Hell—one hell of a nightmare.

    Schwartz shuffled papers on the desk like a veteran poker player. We’ll have time to go over your bad decisions in our upcoming sessions.

    I closed my eyes and tried to change the dream to a trip to Disney World. Nothing. I let out a deep sigh that caused a major wardrobe malfunction.

    Young lady. Schwartz jumped to her feet and almost lost her wide-rimmed red glasses. Your attire is totally inappropriate.

    She waved her pointer and a shimmering light floated around me. My sexy top vanished. It was replaced with a XXL dull grey T-shirt, so big it almost covered my skirt.

    There, now we can get down to business. Schwartz snapped her fingers and a paper appeared. Look over this contract, and if you agree, we can get started.

    I stared at the paper, faced with the smallest type I’d ever seen. Tracing my finger around my lopsided birthmark, I formed invisible Saturn-like rings. Usually thinking of my favorite planet helped calm me. Didn’t seem to work in this dream.

    My former teacher hovered over my shoulder and handed me a magnifying glass so I could read the microscopic type. "You, the

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