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Dead Rednecks #1: Dead Rednecks Are My Specialty
Dead Rednecks #1: Dead Rednecks Are My Specialty
Dead Rednecks #1: Dead Rednecks Are My Specialty
Ebook39 pages22 minutes

Dead Rednecks #1: Dead Rednecks Are My Specialty

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About this ebook

From the dark streets of Knoxville to the hills and hollers of the Smoky Mountains... dead rednecks are stacking up like cordwood. Private eye Howard Qualls, fearless paragon of justice, is on the case... and his older, smarter, tougher ex-con brother Hoss is tagging along to make sure Howard doesn't get himself killed.

Book 1: Dead Rednecks Are My Specialty
Ex-con Hoss Qualls and his eccentric brother Howard (who has watched too many Bogart movies) set out to prove their cousin Ivory's innocence in a murder case – a task that is complicated by the fact Ivory has killed in just such a way before...

Release dateJan 3, 2015
Dead Rednecks #1: Dead Rednecks Are My Specialty

Troy D. Smith

Troy D. Smith is associate professor of history at Tennessee Tech University, where he specializes in race and ethnic studies. He has won several national awards for his historical fiction.

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    Dead Rednecks #1 - Troy D. Smith

    Dead Rednecks Are My Specialty

    Dead Rednecks! Book 1

    Troy D. Smith

    Smashwords Edition

    Dead Rednecks Are My Specialty

    Published by Criminal Intent Press

    Copyright © 2013 Troy D. Smith

    Cover Art Copyright © 2013 Joshua R. Shinn

    Design Consultant Laura Shinn

    Smashwords Licensing Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with other people, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you are reading this ebook without purchasing it and it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.

    Dead Rednecks Are My Specialty is a work of fiction. Though actual locations may be mentioned, they are used in a fictitious manner and the events and occurrences were invented in the mind and imagination of the author except for the inclusion of actual historical facts. Similarities of characters or names used within to any person – past, present, or future – are coincidental except where actual historical characters are purposely interwoven.

    The Dead Rednecks! Series:

    From the dark streets of Knoxville to the hills and hollers of the Smoky Mountains... dead rednecks are stacking up like cordwood. Private eye Howard Qualls, fearless paragon of justice, is on the case... and his older, smarter, tougher ex-con brother Hoss is tagging along to make sure Howard doesn't get himself killed.

    In Book 1: Dead Rednecks Are My Specialty ~

    Ex-con Hoss Qualls and his eccentric brother Howard (who has watched too many Bogart movies) set out to prove their cousin Ivory's innocence in a murder case – a

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