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Mr Darcy and the Space-time Continuum
Mr Darcy and the Space-time Continuum
Mr Darcy and the Space-time Continuum
Ebook65 pages44 minutes

Mr Darcy and the Space-time Continuum

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Readers of Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" thought what caused Mr. Darcy's change in character was his being told off by Elizabeth Bennet during his first proposal at Hunsford. This has been held out as the reason for the alteration from the proud selfish man Darcy was into the humble, modest person Elizabeth could grow to love. It was not until the 21st century that the truth could be told! Read what has only recently come to light about that fateful day, April 9, 1813, that had such a transforming influence on our favorite hero in this account of "Mr. Darcy and the Space-time Continuum" - a humorous combination of science fiction and Regency romance! Bonus: two of Noe's 100 word stories are included at the end of the book.

PublisherNoe and Cindy
Release dateJan 5, 2015
Mr Darcy and the Space-time Continuum

Noe and Cindy

Noe has been married to his first real love for more than 40 years. It was she that urged him to put his writing skills to authoring a novel in April of 2013 based on Pride & Prejudice, “Mr Darcy falls in love.” Noe has never been afraid to admit he loves chick-flicks, being a real gentleman who always treats women with the respect they deserve. It is his romantic side that brought the story of Mr. Darcy to life so we all could see things through Darcy's eyes. Noe's appreciation of Mary Bennet and Georgiana Darcy led to a sequel, "The Sun Also Shines for me," about the two girls working together as sisters on a very special project. After that came "Captivated by Youth and Beauty: Mr. Bennet's story", the tale of how the heart of Lizzy Bennet Darcy's father was won by one lovely young lady. Noe also did the artwork for the covers of his books, another thing Cindy encouraged. He makes woodart too, including a statuette of the image of Darcy depicted on the cover of their book, as well as fine pieces of wood jewelry. Look for them at and on Instagram @noes_expressions.

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    Book preview

    Mr Darcy and the Space-time Continuum - Noe and Cindy

    Chapter One

    The year is 1813 A.D., the place: Kent, England ...

    Looking from the perspective of the clouds floating leisurely over Hunsford Parsonage, one could note how quiet and genteel it appeared. Its tended garden and flowers in rows and boxes and its thatched roof with silver grey smoke rising from the chimney would give one looking from such a perspective a feeling of warmth and coziness.

    However, this evening—Thursday April 9, 1813—one would be fooled by the outward look of this humble abode. You see, inside the home, Mr. Darcy, of the Darcys of Pemberley, has just made a rather awkward offer of marriage to one Miss Elizabeth Bennet. In response, Miss Bennet denigrated him for his high-mindedness and his not behaving as a proper gentleman should, finally declaring, You could not have made your offer of marriage to me in any possible way that would have tempted me to accept you, Mr. Darcy!

    Could anything more strange take place for poor Mr. Darcy? Here he was, being turned down by someone who should be jumping for joy at making such a match! And as if that were not enough, he—Fitzwilliam Darcy, of the Darcys of Pemberley—was being accused of thinking too much of himself.

    How her words stung this proud man... after all, he had been honest and open with the young lady, being guided by his principle of truth without disguise. His mind was racing with these facts: there he was in his clothes made of the finest materials from the finest shops London had to offer, proposing to a girl without family name or fortune and who, due to her family’s circumstances, would soon have even less; he was standing in the home of a lowly clergyman, the worth of which was less than one of his stables for his horses. His ardor understandably began to rise, and he looked intently into Elizabeth Bennet’s eyes to demand the respect he considered his due. Crossing his arms over his chest, he pushed his shoulders back and lifted his proud nose to the heavens, not realizing such a stance would do little to contradict what she had been saying. Darcy’s features hardened and his eyes narrowed, when suddenly a glimmer in Elizabeth’s eye caught his attention as it began growing in intensity. He knew not what to attribute it to, but kept his steady gaze upon her face. He could now be seen tilting his own face to one side as his jaw relaxed, and his eyebrows raised with the widening of his eyes.  

    Miss Bennet, noticing the alteration of his countenance, became puzzled. She was not the sort that enjoyed a heated argument, but standing akimbo (suggesting she had no fear of anything he might have to say to her), Elizabeth prepared herself to face whatever Darcy’s superior stance was portending. However, at this turn of events, her hands dropped to her side and she took a step toward him, as her face went from anger to wonder and concern.

    For Darcy, the gentle sparkle that had started in Elizabeth’s dark emotive eyes was becoming gradually brighter. Soon it overspread her entire face, causing him to raise his hands and cover his eyes while simultaneously closing them tight with discomfort. In a split second, there was every indication that the light was gone, and slowly opening his eyes to confirm it, he began to lower his hands from his face. What now presented itself before the man caused him to close his eyes again tightly and run his hands across his face, as if he was trying to rouse himself from slumber.

    Holding onto this self-imposed darkness for a moment, Darcy

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