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The Wasp of St. Judith's
The Wasp of St. Judith's
The Wasp of St. Judith's
Ebook28 pages25 minutes

The Wasp of St. Judith's

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The night-shift nurse on a dementia ward discovers the price of an old musician's talent. But is the bargain complete? Weird horror, 6800 words.

PublisherB Thorn
Release dateFeb 15, 2015
The Wasp of St. Judith's

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    The Wasp of St. Judith's - B Thorn

    The Wasp of St. Judith's

    Published by B. Thorn at Smashwords

    Copyright 2015 B. Thorn

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    Table of Contents

    The Wasp of St. Judith's


    The Wasp of St. Judith's

    It's funny, the things I've forgotten. I can't remember what Mel looked like. Not her eyes, her hair, her shape, not even the color of her skin. If I close my eyes I feel like I can visualize her perfectly, but when I try to write it down? Like grasping smoke.

    Working as a dementia nurse taught me not to take memory for granted. It's not just the things we forget, you understand. It's how easily we forget that we've forgotten, confabulating plausible-seeming stories to patch over the holes in our memory. One of my patients wakes up every day in a room she doesn't recognize, and every day she convinces herself she must be on vacation, because why else would she be away from home?

    I've been to a specialist (I didn't tell him the real reasons) and he assures me my mental function is A-OK, that it's just understandable paranoia from what I do for a living. But I know I have gaps in my memory. There are patches in my recollection of last year that don't feel right. When I try to think back to that time it's like walking on carpet laid over spongy floorboards. So I want to write this down before I forget more than

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