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Monster in the Closet
Monster in the Closet
Monster in the Closet
Ebook57 pages57 minutes

Monster in the Closet

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About this ebook

Haven't we all thought there was a monster in the closet or under the bed at some time in our life? Can you recall goosebumps running up and down your spine?

What if there really was a monster in that closet? 

How could a 10 year old boy and his 7 year old sister rid themselves of this monster when no one would believe it was real?

Bobby and his friends dig up a stone carving of a toad, which he gives to his sister Mandy. Later they discover a stone tablet and take it to the museum to see what it says.

Strange things begin happening and Mandy is frightened out of her wits. Bobby learns she is telling the truth and when he tries to convince his mother there really is a monster in Mandy's room, his mom becomes furious. 

The kids need to find a way to fend for themselves.
PublisherB.D. Knight
Release dateOct 25, 2012
Monster in the Closet

B.D. Knight

I write scary stories as well as rewriting and fracturing popular fairy tales. I warn you that when you read my stories you need to let loose your imagination. Anything can happen.

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    Book preview

    Monster in the Closet - B.D. Knight

    Monster in the Closet


    B.D. Knight

    Copyright © 2012 by B.D. Knight

    All rights reserved worldwide.

    No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior written consent of the author/publisher or the terms relayed to you herein.

    This story is fictional. Everything in it is a product of the author’s imagination and is not meant to resemble any person living or dead.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19


    Haunted Attic

    Chapter 1

    Bobby thought he was dreaming. A scream jolted his eyes open and he could hear his sister crying. He fought his way out of the covers, flailing and kicking until he broke through their grip and rushed to her room.

    What’s wrong Mandy? he asked. Why you crying?

    I’m scared, said Mandy, peeking out from under her covers. Look. I got scary bumps all over me.

    Mandy was a cute, petite seven year old girl with her blonde hair usually in pig tails. She seemed to be going through a period of being frightened at night for the past couple weeks.

    Those are goose bumps Mandy, said Bobby. Did something scare you?

    Bobby was Mandy’s older brother. He was ten and kept his brown hair short because he thought it made him look like an athlete. It did. He was very protective of his little sister, especially after his dad was killed.

    They’re scary bumps, Mandy insisted. I got them cause I’m scared. There’s a monster in my closet.

    Bobby walked over to the closet and put his hand on the door knob to open the door.

    No No No, Mandy screamed. Don’t open the door. The monster’ll get you.

    There’s no such thing as monsters, he said as he opened the door. See, there’s nothing in here.

    He did a double take when he thought he heard a noise coming from inside the closet. He rolled his eyes.

    But there was noises and I saw the monster go in there, she said.

    It was your imagination Mandy.

    Mandy tossed the covers off her and crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing and shooting a piercing look at him.

    She looks scarier than a monster would.

    It wasn’t my magination.

    Their mother rushed into the room wielding a hair brush. Bobby had to put his knuckles to his mouth to keep from laughing.

    What’s all the screaming about? their mom asked. Mandy, are you having another nightmare?

    She thought she heard noises and she said she saw a monster run into the closet, Bobby said. I was trying to show her there was nothing in there.

    Their mom sighed and sat on Mandy’s bed.

    Mandy, you have to stop imagining things. We’ve gone over this. There are no monsters in your room. There are no monsters anywhere. It’s all in your imagination.

    There was a monster in the closet. I saw him run in. You never believe me. Dad woulda believed me, said Mandy.

    Bobby winced. That would dig into his mom’s insides. About three months ago

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