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The Shadow Twin
The Shadow Twin
The Shadow Twin
Ebook31 pages20 minutes

The Shadow Twin

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This childrens tale follows the brave story of a boy who realizes his destiny when he finds out that lost spirits are not something to be feared, but souls in need of friendship and healing. He befriends the spirit of a dog who teaches him about the spirit world, and together they help return lost parts of peoples souls to help them be whole again.

This exciting and fun tale was shown to Travis in a dream after drinking San Pedro with a shaman in Cusco, Peru. It has all the beauty and healing wonder within its pages that San Pedro normally shares during ceremony.

PublisherTravis Bodick
Release dateFeb 16, 2015
The Shadow Twin

Travis Bodick

Travis Bodick is an author, musician and ceremonial guide. All of Travis's books are written to help the reader engage with and encounter their own truth through direct experience. Travis especially focuses on nature based spiritual healing practices and helping clients encounter and know their own heart and soul. Helping others to find and embrace their true passion in life is Travis's greatest joy. You can find Travis and his other books at

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    Book preview

    The Shadow Twin - Travis Bodick

    The Shadow Twin

    By Travis Bodick

    Copyright 2014

    Chapter 1

    Give it to me.

    The boy looked around, trying to catch the eyes of the other children in hopes of finding help. He could see them watching from the corners of their eyes, but they pretended to be busy with something else. Nobody wanted to challenge the bully to help him. The boy probably would have acted the same way.

    Give it to me. Hand over your train, I want it, repeated the bully.

    My dad gave it to me, it’s mine, pleaded the boy. Why did the big kids get to have everything? It wasn’t fair!

    The bully stepped closer to the boy, breathing in his face, and looking down at him, I don’t care where you got it, it’s mine now. Pushing the boy hard onto his butt, the bully quickly ripped the toy train from his arms, and held it up high like a trophy.

    The boy felt hot anger rising in his chest. He would beat that bully and get his train back! And even as he thought this, he found water squeezing out the corners of his eyes. Why was he so small! Why was the world so unfair? Why couldn’t he have his train back? Why wasn’t there a hero like in the stories?

    Trying to conceal his tears, the boy looked down at the ground till he was done crying and tried to wipe his face where no one could see. When he finally looked up, the

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