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Teacher Retaught
Teacher Retaught
Teacher Retaught
Ebook109 pages2 hours

Teacher Retaught

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About this ebook

The ever-difficult Jacqueline Gale is a small town teacher with secrets... secrets that two very different men hope to pry from her. The school ma'am find herself caught between the playful young man from the manor down the hill and her tumultuous fellow school teacher. One adores her as she has never been adored, while the other takes charge of her in a way she has always secretly craved. Can she choose between the two? Will she ever move past the first love she lost long ago? And can she truly trust either with her heavy past... and present?

Set in the fictional land of FireLight, a place with old-fashioned charm and modern wit and humor, Teacher Retaught is a story about breaking free and allowing yourself to find happiness again... sometimes upon an unexpected new path.

Release dateFeb 16, 2015
Teacher Retaught

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    Teacher Retaught - Sterling Rose

    Teacher Retaught


    Sterling Rose

    Copyright 2015 Blushing Books and Sterling Rose

    Published by Blushing Books at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes:

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    Rose, Sterling

    Teacher Retaught

    eBook ISBN: 978-1-62750-7073

    Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

    This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

    Table of Contents:


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    About the Author

    Blushing Books


    As soon as Father died she was going to pick up and see the world – without a husband – though a certain young gentleman would be disappointed.

    The teacher’s gaze occasionally darted about the room in search of straying eyes, but the rules were well known and they were well heeded, so she allowed herself to sink somewhat into the pleasantry before her whilst test-taking ensued around her. It was among the few pleasantries she was allowed, this filling of pages with shapes and slopes and shading, and it was only allowed because it never saw the light of day long enough to come to light.

    When not residing beneath her charcoal, the yellow-worn pages of the little book resided with the shadows, coin concealed, papers protected, and memories concluded.

    To be sure, the sketches were innocent. Only scenery. Only memories. Only a mother’s face over quaint scenes of pie baking, and brothers’ games by ponds of blue, and home life, and everything gone now. Sometimes she would draw what she imagined to be that source of mysterious music that sang in her garden come the cold night: a dryad with a violin, or a pixie imprisoned, forced to play the stars into assembly with each fresh falling dark.

    She only brought back flickers, fainter than a frail candlelight, of things that once were.

    But for her, the secret was as potent as anything that festers.

    Chapter 1

    Mr. Blaire must have rung the bell in her stead. The dark haired Jacqueline was stirred suddenly from her occupation by the clatter of pencils being dropped, and papers being swept up and placed upon her desk. She shut her book briskly, and stood before the classroom had chance to clear.

    "You will be contacted with the results of your essay and exam by post. And you will return with fresh charcoal for the start of the new semester. I don’t make nearly what I’m worth, and certainly not enough to keep up this pencil charity."

    Her chilly tone was ignored, her students being well accustomed to blatancy.

    Everyone is now dismissed. And the testers began to clear one particular girl among them. "Everyone except for you, Brenda."

    Brenda turned to stare at Jacqueline with bunny-about-to-be-eaten eyes. But Jacqueline said nothing while the other students remained. She only began putting books away.

    Yes... Miss Gale?

    She was quiet as the few stragglers loitered in the door, continuing to gather her things. At long last, the lingerers fled. Brenda, Jacqueline began, as her hands still worked, scooping up papers. Are there snowballs in hell?


    No. No more than you are the original author of this essay. She reached into the front pouch of her satchel and tossed the stack of papers before the girl. Do you know what plagiarism is, Brenda?

    They’d been over this last semester, but undeniably, she did not expect the girl to retain it. She certainly wouldn’t be among those to test into the higher class. But why tell her? Everyone ought to have their hopes dashed upon the craggy shards of reality at least once, but it didn’t help to rub it in.

    She looked as though being quizzed. It’s... a kind of a foot massage?

    "No. It’s stealing. The person who wrote that essay is a good writer. You are not a good writer, so turning that in was turning in a lie. So now you’re a thief and a liar."

    "Oh Miss Gale, I didn’t think of it that way!" The girl looked as though she might cry.

    And Jacqueline fought a scowl. Tears never served anyone, and tears from those who had never been given a real reason to cry were nearly intolerable.

    Criminals never do. But don’t snivel Brenda, have I ever punished someone for something they didn’t know to be wrong? I cannot grade this essay and it will thus receive a failing grade, but now you know. So never do it again.

    Oh I won’t Miss Gale, thank you Miss Gale—

    Do save your breath for prayers that you pass the exam. Good afternoon, Brenda.

    Yes, Teacher. You too!

    Jacqueline sank into her chair, Brenda fled, and the room was finally quiet. She often lingered in the classroom to finish grading, and sometimes so long as Mr. Blaire was gone to scribble in her book. But today she had time to do neither before a woman appeared on the threshold.

    * * *

    Mallory Snow fingered her medallion, graced with the symbol of a stag, and gazed about at the lush thatch of land that the schoolhouse belonged to. Her schoolhouse. Her little castle in which to share the magic of learning. She trotted up the steps, catching the delightful scent of pages and chalkboards as she stepped into the first schoolroom.

    There was a woman there. A dark haired woman, with dark eyes, and dark circles under her eyes, and a dark expression. But an elegant woman, nonetheless, dressed in a quaint but also dark dress.

    Oh! Forgive me! I wasn’t expecting anyone.

    The woman stood. She had almost the deliberate indifference of a man in the way she carried herself but a cold kind of femininity also. All she offered in response was, Exams. For those who wish to test into a higher class.

    Oh yes, of course! said Mallory. "That was today. I ought to know, I suppose, I’m the new headmistress. Mallory Snow."

    And the other stared. It was an eerie stare. Somehow colder, while keeping all indifferent appearances. It was truly impossible to capture in word.

    They gave the position to a little girl?

    Oh— Mallory laughed, so breezy she quite breezed the statement by before digesting it. It was a terrible shock. I heard tell there were many in the running.

    And what makes you so, the dark brown eyes appraised her, preferable?

    "Well, I’m sure there’s nothing special about me at all. It was probably only a number of coincidental questions on their part that led to discovering I was friends with a noble in HillSlope, and she put in a good recommendation.

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