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Lessons in Love: Essays and Spiritual Exercises for Modern Life
Lessons in Love: Essays and Spiritual Exercises for Modern Life
Lessons in Love: Essays and Spiritual Exercises for Modern Life
Ebook41 pages27 minutes

Lessons in Love: Essays and Spiritual Exercises for Modern Life

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These spiritual exercises and essays offer real Lessons in Love for anyone following a spiritual path. Based on the Sufi Path of Love, they enhance the journey, and offer a new idea of spiritual evolution

Release dateFeb 24, 2015
Lessons in Love: Essays and Spiritual Exercises for Modern Life

Irving Karchmar

Irving Karchmar has been a writer and editor for many years, and a darvish of the Nimatullahi Sufi Order since 1992. He lives near New York City.

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    Lessons in Love - Irving Karchmar

    Lessons in Love

    Spiritual exercises for modern life


    Irving Karchmar

    Smashwords Editions

    Copyright © 2015 by Irving Karchmar. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    For information contact the author at

    [email protected]

    Cover photo by Jim Kosinski

    Cover design by Elana Spieth


    Dedicated to Dr. Alireza Nurbakhsh

    Master of the Nimatullahi Sufi Order

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 My Out of Body Experience

    Chapter 2 Origin of the Spiritual Species

    Chapter 3 God First

    Chapter 4 What Love Demands

    Chapter 5 The Intention of Service

    Chapter 6 Waiting for God

    Chapter 7 Being Thought Full of God

    Chapter 8 Generosity of Spirit

    Chapter 9 The Upward Glance and the Lowest Bow

    Chapter 10 Practicing Love

    Chapter 11 Loving Quietly

    Chapter 12 Healing Through Compassion

    Chapter 13 The I Experiment

    Chapter 14 Meditation on Death

    Chapter 15 Last Word

    Chapter One

    My Out of Body Experience

    This is a true story.

    A few months after my 40th birthday, on January 14th 1986, I was rushed to the Emergency Room due to the devastating effects of a misdiagnosed illness. Had my sister not been visiting and seen my condition and insist I go to the hospital immediately, the doctors said I would not have lived through the night.

    In the emergency room my heart stopped and the ER doctors had to revive it with those electric paddles you see in the movies. I remember it only vaguely, though I did have burn marks on my chest for a few days. Eventually they discovered that I had Cushing’s Disease, a benign tumor on the pituitary gland (which is in the middle of the forehead) that caused the hormones levels in my body to run wild. The natural steroid hormone ACTH, for example, has a normal level of 200. Mine was 6000.

    And since the pituitary gland controls other glands and body

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