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Aim For the Head
Aim For the Head
Aim For the Head
Ebook202 pages1 hour

Aim For the Head

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About this ebook

A cross-section of some of the best contemporary poets from the stage and the page rise up and shamble their way through an anthology of post-apocalyptic zombie poetry. Funny, creepy, shocking, and even poignant, this collection challenges award winning authors like Scott Woods, Laura Yes Yes, and Khary Jackson to shake the dust off of old conventions, pull the triggers on their imaginations, and...Aim For The Head.
Release dateMar 4, 2015
Aim For the Head

Rob Sturma

ROB STURMA is the editor of Aim For The Head, the zombie-themed poetry anthology on Write Bloody Publishing (as seen in the New York Times and Time Magazine Online), and the online pop culture journal FreezeRay. His work can be seen in a number of print anthologies and online at The Nervous Breakdown, Borderline, Ghost House Review, Indiefeed, and a million social media sites. He lives in Oklahoma City, OK, where he co-hosts the Red Dirt Wayward Poets open mic and stays nerdy.

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    Book preview

    Aim For the Head - Rob Sturma

    Aim for the Head

    a collection of poetry

    Derrick C. Brown & Rob Sturma, Editors

    Write Bloody Publishing

    America’s Independent Press

    Long Beach, CA

    Copyright © Derrick C. Brown & Rob Sturma 2011

    No part of this book may be used or performed without written consent from the author, if living, except for critical articles or reviews.

    Brown, Derrick C.

    Sturma, Rob.

    1st edition.

    ISBN: 978-1-935904-47-2

    Interior Layout by Lea C. Deschenes

    Cover Designed by Bill Jonas

    Cover Art by David Ayllon

    Interior Illustrations by Leigh White and Freedom Drudge

    Proofread by Jennifer Roach

    Edited by Derrick Brown and Rob Sturma

    Re-loaded by Rob Sturma

    Type set in Bergamo from

    Special thanks to Lightning Bolt Donor, Weston Renoud

    Printed in Tennessee, USA

    Write Bloody Publishing

    Long Beach, CA

    Support Independent Presses

    To contact the author, send an email to [email protected]

    Daphne Gottlieb’s fifteen ways to stay alive appears courtesy of special permission by Manic D Press

    John Paul Davis’s The Zombie, Rejected By His Human Lover, Responds first published by Cordite Poetry Review

    Aim for the Head

    George Romero Never Lied to Us

    by Ryk McIntyre

    The dignity of zombie movies has always been the harsh face

    we are shown of ourselves. The dead will always be the same:

    equal parts hunger and will. They will always be conspicuous

    consumption. We have changed. We don’t fear the graveyard

    as much as chemical spills. Don’t listen for the Houngan drums,

    it is the laboratory reports that are twined with magic programs,

    reanimation cyphers; perfectly sterile, untouched by human hands

    or even a single voice asking why. No wonder so many movies

    begin in hospitals and research facilities. The sound of lab glass

    breaking has devoured the thud-thud-shhhh of dirt being dug

    from underneath. We have come so far in the future, we’ve flown

    to the moon. But it’s still the grave that claims our dreams, and feeds

    us fear of being eaten alive. We could upload our individual death

    on Youtube. It would be karmic justice on American terms: no worries

    that God will call you home entirely. Pieces of us will walk forever.

    Tanka: Yet Another Poem

    About the Zombie Apocalypse Part 1

    by Curtis X Meyer

    That day—when at last

    the zombie apocalypse

    arrives —fuck the mall.

    I’m going where I know it’s

    deserted: the library.

    Fifteen Ways to Stay Alive

    by Daphne Gottlieb

    1.    Offer the wolves your arm only from the elbow down. Leave tourniquet space. Do not offer them your calves. Do not offer them your side. Do not let them near your femoral artery, your jugular. Give them only your arm.

    2.    Wear chapstick when kissing the bomb.

    3.    Pretend you don’t know English.

    4.    Pretend you never met her.

    5.    Offer the bomb to the wolves. Offer the wolves to the zombies.

    6.    Only insert a clean knife into your chest. Rusty ones will cause tetanus. Or infection.

    7.    Don’t inhale.

    8.    Realize that this love was not your trainwreck, was not the truck that flattened you, was not your Waterloo, did not cause massive hemorrhaging from a rusty knife. That love is still to come.

    9.    Use a rusty knife to cut through most of the noose in a strategic place so that it breaks when your weight is on it.

    10.  Practice desperate pleas for attention, louder calls for help. Learn them in English, French, Spanish: May Day, Aidez-Moi, Ayúdeme.

    11.  Don’t kiss trainwrecks. Don’t kiss knives. Don’t kiss.

    12.  Pretend you made up the zombies, and only superheroes exist.

    13.  Pretend there is no kryptonite.

    14.  Pretend there was no love so sweet that you would have died for it, pretend that it does not belong to someone else now, pretend like your heart depends on it because it does. Pretend there is no wreck—you watched the train go by and felt the air brush your face and that was it. Another train passing. You do not need trains. You can fly. You are a superhero. And there is no kryptonite.

    15.  Forget her name.

    Gifts For the Dead at Christmas

    by Andy Buell


    worm repellent

    a haircut

    a manicure

    a new suit to wear

    pictures of who I grew into

    letters to reintroduce myself

    Apologies for not shedding tears when I heard the news. I promise you it was only because I didn’t understand, years later it was the fermented spirits that held them back.

    Tape recordings of my voice,

    telling you how the bath felt

    in the tub I still don’t fit into,

    I watched reflections of a savior

    circle the drain for hours.

    Reminders that you will never

    have to deal with traffic again.

    Finally waving goodbye

    with my eyes open.

    Leaving Ashlee

    by John Andrews

    in another life

    your stomach hangs

    with weight from our children

    we are slow dancing

    the kitchen is on fire

    we don’t turn

    our heads

    watch it burn

    in this one

    your stomach hangs

    the weight of what could have been

    I left you

    on the front porch

    shackled to a column

    legs folded underneath

    blood flowering out

    your mouth

    a hunger I could

    never feed

    Citizenship Test for the UUSA

    (United Undead States of America)

    (data compiled by Rachelanne Williams)

    Before continuing to the knowledge test, please fill out these identification questions. (We will not share any of your information with outside parties)


    *If you cannot remember your full name due to the passage of time and deterioration of the brain, please make one up and carve it somewhere on your existing flesh so that you might remember it. Should you be accepted as a citizen, dog tags

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