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Death is the Stalker I: Books 1 - 5: Death is the Stalker
Death is the Stalker I: Books 1 - 5: Death is the Stalker
Death is the Stalker I: Books 1 - 5: Death is the Stalker
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Death is the Stalker I: Books 1 - 5: Death is the Stalker

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After graduation, Paige plans a fun summer with her boyfriend, Jake.  When she spurns the alpha of a local werewolf pack, Paige learns the true meaning of horror.  A page-turning thriller, this novel will keep you on the edge of your seat. 

PublisherL.B. Barrows
Release dateMar 7, 2015
Death is the Stalker I: Books 1 - 5: Death is the Stalker

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    Death is the Stalker I - L.B. Barrows

    Death is the Stalker Part 1: Maimed by the Alpha


    Chapter 1

    Paige Carter shivered and took another deep breath while the silver light of the full moon cast elongated shadows across the forest path.  She was going to kill Jake when she finally reached the cabin—after she kissed him thoroughly.

    Meet me at Hunter's Cabin.  Midnight. 

    The note was written in gorgeous calligraphy.  Jake had a flare for romance.  He must have asked one of his friends with artistic talent to help out.

    Her heart pounded when a howl echoed in the air.  Hearing rustling in the trees, she walked faster.  Hunter's cabin was an old abandoned house at the edge of her parent's property. The trees in that area hadn't been cleared and grew tall and twisty. Folks said it was haunted. 

    Once when she and Jake went for a walk in the fields, they spent hour after hour kissing and romping through dusty rooms.  She complained about the cobwebs, but when Jake kissed the smudge on her cheek and declared the house their love nest, she relented.

    Talk about love at first site. Not Paige...the cabin. Jake loved it. He convinced her to help him fix it up.  And here she was, creeping through moonlit trees to meet him. Her heart pounded.  In excitement?  Fear?  It was hard to say because the emotions all crashed and coursed at once as she made her way along the dark path.

    A snapping sound in the distance behind her gave her a sense of dread.  With a gasp, she turned back once to see what was following her.  The woods were dark, but she thought she detected movement.

    With a startled scream, she stepped back when yellow eyes peered out from the undergrowth beyond the path. She heard a low growl and gasped.

    Paige fled, following the flagstones that some industrious person had set so long ago.  She fell once, scraping her knees and glanced over her shoulder. No yellow eyes.  That didn't mean she was alone.

    She felt a presence.  Some creature in the shadows. Paige knew one thing.  She wasn't alone in those woods.  Something was following her.

    Her footsteps echoed in the darkness as she wheezed for breath.  Exercising was not her thing.  But Paige didn't stop.  Ahead she saw the light on the porch of the cabin.  Not a lamp, nor a light bulb.  It was a single candle.  A signal that Jake was there.

    Her whole body relaxed.  She was safe.  She was here.

    A relieved grin on her face, she stopped running, and even laughed at herself for being silly.

    A shadow separated from the trees and jumped right in front of her, roaring challenge.

    Paige screamed and scrambled back.

    The roar turned to laughter.

    Jake!  Angry and giddy with relief, Paige thumped Jake playfully on the shoulder and then snuggled in for a long hug. You jerk!

    My Sweet, you've been away too long. Jake's hands slipped into Paige's back pockets as he crushed her to him. His mouth playfully teased hers and she felt all of the fear of the past fifteen minutes dissolve.

    Paige wrapped her body around Jake's.  I'm going to punish you severely.

    They laughed as they stumbled through the front door, Paige half-chasing, half-pushing Jake while he tugged her.  With a growl, he kicked the door closed and grabbed her.  Paige squealed as he carried her into the bedroom where fifty candles, wicks flickering with flame greeted the couple.

    It's magical, Paige breathed.

    After two months of scrubbing and polishing, putting up drapes and repairing breakages, the love nest was something to be proud of. I can't let you go Paige Carter. I won't ever let you go.

    Jake tossed her gently on the bed and moved to cover her lips with his.  But his words rang in Paige's mind and she thought, He'll have to let me go. Her parents expected her to attend the university this fall, and Jake was following in his dad's footsteps and stepping up to help run the hardware store. After three years spinning in the same circles, taking the same classes, watching one another from a distance and then finally going steady, they would be apart.  A feeling of dread rose in Paige's stomach, souring the moment, but she buried her thoughts deep in her mind and focused on the moment, on Jake's smooth stomach and warm breath.

    They made love in a room filled with the warmth of candlelight, a moment anyone would envy.  While Jake snored softly beside her, one hand over her stomach, Paige stared at the ceiling and wondered how she would survive college without him.

    A sound outside the window broke her thoughts and she eased out of bed, peering out the window. Two golden eyes stared back at her.  They flickered and then were gone.

    Her heart beat wildly.  Those were the same eyes in the forest.

    A voice spoke in her head, you are mine.

    A shudder shook her body, starting at her shoulders and working its way down to her toes, as a cold, dark fear settled on her mind.  Picking up her clothes, she put them on quietly and cautiously. Was it her interpretation of Jake's words?  He said he couldn't let me go.  Maybe I'm just imagining things.

    But she knew that the thought had come from outside, outside her mind, outside the house.  She tiptoed through the bedroom, closing the door softly behind her.  For months she'd been sneaking out of her room at home.  Walking quietly had become a habit.  Now she stepped outside, shivering in the chill mountain air.  Even in early summer, the night air was cold.

    A howl erupted in the night. One hand on the door, Paige stayed on the porch, searching the shadows, looking for those yellow eyes.  They were intelligent, knowing.  And they were following her.  She knew that now.  When she looked outside the window and those golden eyes were gazing back, she knew that those curious eyes had been stalking her the whole way from her house, and that rustling was more than the wind in the trees. 

    She stood on the top step, scanning the woods, waiting...for something. 

    Come to me.

    She cringed at the volume in her head and rubbed her temple.  A wolf stepped out from the shadows.  This was no ordinary sized wolf.  At twice the size she would expect, the stocky bulk of the animal scared her.  She shuffled back to the door.

    You are mine.

    The words ricocheted through her brain and she stared at the wolf and whispered, Who are you?

    The wolf waited, those yellow eyes  capturing her blue. She couldn't turn away. It was as if she was being mesmerized, held against her will.  With effort she wrenched her gaze away and fled. Forgetting to shut the door softly, she cursed when she closed the door.  She and Jake never installed a lock. 

    Paige? Jake called from the bedroom.

    I'm here.  I heard something. I wanted to check. 

    She padded back to bed, taking an extra minute to close the curtains.  Half asleep, Jake said, There isn't anyone there. We're all alone in the big dark woods.

    How could Paige tell him about the voice in her head or the golden eyes tracking her or a wolf as large as a Volkswagen bug.

    Tossing and turning, Paige spent the rest of the night tormented by the sound of howling.  Jake slept like an angel, his eyelashes long and sweet.  When the alarm on her phone went off, she was eager to get away from Hunter's Cabin.  A part of her hoped Jake wouldn't want to come back for a while, but she knew that he loved it. 

    It was four in the morning and pitch black outside.  That's what it took for Paige to sneak back into the house.  Her father got up at five to feed the cattle.

    Are you parked on Grady Road?

    Just like always. His arm snaked around her waist and he drew her in close.  The heat of his body warmed her against the chill in the air.  She heard a low growl in the trees behind her and shivered.

    Would you mind walking me home?  Just to the driveway.  Paige nestled in close.

    Okay, but you'll owe me. Kissing the top of her head, Jake stumbled a bit on the path and soon they were both pretending to be drunk, weaving back and forth with arms entangled and laughing.

    They crossed the desolate highway together. Jake was parked a half mile up the road in case her Dad needed to drive to town for anything. He would have less reason to drive north.

    In the bright moonlight, Paige noticed a shadow coming along the long gravel driveway from the house. She tightened her grip on Jake's arm.  Silly, but with those golden eyes tracking her last night and those strange howls, she was feeling nervous and vulnerable.

    You're jumpy today, Jake said.

    There was something outside the cabin last night.  I'm just a little spooked. She breathed an audible sound of relief when her black lab, Dolly, whined.

    Hello, girl.  Are you going to take care of Paige now?

    As if she could understand, Dolly whined and wagged her tail, licking Jake's hand when he leaned down to pet her.  On Christmas morning ten years back, Dolly was waiting in a short, blanketed box.  Dolly and Paige had been best friends ever since.  As an only child out in the country, Paige didn't have anyone to play with, so when she went sledding, she carried Dolly on her lap, and the two ran back up the hill together.  Now the dog was getting older.  She didn't always run up the gravel road to meet Paige.  Sometimes she just waited on the porch.  But she was always there.

    When Jake finished petting Dolly, it was Paige's turn.  Jake pulled Paige to him. They kissed, entangling their bodies so close that Paige only felt his warmth and the bulge in his jeans. Damn. I wish we had another hour, Jake said, his breath warm against her lips.

    Dad will kill us if he ever finds out. Paige clung to his jacket, loving the warmth in cuddling with him.

    Jake sighed and stepped back.  See you tonight?

    Maybe.  Depends on how work goes. I've got a full shift.

    Paige walked alone down the gravel driveway, grateful for Molly's companionship.  She looked back once to see Jake's lone figure turning to walk along the road.  For a moment, Paige thought she saw a huge wolfish figure pass behind him.  It gave her the shivers.

    Grabbing her cell phone, she called Jake.

    Can't get enough of me, can you? He laughed into the phone.

    Paige was still a quarter mile from the house, but sometimes sound carried in funny ways so she whispered,  Did you see or hear anything out there?

    Just me and the trees. Jake said.

    Text me when you get to your car, okay?  Paige looked back again, but couldn't see Jake.

    Sure thing.

    Paige and Jake disconnected and she carefully pushed open the door to the back porch.  She removed her shoes and padded in stocking feet down the hallway.  Her room was closest to the back door.  Once she slipped inside, she grinned with elation.  The text from Jake came a few minutes after she changed into a t-shirt so that she could get some real sleep. Last night was mostly about time with Jake. Now that she knew he was safe, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

    ~ * ~

    A dark shadow loomed.  Golden eyes in a sleek face, intelligent, feral, interested.  The wolf had followed Paige, wanting her, longing to devour her as a man devours a woman.  He raged at the man beside her, jealous of the kisses she accepted, envious of the laughter they shared. 

    The pack howled and the wolf turned, speeding away from the trees, away from Paige and into the dangerous territory, the clear-cut land where cows and sheep roamed.  Dinner.  Also guns and angry ranchers.  He howled a call to his pack and they answered in kind. His anger grew when he thought of Paige spurning him and going to Prom with Jake two months ago. 

    He spilled his rage onto the fields, slashing and biting, tearing and rending, and his pack joined in.  They fed until the light of the sun rose over the horizon, golden rays softening the darkness into a pink and rosy morning, and then slowly the wolves peeled away from the carcasses, hunger sated.

    ~ * ~

    Paige worked the evening shift at Downey's Steakhouse, a home-style restaurant with prime rib, New York steaks, biscuits and gravy, and a dozen other menu items guaranteed to draw the townsfolk. It was the only place to go if you didn't count the mini-mart and gas station which served fried foods and day-old doughnuts. The drive to a real city was about thirty minutes in good weather.  Typically Paige slept until noon, ignoring her Dad's grumpy complaints.

    This morning he came back from his chores stomping mad. She could hear him in the kitchen muttering, Damn wolves.

    Her mother asked, What is it, Dear?

    Throwing her pillow over her head, Paige couldn't help but overhear the conversation.  Pulled down my best heifer. What's left of her is feeding the crows now. The rest of the herd are scattered to kingdom come.  Her father's voice penetrated her foggy brain.  Wolves again?  She thought of the yellow eyes behind the trees and felt a sharp fear. She and Jake would have to be more careful.  The wolves were getting bolder this past summer.

    She drifted back to sleep when her Dad stormed out.  She'd be out soon enough. A few more months and Paige would be on her way to college.  She'd get her teaching degree and move as far away from cow crap and mucking out barns as she could. 

    Paige didn't think much about the wolves for the rest of her day.  She busted her ass running orders back and forth and wiping down tables.  The highlight of her day was the lull between the dinner hour and night crowd when Jake stopped by to share a quick dinner with her during her break-time.  Her smooth evening all went to hell after break.

    Todd Forester pushed open the door with both hands and an attitude, his cocky stroll into the restaurant ruining her day.  Paige rolled her eyes.  Of course, the jerk would show up here.  A few steps behind him, Paige's ex-best friend, Becca Mason giggled, ignoring Paige as she had ever since Prom.  Four more of their group filtered in behind him, all of them looking to Todd.  He was a freakin' cult leader with his lackeys following him around everywhere, looking to him for direction.

    They sat in her section. Damn.

    Not that she knew Todd well, but something about him didn't feel right—never had, not from the first moment she laid eyes on him six months ago. When she walked by him in the halls and he stared at her with those ice grey eyes, she felt like she was walking by a serial killer.  His cold dead gaze reminded her of prison mug shots.  A murderer's eyes. Jake always laughed and told her she was imagining things.

    The hostess had already seated them and was looking to Paige expectantly.  She dreaded the next three minutes, but duty called. With a sigh, she hustled to the table. Ignoring Todd, she looked at Becca first, What can I get you?

    Becca smiled vacantly and looked to Todd.  He answered Six burgers, fries, and cokes on one ticket.

    It was always the same.  Burgers and fries with Todd placing the order while his little cult worshipped him with their eyes. Paige wrote the order on her tablet and turned to go.

    Todd grabbed her arm and stood up, pressing himself close to her. Want to go out Saturday night? You'll have a hell of a time.

    He never wore cologne or deodorant.  In truth, he smelled like a well-bathed dog.  Paige pulled away, I'm busy Saturday.

    Sunday then. Todd's eyes narrowed and he stepped closer to Paige.  She tried to step away, but he kept closing the distance.

    Todd, I have no interest in going anywhere with you. Now or ever. Now let me go. I need to put this order in.  Paige yanked away from his grip, dropping her notebook.

    Todd whistled when she bent over to pick it up.

    Lifting her head, Paige stared into Todd's eyes.  He always did that, stared at people until they backed down.  She'd watched him do that to Mrs. Kendall in English. He glared at Mrs. Kendall after turning a paper in late, somehow talking her into allowing the tardiness because of some lame excuse he made up. And all it took was his creepy stare.  This time she met those cold eyes with a glare of her own.  She said, Grow up.

    Paige stormed away, eager for the day to be over.  She gave her order to the cooks and grabbed the coffee to make a round.  The hardest thing about waitressing was pasting on a smile when you wanted to slug someone. Even harder when the person you wanted to slug was a customer.

    While she served the burgers, Todd glared at her the whole time, a cold fierce scowl that promised retribution.  But what could he do? 

    When the cult followed Todd out, Paige breathed a sigh of relief and collected the three dollars he'd left for a tip for the whole table.  Not even ten percent, but the important fact was that he was gone and she could get on with the evening.

    By the time Paige was walking out the door, her feet hurt and she was exhausted.  She didn't want to meet at the cabin tonight.  Maybe Jake could sneak her into his bedroom again. He always had to pick her up.  Even though she drove, her dad would wake up at the slightest engine sound.

    Her car was parked on a side street around the corner.  Daydreaming about Jake, Paige didn't even see Todd until he was in front of her,

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