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The Invocation Book: An Exploration of Oneness and a Call for World Peace
The Invocation Book: An Exploration of Oneness and a Call for World Peace
The Invocation Book: An Exploration of Oneness and a Call for World Peace
Ebook146 pages1 hour

The Invocation Book: An Exploration of Oneness and a Call for World Peace

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About this ebook

The Invocation is a powerful film exploring the meaning of god and spiritual practice. In this book, film director Emmanuel Itier, and authors Gary Quinn and Sandra Ingerman expand on the themes in the film: Invoking Self, Invoking God, Invoking Peace. Through discussion of the ideas of the spiritual leaders and scholars presented in the film, the authors will take the reader deeper into this exploration of God and spiritual practice. These insights will help the reader understand the depth of knowledge that is shared in the quotes selected from the film. From the beginner on a spiritual path to the more seasoned spiritual traveler, this book will help you to understand what a spiritual call to action means and the steps needed to actualize the principles and teachings in the movie. Emmanuel Itier, Sandra Ingerman and Gary Quinn have culled quotes form the movie and offered commentary for a deeper understanding. Life coach and author Gary Quinn has added daily affirmations divine keys to help the reader meditate on the material. Shamanic teacher and author Sandra Ingerman offers simple spiritual practices that correspond with the material for those seeking a deeper connection.

Release dateMar 12, 2015
The Invocation Book: An Exploration of Oneness and a Call for World Peace

Sandra Ingerman

Sandra Ingerman is today's leading practitioner of soul retrieval and conducts workshops around the world. In the course of her career she has created an international alliance of shamanic practitioners and teachers. Sandra has an MA in counseling psychology and is a licensed therapist. She is the author of other books on shamanism and healing the environment.

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    The Invocation Book - Sandra Ingerman


    Emmanuel Itier’s film The Invocation is a call to spiritual action. People around the world are encouraged by this powerful statement. What is a spiritual call to action and what is required by each of us? People who want deeper understanding and practical guidance will find it in this book.

    The film is an exploration of the notion of God and a call for global harmony through foundations of religion, spirituality, history, science, politics and art. It is an invitation to elevate our thought and to change the code of human interaction in relation to our perceptions of God. The film proposes answers to universal questions in both religious and non-religious contexts: Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going? Is there something beyond the here and now? What is the global idea of God that has presented us with countless conflicts throughout human history? How can we live in peace?

    The project was filmed around the world by a team of talented religious and non-religious filmmakers, and challenges us to go beyond our differences in seeking the common goal of world peace. Without agenda, the film presents a message of global understanding, unity, and humanity. Featuring interviews with respected social and political figures, spiritual leaders, artists, entertainers and other influential figures, The Invocation is a truly inspiring source of information that compels you to be the change you want to see in the world.


    As I was reaching my forties, there was a dormant, unsatisfied, unfulfilled feeling about my existence. I was and still am a successful journalist interviewing all the major Hollywood stars for French TV, I had directed several films that aired on SyFy channel and Showtime, I had a beautiful, strong and smart wife and a wonderful, funny and full-of- life child, but still something was missing: a true and deep meaning for why I was here on this planet.

    I just couldn't see it! I also grew frustrated about the state of world, the rise of poverty and misery on two thirds of the planet, the failure of our economic system, the rise of religious fundamentalism and just the plain lack of care all around me. Enough of this overly selfish brainwashing attitude of the ego serving the me, myself and I. It is now time to switch the subject from I to We because the We includes the I but not necessarily the reverse approach. So, after a boiling within, a brainstorm and an argument with myself and the beyond, I decided to take action, to be Peace in Action! And so THE INVOCATION was born.

    As soon as I launched the film project people immediately started to embrace it, from Deepak Chopra (who was the first speaker I interviewed to welcome my vision) to Sandra Ingerman to Desmond Tutu to Gary Quinn to Ervin Lazslo to Karen Armstrong. And each time everyone was telling me: this would make also a great book.

    Some three years later and having just completed the movie I sat down again with my friends Gary Quinn and Sandra Ingerman and we decided to unite visions and forces to bring you this companion book for the movie. In showing The Invocation to many groups of people, I learned that some of the concepts and ideas were new to them. Therefore it seemed natural to write a book that would serve as a deeper understanding of the messages debated in the film.

    We will take you by the hand and soul and lead you to the beyond of your-self, to the beyond of us, to Oneness and then you will wake up and become Peace in Action. You will find a meaning and discover who you are and why you are here on this planet. So fasten your seatbelt, open your mind and soul and let's take off for a Divine trip! Peace.

    In Oneness,


    Introduction: The Invocation Book

    The Invocation is a powerful film exploring the meaning of god and spiritual practice. In this book, film director Emmanuel Itier, and authors Gary Quinn and Sandra Ingerman expand on the themes in the film: Invoking Self, Invoking God, Invoking Peace. Through discussion of the ideas of the spiritual leaders and scholars presented in the film, the authors will take the reader deeper into this exploration of God and spiritual practice. These insights will help the reader understand the depth of knowledge that is shared in the quotes selected from the film.

    As Emmanuel traveled and showed the film to different audiences around the country he found that there is a wide range of knowledge of viewers. As he wrote in the prologue, viewers in the Midwest loved the film. The teachings were all very new to them and they had lots of questions to ask during the Q&A session with Emmanuel.

    When Emmanuel showed the film in Santa Fe at the Santa Fe Film Festival viewers also loved the film. The audience in Santa Fe was more familiar with the teachings. But during the Q&A session Emmanuel got rousing applause when he stated that this film is a call to action. It was clear from the response that viewers were inspired to hear more about how they could take action on a spiritual level.

    From the beginner on a spiritual path to the more seasoned spiritual traveler this book will help the reader to understand what a spiritual call to action means and the steps needed to actualize the principles and teachings in the movie.

    Emmanuel Itier, Sandra Ingerman and Gary Quinn have culled quotes form the movie and offered commentary for a deeper understanding. Life coach and author Gary Quinn has added daily affirmations divine keys to help the reader meditate on the material. Shamanic teacher and author Sandra Ingerman offers simple spiritual practices that correspond with the material for those seeking a deeper connection.

    Download the Film

    You may download the film now from the link near the end of this book. Depending on your e-reading device, the link is on or near page 90.

    Conscious thinking and being mindful using this book

    In this book we give you deeper information from the movie, a daily meditation, affirmations and quotes on how to switch your mind into a conscious thinking mode. This book will help you overcome bad habits and help you create the spiritual life you envision. We are giving you tools to help you on your journey. However, your success depends on how you apply these tools in a daily practice. Being mindful will help you deal with your day-to-day activities. When the mind is cluttered and distracted it can have a damaging impact on your body, which is manifested in stress, anxiety and related symptoms. It can also affect your mood and the impression you leave not only on your own energy field, but also on others and the environment around you.

    When you are actually mindful of your thoughts, then your behavior can change accordingly. Taking time each day for some silent meditation is one suggestion. We hope this book will give you the tools and inspiration to help you on your journey.

    Being mindful and conscious is already a positive process. You are feeding and nourishing those positive thoughts about yourself because you are not buying into negativity, explains Gary. If you are spiritually conscious and you are being fed positive nourishing thoughts your life will be amazing, and things will manifest quickly.

    To make any real difference to your life through mindful and conscious thinking you have to establish a program of repeating these positive patterns. You must persist at it everyday. Positive affirmations and truth statements strengthen your core positive muscles in you sub-conscious.

    Positive Affirmations

    How can I use them to change my life?

    Affirmations are statements of truth that have the power to transform your own experience.

    So what are positive affirmations and how do they work? Can they be used to help you achieve your dreams? Can they help you improve your self-confidence and self-esteem? The answer is yes, certainly, and the effectiveness of mantra which is basically the repetition of a blessing or prayer in yogic practice is testament to this.

    Positive affirmations are positive thoughts and they create lingering energy and real changes. If you speak a powerful thought out loud it’s going to create a lasting energy. Always state affirmations in the present tense, as something that is happening or that is true for you right now. Use affirmations regularly. Do not use them now and then, only to stop for weeks or until you feel you need one.

    Vocalizing a negative thought doesn’t make energy vibrate in the same way. The more you practice positive affirmations the more they become reality. The more they become you. The idea is to replace the negative mantras that we may have got into the habit of repeating until they become true, with a new, positive reality, in which we assert that I can do this and I do deserve true happiness.

    Along with the verbalization of positive thoughts, silence has a part to play in helping us reconnect. Silence is part of the universal energy, says Gary. That’s why it’s so important to meditate. Learning to be quiet is a practice integral to many ancient spiritual traditions including Sufism, Yoga, Zen Buddhism, Christianity and Kabbalah.

    A Simple Daily Meditation

    The purpose of meditation is to get in touch with your inner self and connect to your higher self. If you ever find yourself in distress in everyday life, you have your own onboard action steps that you may activate to help you find balance and alignment. It is meditation, and in this divine channel you can lift any confusion, stress or heaviness in your energy or soul.

    You may do this meditation before reading the chapters to help you focus and connect you to a deeper level of self and oneness.

    Sit comfortably in a quiet place.

    Prepare your sacred space, relax and ground yourself.

    As you close your eyes, take a long, deep, breath.

    Breathe deeply.


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