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Pack Of Lies: Pack Of Lies, #1
Pack Of Lies: Pack Of Lies, #1
Pack Of Lies: Pack Of Lies, #1
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Pack Of Lies: Pack Of Lies, #1

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As a retired special agent and single mother of two struggles to pay the bills and finish her degree, the chance of a lifetime comes in the form of a dashingly handsome man, a flashy job and a dozen new credit cards. But things soon prove too good to be true as this dynamo of a mom is faced with the demons of her action-packed, deadly efficient past. In order to save herself, her children and her new lover, special agent Rain reunites with her old team of the best-of-the-best, to face down enemies new and old and uncover the secrets that have been conspiring against her for years.

Release dateSep 3, 2015
Pack Of Lies: Pack Of Lies, #1

Rebecca Winters

Rebecca Winters lives in Salt Lake City, Utah. With canyons and high alpine meadows full of wildflowers, she never runs out of places to explore. They, plus her favourite vacation spots in Europe, often end up as backgrounds for her romance novels because writing is her passion, along with her family and church. Rebecca loves to hear from readers. If you wish to e-mail her, please visit her website at:

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    Pack Of Lies - Rebecca Winters


    By: Rebecca Winters

    Copyright © 2013 Rebecca Winters

    All Rights Reserved

    First Edition

    First Originally Published by Page Publishing 2013

    ISBN: 978-62838-221-1 (Paperback)

    ISBN: 978-1-62838-222-8 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    About Rebecca Winters

    Rebecca is a mother of four. She has always enjoyed writing since she was young and has written since middle school where she won multiple Editor’s Choice Awards for poems written in that time. After being injured in the military and unable to work she was encouraged to write down some of the stories she had been talking about wanting to tell. When Rebecca finally sat down, she wrote and edited her first book within the first two months. Now, she is just taking things day by day to try to get everything done and to keep the stories going.

    More Books from Rebecca Winters

    Pack Of Lies

    Deceit Among The Pack

    A Growing Pack (Coming Soon)

    A New Alpha (Coming Soon)

    Connect with Rebecca Winters

    [email protected]

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    Cover image produced by Eddie Photozine

    Cover model: Danni Romero


    When some people look back on their life, they wonder how they got to the point that they are at and what they could have done differently to change their life. Well, that’s exactly what I’m thinking about while lying on the wet asphalt with my blood slowly oozing out of the gunshot wounds that I just received from a 9 mm and a man in a mask.

    Way to go Rain, I think to myself. Now what? I try to move only to realize the wound is up too high and the more I move around, the quicker I bleed out. Dammit! I scream as loudly as possible because it’s the only thing I can do. After everything I survived up until now, my once mundane life turned upside down by one man, only to be taken out in a parking garage. Who the fuck is it? I wish I was able to him to see, to rip his mask off. I look around. He’s gone. Didn’t I hear two guns though? I could have sworn I did. Maybe I’m just getting delirious with blood loss, or maybe my mind was going into shock before my body did.

    Now what? What can I do to save myself? If I don’t do something soon, I’m going to leave my children behind. That’s the one thing I refuse to do. Get up Rain! Find your cell phone, Rain! Call for help, Rain! No matter what, this bastard can’t win! He will NOT beat me! I don’t care how much he wants me dead and away from Logan, I will not let him dictate my life, or my death!

    Slowly, I climb to my knees and spot my cell phone. I crawl over to it and dial 9-1-1. 9-1-1 Operator how can I help you? I try to speak but there’s nothing but silence. Hello? I can’t hear you. You’re going to have to speak up for me to help you. Again silence. I made it to the phone and was able to call, but the amount of blood I was losing was too much. I blacked out.

    Luckily for me, emergency services have a trace locator on all calls that are placed. Now the question lingers as to whether they’ll reach me in time. I pray they do reach me in time, for my children’s sake.



    Everything Ends Where It Begins

    4 Weeks Prior

    In the heart of Atlanta there is one of the biggest Software design companies in the country called Stiltner Software Design. It makes and distributes software in every aspect of the online world, from Military Security programs to educational games for children. I work in the Military Security Design Program Division. Here, everything looks like one big rat race. Hundreds of cubicles crammed together with everyone working so hard to outdo the next person. That is a rat race I am not going to be a part of any longer than I have to be.

    I’m 26 years old and all I do is secretarial work when I know how to do these morons jobs better than they do. God forgive me if I were to ever make them think that or suggested that, however, because I can’t afford to lose this job. Rory and Jesse are depending on me to take care of them and boy it is just the easiest thing in the world being a single mother. NOT! All I know is 2 more years and my degree will be finished. When that happens, I no longer have to be this kiss ass secretary that has to correct the simplest of mistakes for these overly educated idiots. Yeah...overly educated. That makes me laugh because that is actually a hilarious concept. Apparently, as soon as they graduated and got those degrees, they seemed to forget all about their education.

    I have a 2-year-old and a 4-year-old. When I finish my degree who am I going to get to watch my kids while I’m at work? It’s not secretary work on a 9 to 5 schedule. Crap! There’s another issue I need to fix before it happens. A profiler for the Department of Defense doesn’t exactly run on the most normal hours.

    I glance at the clock only to realize that it’s already 1 A.M., and I’ll have to be back to work soon. I had put the kids to bed a few hours ago and started on my homework feeling like my life is one big repetitive cycle that I can’t seem to get off anymore. Kids, work, home, kids, school, bed and repeat. I was sitting and looking at my computer screen for so long I had lost track of time. Here it was 1 a.m. and I had yet to finish my assignment before bed. I was completely stuck. How could I write a paper for Sociology about human interactions and the way their behavior changes when they fall in love if it’s something that I did not know myself? Perhaps, if I actually paid attention to my assignments instead of thinking of all the problems of the past, present, and future, then I could concentrate and get things done as opposed to going so slowly.

    *Ring, Ring* Shit now who is it? It’s after midnight? Hello? Hey, Chris. Yes, I know what time it is. Do you? Well don’t you think it’s kind of rude for you to be calling me at almost 1 a.m. when you know I must get up for work tomorrow and I am in the middle of finishing my assignments tonight? I know you didn’t think about that, and it is not a problem this time but….

    Rain, I know you have been dodging me, but the fact of the matter is you don’t go out with anyone. Maybe you think you are too good for everyone, I don’t really know for sure, but what I do know is you are not getting any younger, you don’t have a degree, you are nothing more than a meager secretary and you should be more than happy that I am even offering to take on the responsibilities that come with dating you. Most men would not accept a woman that has two kids with no father. Are you going to go out with me or not?

    No, Chris, I have not changed my mind. I am still not interested in going on any dates with you or anyone else for that matter. Please don’t take it personally, but I have two children and school to worry about on top of work and I just don’t have time for men right now. Yes, I know perfectly well how old I am. Thanks so much for reminding me. I understand I am not getting any younger and I should be very grateful to any man that would be willing to take on a woman that has two children, but right now that is just not my concern. I can take care of my kids by myself just like I have been doing since the day they were born.

    So, basically what you are saying is you don’t think I’m good enough for you.

    Well, you can think what you want, that’s fine.

    You do understand that this is my final offer for you and then I am going to stop being nice to you and giving you the opportunity to have a man that has a good job and is willing to accept your brats and provide for them, and instead I will move on to someone with less baggage, that is also better looking.

    Yes, Chris, I accept that this is your final offer before you move on. Thanks for calling me and giving me the opportunity. Just for the record though, if you ever refer to my children as brats or baggage again, you will be eating all of your food through a straw from now on. Goodbye

    What an IDIOT!!! I growled out through clenched teeth. Like I’m supposed to be grateful that some middle management loser is trying to goad me into going out with him because he thinks I have no options.

    Mommy, what’s wrong? Rory asked.

    Nothing, baby-girl, just a wrong number. What’s wrong? Why are you up this late?

    I’m thirsty, says Rory.

    I just love the way you hear a 2-year-old say they’re thirsty. Even though my children speak with perfect pronunciation there is still something adorable about their baby voices saying things. After giving Rory a drink and putting her back to bed I went back to finish my assignments and finish cramming for this Interview with this guy, Logan something or other, that has some bits and pieces in our company, and I have no idea what they are even though I handle almost all of the company’s finances and assets. I must say, this irritates me a little more than I care to admit. Logan Winters, that is what his name is. What the hell does he have to do with our company and why the hell are they sending me instead of some other big shot that is supposed to be in charge? I don’t like it, but then again, what can I do besides bite my lip and do as I’m told? Who loves to take it up the ass when management says? Apparently, this woman.

    . . . . . .

    OK, its 9:30 a.m. and this jackass was supposed to be here a half an hour ago and he still has not shown up yet. If he is not here in 5 minutes, I am out the door and the damn bosses can do their own damned meeting. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Still nothing ten minutes later. THAT IS IT! I have had enough of this bullshit of keeping the secretary waiting because she is a nobody. I am out of here!! I yelled in anger when I was tired of waiting.

    OH, FUCK ME!!! That big ass door just flew open to damn near catch me in the face as I flip backwards rolling across the table. As I look up, I see a sexy man gaping at me in surprise as I smooth my dress back down. Holy hell, this is one sexy man, and his arms look strong when they are reaching out as if to try to catch me. Oh my God I can smell his cologne and it smells so good. What the hell is this man wearing? Not to mention his face. He is not the typical version of sexy you would see in most men with an arrogance that I would love to smack out of them, but more of an unknowing version of sexy. Almost shy like. Wait, I have got to get away from this man. The last time I was this weak with a man it got me two kids, and left on my ass to fend for us all with no clue as to how to deal with it since I was not enlisted anymore.

    Well, I thought I would have to date you and win you over before you would want to sleep with me but if you are offering then who am I to say no to a beautiful woman? Logan says with both a bashful look of pleasure and an equally devious glint in his eyes.

    You can stop staring at me now, whoever you are. And what I said was a reaction to almost getting knocked out by that heavy ass door, not an open invitation. I proclaimed.

    My apologies. My name is Logan Winters, and I’m your 9 a.m. appointment. Logan said.

    Well, that is all well and good for you, Mr. Winters, but as you can tell it is currently 9:45 a.m. and to say that I am a less than patient woman is putting it mildly, especially when it comes to professional matters. Now, I have waited this long out of respect to yourself and whatever connections you have with my job, but now, I have a job to get back to. I said through clenched teeth with as much of a smile I could muster plastered on my face.

    All the while, I make sure I am making my way, slowly, further from this man because just the smell of him, the sight of him, is making me weak in the knees. I can’t afford this. I have too many people depending on me to stay focused and not let my emotions cause any problems.

    The further away from this man I moved, however, the closer he moved towards me. He seemed to be closing the distance faster than I could get away from him. What the hell does this man want from me? Does he know the affect he is having on me?

    Mr. Winters, what exactly is it that you want from my company? I asked.

    Logan, looking amused, continued, I don’t want anything from your company Ms. Harvey, what I want is from you.

    Still confused I said, I don’t understand. Mr. Winters, you called for this meeting. You were forty-five minutes late, then, you tell me that you don’t want anything from my company, but from me? What can I possibly do for you?

    It is very simple, Ms. Harvey. I only hire the best and have had many investigators checking into all my personnel and the personal and professional lives of probable candidates. To say that your name has come across my desk more than once is a vast understatement. Logan said.

    Mr. Winters, I still don’t understand what it is you want from me seeing as how I already have a job. I could not work within 100 miles of this man.

    Ms. Harvey, I understand you have a job now, but that is also contingent upon how this conversation goes. I am going to be frank with you; I get what I want, and right now I want you. Personally, and professionally. Logan exclaimed looking smug.

    EXCUSE ME?!? I belted out with dismay.

    Looking puzzled Logan said, I don’t know what part of that statement was unclear.

    "Well, let me see? First, my job is threatened if I don’t agree to come work for you, and if I am going to be frank as you just did, I don’t like to be bullied. Secondly, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU WANT ME ON A PERSONAL LEVEL!?!’’ I shouted without a second thought.

    Please lower your voice, Ms. Harvey, as there are other employees working here. Logan said looking surprised.

    GOOD! Maybe then they will see what a controlling prick you are I said before I realized what I said.

    At that point Mr. Winters burst into a fit of laughter. Once he finally stopped laughing, he finally spoke. You see, Ms. Harvey, this is exactly why I want you here. You are fiery and hold nothing back. You have been through a lot in your life and you don’t take any shit from anyone. I respect that, and that is exactly the kind of person that I am looking for. Someone that can take shit from other people and not be intimidated, but give it right back without hesitation while maintaining professional standards and business relationships. From what I have seen from you over the last three years you don’t date, you are very professional but also very blunt. Once you are done working, you go home to take care of your kids and study to earn your degree. You have been a single mother for the past 3 years almost, seeing as how your ex left you before you even found out you were pregnant with your second child, but instead of letting it destroy you, you decided to make yourself better so you can be a better mother. Does that pretty much sum it up? Oh wait, I forgot, you have a Chris Ingle from middle management at your company that has been hounding you for a date and you keep refusing. What was his latest argument? Oh yes. You are not getting any younger and you should be grateful any man would consider you with the baggage of two kids and an unfinished degree. Is that right?

    After about 10 seconds of remembering how to close my mouth my cheeks flamed red, I stalked up to Mr. Winters while watching him back away as quickly as I stalked toward him, and as I leaned into him, I quietly said, You forgot my bank information, rent, annual salary and children’s names if you are going to go that in-depth on my information. And what the hell are you doing, tapping my phone or something because that conversation just happened last night. However, since were sizing each other up here or dick measuring if that is more of a preferable term for you, then let me give it a try. You are single and have been for at least the past 6 years. You grew up poor because your parents did not want you to know money since they were too selfish being an only child, or they just did not want you to be corrupted by money. You, Mr. Winters, over compensate with everything, including your office, staff and attempts at relationships but are failing miserably this time. You can take your disaster of a giant messy office and shove it up your ass along with your black marble desk and leather furniture.

    As I started walking away, Mr. Winters flipped open a folder and started rattling off some information. Currently you have less than $200.00 in the bank, pay $675.00 in rent for a shithole apartment that does not quite accommodate your family since the kids get the rooms and you sleep on the couch, annual salary of $22,000.00, and children’s names are Rory Harvey D-O-B 6-26-10 and Jesse Harvey D-O-B 4-6-08. The sad thing about this is you have truly gifted children, Ms. Harvey, that deserve to be in a school for gifted preschoolers, yet that is something you simply can’t afford. I thought all you wanted was the best for your children?

    This made me see red! I turned on my heel and marched over to Mr. Winters and gave him the best right hook I could manage, which if I am being honest, given my past, was a really

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