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Sustaining Liberty: And Reclaiming Limited Government in America
Sustaining Liberty: And Reclaiming Limited Government in America
Sustaining Liberty: And Reclaiming Limited Government in America
Ebook70 pages57 minutes

Sustaining Liberty: And Reclaiming Limited Government in America

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Americans are losing liberty to the big-government leviathan at an ever accelerating pace. This is due directly to the actions of government elites who discount the true meaning and value of the Constitution and subvert individual liberty in their quest for control. Taking place is an economic and socio-political struggle which is of profound importance, as the result will dramatically affect the lives and freedoms of every individual citizen, those living today and those of future generations. Limited government, the foundation of the American system, is becoming a thing of the past and so is individual liberty.

This book discusses how the big-government politicians are using gun control, healthcare, climate-change, and other causes to advance their agenda, and to grow government at the expense of liberty. Twenty circumstances of the direct loss of liberty are identified in the book.

It is time for Americans to sustain their natural-born right to liberty and reclaim limited government. This book is an assertion for those actions.

As an extra, the book concludes with an incisive song written to commemorate the recent midterm elections in which it was clear that the grassroots efforts of the American people stood up to the big-government agenda. A first-verse sample is included here:

Well, we'll sing of those elections held in twenty and ten.
It was time for we the people to fight for liberty again.
The Dems said bigger government is the way we're gonna go,
So we had a little party and we said, “hell no!”

PublisherGary Hancock
Release dateMar 23, 2015
Sustaining Liberty: And Reclaiming Limited Government in America

Gary Hancock

I attended several Colleges and Universities in Mississippi and Louisiana. Many of them were glad when I enrolled and many were glad when I left. Being a child of the '60s movement at these higher learning educational institutions, I reaped many of the social rewards of that era. I survived and move into the work place. The first ten years flew by as I drew aerial maps and the last twenty eight as I built automobiles. But nothing compared to being retired. My primary goals in life were to sit at the local corner breakfast/country store/wifi center and read the local paper as I sipped the brew of the coffee bean. I have set the bar in life at the height I have attained. Nothing like succeeding to make one feel accomplished.If you like what you read, make me one of your favorite authors so I can see what part of the world you are from. Thank you.

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    Book preview

    Sustaining Liberty - Gary Hancock



    And Reclaiming Limited Government

    in America

    By Gary L. Hancock

    Copyright © 2015 by Gary L. Hancock

    All rights reserved. No part of this book shall

    be reproduced, stored or transmitted by any

    means without the sole, written permission

    of the author

    Author contact: [email protected]

    Smashwords Edition

    Cover photograph: public domain from


    Preface and Acknowledgment

    Chapter One: America - Still the Land of the Free?

    Chapter Two: The Elites’ Quest for Control - Healthcare, Climate Change, Guns and Other Causes

    Chapter Three: Hope Shown in the 2010 & 2014 Midterm Elections - Where Do We Go from Here?




    AN ECONOMIC AND SOCIO-POLITICAL struggle is occurring in the United States today. This struggle is of philosophy, of government control versus individual liberty. Its importance is profound as the result will dramatically affect the lives and freedoms of every individual citizen, those living today and those of future generations.

    Decidedly, this struggle began decades ago. But the presently accelerating ascent of elite government preeminence with the corresponding deterioration of individual liberty is to a degree never before experienced in America.

    Liberty has not been plundered in one fell swoop, as government's increased management of the individual is steady and cumulative. Once enacted, rarely are any of the state's encroachments on liberty reversed. They become the routine, the norm; and the government’s right to unlimited meddling becomes ingrained in the public psyche.

    An extent of government management is essential of course, and reasonable laws are necessary as we are an orderly and lawful society. However, there are now over 1 million laws and regulations on the books limiting the actions of we the people. That fact alone speaks volumes.

    That we the people must recognize and acknowledge the overreaching growth of government control by the elitist system that now exists in America, and that we must take action to return to the principles of individual liberty through limited government are the subjects of the discussion in the following pages.

    Many have taken up the liberty banner and have spoken and written about the perils to liberty in America. We owe an acknowledgment and thanks to all those people, as well as those writers and philosophers who have preceded us, and to those joining in the discussion now.

    In our free exchange of philosophies, opinions and strategies, many of the words, phrases and ideas expressed become the staple of our communications and the basis upon which many others expand. A special thanks is extended to all those communicators and thinkers who impart to each of us their words and ideas. We are indebted to them for their individual contributions; in regardful acknowledgment to the following: Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Milton Friedman, Walter Williams, Glenn Beck, Thomas Sowell, Michelle Malkin, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, David Limbaugh, Matthew Spalding, Frank Miniter, Stephen Moore, Arthur B. Laffer, Ken Blackwell, Ken Klukowski, Andrew Napolitano, John Stossel, Mark Steyn, Steve Forbes, Michael Savage, F. A. Hayek, Alexis de Tocqueville, Ayn Rand, David Stove, Ludwig von Mises, as well as others no less significant in their expressions, nor to whom our gratification is any less extended.



    IS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA still the land of the free? Some have openly asked that question while many others privately feel a growing uneasiness about the direction of the country based, at least in part, on the question of whether we are still truly free. During the past few years a multitude of American citizens were added to the growing number who fear that their children and grandchildren will be left only to wonder about what it was like to live in a free land.[¹]

    Undeniably, individual liberty, the premise of the American system, has been under an out-and-out assault. So much so, in fact, that it is in danger of being obliterated.

    An 1814 poem by Francis Scott Key which was later set to music and became the song, The Star Spangled Banner, memorialized the phrase, land of the free, as a prideful description of a new country with a remarkable philosophical and political system unique in the history of the world—America.

    That system rightfully established the individual as the owner of his own fate and immensely altered the long-standing relationship between authority and the individual. No longer was the common individual born a subject. No longer was the common individual forced to rely on the government or state (the feudal lord, king, emperor, or tribal head) for subsistence. Instead, the individual was to be protected (in large part from the government or state) to live his life and pursue his own happiness as he saw fit. The individual was rightfully recognized as the ruler of

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