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NX 10 Tutorial
NX 10 Tutorial
NX 10 Tutorial
Ebook463 pages2 hours

NX 10 Tutorial

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NX 10 Tutorial is written to help new users to learn the basics of NX and some advanced solid modeling techniques. The Author guides readers through NX 10 with clear and step-by-step tutorials that help you to design solid models from day one. The first four chapters of this book cover the user interface, part modeling, assemblies, and drawings. After learning the basics, you can learn additional sketching tools, feature modeling tools, expressions, sheet metal modeling, some advanced assembly techniques, drawing annotations, and simulation basics.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Modeling Basics
  3. Constructing Assembly
  4. Generating Drawings
  5. Sketching
  6. Additional Modeling Tools
  7. Top Down Assembly
  8. Dimensions and Annotations
  9. Simulation Hands on Tutorial
Release dateMar 30, 2015
NX 10 Tutorial

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    NX 10 Tutorial - Online Instructor


    NX as a topic of learning is vast, and having a wide scope. It is one of the world’s most advanced and highly integrated CAD/CAM/CAE product. NX delivers a great value to enterprises of all sizes by covering the entire range of product development. It speeds up the design process by simplifying complex product designs.

    This tutorial book provides a systematic approach for users to learn NX 10. It is aimed for those with no previous experience with NX. However, users of previous versions of NX may also find this book useful for them to learn the new enhancements. The user will be guided from starting a NX 10 session to constructing parts, assemblies, and drawings. Each chapter has components explained with the help of various dialogs and screen images.

    Scope of this Book

    This book is written for students and engineers who are interested to learn NX 10 for designing mechanical components and assemblies, and then generate drawings.

    This book provides a systematic approach for learning NX 10. The topics include Getting Started with NX 10, Basic Part Modeling, Constructing Assemblies, Constructing Drawings, Additional Modeling Tools, and Sheet Metal Modeling.

    Chapter 1 introduces NX 10. The user interface, terminology, mouse functions, and shortcut keys are discussed in this chapter.

    Chapter 2 takes you through the creation of your first NX model. You construct simple parts.

    Chapter 3 teaches you to construct assemblies. It explains the Top-down and Bottom-up approaches for designing an assembly. You construct an assembly using the Bottom-up approach.

    Chapter 4 teaches you to generate drawings of the models constructed in the earlier chapters. You will also learn to generate exploded views, and part list of an assembly.

    Chapter 5: In this chapter, you will learn the tools needed to create 2D sketches.

    Chapter 6: In this chapter, you will learn additional modeling tools to construct complex models.

    Chapter 7: This chapter helps you to create, edit, and use expressions in your designs.

    Chapter 8: introduces you to NX Sheet Metal design. You will construct a sheet metal part using the tools available in the NX Sheet Metal environment.

    Chapter 9: teaches you to create an assembly using Top-down design approach.

    Chapter 10: teaches you to add dimensions and annotations to your drawings.

    Chapter 11: introduces you to Finite Element Analysis.

    Chapter 1: Getting Started

    In this chapter, you will learn some of the most commonly used features of NX. Also, you will learn about the user interface.

    In NX, you construct 3D parts and use them to generate 2D drawings and 3D assemblies.

    NX is Feature Based. Features are shapes that are combined to build a part. You can modify these shapes individually.

    Most of the features are sketch-based. A sketch is a 2D profile and can be extruded, revolved, or swept along a path to construct features.

    NX is parametric in nature. You can specify standard parameters between the elements of a part. Changing these parameters changes the size and shape of the part. For example, see the design of the body of a flange before and after modifying the parameters of its features

    Starting NX

    Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar.

    Click the arrow pointing downward.

    Click Siemens NX 10.0 > NX 10.0.

    Click the New button.

    On the New dialog, click Templates > Model.

    Click the OK button

    Notice these important features of the NX window.

    User Interface

    Various components of the user interface are discussed next.

    Quick Access Toolbar

    This is located at the top left corner of the window. It consists of the commonly used commands such as Save, Undo, Redo, Copy, and so on.

    File Menu

    The File Menu appears when you click on the File icon located at the top left corner of the window. The File Menu consists of a list of self-explanatory menus. You can see a list of recently opened documents under the Recently Opened Parts section. You can also switch to different applications of NX.


    A ribbon is a set of tools, which are used to perform various operations. It is divided into tabs and groups. Various tabs of the ribbon are discussed next.

    Home tab

    This ribbon tab contains the tools such as New, Open, and Help, and so on.

    Home tab in the Model template

    This ribbon tab contains the tools to construct 3D features.

    View tab

    This ribbon tab contains the tools to modify the display of the model and user interface.

    Analysis tab

    This ribbon tab has the tools to measure the objects. It also has tools to analyze the draft, curvature, and surface.

    Home tab in Sketch Task environment

    This ribbon tab contains all the sketch tools. It is available in a separate environment called Sketch Task environment. The Sketch Task environment is activated when you activate a Feature modeling tool and click on a planar face or Datum plane.

    Tools tab

    This ribbon tab contains the tools to create expressions, part families, movies, fasteners.

    Render tab

    This ribbon tab contains the tools to generate photorealistic images.

    Application tab

    This ribbon tab contains the tools to start different applications such as Assemblies, Sheet Metal, Drafting, and so on.

    Assemblies tab

    This tab contains the tools to construct an assembly. It is available in the Assembly template.

    Drafting environment ribbon

    In the Drafting Environment, you can generate orthographic views of the 3D model. The ribbon tabs in this environment contain tools to generate 2D drawings.

    Sheet Metal ribbon

    The tools in this ribbon are used to construct sheet metal components.

    Some tabs are not visible by default. To display a particular tab, right-click on the ribbon and select it from the list displayed. 

    You can also add a ribbon tab by opening the Customize dialog. Click the down arrow located at the bottom right corner of the ribbon, and select Customize. On the Customize dialog, click on different tab and select/deselect the options.

    Ribbon Groups and More Galleries

    The tools on a ribbon are arranged in various groups depending upon their use. Each group has a More Gallery, which contain additional tools.

    You can add more tools to a ribbon group by clicking the arrow located at the bottom right corner of a group.

    Top Border Bar

    This is available below the ribbon. It consists of all the options to filter the objects that can be selected from the graphics window.


    Menu is located on the Top Border Bar. It consists of various options (menu titles). When you click on a menu title, a drop-down appears. You can select the required option from this drop-down.

    Status bar

    This is available below the graphics window. It displays the prompts and the action taken while using the tools.

    Resource Bar

    This is located at the left side of the window. It contains all the navigator windows such as Assembly Navigator, Constraint Navigator, Part Navigator, and so on.

    Part Navigator

    Contains the list of operations carried while constructing a part.

    Roles Navigator

    The Roles Navigator (click the Roles tab on the Resource Bar) contains a list of system default and industry specific roles. A role is a set of tools and ribbon tabs customized for a specific application. For example, the CAM Express role can be used for performing manufacturing operations.  This textbook uses the Default role.

    The Touch Panel and Touch Tablet roles help you to work with a Multi-touch screen.

    Touch Panel

    Touch Tablet


    When you execute any command in NX, the dialog related to it appears. The dialog consists of various options. The following figure shows various components of the dialog.

    This textbook uses the default options in the dialog. If you have made any changes on the

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