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Pick Me
Pick Me
Pick Me
Ebook75 pages52 minutes

Pick Me

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Josh blinked. He could still kiss her. Then he'd know if he was crazy to think it at all.

Joshua Dixon didn't think spending a few days with Mia Girard would become so important. After all, no girl had ever wanted to be with him before. Kissing her, late one night, changes that. Suddenly, their budding friendship holds promise of so much more. At least, it did … until their mutual misunderstanding threatens to tear them apart.

A sweet short story of teen romance by best-selling author, SUZANNE D. WILLIAMS. 14,000 words. Clean Romance.

Release dateApr 4, 2015
Pick Me

Suzanne D. Williams

Best-selling author, Suzanne D. Williams, is a native Floridian, wife, mother, and photographer. She is the author of both nonfiction and fiction books. She writes a monthly column for on the subject of digital photography, as well as devotionals and instructional articles for various blogs. She also does graphic design for self-publishing authors. She is co-founder of THE EDGE. To learn more about what she’s doing and check out her extensive catalogue of stories, visit or link with her on Facebook at

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    Pick Me - Suzanne D. Williams


    © 2014 PICK ME by Suzanne D. Williams

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the publisher.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, and/or events is purely coincidental.


    He had a zit. A huge one, right where it’d be the first thing she saw, so he hung back, casting furtive glances at her from across the room.

    Her friends’ laughter erupted, overwhelming the other noises of the restaurant, and he exhaled and pushed up from the table. No point in torturing himself. She had one, two, three ... He counted the boys all leaning toward her. Six guys to choose from.

    Why pick me? he mumbled beneath his breath. Hands shoved in his pockets, he exited into the twilight, and a gust of wind slapped him in the face. Even the sky wanted him to know how hopeless his life was. Rain drops spattered his cheeks and moistened his hair.

    Hey, Josh.

    A female voice turned him sideways. Mia Girard.

    Mia. You’re stuck in this mess, too?

    Worse, I have a flat, she said. I was hoping to catch a ride. If I can get home, my dad can come get my car tomorrow.

    I’ll be glad to take you.

    Not like he had anything better to do except sit around and mentally impale himself.

    You sure? she asked.

    With a bob of his head, he waved her after him, and they dashed across the rain-slick lot.

    Inside the car, she wiped her hands on her jeans and ran her fingers through her hair. Did you see that stupidity inside?

    He stuck the key in the ignition and turned.

    Piper Quinn and her horde. She’s so stuck up. I’m glad to see you weren’t sitting over there drooling.

    Grateful for the darkness now hiding his cheeks, Josh twisted his face left.

    Mia ran in a different social click from Piper. Where her friends were in the band or college-prep study groups, Piper’s were cheerleaders and social club members. He was beneath both on the scale of things. He was the boy who could swing the bat, but not always hit the ball. Average. Mediocre. Unexceptional. The boy with bad hair and a zit.

    The windshield wipers made a regular click-squeak across windshield, moving water from left to right. Slowing for the turn into Mia’s neighborhood, Josh tapped his brakes and spun the wheel.

    Third house? he asked.

    Fourth, she said. I can’t believe you remember where I live.

    One of my few talents, a good memory. Then again, sometimes it’s a curse.

    Pulling into the driveway, he shifted into park, but left the engine running.

    She paused before opening the door. You want to come in? I think Mom has chocolate cake.

    Only if I’m not in the way.

    She made a face. Please ... you’re not in the way. Now, my little brother, that’s another matter entirely.

    With a short laugh, he shut off the car and dashed with her through the rain to the steps. He tossed his head, slinging water in every direction.

    Palms outward in front of her face, Mia ducked.

    Sorry. He reached out and swiped a drop from her chin. Guess we look like a couple of rats.

    It’s okay. We can’t all be perfect. It’s best to leave that to Piper.

    Piper. Josh tried not to frown. Friday night and he was dateless. Well, at least he didn’t have to go home early and admit defeat. He could say he’d spent his night with a girl, even if she wasn’t his first choice.

    But he probably wasn’t hers, either.

    Wipe your feet on the mat or my mom will have a fit, Mia said, glancing over her shoulder.

    Joshua Dixon was attractive enough. Square-shouldered with shaggy brown hair that somehow always needed a trim and a perpetual day’s growth of hair on his face, he either didn’t shave or did randomly, giving him a disheveled look.

    This way. Jerking her chin to the right, Mia led him through the formal front room and into the kitchen. She patted the counter. Take a seat.

    Removing two plates from the cabinet, she fished the cake from the fridge, then opened a drawer and pulled out two forks and a knife.

    Big or little? she asked.

    I’m a guy. What do you think?


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