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The Hiding Place
The Hiding Place
The Hiding Place
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The Hiding Place

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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The True Story of a Real-Life Hero

It's World War II. Darkness has fallen over Europe as the Nazis spread hatred, fear and war across the globe. But on a quiet city corner in the Netherlands, one woman fights against the darkness.

In her quiet watchmaking shop, she and her family risk their lives to hide Jews, and others hunted by the Nazis, in a secret room, a "hiding place" that they built in the old building.

One day, however, Corrie and her family are betrayed. They're captured and sent to the notorious Nazi concentration camps to die. Yet even in that darkest of places, Corrie still fights.

This is her story--and the story of how faith, hope and love ultimately triumphed over unthinkable evil.
Release dateApr 28, 2015

Corrie ten Boom

The late Corrie ten Boom is the author of Reflections of God’s Glory, Letters from Prison, and In My Father’s House. She also wrote the beloved international bestseller, The Hiding Place. Made into a movie by the same name, The Hiding Place portrays her family’s efforts to hide Jews during the German occupations of The Netherlands during World War II, and of how God sustained Corrie through the atrocities of a concentration camp after she and her family were captured by the Nazis. Upon her release and until her death in1983, Corrie traveled the world, preaching the gospel to the lost and encouraging the church with her message of love, faith, and forgiveness.

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Rating: 4.427846361131254 out of 5 stars

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Readers find this title to be an excellent, amazing, and touching book that is both captivating and full of spiritual reality. It is a must-read for history lovers and Christians, and it teaches the importance of love, forgiveness, and faith. While it is sad at times, it is also inspiring and challenges readers to follow Corrie Ten Boom's example of bravery and selflessness. Overall, this book warms the heart and renews one's faith in Jesus.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    An autobiographical account of how the author and her family helped Jews (and others the Nazis were against) hide and find safe places to live.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book lists Corrie Ten Boom as its author, but was published in 1971 and tells of Corrie's life before 1940 and then of the years she helped the Resistance in the Netherlands, till Aug 14, 1943, when she was arrested and spent time in prison and concentration camps till Jan 1, 1945. She was helped by the strong faith of her sister and herself, and thie book was published by a religious publsher in Grand Rapids, MIch. It has a lot of good pages, and I found it good reading, including the account of the years before the war.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    recommended as uplifting, which it was, despite being about the horrors of concentration camps.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    What makes this particular book different from other (better) stories about the Holocaust is that it's from the perspective of a Christian woman who was interned. While it's extremely important for us not to forget that one group of people was specifically targeted (Jews) it's also important for us to realize that this horrible thing went beyond that. This horrible thing didn't just affect "them"/"those other people" (oh isn't that sad?, what's for dinner?") but it affected the whole world. But non-Jews sometimes need more than an abstract reminder of how the Holocaust affected us all. Perhaps this first person narrative might bring it home.

    It's not that well written but it's interesting and informative and I enjoyed it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    As a fellow believer, I found her account of such love in the midst of such evil to be profoundly moving. I feel that she spared her readers some (but certainly not all!) of the grittier details, but that was OK; I was able to extrapolate, younger readers would be spared some of the horror.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is the most inspiring book I have ever read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Corrie ten Boom and her family operated an underground movement in Holland during World War II, providing safe passage to Jews during the German occupation. Corrie's father owned a watch repair business; Corrie and her older sister Betsie remained unmarried and assisted their father in the shop. They were well-known for their kindness and hospitality, so it was natural for neighbors to turn to them for help. As they developed connections with others involved in the movement, their operation increased in scope and required both more sophisticated methods and more caution. A secret room was built in the house to hide the occupants in case of a raid. A buzzer system was installed to alert occupants to a raid or other emergency, and drills were held to ensure people could hide without leaving evidence. Signals were arranged to communicate when it was safe to enter the house. The ten Boom family performed an important ministry during the war, but eventually the authorities became aware of their work and the family was arrested and taken to a political prisoner camp. Corrie and Betsie ten Boom spent nearly a year in a series of prison camps, under appalling conditions. Their deep Christian faith was key to survival. After the war, Corrie set up rehabilitation centers in the Netherlands, lectured about her experience, and taught others based on the Christian Gospels and themes of forgiveness. Corrie ten Boom's faith and ability to forgive are an inspiration; it takes an extraordinary person to survive such a harrowing experience and be able to forgive your persecutors.The Hiding Place was an interesting memoir from a dark time in the history of humankind.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is a profound book, and one that will not leave you unmoved. I even wrote a poem about it before I finished reading it:Victory Songby Melissa M.May 16, 2010Golden glimpses of the sun,Bits of clouds between the bars.Coughing blood, matted hair,Questions, memories, leaving scars.Making friends with tiny ants,Spilling crumbs to bring them out.Crossing days off on the wall,Wondering what this is all about.Planned by God, even this?Yes, and rejoicing still,Corrie ten Boom lying there,Knowing that this is God's will.Father died--no, was releasedTo Canaan's fairer land above.Jews in hiding did escape,This the outcome of God's love.Will we sing in trials now,Fight the sin and lonely days?Will we bravely others reach,And remember God's holy ways?Lord, we ask for strength and grace,Love for others true and strong,Love for You above all else,And to sing Your victory song!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A truly inspiring book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wonderful read! Corrie Ten Boom's story of the Holocaust is simultaneously frightening and somehow uplifting at the same time. Her humble, courageous faith is certainly something to be imitated.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved this book. In 2007 Craig and I were fortunate to visit the home in Amsterdam (actually in Haarlem, near Amsterdam) where the story took place.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Anne Frank has nothing on Corrie Ten Boom, the German occupation reveals the true spirit of neighbors a must read...
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is very moving. To read of the faith of these persecuted women is tremendous and to read of the faithfulness of God is powerful. It is also very good reading if you are interested in the internment camps in Nazi Germany.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Hiding Place tells the story of the TenBoom family who were Dutch Christians in Holland during the Second world War and how they committed their lives to protecting God's people- the Jews- from the Nazis. "Me and my family would concider it an honour to die for the Jews" Said Papa TenBoom, and die he would.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A wonderful, salt-of-the earth clockmaking family doesn't think twice about saving Jews during the Nazi occupation of their town of Haarlem, Holland. Corrie, Betsie, Willhelm and Nollie were brought up by the ten Booms, positive parents who read and practiced bible teachings. Kind, sweet, generous and caring they often sacrificed to help others. Corrie and Willhelm along with others create and manage an underground system to provide shelter, food and transport for targeted Jews. They save many until an informer changes their lives but not their integrity and character. So glad I discovered and read this gem about true goodness and selflessness. Read this and be moved and inspired.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was the first book I read that dealt with World War II and the Nazis. Corrie ten Boom grew up in Holland in the house above her father's watch and clock repair store. As she grew she learned compassion and love from her close-knit family. It only seemed natural then that when there were people in trouble, that the ten Booms would help. During World War II, the ten Boom family hid Jewish people in a secret hiding place in their house. Because of their acts of kindness, Corrie and her sister Betsy were sent to a concentration camp. Every time I read this book I am struck by the love and forgiveness that Betsy and her sister had for their captors. I always admire Corrie because she admitted that loving and forgiving was sometimes hard work. My copy is well worn from many readings. It is one of my favorites and I plan to keep it even if it falls apart.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book is an autobiography. Corrie Ten Boom grew up in Haarlem, Holland, in a house above her father's watchmaker shop, with her mother, father, sister, and aunts. She was in her late 40s/early 50s when World War II happened. She was a big part of an underground to help Jews hide, including hiding some in their own home. She did get arrested and spent some time in prison, then was moved to Ravensbruck, a concentration camp in Germany. I liked the different perspective of this book about the Holocaust. I had no idea how elaborate the system was to try to keep Jews as safe as possible. Not being a religious person, though, it got to be a bit much with the prayer and preaching, especially in Ravensbruck, so I wasn't crazy about that part of the book. I was most interested in the first half of the book, before Corrie was arrested.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I wasn't sure what to expect from this, but I was surprised that I enjoyed it so much. Corrie is a great storyteller and has a great story, and she continued to remind me of a woman who has meant very much to me my whole life.Overall a very good read. I strongly recommend it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Corrie ten Boom was the youngest child in a family of Haarlem watchmakers. Corrie's brother became a pastor and one of her older sisters married a school teacher. Neither Corrie nor her oldest sister, Betsie, married, and Corrie went into the family business while Betsie took care of the housekeeping after their mother's death. For as long as Corrie could remember, their house had been home to more than just their immediate family. Several of her mother's sisters lived with the family until their deaths, and her father took in several foster children after his own children were grown. It was natural for the Ten Booms to offer hospitality and a place of refuge to Jews and to others who were sought by the Nazis during the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II. Their home became the nucleus of an underground network that funneled Jews to safety. When the network inevitably became known to the Germans, several family members were arrested, and Corrie and her sister, Betsie, eventually ended up in the concentration camp at Ravensbruck. Their strong Christian faith enabled them to endure much suffering during their imprisonment.This was a re-read for me. Corrie has been one of my heroes since I first read this book as a young adult. What impressed me on the first reading was Corrie's encounter with one of her former guards at Ravensbruck who had come to hear her speak at a church in Germany. He sought her out after the meeting and asked for her forgiveness. This time through, I saw Betsie's influence in this encounter. In the concentration camp, Corrie was moved by the suffering of their fellow prisoners and dedicated herself to ministering to them. Betsie was moved by the spiritual poverty of the guards and other officials, and she dreamed of ministering to them after the war. It would seem that Betsie's dream motivated Corrie to speak of God's forgiveness in German churches in the years following the war.I've learned much more about the war and the Holocaust in the years since I first read this book. There is no question that European Jews were persecuted for their faith, and I'm thankful for every Holocaust memoir that preserves the stories of individuals who suffered in the concentration camps and who witnessed the mass exterminations of Jews. Corrie ten Boom's account is a reminder that it wasn't only Jews who were persecuted by the Nazis. It seems that Christianity wasn't welcome in the camps either. The Ten Booms were arrested when they had gathered for a Bible study in their home. Corrie and Betsie smuggled Bibles into the prison and later into the concentration camp. They held Bible studies and prayer meetings with other prisoners in secret.This time through I was struck by how well-written this book is. The authors take an episodic approach to Corrie's life, and each chapter tells a story. The audio production is outstanding, and the narrator tells Corrie's story as if she had lived it herself. This is a classic of Christian literature that probably hasn't been out of print since its publication. It will also appeal to readers interested in accounts of occupied territories and resistance movements in World War II.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is a story that I read years ago and than watched the World Wide Pictures movie version. I heard Corrie ten Boom while I was in college challenge students to live for more than themselves and Live for Christ alone. I am always amazed to see how God uses the weak to show His strength. I thank God for this wonderful testimony of grace and mercy.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    thanks to Fowles referencing this in his sermon, I had to reread this classic tale of a time in our history that should never be forgotten.The ending is in my top ten best book endings of all time.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I avoided reading Corrie ten Boom for years thinking I wouldn't like it, but it was the best book I read in 2011. Whether or not you are religious, or if religious, Christian, what she and her family did to help so many Jewish and non-Jewish people during WWII, and then her strength & courage after her arrest are inspiring. She was a watchmaker--highly unusual for a woman back then--who had lived a very queit life until she was over 50, and so she's also an inspiration to those of us who are around that age.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Corrie ten Boom, a watchmaker and spinster living with her father and sister, began working with the Resistance and taking in Jews during World War 2. This is her story of faith, family, survival, and forgiveness during a terrible time.I read and reread this book as a teenager; I read it so many times I got rid of it thinking I'd never read it again and then bought it years later because I couldn't quite bear not to own it. Looking at it with fresh adult eyes, I found myself with slightly more mixed feelings. The book is preachier than I remembered, and the writing clunkier than it could have been. I would have liked for some of Corrie's story to stand on its own rather than having the lesson spelled out for me. I realized rereading this that there were some experiences she had that I didn't quite get when I was younger, and understood better now with greater knowledge about World War 2. I wished that some historical or political information was spelled out a bit clearer to ground her story more. But as far as inspirational memoirs go, it's still a good read, and I as I read I realized how much some of her statements - about love and forgiveness, for example - had stayed with me and shaped my own views over the years.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    An autobiographical account of how the author and her family helped Jews (and others the Nazis were against) hide and find safe places to live.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I'm really glad my book club picked this one to read, because otherwise I probably would never have read something shelved in the Christian Inspiration section. Unlike some of the other books I've read in that genre, this one actually was inspiring. I didn't feel like I was being preached at or pressured to think or act a certain way. The story Corrie ten Boom tells about her captivity during World War II was truly moving and well-told.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    "The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten Boom has to be one of the most moving, faith strengthening, profound books I have ever read!!! Corrie and the Ten Boom family decide to take a stand and hide and help their Jewish friends and neighbors in Nazi occupied Holland. The Ten Boom's build a hiding place within their home and assist in helping hundreds of others in finding safe shelter from the Nazi's, all the while putting them in constant peril. The true story that ensues describes horrors beyond belief. Even when faced with extreme adversity, the Ten Boom's push on insisting on relying upon their incredible faith in their savior, Jesus Christ. The Ten Boom's lived a life of faith that we all wish we had the guts to live! This book was incredible and life changing! Christian or not, this is a book that teaches us beyond just our faith that whatever we face, we must love one another regardless of the person or situation you are faced with, including the people who in the Ten Boom's case, where actually persecuting them!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Corrie Ten Boom tells of her family's experiences during the German occupation of Holland during WWII. Captured as the organizer of an underground ring that supplied ration cards and rescued Jews, she was imprisoned, and then sent to Ravensbruck Concentration Camp with one of her sisters.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is one of those wonderful biographies that you can fall in love with. It was my first real introduction to the horrors of the Holocaust, and the first time I read it, I turned around and read several more times. I was so in awe of the family, the story, the horrors they experienced and everything about it. It's definitely a moving story. Since I first read it over twenty years ago, I have returned every couple years to re-read it. My original copy became so worn, I had to buy another. The Hiding Place is basically divided into two sections--family history and resistance work with a subsection in concentration camps. The family history is incredibly charming. I feel like I know the characters! Each one stands out with his or her own unique personality. You can't help but love them. They are well described and developed as well as admirable. The family home is a quirky character in itself, which is important to their later work.The second half of the book is not so light and cheerful, but it is still inspiring and it is an important story to tell. This family put their own lives in danger to do the right thing--something that is all too rare in society. They shared everything they owned, and lost most of it, but I believe they gained from their experiences with the Jews they harbored.When their resistance work lands them in a concentration camp, Betsy and Corrie's story turns to a story of faith. Although terrible things happen to them, there are also many little miracles that seem much stronger than just coincidence. I am not an incredibly religious person, but the amazing bravery and faith of the ten Boom family awes me every time I read this book. It will always be one of my favorites.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is my second favorite of all time. Thank you to my old carpooler, Victoria for sharing! Such an amazing story of survival, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love. This story will stay with me for life and has changed me in many wonderful ways. I try to always look at the positive side to everything thanks to Ms. ten Boom and her sister. Warning-the first 1/2 of the book can drag a bit, but the second 1/2 flys by and hits you right between the eyes!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Corrie's telling of her pre-WWII and WWII life is excellent. Completely engrossing narrative, and so different than other war stories I've read (mostly from a soldier's view or from a prisoner's view). Corrie provides a glimpse into what small-ish town Dutch life was like for a typical family, and she does it so well that you actually feel like you know her, and know what she would think and say and do. What a skilled story teller she was!Highly recommend. Audiobook narrator excellent (sorry, forget who narrated, but she was really good).

Book preview

The Hiding Place - Corrie ten Boom

© 1971 and 1984 by Corrie ten Boom

and Elizabeth and John Sherrill

© 2006, 2015 by Elizabeth and John Sherrill

Published by Chosen Books

11400 Hampshire Avenue South

Bloomington, Minnesota 55438

Chosen Books is a division of

Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Ebook edition created 2015

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—for example, electronic, photocopy, recording—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

ISBN 978-1-4412-6938-6

Text abridged by Lonnie Hull DuPont

Material contained in Since Then is reprinted with permission from Guideposts magazine. Copyright © 1983 by Guideposts Associates, Inc., Carmel, NY 10512.

Scripture is taken from the King James Version of the Bible. The ten Boom family read the Bible in Dutch, and later, when Corrie and Betsie read it aloud in Bible studies, they translated it for their audience. The KJV is, therefore, an approximate translation.

Cover design by Kirk DouPonce, DogEared Design

Interior illustrations by Tim Foley


Cover    1

Title Page    3

Copyright Page    4

1. The One Hundredth Birthday Party    7

2. Full Table    19

3. Karel    26

4. The Watch Shop    38

5. Invasion    48

6. The Secret Room    60

7. Eusie    75

8. Storm Clouds Gather    91

9. The Raid     106

10. Scheveningen    117

11. The Lieutenant    134

12. Vught    145

13. Ravensbruck    162

14. The Blue Sweater    179

15. The Three Visions    189

Since Then    203

About the Authors    207

Back Cover    208


The One Hundredth Birthday Party

I jumped out of bed that morning with one question in my mind—sun or fog? Usually it was fog in January in Holland. I leaned as far as I could from the single window in my bedroom in our building, called the Beje (bay-yeah); it was always hard to see the sky from there. Brick walls looked back at me in this crowded center of Haarlem. But I could see a patch of pale sky.

Father’s bedroom was directly under mine, but at 77 he slept soundly. You are not growing younger yourself, I reminded my reflection in the mirror. I was 45 years old and unmarried. My sister Betsie, seven years older than I and also unmarried, still had that slender grace that made people turn and look after her in the street. Heaven knows it was not her clothes; our little watch shop had never made much money.

Below me down on the street, the doorbell rang. I opened my door and plunged down the steep twisting stairway. Actually, the Beje was two houses. The one in front was a typical old-Haarlem structure, three stories high, two rooms deep, and only one room wide. At some point its rear wall had been knocked through to join it with the even thinner, steeper house in back of it—which had only three rooms, one on top of the other—and this narrow corkscrew staircase squeezed between the two.

Betsie was at the door ahead of me. An enormous spray of flowers filled the doorway. We searched the bouquet for the card. Pickwick! we shouted together.

Pickwick was a wealthy customer who not only bought the very finest watches but often came upstairs to the family part of the house above the shop. His real name was Herman Sluring; Pickwick was the name Betsie and I used between ourselves because he looked like the illustrator’s drawing in our copy of Dickens. Herman Sluring was short, bald, and immensely fat, and his eyes were such that you were never quite sure whether he was looking at you or someone else. He was as kind as he was fearsome to look at.

The flowers had come to the side door, the door the family used, opening onto a tiny alleyway, and Betsie and I carried them into the shop. First was the workroom, where watches and clocks were repaired. There was the high bench over which Father had bent for so many years, doing the delicate, painstaking work that was known as the finest in Holland. In the center of the room was my bench, next to mine Hans the apprentice’s, and against the wall old Christoffels’.

Beyond the workroom was the customers’ part of the shop, with its glass case full of watches. All the wall clocks were striking 7:00 as Betsie and I carried the flowers in. Ever since childhood, I had loved to step into this room where a hundred ticking voices welcomed me. I unlocked the street door and stepped out into the Barteljorisstraat. The other shops up and down the narrow street were still shuttered: the optician’s next door, the dress shop, the baker’s, Weil’s Furriers across the street.

I folded back our shutters and admired the window display. It held a collection of clocks and pocketwatches all at least a hundred years old, all borrowed for the occasion. For today was the shop’s one hundredth birthday. In January 1837, Father’s father had placed in this window a sign:

Ten Boom


The doorbell on the alley rang again; more flowers. So it went for an hour, large bouquets and small ones, elaborate pieces and home-grown plants in clay pots. For although the party was for the shop, the affection was for Father. Haarlem’s Grand Old Man they called him.

When the shop and the workroom would not hold another bouquet, Betsie and I carried them upstairs to the two rooms above the shop. Though it was twenty years since her death, these were still Tante Jans’ rooms. Tante Jans was Mother’s older sister, and her presence lingered in the massive dark furniture she had left behind.

At 7:45 Hans, the apprentice, arrived, and at 8:00 Toos, our saleslady-bookkeeper. Toos was a sour-faced individual whose unpleasant personality had made it impossible for her to keep a job until—ten years ago—she had come to work for Father. Father’s gentle courtesy had mellowed her, and though she would never have admitted it, she loved him as fiercely as she disliked the rest of the world. We left Hans and Toos to answer the doorbell and went upstairs to get breakfast.

I set out three plates. The dining room was in the house at the rear, five steps higher than the shop but lower than Tante Jans’ rooms. This room with its single window looking into the alley was the heart of the home. We used only a corner of the table now, Father, Betsie, and I, but to me the rest of the family was still there. There was Mama’s chair, and the three aunts’ chairs (not only Tante Jans but Mama’s other two sisters had also lived with us). Next to me had sat my other sister, Nollie, and Willem, the only boy.

Nollie and Willem had homes of their own now, and Mama and the aunts were dead, but still I seemed to see them here. Their chairs had not stayed empty long. Father could never bear a house without children, and whenever he heard of a child in need of a home a new face appeared at the table. Out of his watch shop that never made much money, he fed and cared for eleven more children after his own four were grown. Now these, too, had grown up and married or gone off to work, and so I laid three plates on the table.

Betsie brought the coffee in from the tiny kitchen off the dining room, and we heard Father’s step coming down the staircase. He went slowly now on the stairs; but still as punctual as one of his own watches, he entered the dining room, as he had every morning since I could remember, at 8:10.

Father’s hair and beard were now as white as the tablecloth. But his blue eyes behind the thick round spectacles were as mild and merry as ever. He gazed from one of us to the other.

Corrie, dear! My dear Betsie! How lovely you both look!

He bowed his head and said the blessing.

How could we have guessed as we sat there—two middle-aged sisters and an old man—that we were about to be given adventures such as we had never dreamed of? Adventure and anguish, horror and heaven were just around the corner. In that room on that day, we did not know.

Father took the big Bible from its shelf as Toos and Hans came in. Scripture reading at 8:30 each morning for all who were in the house was another of the points around which life in the Beje revolved. Father turned to the gospel of Luke, where we had left off yesterday. He looked up.

Where is Christoffels?

Christoffels was the third and only other employee in the shop, a little man who looked older than Father, though actually he was ten years younger. I remembered the day years earlier when he first came into the shop, so ragged that I had assumed he was a street beggar. I was about to send him up to the kitchen, where Betsie kept a pot of soup simmering, when he announced with great dignity that he was considering permanent employment and was offering his services first to us.

We learned Christoffels belonged to an almost vanished trade, the clockmender who trudged on foot throughout the land, regulating and repairing the tall pendulum clocks that were the pride of every Dutch farmhouse. Father hired him on the spot. They’re the finest clockmen anywhere, he told me later, these wandering clocksmiths. There’s not a repair job they haven’t handled with just the tools in their sack.

People all over Haarlem brought their clocks to Christoffels. What he did with his wages we never knew; he had remained as threadbare as ever, though Christoffels’ most notable quality was his pride.

Now, for the first time ever, Christoffels was late.

Father polished his glasses with his napkin and started to read, his deep voice lingering over the words. Eventually we heard Christoffels’ shuffling steps on the stairs. The door opened and all of us gasped. Christoffels was resplendent in a new black suit, checkered vest, white shirt, tie and stiff starched collar.

Christoffels, my dear associate, Father murmured in his formal way, what joy to see you. And he resumed his Bible reading.

Soon the doorbells were ringing, both the shop bell on the street and the bell in the alley. Toos and I hurried to the doors. Before long a steady stream of guests climbed the narrow staircase to Tante Jans’ rooms, where Father sat almost lost in a thicket of flowers. As I helped one of the older guests up the steep stairs, Betsie seized my arm.

We need Nollie’s cups right away!

I’ll go get them!

Our sister, Nollie, and her husband were coming as soon as their six children got home from school. I dashed down the stairs, took my coat and my bicycle from inside the alley door, and set out over the bumpy brick streets. Nollie and her husband lived about a mile and a half from the Beje, outside the center of the city. I pedaled there often.

How could I foresee, as I zipped around corners, that one day I would stand on Nollie’s street with my heart thudding in my throat, daring to go no closer to her house for fear of what was taking place there?

Today I careened onto the sidewalk and burst through the door with never a knock. Nollie, we need the cups right now!

Nollie came out of the kitchen, her pretty face flushed with baking. They’re all packed by the door. I wish I could go with you—but I’ve got more still to bake.

"You’re all coming, aren’t you?"

Yes, Corrie, Peter will be there.

I loved all my nieces and nephews. But Peter . . . well, was Peter. At thirteen he was a musical prodigy and a rascal and the pride of my life.

The Beje was even more crowded when I got back. The mayor of Haarlem was there. And the postman and the trolley motorman and half a dozen policemen from the Haarlem Police Headquarters just around the corner.

After lunch the children started coming, and as children always did, they went straight to Father. The older ones sat on the floor around him; the smallest ones climbed into his lap. In addition to his twinkling eyes, Father ticked. Watches lying on a shelf run differently from watches carried about, so Father always wore the ones he was regulating. His suit jackets had inside pockets fitted with hooks for a dozen watches, so wherever he went the hum of hundreds of little wheels went with him. Now with a child on each knee and ten more crowded close, he drew from another pocket his heavy cross-shaped winding key, each of the four ends shaped for a different size clock. With a flick of his finger, he made it spin, gleaming, glinting. . . .

A shriek below told me that Pickwick had arrived. We sometimes forgot, we who loved him, what a shock the first sight of him could be to a stranger. I hurried down to the door and got him upstairs. He sank his bulk into a chair beside Father, fixed one eye on me, the other on the ceiling, and said, Five lumps, please.

Pickwick loved children as much as Father did, but while children took to Father on sight, Pickwick had to win them. He had one trick that never failed. I brought him his cup of coffee, thick with sugar, and watched him look around in mock consternation. But, my dear Cornelia! he cried, there’s no table to set it on! He glanced out of one wide-set eye to make sure the children were watching. Well, it’s a lucky thing I brought my own! With that he set cup and saucer on his own protruding paunch. I never knew a child who could resist it; soon a respectful circle had gathered round him.

Now Nollie and her family

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