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Stealing Destiny (Immortal Obsession Book 1)
Stealing Destiny (Immortal Obsession Book 1)
Stealing Destiny (Immortal Obsession Book 1)
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Stealing Destiny (Immortal Obsession Book 1)

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It took one kiss for Destiny to steal his heart and Damien lived his life for another one from the woman he loved. If he only knew that that one kiss would lead to his death and eternal damnation, would he still have kissed her? In one mere second of time, Damien loses his life because of a supernatural twist. On a stormy night in the back roads of nowhere his car careens out of control and into a field claiming his life. Suddenly, everything he ever thought about heaven, hell and angels takes on a whole new meaning as he struggles to get his life back. Falling from heaven, Zahir makes the ultimate sacrifice but who is to benefit from it? When Zahir stole Damien’s future, his destiny and his body, he decides it’s time to steal it back. But then he is offered a choice between the life he was destined to live and the one Death offers him, putting him at a crossroad. Damien wants to make the best choice he can so that he can carry out his plans to marry Destiny. However, what Damien fails to recognize is that getting his life back is going to take him into a whole new dimension of what the afterlife means. In every lovers triangle there has to be someone who loses. No romance ever truly sees the happily ever after. One fell from heaven, someone is headed for hell and Destiny is the prize. When your heart and soul hang in the balance, is there ever really any second chances?

PublisherJ.D. Selmser
Release dateApr 7, 2015
Stealing Destiny (Immortal Obsession Book 1)

J.D. Selmser

When J.D. Selmser is not too busy 'saving the world' or 'being awesome' he enjoys chasing sunsets and waterfalls. OK maybe he does not save the world, but he is always dreaming big and chasing those dreams wherever they might lead him. He is a hopeless romantic who traveled 1100 kilometres every weekend just to spend less than two days with the woman he is in love with until she was able to move to be with him.Monday through Friday, he's an IT ninja, defending "the people and their computers" against nasty viruses and hackers. Wielding his mouse like a set of flaming nun chucks, causing most unwanted applications to shrivel back in shame. By night and weekends he is the king of scary monsters and romance sitting at his computer writing about endless love and those that grab hold of it and never let go, no matter.Like most writers his goal is to put the pictures that are in his mind on paper and invite his readers on a heartfelt journey between heaven and earth and watch the war between Demons, Angels and a multitude of other creatures. As much as his readers tell him that his characters shock them so do his readers shock him too. The most evil characters are the ones he hears are the most interesting and some of the ones he thinks will be the most beloved characters are the most hated.

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    Stealing Destiny (Immortal Obsession Book 1) - J.D. Selmser


    Immortal Obsession Book 1

    J.D. Selmser

    J.D. Selmser

    Ottawa, Ontario

    Copyright © 2014 by J.D. Selmser.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed Attention: Permissions Coordinator, at the address below.

    Find out more about the author and upcoming releases online at

    Contact me at [email protected]

    Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

    Book Layout ©2013

    Cover design @2014 Cora Graphics

    Editing by S. Fournier & A. Fedotova

    Stealing Destiny - Immortal Obsession Book 1/ J.D. Selmser. -- 1st ed.

    ISBN 978-0-9921494-5-1


    Chapter One - Zahir

    Chapter Two -























































    Coming Soon

    Chapter one


    The silence of the night was broken with a loud, hollow snapping sound that echoed from the distance. As it came closer, it grew louder and louder like thunder tearing apart the sky. To most, the figure in the distance would be lost somewhere in the shadows, hidden by a blanket of darkness. But I am not like most people. I could see his arms waving around as well as a big cloud that made up his breath in the cold air. With each stride he took, his long overcoat flapped and snapped around in the wind as he dodged his way through the alley. Finally he trotted out onto the sidewalk, gasping for air like it was an internal battle. His whole body stiffened and quaked as a loud coughing spell exploded from within him. He then suddenly shot up and starting digging into his pockets. Deeper and deeper he searched, before he yanked out a cylindrical object and shoved it into his mouth. He pinched his lips together and with the flicker of a lighter, inhaled and slowed down his pace to a stroll.

    As the hollow sounds of his shoes hitting the hard, flat cement grew louder, I gripped the cold and solid handle of my dagger. My knuckles cracked as I squeezed my trusted blade a little tighter. My hand shook terribly as the thought that I needed to kill him soon entered my mind. I snapped my hand back open and let the cold blade of my dagger tumble back into its sheath with a slight thud.

    I thought that I had already gotten over the inner moral turmoil that killing Damien Douglas would bring into my life. I had delayed this task for too long now and time was running out. I looked for a reason to let him live, but all I could see was darkness growing in his soul. In a lot of ways I loved him like a brother, but I loved Destiny more. To save him from himself, and her from him, I would do what needed to be done. I would pay a dear price. There was always a price. I knew that as long as he was alive, she would never love another man. I knew that as long as she loved him, death was etched in her future. I knew that I was not heartless or bloodthirsty, because he would kill her in a crime of passion a few years from now. I just decided not to wait for him to do it. It was no longer a question of whether or not he was good or bad, because I saw the future. He would become as evil a monster as any that had ever lived, both real and imagined. After giving him so many chances to show me whether the goodness in him was stronger than the darkness, I decided that I did not want to wait until it was too late to stop him. It hurt me to the core. I loved him as I did her, but what else could I do? Ultimately her life meant more, and if killing him was the only way to save Destiny’s life, then he must die.

    After a few minutes, he crossed the sidewalk and passed by an old homeless beggar who was never even given a second thought. As he trotted, he slowly brushed his hands upward through his hair, almost yanking on it at the end, and casually glanced at his low-lit reflection in the window beside him. He curled his nose and looked away before sharply turning and gliding up the stone stairs on his way through the doorway of a little broken down motel. The low, deep thud of a heartbeat could be heard, but then as quickly as it appeared, it vanished.

    I turned to my companions. I really cannot tell for sure, Raven squawked as she stood up on her tiptoes, stretching her neck upward. Her hands tapped against her hips as she pinched her lips together, slowly shaking her head from side to side. I just cannot condemn him to death unless I know for sure, she muttered.

    It’s a yes or no answer! Either he will or will not kill Destiny, I paced around the little alley as I waited for her to respond. It seemed so small and confining today as I waited for her approval. She again bounced on her tiptoes like a few extra inches would allow her to see into his soul.

    I have to say, maybe, she stared incredulously at me. This is not an exact science, you know.

    Before I could say a thing, Bane popped out his chest out like a rooster and crowed out, Listen here, Zahir. We know how important it is to you that nothing happens to Destiny, he paused and glared at me. I know she is your ward. I know how passionate you are about saving her.

    Raven’s voice in response sounded like fingers scraping across a chalkboard. I will not condemn him to die unless I am sure he deserves to die- unless I am sure that there is no other way. The same as me not being able to tell you if there is more light than darkness in his heart. With that, she squeezed closer to the edge of the alley, half-twisting her way through the opening. The giant, bear-like Bane just raised an eyebrow and had one of those, ‘I do not know what you expect me to do’, looks. He turned and trotted deeper into the alley while shrugging his shoulders and muttering something under his breath.

    I just looked at Raven, helplessly trying to hold in my sorrow or at least trying not to let it show. Every movement was short and slow. She’d bounce up, then back down, turn her head to the right in a twisting movement, and so on. I see dreadful darkness. I could admit- I almost collapsed over the news.

    Not yet. Do not dare think that I am saying consumed or will give in to the darkness. All I see is something dark in his future.

    I was at a loss. What?

    Her mouth tightened in a pouting motion as she tapped her narrow, twig-like finger against her lips. I see darkness, but fate and free choice are always at odds. The future is always changing. Man is meant to follow a defined path, but due to his passions, that is not always where he arrives.

    Does he kill Destiny? I begged to know in frustration. She jumped back as I realized that I had spoken more forcefully than I intended to. I opened my mouth again, but a slight squeak was all that came out. Does he try to kill my Destiny? She seemed to ignore me as she went back to her task in silence. I tried to read her emotions, but there were none that I could detect.

    A loud crack and then the loud thumping of bass echoed from behind Damien when he kicked open the door. He proceeded to smash his way through the doorway, half-carrying out a short curvy figure that seemed to be in the midst of groping him as she hung on in utter fear. It was an awkward struggle as each seemed to be guiding the other uncontrollably. He was almost dragging the poor little creature down the street until he stopped suddenly, and with delicate care, slowly lowered her to the ground. He stood up and tucked three fingers into his pocket before asking, Are you okay? With a slight sway in his hips, he waited for a response, explanation, or some reason for what he knew he really did not want to hear an answer to. I did not need to read his mind, heart, or soul to be able to understand the concern that consumed his face like a mask.

    A shy little shamed voice whispered, Yes, I think I am, as she started rubbing her hands together.

    Damien slurred, Are you sure, Desiree? If you tell me that any of those boys hurt you, I will smash them around until-

    The little woman cut in, No, please don’t go all Rambo on them. Those giant, innocent eyes pleadingly stared up at him. It was just a misunderstanding, that’s all.

    In such a firm tone, Damien exclaimed, What exactly is the misunderstanding? His whole body quaked with fury as his eyes bulged out of their sockets. Even from this distance, the whites of his eyes glowed like candles in the darkness. After a few minutes of silence, he began to loudly speak again, but then suddenly dropped his tone. Why would you start hanging out with the Sullivan brothers? He paced around a little. What could possibly make you want to party with them?

    Long streams of tears poured down along her cheeks. They made me feel wanted, desired, and...desirable. As she covered her face, shame glowed all around her. They called me Desire and asked me to come over for-…and watch a movie. Staring up, she frantically continued, That’s all, just a movie! Then, then, they offered me a drink. She started rubbing her arms, almost tearing at the skin, leaving long and thin trails of red streaks. "I said no, but they kept asking, so finally I agreed.

    Damien stormed around her, red-faced, and with each step he made, his heart boomed in absolute disgust. Then what happened?

    Then the oldest brother Harold sat beside me... Before Damien could say anything, she mumbled, He kept touching me and I screamed no.

    Damien exploded, Did he stop?

    Not right away, so I ran into the bathroom and called Father Mike. I stayed there, expecting Father Mike to come, but heard you calling me. The boys were calling me tease and banging on the door.

    As the tears became stronger and stronger, Damien flopped down on the cement beside and wrapped his arm around her. The way he looked down at her was a tender moment that I had not thought possible for him, but the thoughts that were flowing out were as terrifying as any I had ever read. Images of pain and violence flipped through his mind as he thought of the countless punishments the men upstairs deserved. Damien, you are not going to shoot them, are you?

    He actually laughed at the thought since he really wanted to do a lot worse. No, Desiree, I am not going to shoot them, but I must do something. He tugged out his badge. I am the law here, and they broke the law. After another moment of silence, he asked, Did you do any drugs? His expression became cold and stone-faced like he was searching for a lie.

    Fearfully, she replied, No, sir. He kept interrogating her like a prisoner and piece by piece, she exploded with confessions. He took off his jacket and carefully wrapped it around her, sighing all the while.

    Is Father Mike coming to get me? He simply nodded and lit a cigarette. Can I have a smoke, because I am a little shook up. she asked.

    No, was all he responded as he tapped his lighter against his palm. Father Mike would condemn me if I gave you a smoke and preached to you the whole way home.

    He’s going to do that anyway.

    A slight crack of a smile split his face. Father Mike has been that way his whole life.

    Wide-eyed, she gasped. He has always preached.

    Yes, even when he was just plain Michael, he was long-winded and preached a lot.

    Desiree rolled her eyes. I cannot imagine Father Mike as anything but Father Mike. Next you will tell me that he was the captain of the football team.

    He was amused by this thought and blurted out, No, not the captain of the football team, but captain of the chess team and school newspaper editor. Damien clenched his fists open and closed as he continued, That is, of course, when he was not wishing that he could get your mother's attention.

    Shock covered her face as she gasped at the thought. She screamed out, Father Mike liked girls? He liked my mother? She was speechless as the thought that with a simple twist of fate, Father Mike could have been her actual father ran through her mind. That, and of course the realization that once, this priest she knew, was a real man with real emotions. Did he, like, date her? Before Damien could respond, she questioned, Then how did he become a priest?

    Shaking his head, Damien just mumbled, I have been asking the same question my whole life.

    With a slow squeak, a dented car pulled up onto the sidewalk. Seeing a familiar face, Damien carefully placed her into the passenger seat. He popped another cigarette into his mouth, lit it, and a mild discussion evolved. Within a few minutes, the smaller man hopped into the car and told Damien he would take her home and meet him later. Damien lingered around for a few minutes after the tail lights vanished from sight before storming into the building once more.

    It was some time before Damien came out again. Such fury filled him as he charged into the street following two young men. He shoved them along, harder and harder, screaming and shouting threats. I even trembled as the various thoughts and desires of punishment flowed all around. This was the evil I knew existed in him. This was the evil I feared would destroy him and those that he loved.

    The older brother Harold was as defiant as he was stupid. You cannot treat me like this, he cried as he pushed and jerked around. His red eyes and gloomy teeth stuck out, along with a rancid stench that rolled out of him with each breath.

    With a forceful kick that sent him face first into the ground, Damien followed with, It looks like I am treating you this way. He smashed his foot into his side, leaving the man twitching in agony as a low moaning rose from his rib cage.

    Harold screamed in agony, You bastard! as he cried and whimpered.

    Yes I am, Damien responded as he continuously drove his feet into his side. Yes, I am.

    Again, Harold screamed, What kind of cop kicks a man when he has his hands cuffed and cannot defend himself?

    Damien gave him two more tear-jerking kicks. The same kind of cop that catches a twenty-one year old man taking advantage of a sixteen year old girl. The kind of cop that beats the hell out of the man who takes advantage of a young woman with a lame leg. You are a predator, Harold. Feeding on her low self-esteem. His hand clenched around the handle of his gun as he sneered at the younger of the two. Stay right where you are, Billy Sullivan, or else you will be rolling around beside your big brother.

    The baby-faced sixteen year old took heed to those words and just froze. I pitied him, because unlike Harold, who had a knack and received general satisfaction for most of the horrible things he did, both real and imaginary, Billy never enjoyed being involved and his heart was always full of regrets.

    Harold struggled to his feet and stood, as defiantly as he could, with a snake’s smile on his face. He was a troubled man with the moral upbringing of a rabid animal and I feared that tonight would end his reign of terror. What are you going to do, just shoot me here on the street?

    Damien immediately responded without any hesitation, Nope, I was thinking the alley over there in private, as he pointed in our direction. Do you really think that anyone would miss either of you? The younger brother’s jaw quivered with fear. As those words left Damien’s lips, both of them realized for the first time that there was something to fear in him.

    Harold begged, Now come on, Damien, you know that she must have wanted something or else she would never have come up to our place, He stepped back slightly. It’s not exactly a big secret what happens in there. He tried to point towards the doors with his hawk-like snout.

    Raven looked at me helplessly and whispered, I can feel the darkness eating away at him. She stared off endlessly in his direction and I was sure that she was trying to will him to stop, which worked for a few seconds. I knew that she was right. Damien was thinking of killing them. At least the troublemaker, Harold. Damien knew very little of his crimes, but he knew enough to think the world would be better if he was dead. I did not want to see him die, but even now, the thoughts of what he wanted to do to young Desiree made me want to cry inside.

    As we peered across the way, I was terrified to see the old homeless beggar stand and walk away. He let the age and odor of humanity float off in the air like dust in the wind. Nobody noticed him pass by, but like us, Damien heard the whisper leave his lips, Stop and see justice through. As the Angel, Davorin, let his hands gently slide across Damien’s back, there raged a full-out battle between his idea of justice and his thirst to punish these boys. Again, the man whispered, Do the right thing, and slowly a calmness began to develop within Damien.

    There was a blinding flash of red and blue as a police car snapped along beside them. Still trembling, both of the young men jumped towards the car and what they thought was safety. Harold cried police abuse. The young policeman looked lost as what to do because he could see blood dripping along the side of Harold’s face, but before he could question Damien, the younger of the two brothers stammered out, Shut up, Harold, you know that you tried to run away and fell. Harold’s jaw dropped in disbelief as he realized that he had been betrayed.

    Damien went to add in a statement, but the young policeman smashed them into the backseat. I guess we add resisting arrest to the list, boys.

    I must read his dreams and heart, Raven quaked. She glimpsed to Bane for approval with her gaze dropping as she passed me. I felt darkness, but saw morality in him. Even if he was going to kill that one man, his Angel guided him away. With a short silence, she galloped away like a startled pony and whispered, I must read his heart before I know his soul. I just stood there, staring at him through the window.

    A troubled thought filled my mind. Could that same whisper stop him from destroying Destiny? I lingered a little longer after the others had passed, trying to decide how to stop him, save him, and mostly importantly, save Destiny.

    After they had left, he was all alone. Damien stalked down the street a few buildings and stopped at the little all-night coffee shop, taking the little corner booth next to the window. He loosened his tie, slowly jerking it from side to side, followed by popping the top button, opening his shirt collar and rolling up his sleeves. He twisted his body slightly and popped down into the seat. His thumbs tapped the tabletop as if he were the drummer of a band, playing some lost tune, as he waited. He kept glancing at his watch, followed by a scan of the street, as he searched for Father Mike.

    Again, I pushed, trying to see deeper into his mind. Finally, my concentration was broken when a loud rumble came from the muffler as the Father Mike pulled up and parked. The brakes squealed and jerked with the sudden stop. He was a heavyset man, hobbling off to one side and immediately pulling out a cell phone. I am here, he spoke in a firm, loud roar of a voice. Yes, yes, I will be waiting. He instinctively bounced back on the trunk as he tucked it back into his pocket. As he waited, he sat there, humming and slowly swinging his arms. When Damien came out and they were lost in conversation, I decided to leave them. I would return to this business later in the night when Damien was alone. I decided that I would either help him or kill him tonight.

    It was midnight when I decided to make my move- or at least when Raven would walk into his dreams and read his heart. That was her gift. She could sneak into your dreams and walk out, knowing all of your desires. At least mortal men’s desires. The moon lit up the night sky in its own haunting way. Always pushing its way through the darkness like a chisel through stone, fighting off the blanket choking away the light. Crickets sang their familiar lullaby as my feet were gently tickled as they slid along the soft grass. Such an amazing night for murder, I thought. I could not help but laugh at the irony. This night was filled with such a calming atmosphere, and here I was, preparing to destroy a piece of it.

    As I marched down the little white cobblestone path towards a little white cottage, where Damien lived just a few miles outside of town, I saw two welcoming figures standing in the distance, waiting for me.

    It’s about time, Zahir, we do not have all of eternity to wait for you, a loud bellowing voice snorted.

    Yes, Bane, I know that time is short and our need is great, I responded. He had such a giant frame that even in the dead of night he was easy to find. Tonight I must finish this business and be done with it. I trotted forward and let myself enjoy the breeze flowing past me.

    A soft mouse-like voice squeaked, Are you sure that he is the one? For a week I have stalked him like a tiger does its prey and I sense a lot in him, but not this evil you claim is developing within him like a child in its mother’s womb. Raven stepped closer., Are you sure that you are not allowing your forbidden desires for her to cloud your judgment?

    She swung her arms back, slicing through the air. Bane, do you feel it? Do you feel anything but the heartbreak and loneliness of a man who has forgotten how to be happy within his heart? I think he is consumed with loneliness, but he hides it well.

    She waited for some time, willing us to answer, but there was nothing more to be said. Whether we either felt it or not, I knew it was coming to take him and my Destiny as well. I looked at Bane and saw him staring back. I snarled, She is coming in less than a week. If I do not do this now, it may be too late.

    Raven softly stated, And if he is not this evil creature you claim he is, we would be just like any other thugs.

    Bane left his fingers glide across her cheek as he whispered, And if he is right and we do nothing, we are no more than just powerless witnesses. If I could not just sit back and let you be destroyed when I knew the outcome so many years ago when I fell for you, then how can I expect him to?

    Her head dropped and with regret embedded in her voice, she whimpered, As you wish. I will not try and stop you, but I think acting rash has a steeper price than waiting and doing what’s needed. She turned and left us into the night.

    chapter two


    I could not exactly call it a dream, per se, because it was more intimate than that. I guess that you would call it a monotone echo from my youth; a guilt-ridden memory that I carry with me. If it weren’t for the colorless scenery and dullness of it, I would have sworn I had somehow tumbled back in time to that cool August night when all of us lost the innocence of childhood and discovered the guilt we carry as adults.

    Mike hollered, Come on, Damien, you just jump out and grab it. Everybody loves the feeling of the wind striking by them, as he pointed to the old tire swing hanging far above the cliffs of Lover’s Leap. Rumor had it that in the town’s earliest history, a young couple who were so deeply in love but forbidden to marry jumped over the edge, missing the water below and smashing onto the rocks instead. Rumour had it that now, in the dead of night, they wandered the hills here, hand in hand. It was their eternity together. Slowly I peered over the edge and my heart raced as I looked down below. He pushed onward, Come on, chicken, do it.

    I struggled to fight my way back as he continued to try and force me over the edge. Stop, Mike, it’s not funny, you know I cannot swim, For a skinny, wiry kid, Mike was strong. I screamed, Stop! in an almost panic as the scraping of my shoes against the gravel knocked out little clouds of dust that were stolen by the wind. Stop it, Michael Billings! I screamed in torment. You bastard, you know I cannot swim! I sobbed uncontrollably. I knocked him backwards and he tumbled a few steps.

    Come on, Chicken Little, just once and I will never bother you about it again, he taunted me like some skinny crossroad demon. He ran his arm across that snot-nosed beak of his and with a little strut, announced in a whiny tone, Since little Suzie Douglas here will not soar with the eagles, I will jump onto the tire swing and see all the secrets below.

    As he did a forced girly wiggle that even included his hands on his hips, heading towards his goal, I begged, Come on, Mike, look at that rope, as I pointed towards the thin, greyish rope that was wrapped between a tree limb and the cracked Goodyear tire. It could break and you would tumble all the way down. The drop down McCabe’s Ridge was a solid one-hundred and fifty feet if it broke an inch. Little pieces of frayed stems stuck out everywhere like those little neck hairs that always seemed to escape the barber. Years of twisting and turning had worn out the nylon rope until there was almost nothing left holding the dangling hoop anymore.

    Mike laughed a roaring laugh. Men do not fear death. He struck a fist up into the air and without a second thought, hopped over the edge. My heart stopped cold as I squinted my teary eyes half-closed. I knew that old rope was going to snap at any minute, sending him falling to his screaming death.

    See, nothing, he proudly boasted as the creaking and whining rope swung back and forth. Nothing to worry about at all. He twisted himself around, flopping up onto the top of the tire with his scraped and bruised legs dangling from each side. With one hand on the rope and the other in the air, he bounced back and forth, screaming, Yahoo! like a rodeo star.

    Okay, Mike, that’s enough, I pleaded.

    He smiled a devilish grin and twirling around tauntingly, screamed, Look, I am falling, ah, ah! I watched in dismay as he went around and around with the noise of all our friends laughing at me in the background.

    A loud series of cheers exploded from the others. You are the man! or You sure showed Damien, or should I say, Daniella, they mocked. Should we get a skirt? came from another and yet Mike just watched from his rubber throne like a newly crowned king. With a slight smack and an explosion of dust, Mike soared off the swing and landed beside me.

    Do you still think that the rope won’t hold? he questioned as he walked toward the others. Plenty of high fives were offered and the skin to skin smacking echoed all around us. He turned and ordered, Now do it, or go home and ask your mommy for a skirt, girly boy, as he puckered his lips in a pouting motion.

    I stood there, petrified with fear like a statue. I tried to defend my honor, but only a rough croaking noise escaped my lips which caused a whole new chorus of taunts and laughter. I thought of crying and running away home to my mother, but knew if I did, this would never go away. Shaking and shivering, I ran my damp hands along my legs. Little streaks of sweat stuck and I could feel the quakes in my chest as I slowly pushed myself towards the edge. I kept thinking, Just jump out and slide through the hole in the middle. I could do that. I heard them singing how I would not do it. Some even said that I would not make it and fall to a horrible death, but I knew if I

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