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Runaway King: Runaway series, #1
Runaway King: Runaway series, #1
Runaway King: Runaway series, #1
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Runaway King: Runaway series, #1

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There are always things in a marriage that cause the couple to place distance between each other. But, what happens when you try to fix that marriage, you end up having to try and save yourself and your friends instead?

Josh is trying to fix his marriage all because he let other things come between him and his precious wife. The closer he comes to making things right with her, he finds someone is out to stop him from not only fixing his marriage, but continuing to live all together—someone who is close to him, but only for the simple purpose of making sure that Josh isn’t caught off guard. His life is in danger and so are the lives of his best friends. He’ll stop at nothing to get his marriage back to how it was before, even if it means using a little violence.

**Contains some adult situations and violence as well as language.**

PublisherNicole Clark
Release dateNov 4, 2013
Runaway King: Runaway series, #1

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    Runaway King - Nicole Clark


    To Shane - For always supporting me and giving me pick-me-ups when I needed them, not to mention loving me endlessly when I started to stress about whether or not things were good enough.

    To Edi – For helping me make sure things sounded right. You’ve been there for me day and night. I’m not sure what I would have done without your continued support.

    To Rene – For making my amazing cover and for the much needed distractions when I felt my brain was going to melt.

    To Melissa – For cheering me on even when you didn’t realize you were doing it. Just a simple message sent with a smile or asking me how my writing was going meant a lot to me.

    To my mom – For being my second every day support system and for understanding that I needed my alone time to write.

    And last but not least, to Danielle, you helped me remember how much I love to write and how it’s my world to control as I wish.


    They’d only been married for five years when their lives were suddenly changed. The Demon Wars broke out causing the demon race to split in two. Family members were fighting family members and there was no one you could trust. Josh and Clarisse had tried to stay out of it because they had no reason to interfere with the feud. Seven of Josh’s closest friends camped out in the house that they owned and made a pact to protect and never turn on each other.

    As the wars got worse over the years, Josh kept getting drafted, but he continued to ignore it. But, as it is with any call to war, it can only be ignored for so long before you get pulled into the fighting against your will. To avoid this unfortunate turn of events, the group of misfits decided to go to the human realm and try their luck there.

    After traveling for a few years and getting used to the human culture, they settled in San Antonio, Texas. The boys took a liking to motorcycles and decided that was the only way they would get around. It helped the guys bond even more.

    Slowly and without even realizing it, they became a motorcycle club. They acquired a garage and a clubhouse for the club. The garage was used for bike repairs and customizations. They didn’t work on anything but motorcycles. To those who could pay for the parts and labor, they did custom bike builds. Everyone who worked in the shop knew everything there was to know about motorcycles and could easily build one from the ground up if asked, so there was never any question about someone’s abilities. Josh founded the club as he brought the boys together in the promise of giving them a safe haven from the wars. With Josh as the President of the club, Mathew became his Vice President. Others fell in to their respective places, even if they didn’t hold the extra patch on their cut –a leather vest that holds the club patches. The club logo sits on the back of the cut along with the name and the state that the club resides in. On the front, right side is where the position patch of the member lies. If they do not have one, then this place stays empty.

    Clarisse became the club mother. She would take care of the boys when they became ill and would always make sure that they had food and ate it. If they didn’t have it, she would go to the store and buy them the things that they needed. Once every two weeks, she would hold a dinner at the house and invite the boys over for a family dinner. If they had children, whether married or not, she would take care of the kids while the guys worked. She did whatever she could to help with the kids. She even had Josh put a playground in their backyard so that the kids could come over and have a safe place to play.

    When she wasn’t helping with the kids or making sure that the boys were eating and getting everything they needed, she worked in the office of the garage doing finances. She found that she was really good with numbers and could keep the garage out of debt as long as no one messed with her system. All the bills got paid on a certain date and all the ordering of parts got done during the first week of the month. She always tried to make sure that she ordered enough to get them through the entire month so that they were not ordering every few weeks and wasting money.

    Days, weeks, months, and years went by and they continued to grow their business. The newcomers to the club were very craftily picked so that the secret of the original members didn’t get out. A few came, but most left since none of them could make the cut, though it wasn’t for lack of trying. This was the birth of the Demon Reaper Motorcycle Club and the Demon Reaper Custom Bike shop; both under the leadership of Josh Duvall, alongside his wife Clarisse.


    Josh sat at the head of the table staring down the length of it. Although the table was empty, he could see where each person sat. His best friend, Mathew, sat at his right hand and served as his Vice President. His enemy, sat at his left. The saying "keep your friends close, but your

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