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Henry James Short Stories Volume 3
Henry James Short Stories Volume 3
Henry James Short Stories Volume 3
Ebook172 pages3 hours

Henry James Short Stories Volume 3

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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Renowned author and Anglophile Henry James brings the class and elegance of Victorian and Edwardian literature throughout this short story series. Each volume contains a mixture of well known favourites and forgotten gems. James refuses to let his high standards drop and story retains the poise and simplicity to appeal to the modern reader. These collections are a great starting platform for readers to begin to appreciate the masterful writing and versatility of Henry James. Be sure to check out his novels and literary criticisms of notable authors George Eliot, Charles Dickens and Rudyard Kipling among others which we also offer. Search ‘Henry James A Word To The Wise’ to see our full collection.

Release dateAug 20, 2013
Henry James Short Stories Volume 3

Henry James

Henry James (1843–1916) was an American writer, highly regarded as one of the key proponents of literary realism, as well as for his contributions to literary criticism. His writing centres on the clash and overlap between Europe and America, and The Portrait of a Lady is regarded as his most notable work.

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Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love Henry James, so I love these, but if you're not already familiar with his style, here's a briefer: he writes about thought moreso than plot, and not much "happens" actionwise in his novels or stories. They span time, and give in depth character explorations that are fascinating, all in beautiful language. Some of these stories can be enjoyed quickly, but most will take thought if you want to understand them and take more from them. I'd recommend this book to anyone who's enjoyed James' style in the past. For others, I'd suggest reading a few pages, and then just see where you are. I adore this collection, but I also realize that it's certainly not for everyone.

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Henry James Short Stories Volume 3 - Henry James

Henry James

Short Stories – Volume 3

Henry James was born on 15 April 1843 and is regarded as one of the great literary figures of 19th Century writing.  In this series of short stories he brings the class and elegance of Victorian and Edwardian literature to each carefully chosen mixture of well known favourites and forgotten gems.

Born in New York, he moved between there and Europe, being tutored in Geneva, London, Paris, Bologna, and Bonn. At the age of 19 he briefly attended Harvard Law School, but preferred reading literature to studying law and settled the next year in England.

As well as an outstanding author he was also a dramatist, travel writer and most passionately, a literary critic.  He advocated that all writers should be allowed the greatest possible freedom in presenting their view of the world. 

He became a British subject in 1915, a year before his death on 28th February 1916.

Table Of Contents

Julia Bride

Madame De Mauves

The Third Person

Henry James – A Biography

Julia Bride

She had walked with her friend to the top of the wide steps of the Museum, those that descend from the galleries of painting, and then, after the young man had left her, smiling, looking back, waving all gaily and expressively his hat and stick, had watched him, smiling too, but with a different intensity – had kept him in sight till he passed out of the great door. She might have been waiting to see if he would turn there for a last demonstration; which was exactly what he did, renewing his cordial gesture and with his look of glad devotion, the radiance of his young face, reaching her across the great space, as she felt, in undiminished truth. Yes, so she could feel, and she remained a minute even after he was gone; she gazed at the empty air as if he had filled it still, asking herself what more she wanted and what, if it did n’t signify glad devotion, his whole air could have represented.

She was at present so anxious that she could wonder if he stepped and smiled like that for mere relief at separation; yet if he wanted in such a degree to break the spell and escape the danger why did he keep coming back to her, and why, for that matter, had she felt safe a moment before in letting him go? She felt safe, felt almost reckless – that was the proof – so long as he was with her; but the chill came as soon as he had gone, when she instantly took the measure of all she yet missed. She might now have been taking it afresh, by the testimony of her charming clouded eyes and of the rigour that had already replaced her beautiful play of expression. Her radiance, for the minute, had ‘carried’ as far as his, travelling on the light wings of her brilliant prettiness – he on his side not being facially handsome, but only sensitive clean and eager. Then with its extinction the sustaining wings dropped and hung.

She wheeled about, however, full of a purpose; she passed back through the pictured rooms, for it pleased her, this idea of a talk with Mr Pitman – as much, that is, as anything could please a young person so troubled. It had happened indeed that when she saw him rise at sight of her from the settee where he had told her five minutes before that she would find him, it was just with her nervousness that his presence seemed, as through an odd suggestion of help, to connect itself. Nothing truly would be quite so odd for her case as aid proceeding from Mr Pitman; unless perhaps the oddity would be even greater for himself – the oddity of her having taken into her head an appeal to him.

She had had to feel alone with a vengeance – inwardly alone and miserably alarmed – to be ready to ‘meet’, that way, at the first sign from him, the successor to her dim father in her dim father’s lifetime, the second of her mother’s two divorced husbands. It made a queer relation for her; a relation that struck her at this moment as less edifying, less natural and graceful, than it would have been even for her remarkable mother – and still in spite of this parent’s third marriage, her union with Mr Connery, from whom she was informally separated. It was at the back of Julia’s head as she approached Mr Pitman, or it was at least somewhere deep within her soul, that if this last of Mrs Connery’s withdrawals from the matrimonial yoke had received the sanction of the Court (Julia had always heard, from far back, so much about the ‘Court’) she herself, as after a fashion, in that event, a party to it, would n’t have had the cheek to make up – which was how she inwardly phrased what she was doing – to the long lean loose slightly cadaverous gentleman who was a memory, for her, of the period from her twelfth to her seventeenth year. She had got on with him, perversely, much better than her mother had, and the bulging misfit of his duck waistcoat, with his trick of swinging his eye-glass, at the end of an extraordinarily long string, far over the scene, came back to her as positive features of the image of her remoter youth. Her present age – for her later time had seen so many things happen – gave her a perspective.

Fifty things came up as she stood there before him, some of them floating in from the past, others hovering with freshness: how she used to dodge the rotary movement made by his pince-nez while he always awkwardly, and kindly, and often funnily, talked – it had once hit her rather badly in the eye; how she used to pull down and straighten his waistcoat, making it set a little better, a thing of a sort her mother never did; how friendly and familiar she must have been with him for that, or else a forward little minx; how she felt almost capable of doing it again now, just to sound the right note, and how sure she was of the way he would take it if she did; how much nicer he had clearly been, all the while, poor dear man, than his wife and the Court had made it possible for him publicly to appear; how much younger too he now looked, in spite of his rather melancholy, his mildly-jaundiced, humorously-determined sallowness and his careless assumption, everywhere, from his forehead to his exposed and relaxed blue socks, almost sky-blue, as in past days, of creases and folds and furrows that would have been perhaps tragic if they had n’t seemed rather to show, like his whimsical black eyebrows, the vague interrogative arch.

Of course he was n’t wretched if he was n’t more sure of his wretchedness than that! Julia Bride would have been sure – had she been through what she supposed he had! With his thick loose black hair, in any case, untouched by a thread of grey, and his kept gift of a certain big-boyish awkwardness – that of his taking their encounter, for instance, so amusedly, so crudely, though, as she was not unaware, so eagerly too – he could by no means have been so little his wife’s junior as it had been that lady’s habit, after the divorce, to represent him. Julia had remembered him as old, since she had so constantly thought of her mother as old; which Mrs Connery was indeed now, for her daughter, with her dozen years of actual seniority to Mr Pitman and her exquisite hair, the densest, the finest tangle of arranged silver tendrils that had ever enhanced the effect of a preserved complexion.

Something in the girl’s vision of her quondam stepfather as still comparatively young – with the confusion, the immense element of rectification, not to say of rank disproof, that it introduced into Mrs Connery’s favourite picture of her own injured past – all this worked, even at the moment, to quicken once more the clearness and harshness of judgement, the retrospective disgust, as she might have called it, that had of late grown up in her, the sense of all the folly and vanity and vulgarity, the lies, the perversities, the falsification of all life in the interest of who could say what wretched frivolity, what preposterous policy, amid which she had been condemned so ignorantly, so pitifully to sit, to walk, to grope, to flounder, from the very dawn of her consciousness. Did n’t poor Mr Pitman just touch the sensitive nerve of it when, taking her in with his facetious cautious eyes, he spoke to her, right out, of the old, old story, the everlasting little wonder of her beauty?

Why, you know, you ’ve grown up so lovely – you ’re the prettiest girl I ’ve ever seen! Of course she was the prettiest girl he had ever seen; she was the prettiest girl people much more privileged than he had ever seen; since when had n’t she been passing for the prettiest girl any one had ever seen? She had lived in that, from far back, from year to year, from day to day and from hour to hour – she had lived for it and literally by it, as who should say; but Mr Pitman was somehow more illuminating than he knew, with the present lurid light that he cast upon old dates, old pleas, old values and old mysteries, not to call them old abysses: it had rolled over her in a swift wave, with the very sight of him, that her mother could n’t possibly have been right about him – as about what in the world had she ever been right? – so that in fact he was simply offered her there as one more of Mrs Connery’s lies. She might have thought she knew them all by this time; but he represented for her, coming in just as he did, a fresh discovery, and it was this contribution of freshness that made her somehow feel she liked him. It was she herself who, for so long, with her retained impression, had been right about him; and the rectification he represented had all shone out of him, ten minutes before, on his catching her eye while she moved through the room with Mr French. She had never doubted of his probable faults – which her mother had vividly depicted as the basest of vices; since some of them, and the most obvious (not the vices, but the faults) were written on him as he stood there: notably, for instance, the exasperating ‘business slackness’ of which Mrs Connery had, before the tribunal, made so pathetically much. It might have been, for that matter, the very business slackness that affected Julia as presenting its friendly breast, in the form of a cool loose sociability, to her own actual tension; though it was also true for her, after they had exchanged fifty words, that he had as well his inward fever and that, if he was perhaps wondering what was so particularly the matter with her, she could make out not less that something was the matter with him. It had been vague, yet it had been intense, the mute reflexion, ‘Yes, I ’m going to like him, and he ’s going somehow to help me!’ that had directed her steps so straight to him. She was sure even then of this, that he would n’t put to her a query about his former wife, that he took to-day no grain of interest in Mrs Connery; that his interest, such as it was – and he could n’t look quite like that, to Julia Bride’s expert perception, without something in the nature of a new one – would be a thousand times different.

It was as a value of disproof that his worth meanwhile so rapidly grew: the good sight of him, the good sound and sense of him, such as they were, demolished at a stroke so blessedly much of the horrid inconvenience of the past that she thought of him, she clutched at him, for a general saving use, an application as sanative, as redemptive, as some universal healing wash, precious even to the point of perjury if perjury should be required. That was the terrible thing, that had been the inward pang with which she watched Basil French recede: perjury would have to come in somehow and somewhere – oh so quite certainly! – before the so strange, so rare young man, truly smitten though she believed him, could be made to rise to the occasion, before her measureless prize could be assured. It was present to her, it had been present a hundred times, that if there had only been some one to (as it were) ‘deny everything’ the situation might yet be saved. She so needed some one to lie for her – ah she so needed some one to lie! Her mother’s version of everything, her mother’s version of anything, had been at the best, as they said, discounted; and she herself could but show of course for an interested party, however much she might claim to be none the less a decent girl – to whatever point, that is, after all that had both remotely and recently happened, presumptions of anything to be called decency could come in.

After what had recently happened – the two or three indirect but so worrying questions Mr French had put to her – it would only be some thoroughly detached friend or witness who might effectively testify. An odd form of detachment certainly would reside, for Mr Pitman’s evidential character, in her mother’s having so publicly and so brilliantly – though, thank the powers, all off in North Dakota! – severed their connexion with him; and yet might n’t it do her some good, even if the harm it might do her mother were so little ambiguous? The more her mother had got divorced – with her dreadful cheap-and-easy second performance in that line and her present extremity of alienation from Mr Connery, which enfolded beyond doubt the germ of a third petition on one side or the other – the more her mother had distinguished herself in the field of folly the worse for her own prospect with the Frenches, whose minds she had guessed to be accessible, and with such an effect of dissimulated suddenness, to some insidious poison.

It was all unmistakeable, in other words, that the more dismissed and detached Mr Pitman should have come to appear, the more as divorced, or at least as divorcing, his before-time wife would by the same stroke figure – so that it was here poor Julia could but lose herself. The crazy divorces only, or the half-dozen successive and still crazier engagements only – gathered fruit, bitter fruit, of her own incredibly allowed, her own insanely fostered frivolity – either of these two groups of skeletons at the banquet might singly be dealt with; but the combination, the fact of each party’s having been so mixed-up with whatever was least presentable for the other, the fact of their having so shockingly amused themselves together, made all present steering resemble the classic middle course between Scylla and Charybdis.

It was not, however, that she felt wholly a fool in having obeyed this impulse to pick up again her kind old friend. She at least had never divorced him, and her horrid little filial evidence in Court had been but the chatter of a parrakeet, of precocious plumage and croak, repeating words earnestly taught her and that

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