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The Psychology of Salesmanship
The Psychology of Salesmanship
The Psychology of Salesmanship
Ebook119 pages4 hours

The Psychology of Salesmanship

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About this ebook

The man in business has heard much of late regarding psychology in business affairs, and has read something on the subject. He understands that psychology plays a most important part in business, and that it is worth his while to acquaint himself with its fundamental principles. In fact, if he has thought sufficiently on the subject, he will have seen that the entire process of selling goods, personally, or by means of advertising or display, is essentially a mental process depending upon the state of mind induced in the purchaser, and that these states of mind are induced solely by reason of certain established principles of psychology. Whether the salesman, or advertiser, realizes this or not, he is employing psychological principles in attracting the attention, arousing the interest, creating the desire, and moving the will of the purchaser of his goods. This book shows you how to maximize your sales through the use of modern techniques of psychology.
Release dateApr 21, 2015

William Walker Atkinson

Wallace Delois Wattles (1860 - 1911) war ein amerikanischer Neugeist-Autor. Wattles behauptete, dass er durch sein persönliches Studium und seine Experimente die Wahrheit der Neugeist-Prinzipien entdeckt und sie in seinem eigenen Leben in die Praxis umgesetzt habe. Als praxisorientierter Autor ermutigte Wattles seine Leser, seine Theorien an sich selbst zu testen, anstatt sich auf sein Wort als Autorität zu verlassen, und er behauptete, seine Methoden an sich selbst und anderen getestet zu haben, bevor er sie veröffentlichte.

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    The Psychology of Salesmanship - William Walker Atkinson

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