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Tempting Jesus
Tempting Jesus
Tempting Jesus
Ebook65 pages52 minutes

Tempting Jesus

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The Root of the Trouble is Our Will. The struggle to surrender our will to God—to fight against self, selfishness, and self-preservation—is the fiercest battle that we will ever fight. The human will of Jesus was no different. It shrunk from God’s will as decidedly as ours. Without total submission to His Father, the fallen nature He inherited from Adam would have overcome Him as surely as it overcomes us.

This book portrays the battle Jesus fought each day on earth. It paints a picture of his tortured steps, a blueprint of the journey that each one of us must take back to God’s will. How do we win this war against our souls? Only a closer look at Jesus can show us how, a closer look explored within these pages.

PublisherBrent King
Release dateApr 21, 2015
Tempting Jesus

Brent King

Brent King is a freelance writer from Lake Oswego, Oregon. He works as a massage therapist and health consultant. Brent is a musician, a waterman, and has two sons, 20 and 23, who live in British Columbia, Canada. Brent's latest novel, The Fiercest Fight, will be published summer 2015. It is the first book in the Beast Crossing trilogy.

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    Tempting Jesus - Brent King

    Tempting Jesus

    Brent King

    Copyright © 2014 by Brent King

    All rights reserved.

    Edited by Melissa Gray,

    Cover design by Ronnell Porter,

    Manufactured in the United States for Bluewater Publications

    The human will of Christ would not have led him to the wilderness of temptation, to fast, and to be tempted by the devil. It would not have led him to endure humiliation, scorn, reproach, suffering, and death. His human nature shrank from all these things as decidedly as ours shrinks from them (Ellen White, Signs of the Times, October 29, 1894).


    We struggle throughout our lives with a dragon that will not let us go. Our desires are focused on ourselves to the exclusion of others, especially to the exclusion of God. We do our will, not God’s.

    Jesus came to break this curse and give us freedom from the slave of self. Even under extreme incentives of self-preservation, Jesus never relied on Himself, though constantly badgered by a human will that urged him to do so.

    How did Jesus do this? Since He was in all point tempted like as we are, did he have to fight every specific temptation that we do? For instance, did He have an urge to molest a child, as some fallen men do? No. In the wilderness, he faced every kind of temptation in the extreme, but these temptations were hard for Jesus to overcome because His struggle—a struggle greater than any of ours—was to resist His inclination to depend upon the divinity within Himself. (Luke 4:3)

    Make no mistake, when it came to sin, Jesus was different than we are. His fallen nature fought the inclinations of His divine self, while ours fights the inclination of our depraved selves. Though the things we struggle against are different, our common ground is the same fallen, faulty will. Christ’s will shrank from doing God’s will as decidedly as ours. This fallen nature haunted Jesus throughout his life on earth, culminating in the iconic battle in Gethsemane, where He finalized His decision with the thrice-spoken words, Not my will, but yours.

    This puts Jesus decidedly on the same ground as us. Our greatest need is to renounce self-dependence and trust fully in God. This was His struggle on earth as surely as it is ours.

    "Think of yourselves the way Christ Jesus thought of himself. He had equal status with God but didn’t think so much of himself that he had to cling to the advantages of that status no matter what. Not at all. When the time came, he set aside the privileges of deity and took on the status of a slave, became human! Having become human, he stayed human. It was an incredibly humbling process. He didn’t claim special privileges. Instead, he lived a selfless, obedient life and then died a selfless, obedient death—and the worst kind of death at that—a crucifixion" (Philippians 2:5-8 The Message).

    That God was willing to suffer the torment of our fallen nature, to experience a more difficult version of the same struggle that we face, is a reality hard for us to comprehend. In the following pages I have tried.


    The Roman official seized Joseph's last cent.

    This isn't enough, he said, not nearly enough.

    Sir, Joseph said, I don’t have any more. Give me more time, and I will pay you everything.

    The officer sneered.

    I think you do have more. His eyes shifted from Joseph to a weather warrior next to him. Marcus! Seize this man’s son. He will work for Rome until his debt is paid.

    Joseph fell to his knees. No! Not my son! Take me instead!

    The officer smirked at Joseph. Your son will do. Rome needs you here. Now escort these soldiers to your home. Next!

    Joseph hesitated, but the soldiers gripped their swords, and he knew he had no choice but to obey the command. They followed him through the streets to his home.

    Minutes later, soldiers stormed the door of Joseph’s house. It collapsed inward, startling Mary and Jesus to their feet.

    There he is!

    Joseph entered behind them, his face twisted and his hands tied.

    I have older sons who could serve Rome better.

    This son will do, the soldier said.

    He seized Jesus and slammed his mother against

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