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Seducing the Schoolmarm
Seducing the Schoolmarm
Seducing the Schoolmarm
Ebook116 pages2 hours

Seducing the Schoolmarm

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Ravage Galveston knew moving to Los Lobos wouldn’t be easy. He and his sibling have never had a pack. His gut tells him the Black Hills Wolves is the place for his gay twin brother and his wayward sister to thrive. Then he meets the town’s sexy little schoolmarm. How she manages to turn his entire life upside down, he has no clue.

For years, Adrie Scarlett taught at human schools. But when her need to shift increases, she must leave her old life behind and move to the Black Hills. Having always loved being a teacher, she decides to offer her abilities to the young Wolves of Los Lobos. She adjusts to her new life just fine...until a Shifter Mixed Martial Arts fighter Wolf strolls into her classroom.

When they meet, their Wolves recognize their mate. But will their human side allow their lust to burn into something everlasting or cause it to fade out?

Release dateApr 23, 2015
Seducing the Schoolmarm

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    Seducing the Schoolmarm - Mahalia Levey

    The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of a copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by fines and federal imprisonment.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Seducing the Schoolmarm

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2015 by Mahalia Levey

    ISBN: 978-1-61333-831-5

    Cover art by Fiona Jayde

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

    Published by Decadent Publishing Company, LLC

    Look for us online at:

    Black Hills Wolves Stories

    Wolf’s Return

    What a Wolf Wants

    Black Hills Desperado

    Wolf’s Song

    Claiming His Mate

    When Hell Freezes

    Portrait of a Lone Wolf

    Alpha in Disguise

    A Wolf’s Promise

    Reluctant Mate

    Diamond Moon

    Wolf on a Leash

    Tempting the Wolf

    Coming Soon

    Naming His Mate

    A Wolf Awakens

    Worth Fighting For

    The Wolf and the Butterfly

    Promiscuous Wolf

    Naming His Mate

    The Wolf and the Butterfly

    Also by Mahalia Levey

    Price of Defiance

    Satin and Steel

    Burn Me if You Can

    Tell Me No Lies

    Trading Up


    To the readers. Thanks for being such a great inspiration.

    Seducing the Schoolmarm

    Black Hills Wolves


    Mahalia Levey

    Chapter One

    Home, sweet home. Ravage Galveston grinned at his surly sister, Caress, and his younger brother by five minutes, Raze. He navigated Los Lobos land as they drove through the small town toward the house he’d bought.

    You have to be kidding me. There’s nothing here. Caress grunted. Why did we have to leave Colorado? I want to move back to the city. We were fine just the three of us. How can you force me to move to pack territory? Your final decision is not fair. I am an adult. I wanted to finish at Alder College. She huffed, flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder.

    Ravage opened his mouth. You—

    Where is civilization, the mall? the little blue-eyed darlin’ continued. I had friends back home. I’m twenty. You should’ve let me stay there. Trust I’d be fine on my own. What the hell were all my self-sufficiency lessons for?

    That’s enough, Caress. He flicked his irritated gaze in her direction. Good, at least she has the decency to back down and slump her shoulders. You’re my sister. The time has come for you to see what pack life entails. I’d rather you take classes online. For fuck’s sake, you were expelled. Since then, you’ve been out of control. Fighting in that underground women’s league. A non-sanctioned shifter’s arena at that. I don’t think you fully realize the ramifications of your actions. Trust is earned. In no way am I allowing you to attend a college where you won’t be completely safe or be able to let your Wolf run. Trouble finds you…or you find it. Remembering the cost of getting her out of the organized crime ring angered him all over again. Yeah, his sister’s inability to curb her impulses had cost them all dearly—but he’d never tell her. It wasn’t his job to worry her but to ensure her safety, which was worth every cent he had paid and favors he owed.

    Raze chuckled. Sis, you should know living alone with humans isn’t going to happen in this lifetime, no matter how many times you argue the point. Besides, we’ve stuck together since Mom and Dad died. Do you think big brother is really going to leave you to your own devices? Maybe when you’re mated. No, not even then.

    Ravage sighed. Caress probably possessed a minimal recollection of living with pack, or adhering to pack rules, as their parents passed away when she was eight. After her shenanigans at college, he’d had no recourse but to find them a place where she could grow into her Wolf and find a mate to curb her willfulness.

    "We’ve been over this, guys. You know I’ve been working on finding a good fit for us to put down roots. Finding a pack who accepts Raze as openly gay, and one that might have a way to keep you out of trouble, Caress. I’m tired of coming home from fights to find you embroiled in some mess. The latest…I thought I was going to have to kill the owner of the strip club for hiring you. You know better than to call attention to yourself. Having orders to follow from an Alpha will do you a world of good. And give me a much-needed break, a chance to breathe. You seem to have no issue finding loopholes with my rules, but, trust me, the same won’t happen here. There will be heavy consequences if you choose to ignore orders."

    You never let me have fun. And now we’re in the middle of nowhere. I think you enjoy making my life sheer hell. I mean, what are the chances Raze will find a mate out here? In what…population zilch? I seriously doubt there are many gay guys in this primitive land.

    Ravage tightened his hands on the steering wheel to prevent snatching her hair and bringing her to heel. One…two…three…. Although he wasn’t an alpha, he was a dominant male used to taking care of his family. Being a brother-slash-father wasn’t easy. The boundaries tended to blur. Maybe he should’ve spanked her more as a child. Four…five…six…. At times, she had no respect, and he hoped moving her into a community of their kind would change her attitude, putting reality in perspective for her. Seven…eight…nine

    Give it up, brother. Once she’s in a snit, she’s in it for the entire day. She’s goading you on purpose. Raze peered over his shoulder. Caress, leave well enough alone. We’re in our new hometown. You know there’s no going back. Deal. Trust me, you’ll be better off here than in another city. And quit bending the binding on my book. It’s a first edition.

    Reading is for the birds anyway. She rolled her eyes and slammed the hardback book closed.

    I found you a respectable job with the local teacher, Ravage threw in. You’ll begin as her assistant as soon as we’re settled in our new place. I’ve been assured the supplies needed to update our new home should’ve arrived already. Plus, I sent in your tuition fees for a few online courses to continue working on your degree. Luckily, you’ll be able to make the drive to Sioux City for any major exams you need to take.

    Teacher’s assistant? She snorted. The town looks old, run down. Is there even a grocery store? Sarcasm dripped from every syllable. Oh, look. At least there’s a bar. Maybe I can waitress. I’d rather serve people.

    The fuck you’ll work in a bar. Ravage gritted his teeth. You’ll work at the school because I’ve arranged the position to clean up your out-of-control, promiscuous image.

    You are not my goddamn father.

    Oh, shit, Raze growled.

    Ravage slammed on the brakes, bringing the truck and trailer to a jarring halt. Raze groaned as people walking down the street stopped to stare at the new arrivals. Ravage unclicked his seatbelt and twisted around, giving his petulant sister a glimpse of the Wolf riding along the edge of his skin. Caress. Enough. Ravage cut his gaze from hers, with the acerbic bark.

    What? I like feeling good. I like it a lot. I don’t see you censoring Raze and his string of lovers. Why are you singling me out? There is nothing wrong with me having a healthy sexual appetite. You see me as a little girl. Well, that isn’t my fault. You had no right to stop me from being with Tierney, forcing me to come with you. He wanted me to stay with him, and I wanted to.

    I’ve given you time to get used to the idea of moving away. No way I’d let you live with some punk who couldn’t keep a job. He raked his hands through his hair. Tierney didn’t possess a brain. He had no goals, no future. You think I’d leave you with some incompetent jackass? He snapped the last, letting out a derisive snort.

    Caress sighed. But—

    "I’m the head of our family. You answer to me, Caress Galveston. I. Do. Not. Answer to you." After refastening his seatbelt, he

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