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Undemocratic: How Unelected, Unaccountable Bureaucrats Are Stealing Your Liberty and Freedom
Undemocratic: How Unelected, Unaccountable Bureaucrats Are Stealing Your Liberty and Freedom
Undemocratic: How Unelected, Unaccountable Bureaucrats Are Stealing Your Liberty and Freedom
Ebook406 pages8 hours

Undemocratic: How Unelected, Unaccountable Bureaucrats Are Stealing Your Liberty and Freedom

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About this ebook

Jay Sekulow—one of America’s most influential attorneys—explores a post Obama landscape where bureaucracy has taken over our government and provides a practical roadmap to help take back our personal liberties.

Jay Sekulow is on a mission to defend Americans’ freedom.

The fact is that freedom is under attack like never before. The threat comes from the fourth branch of government—the biggest branch—and the only branch not in the Constitution: the federal bureaucracy. The bureaucracy imposes thousands of new laws every year, without a single vote from Congress. The bureaucracy violates the rights of Americans without accountability—persecuting adoptive parents, denying veterans quality healthcare, discriminating against conservatives and Christians for partisan purposes, and damaging our economy with job-killing rules.

Americans are bullied by the very institutions established to protect their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Our nation’s bureaucrats are on an undemocratic power trip.

But Sekulow has a plan to fight back. We can resist illegal abuse, we can reform a broken system, and we can restore American democracy. This book won’t just tell you how to win, it will show you real victories achieved by Sekulow and the American Center for Law and Justice.

Unless we can roll back the fourth branch of govern­ment—the most dangerous branch—our elections will no longer matter. Undemocratic is a wake-up call, a call made at just the right time—before it’s too late to save the democracy we love.
PublisherHoward Books
Release dateMay 19, 2015

Jay Sekulow

Jay Sekulow is widely regarded as one of the foremost free speech and religious liberties litigators in the United States, having argued twelve times before the US Supreme Court in some of the most groundbreaking First Amendment cases of the past quarter century. As chief counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), he is a renowned constitutional attorney, an international expert on religious liberty, and an acclaimed and distinguished broadcaster. Jay is a passionate advocate for protecting religious and constitutional freedoms with an impressive track record of success. His steadfast determination and commitment to protecting these freedoms is expansive with his work resulting in a lasting impact across America and around the world. He is a member of President Donald Trump’s legal team, and he is also a popular talk radio host and regularly appears on major media, including Fox News, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and other outlets.

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Undemocratic - Jay Sekulow



The Bureaucratic Blockbuster


One Day in May


America, Still Exceptional?


The IRS: At War with Conservatives


The IRS: Auditing Adoption, Breaking the Law


The VA: When Incompetence Kills


The Department of Justice—Making It Up as They Go Along


The Department of Justice—Permanently Rigging the Game


The EPA: The World’s Least Democratic Agency


The NLRB: Does Overreach Have Its Limits?


The Blueprint: Resist, Reform, and Restore


Resist: The Government Can Be Beaten


Accountability and Democracy: The Mandatory Elements of Reform


Restore or Perish



About Jay Sekulow



The first edition of this book was dedicated to my mother, Natalie Wortman Sekulow, because it was a hardback. That was a family reference.

I dedicate this edition not only to my mother, but also to her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. So they can live and thrive in a free America.



Hollywood could not have written a better script.

In fact, for more than twenty years, Hollywood has been stealing ideas from the soap opera surrounding the Clintons, with movies like Primary Colors and shows like Madam Secretary and The Good Wife. And who can blame them? It makes for great drama. If it weren’t happening in real life, before our very eyes, the recent saga of Hillary Clinton would seem too fanciful, too outrageous for the silver screen or our flat screens.

And yet, our inept, incompetent, corrupt, partisan, and bloated bureaucracy has enabled and empowered Hillary Clinton to carry on—protecting her from the level of transparency and accountability required of public servants on the other side of the political aisle.

Don’t believe me? Let’s examine the script.

It’s the story of how our bureaucracy blocks justice and the rule of law.

It features leading lady Hillary Clinton, who has had perpetual political power for more than three decades, as First Lady of Arkansas from 1983 to 1992; First Lady of the United States from 1992 to 2000; U.S. senator from New York from 2000 to 2009; U.S. secretary of state from 2009 to 2013; and 2016 candidate for the Democratic nomination for president of the United States.

It involves the Clinton Foundation, a global network of charities and other international work that received nearly $2 billion in donations from the world’s wealthiest people, foundations, and even foreign entities since its inception in 2001 at the end of Bill Clinton’s presidency.1 Many of the donors were the same ones that bundled money for both Clintons’ political campaigns. Other donors were foreign individuals, companies, or nations that cannot legally give to U.S. presidential campaigns, but definitely had a stake in U.S. economic and foreign policy decisions that affected their political and economic power.2

It’s a story that meets at the intersection of big government, big business, and the bureaucracy that entrenches them all. Billion-dollar decisions. Life-or-death conditions. Top-secret, classified information about U.S. national security interests, and the actions of our allies and enemies around the world.

And it all centers on a private email server widely reported to have been stored and operated out of a bathroom closet in a loft apartment in Denver, Colorado.3

The conflict at hand is not the location of the server itself, but the recklessness with which Secretary of State Clinton operated her email. And the story only gets worse. It’s not even a political issue—it’s a legal one. Hillary Clinton could have violated numerous civil and criminal laws that are intended to do one vitally important thing: ensure our government operates effectively in its most important obligation—keeping our nation secure and safe—which Hillary Clinton failed to do.

It’s a story too farfetched to believe. But it’s better than Hollywood. It’s real life.

Dereliction of Duty in an Era of Cyberwarfare

In the twenty-first century, technology allows us to communicate with anyone, from anywhere, on nearly any electronic device. But enemies of freedom frequently target technological infrastructures to wreak havoc and collect any personal and classified information they can. For example, in 2014, millions of Americans faced the hassle of compromised credit when online hackers accessed the records of everyone who used a credit card at Target or Home Depot over the course of several weeks.

And now, due to the recklessness of the Obama administration and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton—the chief diplomat in charge of national security for President Obama’s first term—our national security is at risk.

While retail hackers steal personal information and cost consumers the inconvenience of several hours, it’s minor compared to what hackers accessed when they breached the U.S. government’s Office of Personnel Management (OPM) database in late 2014.4

The OPM hack—allegedly led by the Chinese government5—stole personal information from more than 20 million Americans and U.S. officials, information that could, at best, lead to identity fraud and, at worst, endanger the lives of U.S. intelligence officers and assets around the globe by providing our enemies with a spy-recruiting database.6 The hackers were in our system for so long that it will take our government months to figure out exactly what was stolen.7

One of the victims was me. I worked for the U.S. Treasury Department in the IRS Chief Counsel’s office right out of law school back in the 1980s. One of my former colleagues recently told me that our personnel records from more than thirty-five years ago were among the files hacked.

Sadly, this hack is yet another example of how our federal bureaucracy is incompetent at best and downright corrupt and deceptive at worst.

Information released by the government about the OPM hack has been contradictory and full of lies—all in a desperate attempt to downplay what really took place. In the coming months we will discover more about who and what is responsible for this incredible incompetence but right now, the answers are not easy to come by.

This is why Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska asked OPM, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) if information was stolen from the military or intelligence community. What does it mean for our national security? How does the government plan to respond now? How is it going to deter future attacks? Again and again, his questions went unanswered.8 But these are the questions we must continue to ask and our federal government must answer. Unfortunately, they have an incentive to remain silent. The bureaucracy’s playbook prioritizes waiting out the ever-faster-spinning news cycle, assuming another scandal will pop up and new questions will be asked. They assume this scandal will simply drift out of the public’s consciousness.

Just as other agencies in our bloated bureaucracy evade direct questions about their operations, these departments continue to deflect and downplay this hack, which some are calling the 9/11 of cyberattacks.9 By not paying attention and not enforcing proper protocols, the administration left our most valuable assets—defense secrets and personal information—vulnerable.

It is against this backdrop that then–secretary of state Hillary Clinton used an unsecured, private e-mail server for classified and top secret State Department emails.

How is that even possible? How could our nation’s top diplomat, someone who has held power and security clearance for decades, make such a rookie and likely illegal mistake—one that could put our national security and millions of lives at risk?

The answer is simple: she is using our federal bureaucracy as partisan protection to ensure that a faux-inquiry is conducted instead of a full, thorough, and independent investigation.

How could the Department of Justice and the FBI possibly allow this when the stakes are so high?

Here’s how.

The Facts of the Case

The facts started to come to light when congressional investigations and various governmental transparency organizations and media entities made Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

Requests made under the FOIA, often described as the law that keeps citizens in the know about their government,10 along with congressional investigations, ensure that our government’s operations are efficient and effective in serving the will of the people. This is crucial to what our Founding Fathers envisioned for our nation. The process provides a transparency that is necessary for holding the government accountable to its citizens and safeguarding popular sovereignty in the United States.

We must not forget: information is vital so the people can rule. It positions the voting public to make informed decisions about which government officials should remain in power, which should be given the opportunity to rise to higher office, and which should be removed from authority once and for all.

So, congressional committees, media organizations, and public advocacy organizations asked the State Department for a wide range of documents related to Mrs. Clinton’s actions in office. The requests included:

• How decisions were made;

• How talking points were decided;

• How certain top aides to Hillary Clinton were allowed to serve in the State Department while also holding private sector jobs that could have raised conflicts of interest.11

Some of these materials were eventually given to congressional committees or gradually released through court order. But the documents were missing something vital: emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server. Not a single one was delivered.

It turns out that when the State Department was looking for the requested documents, it could not search the email account of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton.12

As the New York Times reported in early March 2014, because Secretary Clinton maintained a private server, it was shielded from State Department searches done in compliance with records requests—meaning the State Department couldn’t obtain emails housed there. This arrangement provided other benefits to Hillary Clinton as well. Whether the requests came from congressional committees or civil, criminal, or administrative proceedings, it meant Clinton and her lawyers could object on numerous grounds to any disclosure of the emails.13 And the State Department’s hands were tied because they had no way to access potentially classified and top-secret government data on her private server.

What did the State Department do? Did they enforce the rule of law? Did they demand that all state secrets be turned over immediately? Did they work with the Department of Justice (DOJ) to subpoena the email server to ensure national security and state secrets were protected and no laws were broken? No.

Instead, they issued a request to Secretary Clinton to turn over only the emails she was legally obligated to surrender, essentially allowing her aides, her lawyers, and who knows who else to sift through classified and top-secret material to determine what needed to be relinquished to the State Department and what could be deleted.14

Secretary Clinton and her spokespeople have repeatedly insisted none of the emails sent using her private server were classified when they were transmitted. Read that again. The former secretary of state—our nation’s top diplomat—asserted that no emails sent or received during her time traveling the world and conducting U.S. foreign policy were classified.15

Hard to believe, isn’t it? Do they really think the American people buy her assertions? Because they don’t.

And this raises another very important question: How does Hillary Clinton think she can get away with this?

I’ll tell you how. She believes the Obama administration’s State Department and the Justice Department would never dare fully investigate and, if applicable, indict her for breaking numerous civil and criminal laws.

In other words, Hillary Clinton is betting the bureaucracy will be on her side and that she will never have to be held accountable.

The scary and simple truth is, she may be right.

Here’s why. The bureaucratic and political machine to defend Hillary Clinton kicked into high gear. Her spokespeople and the State Department insisted that Secretary Clinton’s practice was not out of the ordinary, pointing to former secretary of state Colin Powell’s use of a personal email account as well. But new regulations passed in 2009 applied to Secretary Clinton and not Secretary Powell.16 Those regulations stated that any agency allowing employees to conduct official business on nonofficial email accounts had to ensure any records sent using private email systems are preserved in the appropriate agency recordkeeping system.17 Moreover, it is a fundamental principle of our legal system, and the rule of law, that potentially illegal activity unnoticed in the past does not justify illegal activity in the present.

Originally, in March 2015, Secretary Clinton said she had no intention of turning over the email server because she had already voluntarily handed in around fifty thousand pages of emails to the State Department, having deleted the rest and wiping them from the server because they were about personal matters such as wedding planning, yoga, and more.18

But then, at the end of July 2015, an internal government review found something important, and not that unexpected, among a small sample of emails Hillary Clinton had turned over to the State Department. The inspector general of the intelligence community concluded that at least four emails from her personal account contained classified information.19 Because of these findings, the inspector general referred the matter to the FBI’s counterintelligence division.

There are three levels of classified information regarding national security. The most recent order20 specifies that information whose release would cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security is classified TOP SECRET; information whose release would cause serious damage is classified SECRET; the lowest category of classified information currently in use is CONFIDENTIAL.21

For less than twenty-four hours, news reports alleged that there was an FBI criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton and the email server.22 But by the next morning, the Clinton machine alerted the New York Times and other publications that Hillary Clinton herself was not under inquiry and it was not actually a criminal investigation.23

The Wall Street Journal reported in July 2015:

As a result of the findings, the inspector general referred the matter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s counterintelligence division. An official with the Department of Justice said Friday that it had received a referral to open an investigation into the potential mishandling of classified information. Initially, a Justice Department official said Friday morning the investigation was criminal in nature, but the department reversed course hours later without explanation.

The department has received a referral related to the potential compromise of classified information. It is not a criminal referral, an official said.24

It seems the bureaucracy had come to Secretary Clinton’s rescue.

The investigation was ongoing. Information was still being collected. Emails were still being examined. How, then, could the Justice Department declare that the referral was not criminal in nature and instead only an investigation into potentially compromised classified material?

The FBI’s Role

In order to understand what happened, one must better understand the FBI’s authority.

A series of statutes and executive orders have established broad authority for the FBI to carry out investigations into not only criminal matters, but also threats to national security.

The FBI has a range of legal authorities that enable it to investigate federal crimes and threats to national security, as well as to gather intelligence and assist other law enforcement agencies;

The FBI has authority to investigate threats to the national security pursuant to presidential executive orders, attorney general authorities, and various statutory sources. Title II of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, Public Law 108-458, 118 Stat. 3638, outlines FBI intelligence authorities, as does Executive Order 12333; 50 U.S.C. 401 et seq.; 50 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.

This combination of authorities gives the FBI the unique ability to address national security and criminal threats that are increasingly intertwined and to shift between the use of intelligence tools such as surveillance or recruiting sources and law enforcement tools of arrest and prosecution.25

But this is where the bureaucracy comes into play.

It is the FBI’s job to conduct investigations into federal crimes and our national security. Because of the potential threat to national security, the Clinton investigation was referred to the FBI. Yet the DOJ—the executive agency that houses the FBI—continued to minimize the investigation while clearing Mrs. Clinton of any possible criminal wrongdoing.

Even as of October 2015, the Obama Justice Department continued to assert that the ongoing investigation does not involve Hillary Clinton herself, is not criminal in nature, and furthermore is merely looking into potential violations of handling classified information.

The Justice Department is lying.

Either that, or it’s conducting a faux-investigation with no intention of following the leads to their logical conclusions and prosecuting lawbreakers for violating civil and/or criminal laws.

It’s actions like this that prove the corrupt and unaccountable bureaucracy that is supposed to be responsible for enforcing our laws and maintaining fairness in our country. Instead this bureaucracy allows preferential treatment that undermines our Constitution and the very fabric of our nation.

But with each new development, the Obama administration has an increasingly difficult time justifying its ineptitude on this case.

In August 2015, Hillary Clinton finally turned over her email server to federal authorities.26 She had refused for months to do so, claiming it had been wiped clean of all personal emails. But the inspector general had subsequently contacted Congress and informed them that some emails contained top secret information.27 Certain reports indicated that some of this information potentially included satellite photos of North Korea’s nuclear program.28

Other sources have speculated that it could be data about U.S. drone strikes, undercover CIA agents, and any other number of highly sensitive topics.29 All classified—and potentially top secret—information. If Hillary knew she received and or sent these emails, then how could she have possibly said she never sent or received classified information through her private server?

There is only one reason Hillary eventually reversed course and handed over the supposedly wiped-clean server: she was given the option to turn it over voluntarily or else it would be subpoenaed. And yet the Justice Department still insisted there was no criminal investigation and Hillary herself was not being investigated. Meanwhile, as the State Department continued to examine and release more of Clinton’s emails, more of her lies were exposed.

She claimed that she started using the private server on March 19, 2009, but there are emails showing she used her private email address ([email protected]) as early as January 28, 2009.30

Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s chief of staff at the State Department, emailed classified information to a staffer at the Clinton Foundation in 2012.31 Team Clinton maintained its unconvincing talking point that the information was not classified at the time it was sent but was marked classified by the State Department years later.

This reveals yet another way Hillary Clinton is continuing to hide behind our bumbling bureaucracy. Individual agencies have the authority to deem materials classified at various points in time, with each agency having different levels of classification, unique processes for declaring items classified, and full independence to do so. Hillary Clinton and others are using this bureaucratic loophole, stating it’s simply too confusing to determine what is classified and when.

Unfortunately for her, being secretary of state means more than just flying around the world on foreign affairs business. Being secretary of state brings along with it responsibilities and legal obligations.

But Hillary Clinton has nothing to fear because the Obama administration’s Department of Justice is responsible for investigating and potentially prosecuting any legal violations. Which means that Mrs. Clinton has very little reason to fear she will ever face any indictments.

The Surrendered Server

By the end of September 2015, the number of the former secretary of state’s surrendered emails containing classified information totaled more than four hundred, with three of them marked secret because their subject matter involved discussions about the Iranian nuclear program.32 Other classified topics discovered in the emails ranged from the NATO intervention in Libya and WikiLeaks disclosures, to the Arab Spring movement.33

Then, in October 2015, the FBI expanded its probe to a second technology company responsible for maintaining Clinton’s private server.34

For the sake of our national security, we must know if these technology company employees had access to this classified and top-secret information without security clearance.

The FBI also seized four computer servers from the State Department headquarters to reportedly analyze how top-secret information was sent to Clinton’s email servers by State Department aides.35 Again, this was to determine if classified information passed through unsecured personnel and servers.

And not surprisingly, news reports in October 2015 revealed that Clinton’s private server itself was targeted by the cyberattacks originating in China, South Korea, and Germany.36

With each new development, it’s ever clearer that our national security was put at risk by Secretary Clinton’s private email server setup. While the FBI is reportedly inspecting, we can’t be confident that it’s anything but a faux investigation to keep voters at bay while the 2016 presidential election cycle gets under way. Just as the bureaucracy has stalled and delayed any efforts to get to the bottom of Lois Lerner’s emails and the IRS scandal discussed later in this book, the FBI, DOJ, and other bureaucratic branches seem to be doing whatever it takes to ensure limited fallout for Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Fortunately, we have both civil and criminal laws designed to punish individuals who put our national security at risk.

The Legal Case Against Hillary Clinton

As I’ve said all along, the question about former secretary Clinton’s emails is not a political issue. In fact, the only people with political bias are those preemptively declaring Hillary Clinton innocent without a thorough investigation. Yes, she is innocent until proven guilty, but far too many in the federal bureaucracy and the media have declared her innocent with no possibility of culpability whatsoever.

That is not how lawyers and lawmakers should act. They should stick to the facts, and then apply them to the law—where everyone is concerned.

Based on the facts, we must ask: Have any crimes been committed? Have any laws been violated? Should the Department of Justice and the FBI even be conducting a criminal investigation?

While there are at least a dozen regulations and laws that could be relevant as more facts come to light, we will focus on those statutes most connected to the facts presented above. As you’ll see, former secretary of state Clinton’s actions could be deemed felonious.

As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton’s private email server likely put our national security at grave risk. There are laws designed to defend such risks.

Leaders Must Follow the Law

There is a civil statute, more than half a century old, that all federal agency heads must obey. It’s intended to ensure proper recordkeeping of all government business for the purpose of transparency and accountability.

The Federal Records Act, 44 U.S.C. § 3101, was originally passed in 1950. It requires:

The head of each Federal agency shall make and preserve records containing adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and essential transactions of the agency and designed to furnish the information necessary to protect the legal and financial rights of the Government and of persons directly affected by the agency’s activities.37

The State Department itself made clear in 1995 that emails are considered records that must be preserved:

Another important modern improvement is the ease of communication now afforded to the Department world-wide through the use of E-mail. . . . All employees must be aware that some of the variety of the messages being exchanged on E-mail are important to the Department and must be preserved; such messages are considered Federal records under the law. (5 FAM [Foreign Affairs Manual] 443.1)38

In 2009, the National Archives codified a regulation that required any employees sending and receiving official emails using systems not operated by the agency to ensure those records were still preserved in the appropriate agency record-keeping system.39

If Hillary Clinton violated this law, civil suits in federal court could force public disclosure of her emails.

But the most significant concern is her potential criminal violation of numerous statutes designed to protect our national defense.

The top-secret information found in some of Hillary Clinton’s emails suggests that she violated 18 U.S.C. § 793. If Hillary Clinton knew, or should have known, that her private email server was not a proper place of custody for this information, then she committed a crime that could potentially indict her.

Statute 18 U.S.C. § 793 is intended to protect all information relating to our national defense. Violating this statute is a felony and carries with it fines and/or imprisonment for up to ten years.

(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense,

(1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or

(2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.40

Federal regulations (18 CFR 3a.11) define Top Secret as:

Top Secret refers to national security information or material

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