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Ebook53 pages42 minutes


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The rugged, muscular carpenter that came to fix Rose’s fence threatened to turn her world upside down. Once concerned only with keeping her struggling, independent animal afloat, she now finds herself distracted and thinking lustful thoughts about Johnnie. Their growing closeness sends him fleeing without a word. What will happen to Rose’s world now?

PublisherChrys N. Jay
Release dateApr 22, 2015

Chrys N. Jay

Moonlit walks, dreamy beaches, love notes and romance - this is what fuels the love stories Chrys N. Jay writes.

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    Rose - Chrys N. Jay


    by Chrys N. Jay

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2015 Chrys N. Jay

    Cover design by Lisa Olive

    Discover other titles by Chrys N. Jay:

    Alice’s Desire

    Jasmine: A Pocketful of Posies Series – coming soon

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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    Chapter 1

    A red tailed hawk drifted in circles, catching the thermals, rising higher above the meadow with each pass. Rose raised her hand to her brow and lifted her head to follow the hawk’s relentless search.

    Oh hell no! Not my cats, she muttered, more to herself than to the free spirit of the skies. Go find your own dinner – away from my kiddos. She kept her vigil, elbows resting on the wood framed gate until the bird soared to the north, where the snowcapped foothills formed a majestic background for the inhabitants of ‘Fur Babies Haven’.

    A sigh escaped her lips as she gazed at the hills before her, framed with an azure and fluffs of billowy white clouds. Oh to be up there, walking the trails, without a care in the world - except to not step on any copperheads, she thought wistfully. I’d especially enjoy it if there were a special someone walking with me to enjoy the scenery …

    Oh, snap out of it Rose Lynn Graham, she spoke aloud. What would my fur babies do if I were running around in nature and mooning like a lonely lover? I’m in this alone and I’ll be just fine by myself. Back to the salt mines girl. She turned and headed back towards the kennels, the cacophony of barks getting louder with each step.

    The sun was sinking down behind a mountain top as she left the sheltered pens and trudged to the single wide mobile home that served as an office for her shelter. With only eight dogs and six cats in residence right now she should have been finished long ago. Cleaning the pens and feeding took time to be sure, but it was the playing, petting and cuddling that consumed most of her time. They can’t be without love and human attention, she always justified.

    As she reached for the door know, a truck traveling up the gravel road made her stop. She turned to see who was driving up. She wasn’t expected any potential adoptees to stop by to look at the selection.

    A dusty red Ford came to a stop not far from her. The rugged looking driver, with tousled blond hair and sun drenched skin, sent a jolt of electricity coursing through her body. She didn’t know him, but boy howdy, she wished she did. He headed in her direction and she grabbed the porch rail as her knees weakened. He looked like he’d just stepped off the cover of Outdoorsman Magazine.

    Are you Rose? He stuck out his hand to shake.

    Her voice squeaked and she somehow uttered a meek, Yes.

    I’m Johnnie.

    Okay. Nice to meet you Johnnie. Her bewilderment must have shown on her face.

    Stan’s fence guy. We’re supposed to be starting on your fence repairs?

    Oh. Right. But I didn’t expect anyone until next week sometime.

    I wanted to stop by and take a look at what we’ll be doing first. I thought he was going to call and let you know. It must have slipped his mind.

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