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Safari- Animals Of the Serengeti: Wildlife Picture Book for Kids
Safari- Animals Of the Serengeti: Wildlife Picture Book for Kids
Safari- Animals Of the Serengeti: Wildlife Picture Book for Kids
Ebook53 pages

Safari- Animals Of the Serengeti: Wildlife Picture Book for Kids

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About this ebook

Let's face it. Children love looking at big, exotic wildlife that roam about the African Serengeti. Even if our young ones cannot get to Tanzania to see these amazing creatures in person, they can observe and learn all about them in books. Kids adore safari animals like the great elephants, giraffe, zebra, wildebeest, cheetahs and lions which all co-exist along these beautiful landscapes. A great book allows children to dream.
Release dateJan 4, 2015
Safari- Animals Of the Serengeti: Wildlife Picture Book for Kids

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