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Bad Behavior
Bad Behavior
Bad Behavior
Ebook430 pages5 hours

Bad Behavior

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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Grant Madsen's got issues. He's still battling his Mafia family and doing everything possible to keep his loved ones safe. With the cruising season coming to an end, he has to find another job soon or he'll rejoin his father in prison. And he's trying to convince his rebellious teenage nephew to stay away from their criminal relatives (you can imagine how that's going). But worst of all, Grant's parole officer has mandated that he attend therapy. The only saving grace is that they're couples sessions with his girlfriend, Sophie Taylor, a fellow parolee who's struggling with a few issues of her own. Sophie desperately hopes her past with Grant's brother won't destroy her future with him. There's a sleazy professor at work who revels in sexually harassing women in the psychology department. And her father still hates Grant. Their psychologist has his work cut out for him. When Grant's ruthless father hints at a plot to get out of prison, Grant must use everything he's learned in therapy and beyond to try to stop him. It's a race against time -- and a race to rescue Sophie from the Mafia's clutches once again. But this time McSailor and Bonnie refuse to play victims. This time the cuffs are coming off.
Release dateMar 8, 2011
Bad Behavior

Jennifer Lane

People fascinate the psychologist/author (psycho author) known as Jennifer Lane. Her therapy clients talk to her all day long about their dreams and secrets, and her characters tell her their stories at night. Jen delights in peeling away the layers to scrutinize their psyches and emotions. But please rest assured, dear reader, she isn't psychoanalyzing you right now. She's already got too many voices in her head! Stories of redemption interest Jen the most, especially the healing power of love and empathy. She is the author of The Conduct Series—-romantic suspense for adult readers—-and is currently at work on the third and final installment: On Best Behavior. Streamline is her first foray into writing for young adults, but she's found this sort of writing even more fun. A former college swimmer, Jen was able to put a lot of her own experiences into this book.

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Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Jennifer Lane’s BAD BEHAVIOR picks up right where On Good Behavior left off. If you haven’t read ON GOOD BEHAVIOR it is necessary to do so in order to understand why Sophie and Grant are in the position they are in.After Logan’s death and Carlo’s attack on Sophie and her friend, both Grant and Sophie attempt to leave the past behind. Both begin to attend regular sessions with Sophie’s psychologist, Dr. Hunter and with Hunter’s help they begin to overcome their own personal demons. While things begin to fall into place, they are dealt two unexpected blows. The first surrounds Grant’s nephew, Ben, and his attempt to keep him away from his Mafia family, but when Ben finds out what his father did to Sophie, Grant knows he has his hands full. The second is regarding Grant’s father, Enzo and he has a special request: to talk to Grant. Will Enzo finally leave his son alone or will Grant be forced to work for the family one more time?Ah, Grant how my heart breaks for you! Beta heroes can be hit or miss and Lane has given us a wonderful hero to cheer for. While some may view him as weak or dare I say call him a pussy, he’s not. I loved getting to know him in ON GOOD BEHAVIOR, but adored seeing his growth journey in BAD BEHAVIOR. Here we have a character that doesn’t need to change, but rather one who has to face his past and gather the courage to face his abuser. I cheered for Grant when he reads Enzo the riot act, but at the same time worry about what Enzo has in store for him. It’s Sophie that surprised me and I’m not sure what to think about her. I liked her in ON GOOD BEHAVIOR, but a few times in BAD BEHAVIOR she left me questioning her love for Grant. I won’t go into detail regarding what makes me think this because I don’t want to spoil things, but I was disappointed a few times in her even if she does realize her mistake early on.I debated with the rating between a three and four and in the end decided on a three for one particular reason. While Grant and Sophie live and attend therapy together, the majority of the story takes place in these theraphy sessions. There’s nothing wrong with that, but I missed the Grant and Sophie interaction outside those sessions. We also have some external scenes where Sophie is at work and dealing with a work situation that I don’t see what it had to do with the plot other than to showcase Sophie’s new job at the university and expand the storyline. Don’t get me wrong I liked that we didn’t have a couple rely on each other and they aren’t one of those sickening couples that need to be together 24/7, but as I mentioned I really missed the solo scenes with these together.Overall, I enjoyed BAD BEHAVIOR. Lane surprised me a few times especially with regards to Sophie’s father and it was refreshing to see Ben change his own behavior! I missed having more scenes with Roger and Joe, but in order to have character growth, I liked how Lane set things up. Just a quick note: there’s a lot of use and talk of psychology. This is very much Lane’s element and you can tell she’s comfortable with it. If you’re not too familiar with the history of psychology or its elements, you might feel a bit overwhelmed. Don’t let it affect your possible enjoyment and gloss over these scenes if you can.Fans of crime fiction will enjoy Jennifer Lane’s BAD BEHAVIOR. The final book in the series, ON BEST BEHAVIOR, is already available and I can’t wait to read it so I know how this series ends.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Bad Behavior by Jennifer Lane(Book #2: CONduct Series)Source: AuthorRating: 4½/5 starsBad Behavior, book two in Jennifer Lane’s CONduct series picks up just where book one, With Good Behavior ended. YAY!!! Grant and Sophie are still a very new couple and thanks to their parole officer, Jerry Stone (still love him!) the two are now attending couple’s therapy and their therapist, Hunter (love him too!) has a crush on Grant. What could possibly go wrong there, right?For Grant, therapy is just one more stress in his already stressful life. He is still in fear of his mafia family trying to pull him back into the fold, he is fearful his family may try to hurt Sophie yet again, his nephew, Ben is struggling after the loss of his father and, the cruising season is nearly over which means Grant needs to find another job or return to prison. The bright light in Grant’s life is Sophie and even though they struggle from time to time, Grant is committed to keeping Sophie and being the best man he can possibly be for both himself and for her. Aaww Unfortunately, therapy is stirring up all kinds of emotions in Grant that are in turn causing him to act out in some truly uncharacteristic ways. Sophie is still working at the university as a professor and is slowly adjusting to her new life. She is making a few new friends on campus but is also running into reminders of her past. Dr. David Alton is a dashing man whose classes Sophie enjoyed almost as much as she enjoyed crushing on the professor. Things did not end well between the two and running into Dr. Alton is not something Sophie is at all looking forward to. On a more personal level, Sophie is still trying to repair her relationship with her father and work through her feelings about her past relationship with Grant’s brother, the man who sent her to prison. Thanks to couple’s therapy, Sophie gets to do all this soul-searching with Grant right by her side. Though this sounds like an ideal situation full of built-in support, Grant has no idea Sophie actually shagged his brother. What could possibly go wrong here?With the turn of nearly every page, it seems as if Grant and Sophie are hit with yet another mess they have to find a way to deal with. Grant and Sophie truly live by when it rains, it pours but luckily, both have figured out that it is more than OK to ask for help. Thank goodness because the drama is just beginning. As Grant expected, his family once again comes calling and enlists Grant, with some seriously uncool persuasion, to help them bust Grant’s dad out of prison. Seriously?? The man went to prison for killing a kid!! As unbelievable as this twist may seem, it totally works with the story and all of the characters. This part of the plot line is one of the gems of this read and Lane beautifully pulls together all kinds of people and events in order to make this work. The Bottom Line: Loved it!!! The two complaints I had about the first book, Lane totally eliminated from this read and it really improved the overall quality of the read for me. Even with all the crap he is dealing with, Grant has toughened up significantly and truly begun to deal with his past so that he can improve both his present and his future. On the flip side, I wavered where Sophie is concerned this time around. She has some really great moments of strength (her run in with Dr. Alton!) but also has some serious wimp moments that caused some disappointment for me. To be fair, I fully appreciate that Sophie is a work in progress and I still really like her; I just need her to follow Grant’s example and toughen up a little bit more. I like that Lane brought back some of the minor characters from book one (Hunter, Jerry, and Sophie’s dad) and further developed them as more significant characters. The dialogue is still sharp and often quite witty and the plot is entertaining as well as interesting. Overall, Lane provides a fine read with an ending you are not going to believe!! I am now fully and completely ready for book three, On Best Behavior.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Sophie and Grant are the perfectly imperfect couple. Or is it imperfectly perfect? Either way, they are captivating together. They both come into the relationship slightly damaged and with lots of baggage. As they work through their issues in couple therapy, we see their vulnerabilities and their strengths.I loved the tidbits of psychology sprinkled throughout. There are scenes here that many people, single and married, will be able to relate to on various levels. While the heart of this story is romance, there is plenty of suspense and intrigue to keep things interesting. Grant's criminal family isn't about to let him go too easily.Bad Behavior is the second book in Lane's CONduct series and picks up where With Good Behavior left off. While this one could be read as a stand-alone, I'd suggest starting with the first book in order to get a full understanding of Sophie and Grant's relationship.

Book preview

Bad Behavior - Jennifer Lane

1. Concession

He was trembling like a loose-footed sail in a sudden sea squall.

Grant sat in the psychologist’s waiting room fighting the urge to jiggle his thigh, tap his fingers on his knee, and nervously clear his throat. Perched next to him, Sophie pretended not to notice his anxiety. She too had been apprehensive when she’d sat in this very waiting room before her first appointment.

Though it had been a lighthearted jab yesterday—questioning why her boyfriend hadn’t also been mandated to attend therapy—Sophie rued opening her big mouth to their parole officer. Jerry Stone had consequently ordered Grant into counseling as a condition of his parole, then decided they might as well make it couples counseling. Now Sophie wondered what she’d gotten them in to—and if they’d survive. She didn’t need her keen psychological insight to discern that therapy was a frightening prospect for the tall, handsome man next to her.

A soft sling secured her left arm uselessly at her side, but she reached out to place her right hand on Grant’s thigh. I’m nervous too, she admitted, looking into his gorgeous light-blue eyes and finding a flash of embarrassment there.

"Why are you nervous? he asked. You used to do this stuff for a living."

She offered him a wistful smile. It’s easier to be on the other side of the couch. Gently squeezing his knee, she added, "I’m also worried because Hunter might not agree to see us as a couple. He’s never met you before. I know what a great guy you are, but Hunter may take… she glanced down at her shoulder sling …some convincing."

Grant grimaced. It was his fault Sophie had been shot by his cousin Carlo, and he’d never forgive himself. The sling over her left shoulder was a constant reminder of his family’s destructive power.


A confident male voice interrupted Grant’s self-recrimination. He glanced up to see a solidly built blond man striding into the waiting room, his generous smile quickly fading once he caught sight of Sophie’s arm sling.

Grant gallantly guided Sophie to a standing position. As the three stood facing each other, Grant realized Hunter was about the same height as his girlfriend—five foot nine—providing Grant a four-inch advantage over them both.

What on earth happened? Hunter asked Sophie, his inquisitive eyes inevitably turning toward the strange man at her side. Grant hovered over her like a protective clansman.

Sophie gave a nervous laugh. We have a lot to catch up on, I’m afraid. Um, Hunter, may I introduce you to Grant Madsen? Her eyes darted to her boyfriend’s stiff expression. Grant, this is Dr. Hunter Hayes.

The two men shook hands, appearing to size each other up. Hunter found himself momentarily entranced by the crystal eyes studying him, and the fit of the man’s long fingers in his strong handshake further enthralled him.

Grant took in the psychologist’s stylish, self-assured bearing and felt a twinge of jealousy. Sophie had been meeting privately with this man for almost two months? He wasn’t sure how he felt about that, even though Sophie had assured him Hunter was gay.

An awkward silence descended over them as Hunter seemed a bit mesmerized and Grant a bit wary.

Should we head back to your office? Sophie asked.

Please, yes. Hunter nodded, snapping out of his daze. He gestured for the couple to walk ahead of him—Sophie knew the way—and he felt himself blushing. He’d never experienced such an instant attraction to a client before.

Grant led Sophie to the sofa, Hunter grabbed her chart off his desk, and the three sat down. Grant could not take his eyes off of the beautiful aquarium set into the wall.

Observing his stare, Sophie said, The aquarium’s just as awesome as I said it was, huh?

Grant nodded. Very impressive.

Hunter smiled. So, Sophie, your phone message said you were bringing Grant with you to today’s session. Do you want to tell me why? And about how you hurt your arm?

Those stories are kind of related, actually, she responded, wincing. Glancing at Grant, she took a deep breath. Jerry ordered us to get couples counseling as a condition of our parole. We’d like to start today.

Noticing that the male half of the couple remained silent, Hunter aimed a quizzical look at Sophie. You want to change your individual therapy to couples therapy?

Yes. Sophie bit her lip.

Hmm. The potential problem, Sophie, is that I’ve already seen you individually for five sessions. I know you fairly well, but I don’t know Grant at all. It’ll put him at a disadvantage when I have to pick on one of you, as sometimes happens in couples work. It’ll be harder for me to take Grant’s side.

Sophie nodded, having known Hunter might make this argument. However, she also knew how freaked out Grant was about the counseling thing, and it would be even harder to start with a new psychologist.

Grant interjected, That’s okay—I’m used to it, sir.

Hunter felt instantly uncomfortable being referred to as sir but Sophie had mentioned that Grant was once in the Navy. And a therapy session was about the client’s needs, not the psychologist’s, so Hunter simply accepted the respectful address. He tilted his head to one side, peering at Grant. You’re accustomed to people not taking your side?

Grant nodded. Sophie’s dad pretty much hates me. My own father hates me too.

Feeling the self-loathing roll off the parolee, Hunter studied him sadly. But you deserve to have people on your side, he said.

Grant dutifully responded, Yes, sir.

Sophie stepped in. Hunter, would you be willing to hear what’s happened in the past week before deciding whether to take us on as a couple? Maybe then you’ll understand, um, how important Grant is to me.

Sophie’s face reddened with that admission. Hunter watched Grant squeeze her hand.

One thing you undoubtedly want to catch me up on is the murder of Logan Barberi, Hunter said. I saw that on the news.

As expected, Sophie’s brown eyes widened at the mention of the mobster who’d put her in prison, but Hunter was surprised to see Grant’s face fall. He squinted at Grant, wondering why he seemed upset about a Mafia capo dying.

Yes, Sophie rasped, attempting to steady her voice. That was the beginning of everything going wrong. Well, actually our descent into hell began when Logan showed up at Grant’s apartment.

Hunter turned to Grant, eyebrows raised. Logan came to your apartment? Why?

Grant let go of Sophie’s hand and tightly laced his fingers together in his lap, slowly raising his eyes to level his gaze with Hunter’s. He’s my brother.

Hunter’s eyes bugged out. "Logan Barberi’s your brother?"

Yes, sir.

Turning back to Sophie, Hunter stammered, Did—did you know about that?

She smiled wryly. Not until Logan came a-knocking that night.

"We didn’t know, Grant blurted defensively. We had no idea about our connection. The pact—"

The dumbass pact you made not to discuss your pasts, Hunter supplied knowingly.

That’s the one. Sophie chuckled, and Hunter took it as a good sign that she wasn’t having a nervous breakdown. So, naturally I was kind of upset when I found out Grant was related to Logan. She swallowed hard. I ran out of there and— she looked apologetically toward Grant —I said some awful things.

I deserved them. Grant hung his head low.

How, um, how are you his brother? Hunter asked. You have different last names?

My mom died when I was a kid, and her brother—my uncle, Joe Madsen—he adopted me, Grant said. A look of anguish crossed his strong features. Because my father was serving a life sentence at Gurnee.

So both parolees had lost their mothers? Hunter recalled Sophie sharing how her mother had died of a heart attack while she was in prison. He also remembered Sophie’s story about a therapy session she’d had with Logan in which he disclosed how his father had mercilessly beat him and his brother.

Hunter sat up with a start, blinking at Grant. Your father abused you?

Grant’s olive skin paled, and he reeled back on the sofa as if he’d been hit. Then he whirled to face Sophie, his voice accusing. You told him?


She told me about your father beating Logan, Hunter gently explained. I figured you got hit too.

Grant’s face was on fire with shame. He swiftly stood, looking like he was going to bolt from the room, but instead he strode to the corner and began pacing while he alternated wringing his hands with jamming them in his jean pockets.

I’m sorry, Sophie choked out.

Hunter observed them with a studied gaze. Grant reminded him of a caged animal, and he didn’t seem like one to share his family’s secrets. It would likely be some time before he’d be comfortable enough to disclose what had happened between him and his father.

Grant, Hunter calmly began, I apologize for rushing things—that was my bad. We’ll go at your pace here; you don’t have to talk about anything you don’t want to, okay? Would you be willing to take a seat? I promise to be more careful.

Grant halted his pacing and reluctantly returned to the sofa, emitting a long sigh.

What are you thinking? Sophie softly asked him. She hoped he wasn’t angry with her.

I’m thinking…I’m thinking both of you know more about Logan than I do. He exhaled loudly. I never got to know my brother—he wouldn’t allow it. And now he’s gone.

Oh, Grant, she cried, taking his hand in hers and stroking it softly. His grief made her heart ache.

Hunter mulled over what Grant had said. Was it possible Sophie knew Logan on a deeper level than his own brother? Did Grant realize the full extent of Sophie’s knowledge? Like, for example, that she knew Logan in the biblical sense?

Wanting some answers, he asked, So, when did Logan come to your apartment? Logan had obviously been alive then—his visit must have occurred before Thursday.

Last Wednesday. Sophie cooked me a delicious dinner that night.

And then what happened?

Logan and I—

I walked around—

The pair both spoke at once, then chuckled, and the tension in the room dissipated slightly.

Ladies first, Grant offered.

Thank you. After I found out they were brothers, I thought Grant was working some kind of con on me, just like Logan, said Sophie. I was…devastated. I walked around the city for hours and finally landed on my father’s doorstep.

Hunter quirked one eyebrow. He’d been encouraging Sophie to contact her father from day one. And how did he react?

It’s a good thing I followed your advice, Sophie replied, allowing Hunter to relax. My dad took me in, and we talked through a lot of stuff. He doesn’t blame me for Mom dying after all. He just couldn’t see me because I remind him too much of her.

Grant stared at Sophie, evidently hearing this information for the first time.

But it’s still not great between us. I’m not sure about having my dad back in my life because he’s been a total jerk to Grant.

The look of resignation on Grant’s face continued to communicate his low self-worth.

"And what happened to you after Logan’s surprise visit?" Hunter prompted.

Grant appeared uncomfortable. I, well, I kept asking Lo how he knew Sophie, and he finally admitted she was his psychologist. The judge forced him into counseling after the Great Lakes thing.

Great Lakes? Sophie repeated curiously.

The robbery— Grant stopped, realizing Sophie had no idea Logan had coerced him to rob the Navy bar near the base. As they attempted to tell their stories to Dr. Hayes, it suddenly felt like they hardly knew each other.

I’ll tell you about that later, Grant promised. "Anyway, I was so mad at Logan for ruining Sophie’s life, but the kicker was he didn’t even know what he did. He didn’t have a clue she went to prison because of him."

Sophie’s lips parted. He didn’t?

Grant felt even more anxious with both psychologists’ piercing gazes on him. Clearing his throat, he replied, Logan went into hiding, and he had no idea about the fallout from stashing the guns and the money in your office. He didn’t even know you’d lost your license.

Sophie’s mouth hung open as she absorbed this information. She’d been furious with Logan for abandoning her, leaving her to deal alone with his mess, but she’d never considered that his betrayal might not have been entirely premeditated.

Grant continued, Uh, like I said, I was really mad at Logan, and we sort of got into a fight after Sophie left.

Hunter nodded. That explained the yellowish tinge on Grant’s cheek—the remnants of a bruise.

Grant glanced at Sophie and then looked down. I wanted to hurt him just like he hurt you.

What happened next, Grant? Hunter prompted.

I told Lo to l-l-leave… Grant’s voice faded and his stomach clenched with guilt. I told him I wished he was dead.

Hunter observed his shamefaced expression. Did he leave?

Grant tightened his fists and took a shuddering breath, attempting to stuff down his guilt. Yes, sir. Um, the next morning I went to see Officer Stone—our PO. I’d been up all night, and I didn’t know what else to do. I guess I needed to talk to somebody who knew the whole story. The day before, Officer Stone saw pictures of me at the Barberi compound for my nephew Ben’s birthday party, and he told me I should tell Sophie who I really was.

Grant paused and shook his head. It was some kind of miracle that Sophie now knew the truth and was still by his side.

Grant tried to tell me that night, Sophie quickly added. He tried to tell me his family was Mafia. But I wanted to be honest with him first, so I explained how I got arrested.

Hunter took in this information, wondering if Grant really would have come clean if not for Logan showing up unannounced.

Sophie resumed the story. The next morning I went to Roger’s ship to resign, and I, um, I ran into Grant. They exchanged a painful glance, recalling her fear at the sight of him.

This was Thursday, right? Hunter asked, receiving nods in return. The day Logan was murdered? More nods. Have they found his killer?

We’ll get to that, Sophie promised wryly. Neither of us knew Logan was dead until Friday, when Marilyn—Detective Fox—interviewed us about it. We were both suspects.

Opening his eyes wider, Hunter questioned, They thought one of you killed him?

Yes, sir, Grant confirmed. Particularly me, since they found his, um…they found Logan at Great Lakes, where I was formerly stationed. My cousin Carlo tried to pin the murder on me.

Sophie inhaled sharply. That bastard!

Who’s Carlo? Hunter looked confused.

We’ll get to that too, Sophie responded. She couldn’t believe so much had happened since the last time she’d seen her psychologist. Right after I discovered Logan and Grant were related, I decided I didn’t want to see Grant ever again, Sophie said. But then I found out Logan died, and I was really worried about how Grant would take it. I snuck out of my dad’s house to attend the funeral on Sunday.

Thank you, Grant said softly.

She nodded. I’m glad I went—not only for you, but for me too. I figured it would be a way to try to get some closure after what Logan did to me.

Hunter felt her staring at him, looking for confirmation from her therapist, and he supplied a small nod. He was too blown away by their story to act very therapeutically at the moment.

After the funeral, my cousin Carlo, uh, Carlo Barberi, came to my apartment. Grant glanced at Sophie with a look of shame. He told me I had to join the family or he’d kill Sophie.

The weight of his words hung heavily in the air between them.

Grant resumed, Carlo took Sophie’s note from the fridge—the one with Kirsten’s address on it.

"That’s how he found us! Sophie exclaimed. I was so stupid to write down my address."

"I was so stupid to post it in plain sight," Grant countered.

Typical post-trauma behavior, Hunter noted. So easy to second-guess after the fact. Carlo came to Kirsten’s? he prompted.

Sophie nodded. He held a gun on Kirsten and me, demanding the money I’d turned over to the police. He wanted me to go to my dad to get it.

Hunter had the sense they were nearing the part of the story that explained Sophie’s sling.

Grant seemed too tense to speak, so Sophie continued. Grant showed up, and Carlo was yelling at him to get on his knees, but he wouldn’t do it, and then suddenly I knew.

You knew what? Hunter was captivated.

I knew Carlo was Logan’s killer.

"He was?"

Grant suddenly found his voice. He was. He tried to deny it, but I could see it on his face. His clear blue eyes darkened. I wanted to rip him apart, and I started toward him when he… Grant gulped …he shot Sophie.

Hunter sat back in his chair, trying to absorb this incredible story.

Sophie watched his reaction carefully. I’ll be okay, though, she offered. I get out of the sling in a couple of weeks, before classes start at DePaul. I should be okay to teach.

Wanting to ask what in the world it felt like to be shot, Hunter was stymied when Grant jumped in to carry on the story.

After Carlo shot Sophie, he, uh, got me down on the floor. I was just waiting for him to kill me. Kirsten made a diversion, and I, um, I tackled Carlo. We wrestled for the gun…and…and it went off. I shot him. His voice lowered to barely above a whisper. I killed him.

Recognizing the far-off look of dissociation, Hunter was pretty sure the man on the sofa was experiencing an acute stress reaction, possibly post-traumatic stress disorder. Grant surely needed his help.

He saved my life, Sophie said, patting her boyfriend’s long leg. Her touch appeared to bring Grant back to the present, and he gave her a mournful look. They arrested him, she added grimly, but it was obviously self-defense so they settled on an additional year of parole.

An additional year of counseling, looks like, Grant said, not looking forward to the prospect in the least.

Hunter sighed loudly and tried to make sense of the multitude of thoughts careening in his brain. How do you know your family won’t pursue you again?

Uncle Joe talked to Uncle Angelo, and he promised not to come after me.

"Do you really trust the word of Angelo Barberi?" The media footage of a triumphant Angelo exiting the courthouse, cleared of extortion charges by his high-priced attorneys, flashed through Hunter’s mind.

I don’t know Uncle Angelo all that well, Grant admitted. But he’s my father’s brother, and my father supposedly always keeps his word. That’s how he rose to Don.

There was a silence in the room before Hunter muttered, Hmm, I don’t know about this.

Sophie and Grant warily watched Hunter struggle with the decision—their time was almost up.

One thing I told Grant, Sophie said, taking his hand in hers once again, "is the reason I didn’t figure out that he and Logan were brothers. Although they looked alike, there’s no similarity in what kind of men they were on the inside."

Sophie paused, thinking about what Grant had revealed: Logan hadn’t known that hiding guns and money in her office had led to such trouble for her. Maybe Logan wasn’t the evil character she’d made him out to be.

Shaking these thoughts out of her head, Sophie returned to her argument. Grant’s a good man, Hunter, and I know you’ll discover that too if you see us for couples counseling.

Thinking of Sophie’s history with inappropriate partners—bad boys and older men—Hunter gazed suspiciously at Grant. Was he running a con on her? She was obviously infatuated with the dark-haired Italian next to her, despite what she risked simply by being with him. Hunter decided then and there to take them on as a couple. It would be the only way to keep an eye on potential evildoings of the Barberi clan—the only way to keep Sophie safe. What was the saying? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Hunter felt a tendril of unease crawl up his spine. This Mafia family was already infiltrating his thoughts.

I’ll give it a try, Hunter pledged. But if I believe my objectivity’s compromised in any way, I’ll have to refer you to another psychologist.

That’s fair. Sophie nodded gratefully. See you next week?

See you then, Hunter said as they all stood.

Thank you, Dr. Hayes.

Shaking Grant’s hand, Hunter dared to look into those arresting eyes, which appeared just as compelling as they had at first glance. The psychologist was in for quite a ride with these two. He could feel it already.

2. Conditions

A sense of calm settled over Grant once he caught a glimpse of the gleaming ship swaying gently near the docks of the Chicago River. Therapy, emotions, secrets, family—he had no idea how to deal with all of that, but ships…well, ships he could handle. The architectural cruise was his livelihood, his home.

Swinging his lanky body onto the deck, Grant surveyed the bar area amidships, grinning as he remembered Sophie serving drinks there all summer long. Now he missed her, but he had no one to blame but himself. He’d been the one to help her secure a teaching job in DePaul University’s psychology department, and he couldn’t deny how incredibly delighted she’d been upon taking the position. That look of joy was all he needed. He’d do anything to have that glowing excitement cross her features again. His singular focus now was performing kind, caring acts for the woman he loved. Her smile had replaced the need for screaming Navy superiors or grumpy bosses to compel him into action.

And where was his grumpy boss? By this time of the morning, Roger was typically cracking the whip over Grant’s nephew, Ben, the newest employee of Eaton Architectural Cruises. But the two were nowhere to be found. Shrugging, Grant decided to clean his work station. He leaped up the stairs to the bridge and then froze, shocked by the scene in front of him.

Roger was eating the biggest piece of deep-dish pizza known to humankind. The short, fat, foul-mouthed captain—supposedly on a diet after his heart attack earlier that summer—shoveled in the thick, greasy mass hungrily, swiftly, furtively. His jaws moved like a jackhammer, tearing into the cheese and crust like a lion snapping off a gazelle’s leg.

Step. Away. From. The Pizza, Grant ordered in a deep voice.

Roger halted mid-chew and stared up at his employee with a look of sheer mortification. Mahdschten, he mumbled guiltily, trying to swallow a massive wad of cheese.

Rog! Grant chided. What the hell are you doing, sir? You’re ruining your diet! You can’t eat that stuff!

Eyeing the open pizza box and dismayed to find the pieces already half-gone, Grant waited for his boss to gulp down his most recent bite.

Finally Roger could speak, and Grant tried to ignore the small piece of tomato wedged between his boss’s two front teeth. Don’t tell Joe?

The surly man’s meek plea and flushed cheeks surprised his employee.

Joe? Grant was confused. I can’t tell him—he’s probably out to sea by now. His uncle had returned to Norfolk to resume his duties on the USS Mahan. Why do you care if Joe knows you’re eating pizza?

He was so stoked about my weight loss. He was really impressed. I just want him, you know, to be…proud of me. It’s stupid.

Grant felt a stab of sympathy for his boss. He knew all too well the desire to make Joe Madsen proud. Ignoring the sinking feeling in his stomach as he remembered how thoroughly he’d disappointed his uncle, Grant asked, What happened? You were doing so well eating vegetables.

Fucking carrots, Roger muttered.

Grant stifled a grin. You don’t love Ms. Broccoli anymore?

Ms. Broccoli is a bitch.

Grant’s grin widened. Taking a sly step toward the calorie-laden pizza pie, he suggested, How ’bout I remove the temptation?

Roger instantly huddled over the box like a hyena protecting its meal, eyeing Grant suspiciously.

I know one starving teenager who could finish it off for you, Grant added.

At this Roger sat up. Where is that fucking kid? I haven’t seen him all morning.

Grant frowned. His therapy appointment had made him later than usual, and Ben should’ve been there by now. I’ll go look for him. Biting his lip, he gestured toward the pizza box. May I?

Sighing, Roger waved his hand dismissively. Take it, he grumbled, clutching his stomach. My gut’s about to explode now anyway. How the hell did I eat this shit every day?

Grasping the box, Grant stealthily moved away. Remembering what it had been like to work side by side with Rog during those early summer days when pizza was a major staple of his diet, Grant grimly predicted that the bridge would smell quite fragrant later today. And it wouldn’t be aromatic river scents either.

After a thorough search of the ship, Grant was concerned enough to head to the office to call Ben’s mother, Ashley, when he stopped short on the docks. He detected a sweet smell—one that made him think immediately of Logan. He was flooded by the memory of his brother’s brawny arms clutching him tight, and suddenly he was back at their mother’s funeral. He’d been twelve years old, and Logan’s jacket had smelled of sweet smoke, the exact scent greeting Grant’s nose now. Shaking his head a few times to clear it, Grant walked toward the corner of the building to investigate.

He rounded the corner and pursed his lips disapprovingly. As expected, he found the source of the smell: some teenager smoking a joint. The boy exhaled a puff of smoke, and when the haze cleared, Grant gaped.

Ben! he snapped.

The teenager’s unfocused eyes widened once he noticed his uncle glaring at him. He swiftly dropped the joint and tried to appear angelic.

Yo, Uncle Grant, he rasped, stomping on the tossed-aside roach. Grant stared at him, slack-jawed. Don’t, um, don’t tell Mom or Joe, ’kay?

This was the second person in five minutes to beg him not to rat out their misbehavior to his uncle.

What does Joe have to do with this? Grant asked, again.

He didn’t tell you?

Tell me what?

Ben was taken aback. Great Uncle Joe had turned out to be pretty cool after all. He’d kept quiet about catching Ben with marijuana once before. Nothin’.

A crease formed on Grant’s forehead. You—you can’t smoke pot on the job, Ben! Mr. Eaton will fire you if he catches you.

So? Ben challenged, defiantly jutting out his jaw. This job sucks balls anyway.

Grant felt his face flush with sudden anger. How dare this sixteen-year-old give him punk attitude? Joe had taken a risk by securing him job, just like he had with Grant, and Ben showed total disrespect. Trying to keep his voice even, Grant asked, "You want to get fired, then?"

Ben folded his arms across his chest. I don’t care.

Grant studied his nephew. Despite his feigned nonchalance, the boy’s voice warbled with emotion, and it seemed like he did care. Calling his bluff, Grant extended his arm, beckoning him with a curl of his fingers. C’mon, then. Let’s go tell our boss you quit.

Ben’s eyes flashed worry. Um, maybe not right this second? Maybe I’ll quit later.

"Ben, what’s going on? Do you want this job or not? Because if you want it, you’re not doing a good job of showing it."

Hearing his uncle’s disappointment, the boy felt a tightening in his stomach. I don’t care, damn it! He’d hoped that, of all people, his uncle would understand him, but Grant was all up in his grill just like the other adults. Nobody understood him; he was entirely alone. His bottom lip trembled though he remained silent.

Grant observed emotions swirling like wispy clouds in the teenager’s sky blue eyes, and he wished he could help him. Sighing, he crossed in front of Ben and leaned his back against the brick wall, standing quietly beside the boy.

You know what I thought of when I smelled pot from around the corner?

Ben’s sullen expression showed a hint of intrigue. What?

Grant looked down. Your dad.

The younger Barberi’s breath hitched; the stinging loss of his father was still quite raw.

Grant continued. He used to smoke a lot when he was your age. His lips pressed together. Uncle Joe was really mad at Uncle Angelo for not stopping Logan—for not getting him some help. And then Logan got busted for selling drugs, and he went to juvie. He was just a little older than you are now.

The warning in his words wasn’t lost on Ben, and he cautiously asked, What’s juvie like?

Rubbing his jaw thoughtfully, Grant ventured, Probably not much better than adult prison, Ben. He sighed. I think…well, I think juvie made your dad kind of…hard. He changed. He… A slight tremor entered his voice. I miss the old Logan, you know? I don’t want that to happen to you.

Ben’s eyes filled with tears that he furiously blinked away. He felt a throbbing ache any time there was mention of his father, and he hated that internal weakness. With thoughts of funerals, juvie, and prison floating in his mind, he asked, Uncle Grant? Um, Carlo said…Carlo said that you, um, you went crazy in prison?

Grant clenched his jaw, furious to hear the name of Logan’s killer, then averted his eyes. He hadn’t talked about his shameful descent into madness with anyone, and he rued his nephew’s directness. After studying his hands for a few moments, he quietly admitted, Yeah. I did. Feeling the palpable heaviness between them, Grant gave a long sigh.

So I have a whack-job uncle?

A slight grin tugged at the corner of Grant’s mouth. Something like that.

Spurred on by his uncle’s confession, Ben’s expression turned serious. Uncle Grant? Um, actually I can’t quit this job.

You can’t quit?

Ben sniffed. Mom and Joe told me I have to work on the boat and stay away from weed, or I gotta go to rehab.

Joe caught you smoking?


Considering their deal, Grant asked, So then I guess you need to go to rehab now?

"No! I won’t go. Don’t tell Mom or Joe—I won’t smoke again,

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