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Hitler's Last Days: The Death of the Nazi Regime and the World's Most Notorious Dictator
Hitler's Last Days: The Death of the Nazi Regime and the World's Most Notorious Dictator
Hitler's Last Days: The Death of the Nazi Regime and the World's Most Notorious Dictator
Ebook306 pages2 hours

Hitler's Last Days: The Death of the Nazi Regime and the World's Most Notorious Dictator

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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By early 1945, the destruction of the German Nazi State seems certain. The Allied forces, led by American generals George S. Patton and Dwight D. Eisenhower, are gaining control of Europe, leaving German leaders scrambling. Facing defeat, Adolf Hitler flees to a secret bunker with his new wife, Eva Braun, and his beloved dog, Blondi. It is there that all three would meet their end, thus ending the Third Reich and one of the darkest chapters of history.

Hitler's Last Days is a gripping account of the death of one of the most reviled villains of the 20th century—a man whose regime of murder and terror haunts the world even today. Adapted from Bill O'Reilly's historical thriller Killing Patton, this book will have young readers—and grown-ups too—hooked on history.

This thoroughly-researched and documented book can be worked into multiple aspects of the common core curriculum.

Release dateJun 9, 2015

Bill O'Reilly

BILL O'REILLY is a trailblazing TV journalist who has experienced unprecedented success on cable news and in writing eighteen national number-one bestselling nonfiction books. There are more than eighteen million books in the Killing series in print. He lives on Long Island.

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Rating: 3.743589733333334 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I have read with enthusiasm O'Reilly's last three books and savored them. However, I was truly disappointed with his newest Hitler's Last Days: The Death of the Nazi Regime and the World's Most Notorious Dictator. Firstly, most of the book (at least 75%) was the Battle of the Bulge, the last Nazi offensive. This was covered in detail in his book Killing Patton. O'Reilly provided nothing new in this book that can't be found in any good history textbook.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Amazing book very insitful just downloaded this book this morning and could not put it down!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I have read with enthusiasm O'Reilly's last three books and savored them. However, I was truly disappointed with his newest Hitler's Last Days: The Death of the Nazi Regime and the World's Most Notorious Dictator. Firstly, most of the book (at least 75%) was the Battle of the Bulge, the last Nazi offensive. This was covered in detail in his book Killing Patton. O'Reilly provided nothing new in this book that can't be found in any good history textbook.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    If all his books ate like this then he shouldn’t be writing at all. Not much info nor was it a good read. I highly recommend NOT reading this book.

    2 people found this helpful

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Hitler's Last Days - Bill O'Reilly

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I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as nature.



I THINK IT FAIR TO SAY that people who make history are some of the boldest people to have ever walked the earth. Researching and writing about them can be sobering, time consuming, and full of discovery.

Working on this book was a journey. It began in the German town of Heidelberg, with a visit to the hospital room at Nachrichten Kaserne where General George S. Patton died. It also included many conversations with the personal staff and others close to Adolf Hitler. Some of this was a straightforward dig into various archives, museums, and official U.S. Army battlefield histories. But it didn’t just involve reading published works. It involved speaking and corresponding with descendants of those who were actually there like Hitler’s secretary. Hitler’s former clerks verified his last days with vivid portrayals in German. I talked with the grandchildren and learned about his crazy hour-by-hour situation and the extreme measures he took to stay alert, like cocaine eyedrops. The search for information led to local historians, to Luxembourg, and to Germany—nothing was left unexplored.

Adolf Hitler is modern history’s best-known evil ruler and murderer, so to step inside his world is frightening, to say the least. From his early days as chancellor of Germany to his last days as Führer before his suicide, Hitler’s life—and death—were filled with senseless violence. But this is not just a story about the world’s most notorious dictator. It’s a story about the last six months of World War II, and the chaos and brutality that characterized this period of history. It is a story about the people who fought—the flesh-and-blood men and women who laid down their lives in this great tragedy. And it’s about the military leaders who strategized and maneuvered to bring the war to a close. In this book, they aren’t just famous people to study; they are human beings.

Hitler’s Last Days is ultimately a story about a struggle for power. And with that, I put you right in the bunker.

Bill O’Reilly

New York



Creighton Abrams: Lieutenant colonel, commander of U.S. Thirty-Seventh Tank Battalion, Fourth Armored Division

Charles Boggess: First lieutenant, U.S. Thirty-Seventh Tank Battalion

Omar Bradley: Lieutenant general, commander of U.S. Twelfth Army Group, which includes Third Army

Charles Codman: Colonel, General Patton’s aide-de-camp

Jacob Devers: Lieutenant general, commander of the U.S. Sixth Army Group

Benjamin Dickson: Colonel, U.S. First Army intelligence chief (G-2)

Dwight D. Eisenhower: General, supreme commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe

Hugh Gaffey: Major general, commander of U.S. Fourth Armored Division, Third Army

Paul Harkins: Colonel, General Patton’s deputy chief of staff

Joseph Harper: Colonel, commander of U.S. 327th Glider Infantry Regiment

Courtney Hodges: Lieutenant general, commander of U.S. First Army

Harry Kinnard: Lieutenant colonel, U.S. 101st Airborne Division operations officer

Oscar Koch: Colonel, U.S. Third Army intelligence chief (G-2)

George Marshall: General, chief of staff of the U.S. Army

Anthony McAuliffe: Brigadier general, acting commander of U.S. 101st Airborne Division

Troy Middleton: Lieutenant general, commander of U.S. Eighth Corps, Third Army

John Mims: Sergeant, General Patton’s driver

Ned Moore: Lieutenant colonel, General McAuliffe’s chief of staff

Beatrice Patton: George Patton’s wife

George S. Patton: General, commander of U.S. Third Army

Franklin Delano Roosevelt: President of the United States of America


Winston Churchill: Prime minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Bernard Montgomery: British field marshal, commander of Twenty-First Army Group, which included British and Canadian forces

Kenneth Strong: British major general, General Eisenhower’s intelligence chief (G-2)


Joseph Stalin: Premier of the Soviet Union


Martin Bormann: Head of Nazi Party Chancellery

Eva Braun: Hitler’s mistress, then wife

Joseph Goebbels: Reich minister of propaganda

Heinrich Himmler: Reichsführer of the SS

Adolf Hitler: Führer of Germany and leader of the Nazi Party

Traudl Junge: one of Hitler’s secretaries

Wilhelm Keitel: Field marshal, Hitler’s commander of the armed forces

Heinrich Lüttwitz: General, commander of German panzer troops surrounding Bastogne

Theodor Morell: Hitler’s personal doctor

Joachim Peiper: German SS commander, First SS Panzer Division

Erwin Rommel: German field marshal

Christa Schroeder: one of Hitler’s secretaries

Otto Skorzeny: German SS officer

Albert Speer: Hitler’s minister of armaments

Gerd von Rundstedt: German field marshal, western front

Walther Wenck: General, German Twelfth Army



Adolf Hitler, early 1944. [Mary Evans Picture Library]




IN 190 DAYS THE WOLF will be dead.

Today he limps through the woods. The autumn air is chill and damp. As he does each morning at just about this time, Adolf Hitler, Führer of Germany and leader of the Nazi Party, emerges from the artificial light of his concrete bunker into the morning sun. He holds his German shepherd, Blondi, on a short leash for their daily walk through the thick birch forest. A fussy man of modest height and weight who is prone to emotional outbursts, Hitler wears his dark brown hair parted on the right and keeps his mustache carefully combed and trimmed. When Hitler was a young soldier, he preferred a long mustache and would curl the ends, but in World War I that style interfered with the seal on the gas mask he was required to wear. He cut off the ends, leaving only the center patch—called a toothbrush mustache.

Map legend is here.

Hitler spends more time at the Wolf’s Lair, his extensive headquarters in the far eastern outpost of Germany called East Prussia, than in Berlin—some eight hundred days in the last three years. The Führer is fond of saying that his military planners chose the most marshy, mosquito-ridden, and climatically unpleasant place possible for this hidden headquarters when they scouted its location in 1940—a fact that is quite real on humid summer days. The air is so heavy and thick with clouds of mosquitoes that Hitler prefers to remain in the cool confines of his bunker all day long.

But autumn is different. The forests of East Prussia have a charm all their own this time of year, and Hitler needs no convincing to venture outside for his daily walk. These long morning strolls are a vital part of the Führer’s day, offering him a chance to compose his thoughts before long afternoons of war strategizing and policy meetings. Sometimes he amuses himself by teaching Blondi tricks, such as climbing a ladder or balancing on a narrow pole.

Hitler plays with his German shepherd, Blondi, at one of his mountain homes. [Mary Evans Picture Library]

The journey through the dictator’s six hundred-acre wooded hideaway takes Hitler and Blondi past concrete bunkers, personal residences, soldiers’ barracks, a power plant, and even the demolished conference room where just three months ago Hitler was almost killed by an assassin’s bomb. But despite all these visible reminders that the Wolf’s Lair is a military headquarters, and despite the fact that his country is on the verge of losing the greatest war the world has ever known, the fifty-five-year-old Nazi dictator, who likes the nickname Wolf, strolls with an outward air of contentment, utterly lost in thought.

But Hitler is not tranquil. His right eardrum was ruptured by the blast of the assassin’s bomb and has only recently stopped bleeding. That same blast hurled him to a concrete floor, bruising his buttocks as blue as a baboon’s behind and filling his legs with wooden splinters as it ripped his black uniform pants to shreds.

Hitler examines the damage done in the plot to assassinate him. The man on the left is Benito Mussolini, Italy’s prime minister and Hitler’s strongest ally. [Mary Evans Picture Library]

However, the failed assassination plot, engineered by members of the German military, did not cause all of Hitler’s health issues. His hands and left leg have long trembled from anxiety. He is prone to dizziness, high blood pressure, and stomach cramps. The skin beneath his uniform is the whitest white because he does not spend time in the sun. And his energy is often so low that Theodor Morell, his longtime personal doctor, makes it a practice to inject Hitler each day with the stimulant methamphetamine. The doctor also places drops containing cocaine in each of the Führer’s dark blue eyes in order to give the dictator a daily rush of euphoria.

Hitler in 1899, about age ten. [Mary Evans Picture Library]

Adolf Hitler does not seem to have been a sickly child, although the reality and the myths of that childhood are vastly different. While he told people that he had struggled up from poverty, in fact he was born into a middle-class household and never expected that he would have to work for a living but would live on his family’s savings. While he had dreams of being a famous architectural artist, he had not done well enough in school to get into the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. This man, who would later command thousands with horrible charisma, was shy and usually silent as a child.

And so the reality and the myths of the current situation reflect this lifelong dichotomy. Despite recent German setbacks on the battlefield, the Wolf still has hope that his plans for global domination will be realized. His greatest goal is the eradication of the Jewish people, with whom he is obsessed. This war can end two ways, he said in January 1942, addressing a mass rally at the Berlin Sportpalast. "Either the extermination of

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