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Sophie's Last Stand
Sophie's Last Stand
Sophie's Last Stand
Ebook316 pages5 hours

Sophie's Last Stand

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They're getting on her last nerve

Sophie Mazaratti moved far away to escape the mess her sleazy ex left behind. But he's found her bolt–hole, and so have his worst enemies, the mob. What's more, they think she's working with him–and so does the FBI.

Now Sophie's surrounded by bodies, arrest threats and one damned attractive police detective. And though the fed–up schoolteacher's pretty sure the woman–needs–a–man–like–a–fish–needs–a–bicycle saying is true, she's also sure she needs somebody on her side. Because she's about to take on the mob and the FBI. And she's determined to be the last woman standing

Release dateSep 1, 2011
Sophie's Last Stand

Nancy Bartholomew

Nancy Bartholomew began writing out of absolute desperation. Stuck in a cookie-cutter suburban subdivision with only toddlers and Thomas the Tank Engine to talk to, she began writing, filling her books with mayhem and mirth and catapulting herself into the middle of more trouble, mirth and mayhem than any soccer mom could handle. Soon, feisty heroines, hunky heroes and assorted wacky relatives, friends and dogs began populating Nancy's imaginary worlds and finding their way onto publishers' desks. Nancy stole early morning quiet hours to write before the kids and work could interrupt. She baked chocolate chip cookies in the afternoons, invited a crowd of kids over to play and wrote at the kitchen table while the chaos swirled around her. Now the boys are getting older and Nancy writes to avoid dealing with the reality of adolescence, you know, teenaged drivers, eye rolling, phrases like "Whatever!" and "I'll do it in a minute!" She lives in North Carolina with her two boys, a large mutt named Bailey, a miniature schnauzer named Maggie who rules the roost, and a very confused bunny rabbit who seems to think she's a squirrel. If Nancy had spare time, her cottage garden wouldn't look like the horticultural equivalent of Girls Gone Wild, her funky, retro house would be halfway clean, and her paperwork would be all caught up. However, we all need something to aspire to, and a clean house is apparently not on her list of Lifetime Goals.

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