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The Foundations of Football Betting: A Premier Betting Guide
The Foundations of Football Betting: A Premier Betting Guide
The Foundations of Football Betting: A Premier Betting Guide
Ebook76 pages51 minutes

The Foundations of Football Betting: A Premier Betting Guide

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

This book is the first in a series of short, simple, no-nonsense guides to profitable betting on the football markets. It is dedicated to explaining and instilling the fundamentals of successful football betting in everyone who reads it.
This eBook, and the wider Premier Betting series, is firmly aimed at the casual punter who enjoys a weekly bet on the football markets.
As professional punters, the authors have a code of practice that maximises their opportunities for securing long-term profits. They want to pass this on - along with all the strategies that they, as professionals, rely on - so that the next time you have the urge to place a bet you have more options at your disposal than betting on a whim, guess or gut feeling.
Release dateAug 6, 2012
The Foundations of Football Betting: A Premier Betting Guide

Pete Nordsted

Pete Nordsted is a full-time sports trader and football betting expert, and head of the top football advisory service Premier-Betting. He specialises in analysing the football betting markets to highlight the best value opportunities. He also analyses the general sporting markets in depth and it was this knowledge that led him to write Mastering Betfair (Harriman House, 2009). He has been working with Danny Jaques for over a year researching the In-play football betting markets and it is this work that has inspired the writing of this book and the creation of the PB Elite software that is used to assess the In-play markets for Premier-Betting. Follow Pete on Twitter @petenordsted.

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Rating: 3.1 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A good, well written introduction to the essential principles involved in turning professional in football betting. Insights into how to develop a system of your own, and the psychological attitude that needs to be developed if you are going to devote your betting bank to providing income rather than entertainment.

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The Foundations of Football Betting - Pete Nordsted

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First published in Great Britain in 2012

Copyright © Harriman House Ltd 2012

The right of Pete Nordsted and Danny Jaques to be identified as the Authors has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988.

ISBN: 978-0-85719-254-7

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A CIP catalogue record for this book can be obtained from the British Library.

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Welcome to the Premier Betting guide to the fundamentals of football betting.

This book is the first in a series of short, simple, no-nonsense guides to profitable betting on the football markets. This one is dedicated to explaining and instilling the fundamentals of successful football betting. In further volumes we deal with these subjects:

the win markets

goals betting

corners and bookings

Asian handicaps


It is our goal that this series of eBooks will build into the most comprehensive guide to football betting ever released.

Who these books are aimed at

This eBook, and the wider Premier Betting series, is firmly aimed at the casual punter who enjoys a weekly bet on the football markets.

We feel this is the perfect opportunity to bridge the gap between the small-staking punter, who enters the markets to enhance his enjoyment of a match, and the short-term higher staking investor whose sole purpose is to obtain a return on investment. The goal of this series is to help the former enjoy some of the success of the latter, without them having to go through too much of the fun-sapping hard work on their own.

We are not going to promise that the contents of this series of books will win you untold fortunes; as a punter the odds are, so to speak, against you. The bookmakers ensure that happens! But we want to put you in a position where you have a better understanding of your options, the quality of the odds and what to look out for in placing your bets. This should help you become a better punter.

As professional punters we have a code of practice that maximises our opportunities for securing long-term profits. We want to pass this on – along with all the strategies that we, as professionals, rely on – so that the next time you have the urge to place a bet you have more options at your disposal than betting on a whim, guess or gut feeling.

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