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My Journey From Darkness to Light
My Journey From Darkness to Light
My Journey From Darkness to Light
Ebook26 pages20 minutes

My Journey From Darkness to Light

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About this ebook

My Journey From Darkness to Light is about the extraordinary testimony of Olabisi Obideyi, an ordinary woman whose life dramatically changed when she experienced the deliverance powers of Christ Jesus. It is a must- read for anyone seeking genuine spiritual freedom and fulfillment of his or her life purpose.

PublisherDivine Grace
Release dateApr 13, 2013
My Journey From Darkness to Light

Olabisi Obideyi

Following a Holy Spirit encounter in 2004, Pastor Olabisi became founder and senior pastor of Freedom House International Ministries She is also CEO of Divine Grace Enterprises Limited, a Christian publishing company dedicated to Christian book publishing, flyer designs, logos and other kingdom glorifying designs and print work. Further to her initial deliverance experience in the early part of year 2004, Pastor Olabisi had another stunning 'open vision' encounter of heaven and hell in the latter part of year 2004. Her amazing extended vision of heaven and hell now form the contents of her other popular book entitled Hell on Earth. The combination of her experiences has further strengthened her passion to spread the Good News of Christ's deliverance powers across the world using all available avenues including television, radio, Internet and also through her Holy Spirit-inspired writings. Pastor Olabisi holds an LLB (hons) degree in law.

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    Book preview

    My Journey From Darkness to Light - Olabisi Obideyi



    I dedicate this book to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You are O Lord God my everlasting King of glory. Unto You Lord, do I commit all that pertains to my existence, for You are my Creator, Merciful King and Father who is forever the greatest on deeds. You are my life and as my life, the lover of my soul. With You by my side, my soul is everlastingly in abundance of life.

    Make a way for me, Lord God where there seems to be no way and let Your will of life shine forth through me, for the world to see that am forever a living soul in Your Holy Spirit. Your Spirit is upon me Lord God and in the presence of Your Spirit, my spirit is full of Your glorious light. For the sake of Your goodness manifestations upon my life, You have ended the evil reign of of darkness and have magnified my soul fully in Your shining light of glory. You are my All in all and unto you forever be all glory, honor and power. Amen.

    Chapter One

    The Beginning of My Journey


    "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death. Therefore rejoice, ye heavens and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the seal for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time".

    —Revelation 12:11-12

    With spiritual hindsight and insight, I am now convinced that my spiritual journey of revelations actually began

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