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One Red Shoe
One Red Shoe
One Red Shoe
Ebook38 pages26 minutes

One Red Shoe

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Thirty years ago, Jack vanquished a giant, but when a giant red shoe drops into Beanstalk Park the Internal Secrets Bureau assigns their best agent to find out why.  

In a world where spies work in fairy tales, Operative Maddie Surefoot, travels to a world where giants and ogres wage war on humanity.

In this thrilling romantic adventure Maddie discovers true love, and where the stakes are high.

Release dateJun 15, 2015
One Red Shoe

Russ Crossley

International selling author, Russ Crossley writes science fiction and fantasy, and mystery/suspense under the name R.G. Crossley. His latest science fiction satire set in the far future, Revenge of the Lushites, is a sequel to Attack of the Lushites released in 2011. The latest title in the series was released in the fall of 2013. Both titles are available in e-book and trade paperback. He has sold several short stories that have appeared in anthologies from various publishers including; WMG Publishing, Pocket Books, and St. Martins Press. He is a member of SF Canada and is past president of the Greater Vancouver Chapter of Romance Writers of America. He is also an alumni of the Oregon Coast Professional Fiction Writers Master Class taught by award winning author/editors, Kristine Katherine Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith. Feel free to contact him on Facebook, Twitter, or his website  He loves to hear from readers  

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    Book preview

    One Red Shoe - Russ Crossley

    One Red Shoe

    One Red Shoe

    Russ Crossley

    53rd Street Publishing

    One Red Shoe

    Russ Crossley

    Published by 53rd Street Publishing

    Copyright 2015 Russ Crossley

    All rights reserved

    Cover art © katalinks/depsoitphotos

    Cover designed by R. Edgewood

    Cover design and layout copyright 2017 by 53rd Street Publishing

    53rd Street Publishing

    Head office: Gibsons B.C. Canada

    This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to persons living or dead are purely coincidental.


    One Red Shoe

    About the Author

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    Also available from 53rd Street Publishing

    One Red Shoe

    Operative Maddie Surefoot studied the shoe. It was sure a big one, at least twenty feet high. She’d never seen one like it. It looked familiar but she didn’t know where she’d seen it before. All she knew for sure was she had seen this shoe somewhere .

    Reaching inside her cotton suit jacket she pulled out her cell phone from her inside pocket and pressed the quick dial number for her section chief.

    Barb Wallup’s voice answered after one buzz at the other end.

    Maddie. What’s up? She sounded impatient. The boss must be having a bad day.

    Maddie had already considered the summary of what she’d seen in her mind before she made the call. Hi, Barb, I’m at the scene now and it’s exactly as reported by eyewitnesses.

    Barb snorted. I thought I’d seen everything. The chief paused. Maddie knew what was coming. Any idea how it got there?

    The million dollar question. She had considered all possibilities, but nothing she’d thought of made sense expect one, and she didn’t want to think about that. No. There doesn’t appear to be any reasonable explanation. So far.

    How about unreasonable explanations?

    If you mean do I have a theory then, yes I might have one.

    There was silence on the other end of the line. A pause that spoke volumes. Barb Wallup was a practical woman who liked her explanations clean and simple. The Internal Secrets Bureau collected and hid many strange things from the general public, but everything

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