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Neighborhood Watch
Neighborhood Watch
Neighborhood Watch
Ebook26 pages18 minutes

Neighborhood Watch

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A fleet of alien vessels hovers in Earth orbit. Thirty days ago the aliens, calling themselves the Hsu-Zat, used aa EMP pulse to knock out all electrical power across the planet. Chaos soon erupted as civilization collapsed. 

One pocket of of survivors form a neighborhood watch hoping to work together to survive.Today the aliens wish to meet and Liz Chamber is elected to meet with the alien's leader.

What does this mean? Will the human race survive?

Release dateJun 22, 2015
Neighborhood Watch

Russ Crossley

International selling author, Russ Crossley writes science fiction and fantasy, and mystery/suspense under the name R.G. Crossley. His latest science fiction satire set in the far future, Revenge of the Lushites, is a sequel to Attack of the Lushites released in 2011. The latest title in the series was released in the fall of 2013. Both titles are available in e-book and trade paperback. He has sold several short stories that have appeared in anthologies from various publishers including; WMG Publishing, Pocket Books, and St. Martins Press. He is a member of SF Canada and is past president of the Greater Vancouver Chapter of Romance Writers of America. He is also an alumni of the Oregon Coast Professional Fiction Writers Master Class taught by award winning author/editors, Kristine Katherine Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith. Feel free to contact him on Facebook, Twitter, or his website  He loves to hear from readers  

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    Book preview

    Neighborhood Watch - Russ Crossley

    Neighborhood Watch

    Russ Crossley

    Published by 53rd Street Publishing

    Copyright 2015 Russ Crossley

    All rights reserved

    Cover art © Philcold |

    Cover designed by R. Edgewood

    Cover design and layout copyright 2015 by 53rd Street Publishing

    53rd Street Publishing

    Head office: Gibsons B.C. Canada

    This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to persons living or dead are purely coincidental.

    Neighborhood Watch

    THE FLICKERING FLAME from the oil lamp cast twisted, writhing shadows over the walls of Pete Simpson’s recreation room in the basement of his split-level, four-bedroom house. The large room was a real man cave. Even after all this time, the room still smelled of cigar smoke and beer, though we hadn’t had either of those luxuries since this all began six weeks ago. We four neighborhood watch members were seated around a seven-player mahogany poker table. The playing surface was covered in a tobacco-colored leather, with integrated chip wells and cup holders. We were waiting for the arrival of the fifth member of our group. Seven armless, matching leather chairs surrounded the table.

    Only we weren’t here to play poker.

    Along the walls of the oblong-shaped room were burnished steel shelves containing trophies and plaques from Pete’s days as a high school and state collegiate athlete. Amongst these personal treasures were his sports collectibles signed baseballs, basketballs, and footballs representing every pro team in the state of Washington and in Portland, Oregon, just across the Columbia River.

    In a wide gap in the bookshelves was a

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