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101 Ways to Score Higher on your NCLEX: What You Need to Know About the National Council Licensure Examination Explained Simply
101 Ways to Score Higher on your NCLEX: What You Need to Know About the National Council Licensure Examination Explained Simply
101 Ways to Score Higher on your NCLEX: What You Need to Know About the National Council Licensure Examination Explained Simply
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101 Ways to Score Higher on your NCLEX: What You Need to Know About the National Council Licensure Examination Explained Simply

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The National Council of State Boards of Nursing recently reported that 99,406 candidates sat for the NCLEX-RN (National Council Licensure Examination Registered Nurse), with a 73.7 percent pass rate. During that same time period, 35,558 candidates sat for the NCLEX-PN (for practical nurses), with a 77.5 percent pass rate. These tests are used by state boards to determine if a candidate is prepared for entry-level nursing practice.

How can you ensure you score high enough on the exam to enter into your chosen profession? Reading 101 Ways to Score Higher on Your NCLEX and employing the practices found within is one way to do so.

In this new book, you will learn about and understand the computerized adaptive testing format, as well as the organization of the exam. You will learn how to read questions correctly, how to control anxiety, and how to approach each section. In addition, you will be presented with a list of resources to help you prepare and dozens of tips from insiders.

101 Ways to Score Higher on Your NCLEX is filled with practice questions and reviews of the four most important topics, including safe, effective environments; health promotion and maintenance; psychosocial integrity; and physiological integrity. You will also find charts, graphs, illustrations, and tables to help you understand key concepts, as well as proven strategies, mindsets, and problem solving methods.

It has been said that the NCLEX is a test of your critical judgment and management skills more than anything. However, it is still important to prepare accordingly. Instead of panicking and worrying about the exam, pick up this book and be confident in your test-taking abilities. Whether you are taking the NCLEX-RN or the NCLEX-PN, you will learn valuable information and practical tips for passing the exam and improving your score.

Atlantic Publishing is a small, independent publishing company based in Ocala, Florida. Founded over twenty years ago in the company president’s garage, Atlantic Publishing has grown to become a renowned resource for non-fiction books. Today, over 450 titles are in print covering subjects such as small business, healthy living, management, finance, careers, and real estate. Atlantic Publishing prides itself on producing award winning, high-quality manuals that give readers up-to-date, pertinent information, real-world examples, and case studies with expert advice. Every book has resources, contact information, and web sites of the products or companies discussed.

This Atlantic Publishing eBook was professionally written, edited, fact checked, proofed and designed. The print version of this book is 408 pages and you receive exactly the same content. Over the years our books have won dozens of book awards for content, cover design and interior design including the prestigious Benjamin Franklin award for excellence in publishing. We are proud of the high quality of our books and hope you will enjoy this eBook version.

Release dateNov 10, 2009
101 Ways to Score Higher on your NCLEX: What You Need to Know About the National Council Licensure Examination Explained Simply

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    101 Ways to Score Higher on your NCLEX - J. Lucy Boyd


    101 Ways to Score Higher on Your NCLEX: What You Need to Know About the National Council Licensure Examination Explained Simply

    Copyright © 2010 Atlantic Publishing Group, Inc.

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    ISBN-13: 978-1-60138-250-4

    ISBN-10: 1-60138-250-2

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Boyd, J. Lucy, 1966-

    101 ways to score higher on your NCLEX : what you need to know about the National Council Licensure Examination explained simply / by J. Lucy Boyd.

    p. ; cm.

    Includes bibliographical references and index.

    ISBN-13: 978-1-60138-250-4 (alk. paper)

    ISBN-10: 1-60138-250-2 (alk. paper)

    1. Nursing--Examinations, questions, etc. 2. Nurses--Licenses--United States--Examinations--Study guides. I. Title. II. Title: One hundred one ways to score higher on your NCLEX.

    [DNLM: 1. Nursing--Examination Questions. WY 18.2 B7888z 2009]

    RT55.B69 2009



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    Table of Contents

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    Chapter 1–Countdown to Test Day

    Chapter 2–What to Expect on the NCLEX

    Chapter 3–How to Prepare for the NCLEX

    Chapter 4–Coordination and Management of Care

    Chapter 5–Safety and Infection Control

    Chapter 6–Health Promotion and Maintenance

    Chapter 7–Psychosocial Integrity

    Chapter 8–Basic Care and Comfort

    Chapter 9–Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies

    Chapter 10–Reduction of Risk Potential

    Chapter 11–Physiological Adaptation


    Appendix A–Common Abbreviations

    Appendix B–Practice Test One

    Appendix C–Practice Test Two

    Appendix D–State Boards of Nursing Contact Information

    Appendix E–Quick Quiz Answers


    Author Biography–J. Lucy Boyd, RN, BSN

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    Table of Contents


    "I wish to thank my husband and best friend, Sammy, for his endless support during this extended project. To our children and grandchildren, who bring the boundless hope of the future to me daily. I also wish to thank Melissa Peterson, the best editor of all time, for her guidance and expertise.

    I dedicate this book to the many nursing graduates who shall hold it in their hands as they anxiously stand between two worlds — that of student and that of healer. And may I always remember to thank the thousands of patients who humbly placed their lives into my hands."

    Table of Contents


    By Patricia Carroll RN, BC, CEN, RRT, MS

    Congratulations on making it through nursing school! While the NCLEX may seem daunting now, it is simply a long review of what you have already learned. You have made it through the hardest part; now, you have just one mile left on the journey.

    This book is your guide for that last leg. Just as the Sherpas — the native experts — guide mountaineers in the Himalayas, Author J. Lucy Boyd is your NCLEX Sherpa, and 101 Ways to Score Higher on Your NCLEX is your compass.

    I wish a book like this was available when I took the NCLEX many years ago. Boyd avoids the trap many review books fall into and does not try to reteach nursing school. Instead, she walks you through how the test is designed, what to expect from the questions, and — just as important — what to expect from the actual mechanics of taking the computer-based test. You will discover that the NCLEX is not shrouded in mystery. By carefully reading this book, you will learn what the NCLEX is really testing for, how to approach the each type of question, and how to minimize mistakes while you are taking the exam.

    Be sure to pay special attention to the Smart Strategies throughout the book. These tips and hints make this book particularly valuable. They will help you focus on the key aspects of the information and will keep you from being bogged down with details that are not as important — something that can really eat up your review time.

    I have been an item writer for the National Council for State Boards of Nursing and for professional specialty certification exams. In fact, I took a course in test construction. NCLEX questions follow very specific rules and are extensively tested before they are used to assess your knowledge. In fact, you will test new questions when you take the exam. While you will not know which ones they are, new questions will be part of your exam. The test creators carefully review each sample question’s results before it becomes part of the official exam. Answers that seem clear to item writers and reviewers may not be clear to new nurses taking the boards, so the questions are modified or thrown out. You can be assured that there are not any gotcha questions waiting for you. The sample tests in this book will allow you to practice questions that follow the NCLEX format.

    The size of this book is ideal for carrying it with you to study on breaks or when you find yourself with time to kill. Get out your highlighter and a pen, mark it up, fold over the pages, and make it your personal study guide. Use the checklists and timelines to stay on track.

    I will never forget how excited I was when I tore open the envelope that told me I passed the NCLEX so many years ago. Earning your nursing license is the first step on a new journey. For me, that journey has led through critical care, medical-surgical and emergency nursing, home care, consulting, teaching, being an award-winning medical writer and health columnist for the New York Daily News, and being a repeat guest on The View.

    Your future is limited only by your imagination. Where will your journey take you?

    Patricia Carroll RN, BC, CEN, RRT, MS

    FREDDIE video award winner: Pass NCLEX!

    Registered nurse Pat Carroll has been called America’s Nurse and Heloise on Health. Her warm, engaging style has been featured on television and radio, including CNN Headline News, Fox News Channel, The View, and dozens

    of local news programs nationwide. Her PBS special, Hints for Health: A Nurse’s Notebook, made its national debut in August 2004 and she won a Golden Lamp Award from the Center for Nursing Advocacy in 2003 for providing one of the best media portrayals of nursing.

    Pat began her career as a respiratory therapist, a graduate of Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York. She returned to school to become a registered nurse and is a proud alumna of Excelsior College School of Nursing in Albany, New York, the largest nursing school in the United States and one of ten Centers of Excellence in nursing education, designated by the National League for Nursing. Pat was a charter member of the Tau Kappa Chapter of the international honor society for nurses, Sigma Theta Tau, at Excelsior. The school named her one of 30 exceptional graduates of 100,000 to celebrate the school’s 30th anniversary.

    Pat is an award-winning author of Community Health Nursing: A Practical Guide, Nursing Leadership and Management: A Practical Guide, The Surgical Nurse’s Managed Care Manual, which was named American Journal of Nursing’s Book of the Year, and her book for consumers, What Nurses Know and

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