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No Quarter: Dominium - Volume 4
No Quarter: Dominium - Volume 4
No Quarter: Dominium - Volume 4
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No Quarter: Dominium - Volume 4

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Released for the first time with illustrations!

Ye All Are Warned – be gone if you abhor sex, foul language, crude humor, and beaky parrots.

1689 Port Royal, Jamaica. Atia Crisp and her sister Livia are shipwrecked and sold into slavery. They are separated and Atia is used as a pawn in a deadly card game at the Swiftsure Tavern until she is liberated by sugar merchant Capitaine la Roche. They take refuge at Cherry Red's Boutique (brothel) and meet up with allies including the medication loving Dr. Strangewayes.

Capitaine la Roche (also known as the pirate, Gator Gar), has a past stained with blood and grief. La Roche works with a network of friends and allies including local strumpet, Cherry Banks, Theodore Binge the card shark and the kindly, Dr. Strangewayes. Soon after Atia and la Roche are ushered away to safety after a mysterious outbreak of scarlet fever wreaks havoc on the city.

Within the luxuriant tropical confines of Dr. Strangewayes's plantation at the foothills of the Blue Mountains, bonds of friendship are formed and the fierce love between Atia and Capitaine la Roche becomes absolute.

However, nowhere is safe as spies seek out both Atia and la Roche for the bounties on their heads.

Neither of them can escape the shadows of their former lives. Their journey leads them to an inevitable conflict that threatens their world, but inches them closer towards freedom.

PublisherMJL Evans
Release dateJul 3, 2015
No Quarter: Dominium - Volume 4

MJL Evans

MJL Evans is an Indie Author/Publisher and co-author of the 6-part series, No Quarter: Dominium. Future endeavours include co-authoring the books No Quarter: WENCH and No Quarter: The Dirge. She also hopes to have her books translated in various languages including French.MJL Evans is also a writer of romance and relationship articles featured in publications like Monday Magazine in November 2004 and again in February 2006, she writes fiction, historical fiction, erotica and humour. Published in the November 2014 issue of Flash Fiction Magazine, Red Dragon is vibrant piece of micro-fiction that delves into Victoria BC in the 1860s, when it was the opium capital of the New World.A native of Victoria, British Columbia, MJL Evans studied English at Victoria School of Writing and Camosun College. Not only is she passionate about her written expression, she is enthusiastic about her visual art masterpieces she has created over the past 20 years and has over 60 paintings to her credit. MJL Evans is also a lover of film, independent, foreign, and cult. Her favorites include: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Nymphomaniac, Secret Window, The Brood, Le Pacte des loups, Mesrine: L'Instinct De Mort and many others.

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    Book preview

    No Quarter - MJL Evans

    No Quarter - Dominium

    Volume 4

    By MJL Evans and GM O’Connor


    No Quarter: Dominium COPYRIGHT @ 2015 MJL Evans and GM O’Connor

    ISBN: 978-0-9940223-7-0

    Artwork: GM O’Connor

    E-Book Production: MJL Evans

    All rights are reserved to the authors. No part of this ebook may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


    Dawn brought intense hues of orange and gold, painting Port Royal in a warm glow. Hundreds of ships sailed in and out of the harbor, some docking for repairs, others heading out to sea. Billows of smoke rose from the bake houses, covering the landscape in soft white clouds. Near Morgan’s Line, the large defensive wall on the south side of the city, a row of flags fluttered in the breeze. Adjacent the line of heavy cannons sat a quaint gated garden with stone benches. A young woman in an extravagant light blue gown sat staring at the sunrise.

    Katie Evans rubbed her tired red eyes from an action-filled night. She brought her feet up on the bench and hugged her knees. It felt like she’d been waiting for Royal Rook for an eternity. To her left at the scorched Clubhouse and Henry’s Loft, the corpses of Codface, Mike and Pikestaff lay beside the wooden shed. She knew she had no choice but to go back to the Crooked Compass Tavern to collect her things. Perhaps Rook would track her down there, if he wasn’t dead after the previous night’s hunt for the elusive pirate Gator Gar.

    Sunlight glazed the weather worn buildings and crooked chimneys. The bells rang out at St. Paul’s Church. Katie walked through alleys and hidden corridors until she came to High Street where the town crier and his drummer rallied the masses. The drummer banged for about thirty seconds before the town crier yelled at him to shut up. Next, Royal Rook’s parrot, Checkmate, screeched overhead. For pity sake! the crier said. Hear ye, hear ye! This be the morning news! Port Royal thwarts pirate attack! French pirates attack the city! Dozens killed! He cleared his throat. Firstly, your government wants you know that the slave auction was a huge success despite the health scare and pirate attack. Your investments are safe. A sigh of relief filled the air. The defense forces of Port Royal have thwarted the French pirate Gator Gar, who poisoned the water supply. Secondly, Acting Lieutenant Governor Piper strongly urges all citizens and patrons to purchase new barrels of drinking water. A bounty has been declared of sixty thousand pieces of eight on the renegade pirate Gator Gar. The town crier opened a broadside with a crude likeness for everyone to admire. Acting Lieutenant Governor Piper has vowed to capture Gator Gar and bring him to justice. This morning’s news has been brought to you by Strangewayes Soothing Wormwood Formula. If you’re not hallucinating, it ain’t Strangewayes.

    A smile formed on Katie’s face. Inducing fear always whipped the general public into a frenzy. Rook told her you could never believe the papers. Most of the time they only printed rubbish to distract people from the real issues. She turned down a passage towards the inner harbor.

    Beside the Wherry Bridge, the Diamond Dog was docked and its crew readied for breakfast. Checkmate squawked agitatedly, perched on the ship’s rail. Quartermaster Tiny McAllister paced the dock, eyeing Copes Alley and Water Lane. This be a bloody unfortunate place, Tiny thought.

    The ship’s sailing master Quinton Winter approached from the street. Winter was in his mid-thirties. He was not as battle-scarred as the rest of the crew, but he had one rather impressive scar from a cutlass that ran all the way down his left arm. No sign of him. He never went back to the Swiftsure. Winter’s look of concern grew.

    Nor the Crooked Compass neither, added a russet-skinned crewman called Snapper.

    What about the girl? Winter asked. Any sign of her?

    Tiny shook his head. Katie? Not since last night, if she’s still alive.

    A cloaked man approached hurriedly.

    Tiny recognized the newcomer. Theo?

    Binge pulled back the hood. Tiny. Quint.

    What be yer business here?

    "I was hoping he was here. He ain’t at the infirmary at Fort Carlisle. Binge swallowed hard. He was shot in the head."

    Tiny clenched his fist. Who shot him?

    Binge winced. I did. We was on opposing sides.

    Tiny folded his massive arms. Bloody Port Royal. Bloody unfortunate business.

    Checkmate shrieked and took off to perch upon a roof along Thames Street. Below her, two militiamen pushed a cart with a body on it.

    That be him, I suspect. Tiny charged forth. You there, stop! he thundered. Let me take a look. He lifted the white sheet to see Royal Rook’s body, blood oozing from his left eye.

    Winter inspected the body. My God, Tiny, he’s still alive! He needs a real doctor.

    I know a doctor, a good one. I’ll go get him. Binge took off.

    Right, let’s get him aboard! Tiny lifted Rook as though he were no heavier than a feather pillow.

    It was midmorning when Cherry Banks arrived at Strangewayes Apothecary. She kept her injured arm tucked in beside her and rang the bell. She wondered if it had been worth it, or if the retribution would be worse. It was only a matter of time until Art discovered her involvement in last night’s chase around the city. With the Capitaine gone, she felt more vulnerable than ever.

    Strangewayes opened the door. Ah, Cherry. Good to see you. He noticed her frown. My dear, whatever is the matter?

    Cherry cradled her arm. Got grazed by a shot last night.

    "Oh my, let me take a peek. Come inside. I was just about to have some tea with kirchwasser, would you like one? It’ll take the edge off the pain."

    Sounds good to me, Doc. Cherry followed him inside.

    In the parlor a fire blazed. Cherry sipped tea while the doctor wet her sleeve until it loosened. Next, he cut away the fabric. Sorry about your dress. This may hurt a bit. He peeled the cloth away, revealing an oozing bloody gash. It’s going to need stitches. In the meantime, I’ll add some laudanum to your tea.

    Liquor and laudanum mingled in Cherry’s empty stomach, making her feel like a rolled up piece of carpet slumped in the chair. Her arm was tended to quickly and soon came the last stitch. A few more drops of laudanum? the doctor offered.

    I’m…quite fine…thank you, she spoke in a slow, deep drawl and leaned against him, slipping her good arm around his waist. I can’t thank ya enough. Her cheek pressed against his belly.

    I’ll give you a care package; something to clean it with and a bit more laudanum. He patted the top of her head. You’re showing signs of shock. You need to rest.

    Cherry looked up. Have you seen Vie since last night?

    I had the pleasure of her company early this morning. She left to see her captain off. Personally, I’d rather she stayed in bed to get some rest, but you kids know best.

    She’s a grown woman, Cherry acknowledged. Her captain’s leaving, then?

    Strangewayes massaged his temple. "Preparing to sail as we speak, going after La Lune, I suspect."

    You need to relax, Sander, or you’re gonna drop dead. Cherry ran her finger over his lips. I’ll be needing more of the poison.


    I’m gonna finish this meself.

    Alone? That’s not a good idea. Give it time.

    Cherry’s eyes widened. Why not? Her hand brushed against his hardening manhood. O ye of little faith. We almost made it! The Capitaine even said all or nothing. Take them all out or they’ll come back at you.

    I see your points. He gazed down at her cleavage. Well, I’m afraid I’m out of the belladonna.

    She unbuttoned his trousers.

    I could whip up some pennyroyal oil for you. That should do the trick.

    Yes, whip it up. That should do the trick. Cherry’s mouth moved against him.

    Under a state of shock, y–you could have s–side effects The doctor grunted. Oh…of course there is a risk of lock-jaw. He gasped while her tongue tantalized him. I wouldn’t want to end up like Burghill. He grabbed the edge of the chair and she became more aggressive. "Only a small chance, though. Normally someone

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