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A Night with Two Mates: A Shapeshifter Paranormal Romance
A Night with Two Mates: A Shapeshifter Paranormal Romance
A Night with Two Mates: A Shapeshifter Paranormal Romance
Ebook32 pages30 minutes

A Night with Two Mates: A Shapeshifter Paranormal Romance

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

The planets align and the werewolves mate…

Darla Martin is scraping by as a freelancer, and the promise of a big payout has brought her to a forest in Ohio in search of werewolves. But the wintery night is cold and treacherous, and she soon finds herself soaking wet and desperate for shelter.

Where she meets Storm and Jace…

It is the night of a rare planetary alignment, and the two men are on the edge of feral and human. When they scent Darla, they know that she is their mate, destined for both of them.

Between two alphas, Darla soon finds her pleasure and is changed forever.

PublisherKate Rudolph
Release dateJul 3, 2015
A Night with Two Mates: A Shapeshifter Paranormal Romance

Kate Rudolph

Kate Rudolph never knows when to stop. Whether it’s riding her bike down the busy streets of Austin, Texas, fixing computers, or shooting off answers to trivia quizzes, she is doing something. She began writing at a young age and now has a stack of projects as tall as her. When she was a child, she visited a wolf sanctuary and became fascinated by the animals. She is concerned with animal conservation and protection. Kate has published one complete series, Stealing the Alpha, and several stand alones. Want to know when she releases a new book? Sign up to her mailing list to receive notifications of new releases and deals. The link can be found here: You can also find her on Facebook: Her website is

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    A Night with Two Mates - Kate Rudolph

    A Night with Two Mates

    By Kate Rudolph

    Copyright 2015


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    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    More by Kate Rudolph

    Connect with Kate Rudolph

    Chapter One

    Darla Martin didn’t believe in werewolves. She’d heard the stories when she was a little girl. Men who turned into wolves and hunted in the night, driven to find their mates. And even as a child, she’d laughed despite her grandfather’s serious tone. It was ridiculous to believe such codswallop. It was equally ridiculous for a twenty-two year old woman to think of words like codswallop, but that was her grandfather’s fault. No supernatural explanation needed.

    And if her grandfather could see her now, he would have had a few more choice words to throw in her direction. Words like poppycock and horsefeathers. It wasn’t only because she was out looking for werewolves, though that would have earned his ire.

    But walking into unfamiliar woods just before dark in the winter with no supplies would have been beyond the pale.

    Most days Darla missed her grandfather, but when she made moves like this she was almost relieved that he’d been dead for three years. She still missed him like crazy, he had adopted her when she was a baby and her parents died in a car accident, but she had to live her own life and couldn’t let herself stagnate simply because he wouldn’t have approved.

    A part of her did question this decision, though. What exactly was her endgame? Would she be able to snap a photo of some sort of half-man, half-wolf monster? And if she did, would she be able to get her money’s worth for the picture? It was hard enough to make a living as a freelance photographer, as a paranormal freelance photographer it was nearly impossible.

    Thank god for Photoshop.

    But her skill with photo editing software wasn’t what had Darla traipsing through the darkening woods. No, she followed something even more despicable. Rumors.

    Ohio wasn’t known for its wild wolf population. There were occasional sightings, but nothing like the reports she’d

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