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Beneath It All
Beneath It All
Beneath It All
Ebook23 pages18 minutes

Beneath It All

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****A Short Story**** 

A young American couple living in the 1940's South, moves to North Carolina to begin a new life together. 

But they soon find that escaping their past and running from who they really are, becomes more difficult to do than they could have ever imagined. 

***Trigger Warning*** Contains sensitive material related to the treatment of a child. 

Release dateJul 7, 2015
Beneath It All

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    Beneath It All - Renata Sterling

    Elizabeth ran a hand over her abdomen, relishing in the slow, wave-like movements of the baby inside her. She pressed gently on the center of her belly, and felt the baby push back at her palm in response. She’s already so eager to get her mother’s attention, Elizabeth thought to herself. 

    The baby inside her had always been so active, but as she’d grown in size, Elizabeth could have sworn she was everywhere at once. She would feel her under her rib cage on the right side and seconds later, she’d feel what she suspected were feet on the lower left part of her abdomen.

    Elizabeth leaned back into her rocking chair, enjoying the sporadic movements beneath her fingertips. She was convinced this baby was a girl, for she so desperately wanted a daughter. She closed her eyes to envision the baby’s image that she’d already created in her mind for this child in her womb.  She would have Elizabeth’s wavy blond locks and fair complexion and her husband, Joseph’s blue eyes and pouty red lips.

    Suddenly, a memory flashed in Elizabeth’s mind of her own mother, Rose. Rose was a tall woman with a warm honey skin tone, and much too beautiful to be shucking corn in the tiny makeshift room they called a kitchen. Elizabeth had always felt her mother looked more like a woman whose face should have graced movie screens instead of being covered by the sweat of hard labor with her curly

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