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Encyclopedia of Card Tricks
Encyclopedia of Card Tricks
Encyclopedia of Card Tricks
Ebook982 pages12 hours

Encyclopedia of Card Tricks

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In the first decades of the twentieth century magicians filled the magic journals with articles on card tricks, giving improvements on classic tricks and inventing new ones. If you could put together a collection of these magazines you would have almost a complete course on card tricks, by some of the world's greatest magicians. But where could you find these journals now that they are probably collector's items? And even if you could find them, how much would such a collection cost? Not very much. Because all the best of these tricks are available in this one monumental book, containing nearly every practical card trick produced, invented, and improved by magicians over a span of forty years and more.
A truly staggering collection, this book explains how to perform over 600 professional card tricks: impromptu card tricks, spelling tricks, "you do as I do" tricks, diachylon (a paste for gluing cards together) tricks, calculation tricks; tricks using key cards, slick cards, double-backed cards, reversed cards, short cards; tricks based on a one-way pack, prearranged pack, Svengali pack, Mene-Tekel pack, stripper pack; special packs; miscellaneous tricks including Everywhere and Nowhere, The Case of the Four Kings, Card in the Orange, The Buddha Whispers, and Inseparable Aces; and a final chapter on tricks using the famous Nikola Card System. In addition, a chapter on technique explains the most important sleights ― the overhand shuffle, riffle shuffle, false cut, palm, simple pass, double lift, glide, and force.
Based on a volume compiled by Dr. Wilhelm Von Deusen and Glenn G. Gravatt, this collection was thoroughly revised by Jean Hugard and completely rewritten. It is easily the finest single compendium of classic card tricks, and the clear style makes the instructions easy to follow. An indispensable book for the professional or amateur magician, it is a magnificent source for anyone who wants just the right tricks to mystify his friends or delight his children.
Release dateApr 30, 2012
Encyclopedia of Card Tricks

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This republication of the 1937 edition is still to the point today. This book contains over 600 card tricks. There are sections for using normal decks as well as trick decks. I have been performing illusions for years, and I have found this book to be useful. Explains how to set-up and perform each trick in an easy to understand manner. If you wish to do Card magic, this is the only book you need.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Once you've learned a few basic card tricks, pick up this book. It's the very best intermediate course in card magic you can find.

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Encyclopedia of Card Tricks - Dover Publications



Al Baker

This effective trick can be done with any pack of cards. Begin by having the deck shuffled by a spectator. In taking it back sight the bottom card, make an overhand shuffle, bringing it to the top and note also the bottom card at the end of the shuffle. Go to a lady and say you will make a prediction foretelling exactly what she is about to do. Write on a slip of paper, The gentleman will get the ................ of ................ filling in with the name of the top card of the deck. Fold the slip and put it on the table under a glass or some other object. Hand the pack to the lady and ask her to think of a number, then when your back is turned, to deal that number of cards face down on the table, turn the top card of those dealt, note what it is, replace the packet on the pack and make one complete cut burying the chosen card in the middle. Turn away while the lady does this.

When she is ready, turn again and take the pack. Go to a gentleman and under pretence of fixing on a suitable card to impress on his mind, run over the faces of the cards, find the former bottom card and cut at that point. Note the card thus brought to the top. On a second slip write, The lady will get the ................ of ................ fill in the name of this top card. Fold the slip and put it with the first. Ask the lady to whisper the number she chose to the gentleman. Hand the pack to him and tell him to deal the cards face down and note the card at that number. This done, reassemble the pack and shuffle it as you build up the effect by recapitulating what has been done. Hand out the slips in the reverse order to that in which you wrote them. Have the two cards named, then have the slips opened and read, proving that you predicted the choice of those very cards.


This is a good example of how the presentation can be made to transform a simple trick into a striking effect. The trick is that in which a card is sent to any number chosen by the spectator, the first time the cards are counted a wrong card appears but on a second count the right one turns up. The method is simplicity itself. The card is on the top so that the first count brings it to the number required so when the packet is replaced on the pack and again counted it is found at the correct number. In the older method the cards were replaced on the pretext of a miscount, a very weak procedure.

A card having been freely chosen, noted, replaced and brought to the top, execute several shuffles keeping it there. Addressing the spectator you say, Have you a magic breath? Well I will show you how to find out. If you have you can send your card to whatever position you please merely by breathing gently on the cards. Will you choose a number? Nine? Then just blow on the pack and think intently of that number as you blow. Spectator blows, turn your head away with a slight grimace. Your breath does not seem to be very magical, but I may be mistaken. Will you take the pack and count down to your number?

He does this and turns a wrong card. Take the pack, put the packet counted on top and execute a false shuffle; take the card he turned up and push it in somewhere amongst the top eight cards. I knew you would fail, you say, instead of thinking while blowing, you blew while thinking, not the same thing at all. Let me show you a real magic breath. See, just a gentle zephyr, but it has sent your card to the number required. What was it you chose? Nine? Deal 8 cards, have the spectator name his card and turn the ninth.

The testing of the spectator’s breath can be done delicately or broadly according to the type of audience.



EFFECT:—Four cards are placed in a row, faces up. While performer’s back is turned a card is turned end for end. He finds the one that has been reversed.

METHOD:—This is a development of the very old trick which was done by using cards the white margins of which were a little wider on one side than the other. In this method pick out of a pack of Bicycle cards the K. Q. and J. of S. Note the small white spades used in the body of the design. The J. has 5 small spades pointing up or down according to the way the card is turned. The Q. has 7 pointing to left or right and in the center of the K. design the large jewel is shaded at one end only.

Lay these cards in a row face up noting the way the designs point and invite a spectator to place any other Court card down with them. Turn your back while the spectator turns one card end for end. If he turns one of the S. you recognize it by the changed position of the design, but if these are unchanged then you know that the fourth card must have been turned.



Using any deck, the Joker is first placed face up and a spectator is asked to shuffle the cards, then take out any face down card and without looking at it put it in his inside coat pocket with its back outwards. This done he passes the pack to a second person who does the same thing. The process is repeated with a third and fourth person. Thus four cards have been selected at random and even the spectators who have them in their pockets do not know what cards they are. You take the pack, remove the Joker and touching it to each person’s pocket you call the names of the cards correctly.

To do this take the face down pack, spread it to find the face up Joker, cut to bring it to the top. Make a double lift taking the next face down card with the Joker and holding the two as one. Keep the Joker with its face squarely to the front and as you go to the first spectator sight the index of the card behind the Joker. Touch the Joker to his pocket and slowly tell the value of the card just sighted, then to get the suit insert the Joker in his pocket, drop the card from behind it and pick up in its place the card that was in the pocket. Take care to get it squarely behind before removing the Joker. Now name the suit. Spectator takes the card from his pocket and shows it. You sight the index of the new card behind the Joker and repeat the process. Always name either the suit or the color before inserting the Joker in the pocket.

NO. 2. In this method the rather awkward business of changing the cards in the pocket is avoided. After taking the pack to remove the Joker, run over the cards till you reach it, then reverse it and apparently take it out and put it face down on the table, really draw out the card next to it which may be any card at all. Cut the pack to bring the Joker to the top and keep the pack in your left hand. Pick up the card from the table sighting it. Insert it in the first person’s pocket, calling its name and leave it there, bringing out the card originally placed in the pocket. Proceed in exactly the same way with all the others. Finally as the cards are being verified you have ample opportunity to put the last card left in your hand on the bottom of the pack and take off the Joker which you throw face up on the table.

NO. 3. This is an adaptation of The Whispering Queen (p. 24).

Using any pack that has a Joker, have it shuffled by a spectator. Take it and in removing the Joker sight and memorize the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th cards from the bottom. Invite a spectator to cut about the middle, put the packets on the table and place his hands on top of them. Tell him to lift one hand. If he lifts the hand from the original bottom half of the deck you say, You want to use this packet? Very well. Hand it to him and put the other aside. But if he raises the other hand simply remove that packet and let him retain the one under his hand. Give any plausible reason that occurs to you and have him count the cards face down. Whatever the number may be you say, "That’s fine. I think we’ll succeed. Tell him to take off the top card and put it in the middle, do the same with the bottom card, and put the next card in his pocket without looking at it. The next two cards are put in the pockets of two other persons, also without being looked at. Now since these three cards are the ones you memorized you have no difficulty in naming them, pretending, of course, to get the information from the Joker which you insert in the pockets and study carefully each time.

NO. 4. In this method four cards are freely selected and placed in spectator’s pocket without being looked at as in the first method, but in putting the pack aside you must note the bottom card and really take the Joker only in your hand. Suppose the bottom card is the 7S. Advance to the first person, touch the Joker to the outside of his pocket and slowly name the color and value of the bottom card of the deck, in this case the 7S. To get the shape of the pips you say direct contact must be made. Insert the Joker, drop it and seize the card already in the pocket. Now name the suit S., and bring out the card holding it face down. Tell the spectator to leave his card as it is till you come back to him. As you go to the second person tilt the card in your hand a little and sight the outer index. Go through exactly the same process, naming the card in your hand and exchanging it for the one in the pocket. Same with the third and fourth spectators. You will have to remember these cards and their order.

Finally put the supposed Joker, really the card from the fourth person’s pocket, face down on the table and have the first person take out his card without looking at it and put it face down on the supposed Joker. Drop the rest of the pack on top. Lift the pack with your left hand by the sides as you say Yours was the only card I am doubtful about. Bend your head down pretending to listen, then say Yes I was right it is the 7. S. With the tip of the left 3rd finger draw back the bottom card and with the right hand pull out the next, the Joker, throwing it face up on the table, and next the 7. S. Pick up the Joker and with it touch the spectators’ pockets, again name the three cards. They are taken out and verified.



Allow a spectator to shuffle the cards (any deck). Take them back and under pretence of removing the Joker, memorize the 3 cards below the top card. Riffle shuffle, retaining the four top cards in the same position. Put the pack on the table and ask the spectator to cut it into two packets. Say that you will take one packet and invite him to touch one. If he touches the original lower portion of the pack, take it and put it aside: if he touches the original top portion tell him to take it. In any case that is the packet he must get.

Instruct him to take the top card of this packet and push it into the middle, the same with the bottom card, then to take the top card and put it face down on the table and hand the second and third cards to two other spectators. Now proceed to reveal the cards by mind reading, pulse reading or any other way that pleases your fancy.


In this trick a special move is necessary that is not at all difficult. It is to apparently show the faces of all the cards but to keep one hidden. You have the card on the top, turn pack face outwards and run the cards off one by one from the left hand into the right. When you are about two-thirds through separate the hands for a moment and spread the cards remaining in the left hand to show the indices at the same time pushing the lowest card, the top card of the deck and the one to be concealed, a little forward behind the others. Bring the hands together and as you take off the face card of the left hand packet pull off the top card behind those in the right hand with the right fingers. Then show all the rest of the cards.

You have a deck shuffled by a spectator and in taking it back sight the bottom card, then overhand shuffle it to the top. Suppose it is the 10 spades. Cut, bringing it to the middle, keeping the tip of the little finger on the 10S. On a slip of paper write 10 S. and put it face down on the table without showing what you have written. Ask a spectator to point to a card and contrive to have the 10S. in position as he points. Take the card out and put it face down on the table. Ask him to call the name of any card. Suppose he names the 2D. Hand him a slip of paper and have him write that and put the slip on the table. As he does so find the 2D. and slip it to the top. Run over the faces of the cards and show the card is not in the pack. Go to a second person and force the 2D just as you forced the 10S. He names we will say, the AH. Put the 2D down and as he writes AH on a third slip find that card, slip it to the top and show it is not in the pack, using the move explained. Finally force the AH. on a third person and place it on the table opposite your first slip, calling it the 10S. Have the pack examined, the three cards named are not in it Gather up the three cards, mixing them, then match them with the three slips.



Any deck is shuffled by a spectator and returned to you. With the blunt end of a pencil push out a packet of cards from the middle. Invite a spectator to note the top card of the projecting portion by lifting a corner and noting the index. You note the index of the bottom card of the top packet as you turn the cards edgewise to push the projecting packet flush with the deck. By running through the pack and noting the card below this one you learn what card the spectator looked at. Reveal it in as striking a manner as you can. There is little danger of the two cards being separated if you allow the spectator to make a short overhand shuffle. This strengthens the effect greatly.



With any deck, after it has been well shuffled, secretly sight the two top cards. Riffle shuffle retaining these cards on the top. Put the pack down and have a spectator cut it at about the middle. Invite him to touch one packet. Whichever he touches interpret his choice so that he gets the one with the two cards you know on top. Tell him to do just as you do. Take the bottom card and put it in the center of your heap. He does the same. Put the top card in your right hand pocket. He does the same. Put the bottom card in the middle and the top card in your left hand pocket. He does the same. Lastly put the top and bottom cards in the middle. He follows suit.

It is a most peculiar thing, you say, but through some strange sympathy that exists amongst the cards, the one in my right hand pocket will indicate to me what the card in your right hand pocket is, and the one in my left pocket will tell me what the one in your left hand pocket happens to be.

Take out the card from your right pocket, show it and then deducing from it any plausible or fanciful reason, name the card in his right hand pocket. Do the same with the other cards. The putting of the cards from the bottom to the middle is merely to confuse and misdirect the spectator.


This method has several good points. The wallet is not prepared and the hand taking it from the pocket is empty.

Use a wallet that opens lengthwise and slip a heavy rubber band around one side. Open it so that the covers touch, back to back, and hang it over the edge of your inside coat pocket, the rubber band side in the pocket, the other side hanging out.

From any shuffled deck have a card freely selected, marked, returned, and bring it to the top. (Chapt. 19). Place both hands with the pack behind your back. Take the marked card in your left hand, reach up under your coat at the back and push the card under your right arm pit, retaining it with a slight pressure of the arm against the body. Bring the deck forward and throw out a card, any card, as you say, Your card? The answer will be No.

Place the pack on the table, casually letting it be noted that your hands are empty. Take hold of the right edge of your coat with your right hand. With the left take the card from under your arm, slip it into the wallet, lift this from the pocket, flipping it over and closing it, and bring it out with the band side to the front. Put the right fingers under the band and pull it off as if it really encircled the wallet, open this and invite a spectator to take out the marked card.


You have any deck freely shuffled by a spectator. Take it back face up and mentally note the face card. Secretly reverse the lowest card, as the pack lies and remember it also. Put the pack on the table, reversed card face down, pack face up. Invite a spectator to cut about 2/3 of the cards and put them face down beside the remainder of the pack. As he is doing this you write a prediction, (the names of the two sighted cards), on a slip of paper and hand it to a second spectator.

Now have the spectator cut the second pile about the middle and put the cut face up alongside. You now have three piles in a row, the middle one face down, the two outside ones face up. Place the first pile (reversed card at bottom) on top of the middle pile and both of these on the third pile. Invite the spectator to remove the face down section from the middle, put it on the table and cut it into two parts. Have your prediction slip placed on the top portion and the lower packet placed crosswise on that. The slip is thus between the two cards whose names you wrote on it. This way of placing the cut confuses the spectator into thinking the slip is placed at the place at which he cut.


Allow a spectator to make a free selection of a card from a freely shuffled pack. Let him replace it anywhere as you ruffle the outer ends of the deck. By keeping a tight hold of the inner ends you prevent the card from going right home. Tap the inner ends quite even and then give the protruding end of the selected card a sharp tap. This will send it through the pack and its inner end will protrude about the 1/8 of an inch. With the right thumb on the inner end of the deck split the pack for a riffle shuffle at this protruding card but pick up one more card below it. The chosen card will thus be the second card from the bottom of the portion in the right hand. Riffle the two parts of the pack together but let the two bottom cards of the right hand part drop first, then complete a genuine riffle. You can show the top and the bottom cards after the shuffle and then, with an overhand shuffle, bring the card from next the bottom to any desired position.


Ladson Butler

Any deck, borrowed if possible, may be used. Have the cards thoroughly shuffled by one or more spectators. Take it back and run through it to find and remove the QC., the most gossipy of all the Queens. In doing this spread the four top cards so that you can see and memorize their indices. Read the values to yourself thus for instance 47-36 (forty-seven-thirty-six) and then the suits, say C.D.H.S. After a little practice four cards can be memorized in this way at a glance. Have a spectator deal the cards into four face down heaps. Push the QC. face up below any chosen heap for a moment, then put the card to your ear. She whispers the name to you? and you call it. Repeat with the bottom cards of the other heaps.



EFFECT:—Using a borrowed deck, if so desired, the performer has a spectator call any number from 1 to 12. Dealing fairly to this number the card is shown and initialed by the spectator. Stating that the card is to represent a man who has met with an accident necessitating the removal of one leg, the performer tears a corner from the card and hands it to the spectator to hold. As the story goes, the man has a terrible dream in which he sees himself in many pieces. As he tells this, the performer tears the card into a number of pieces with the face of the card towards the audience. Then into the dream comes a great doctor who covers him with a white sheet, but before anything else can happen, the man wakes up and finds himself still in the hospital, perfectly well except for the missing leg. The corner is then matched to the card by the spectator who identifies his initials.

METHOD:—Before starting take the 6, 7, and 8 spots of each suit and put them on the top in any order. Thus the selection must be from one of these cards. Take the card out and, while the spectator initials it, pick up the pack and the cards dealt, pick out a card of the same suit and put it on the bottom. If the chosen card is a 6, you pick a 7, if it is a 7, pick a 6 and if an 8 take a 7. Suppose the 7 C. is the card selected, put the 6 C. on the face of the deck and cut same into two parts. Take back the 7 C., pick up the original bottom half of the deck and put the 7 C. at the bottom, i. e. over the 6 C., then slide the two cards together about an inch over the end of the deck that is opposite the odd spot of the 7 C. Hold the deck now with its face to the audience, the protruding card seemingly the 7 C. only. Place the remaining half of the deck in front, timing the patter about the man going into the hospital. Holding the deck firmly, deliberately tear off the index corner of both cards as one. Push out the 7 corner with the thumb and hand it to the spectator, then drop the other corner in your pocket as you take out a rubber band.

Turn the pack face down and apparently withdraw the 7 C. but with the left forefinger push this card back flush with the deck and draw out the 6 C. face down and put it on the table. Put the rubber band round the pack and hand it to the spectator. Pick up the card with the fingers covering the missing spot and index corner. As you continue relating the dream, tear it in half, placing the torn corner half in front. Now very openly tear the card several times. It is only necessary to vanish the pieces and the sheet in the dream is represented by your handkerchief which has a dummy packet in one corner. Throw the handkerchief over the pieces and give them to the spectator to hold. Really he gets the dummy packet and you pocket the pieces. Tell the ending of the dream, shake out the handkerchief, the pieces have gone. Riffle the deck at the corner, with the band still round it, stopping at the break and have the spectator remove the restored and marked card from the hospital for identification of the initials and the matching of the corner.



EFFECT:—A postage card is stuck to the face of a card to identify it. 10 cards are placed aside and the chosen card put amongst them. A spectator holds the rest of the pack. Chosen card returns to the pack, leaving 10 cards only.

METHOD:—Beforehand moisten one end of a 1c stamp and stick it over an end spot of the 3C., the end of the stamp adhering to the card near its end. Put this card on the bottom and the AC. at the top. Begin by forcing the AC, cut and bring the 3C. back to the bottom and put the pack on the table. Take the chosen card back, face down, show another lc stamp, moisten it and, at the same time, the tip of the right middle finger; reach under the AC. and stick the stamp to its face in exactly the same position as the stamp on the 3C. Show the face of the card to the audience but do not look at it yourself, put it face down on the table and put pack on top of it.

Deal ten cards in a packet to one side from the top of the pack. Draw back the AC. on the bottom and draw out the 3C. Drop it on the packet of 10 cards. Cut the pack and hand it to be held. Pick up the packet, take the 3C. and push it into the middle far enough to hide the end spot, then raise the hands and show the face of the card, it appears to be the stamped AC. As you push it home wet the free end of the stamp and press it back, this will cause the card to stick to the card next above it so that the packet can again be counted as 10 and be shown or fanned with impunity.

The ace is found in the pack by the spectator.



EFFECT:—From a face up borrowed deck a spectator deals the red cards face down on your left hand, the black cards face up on your right hand. Putting the black cards face up on the table, hand him the red ones to shuffle. Write something on a piece of paper, fold it and lay it down. The spectator picks any red card, face down, without looking at it and puts it in the pile of black cards. Fan the black pile and show the card, it is the card whose name you wrote on the slip. The card is replaced in the red packet and the feat is repeated.

METHOD:—Count the red cards as they are dealt on your left hand, the 26th is the one whose name you write on the slip, and as you receive it, slip the tip of your left third finger under it. As you turn to the left to put the black cards on the table, straighten the left fingers, levering the top card upwards, glimpse it, and slide it under the face up black packet as the hands pass: put that packet down, the added card at the bottom and hand the red cards to be shuffled. Write the name of the card you sighted, fold the slip and lay it down. Turn the black heap face down. The spectator pushes any red card into the black packet, face down without looking at it, as you fan the cards. Make the pass, bringing it to the top, then fan the cards. In the middle will be the card you secretly transferred, whose name is on the slip, but the spectator naturally believes it to be the one he just pushed in. Have the slip read, take the card out and replace it in the red packet. The feat can then be repeated.



In taking a pack from its case quickly note the top two cards and let them slip back into the case as you take out the remainder. On a slip of paper write the names of these two cards, fold it and hand it to someone to hold. Have the pack shuffled, then cut into two parts and one part handed to you. Pick up the case and slide this chosen packet into it: by making a break with the thumb at one corner and pushing this corner into the case first, the two cards in the case will be forced into its middle.

From the remaining packet deal four cards in a row face down. Look at the first, call its name as you deal it and give the spectators a glimpse of it; miscall the next two as the two cards you wrote on the slip and don’t let their faces be seen as you deal them; name the last one correctly and again give the audience a glimpse of it as you lay it down. Allow a choice of the inside pair or the outside pair. Interpret reply that the inside cards are to be used and thrust them into the packet. Give it to be held. Order the two cards to fly to the packet in the case. The packets are examined and the deed has been done.



Any deck, shuffled by any one may be used. Take it and pass the cards with their faces towards a spectator slowly, one at a time from the left hand to the right, counting them aloud and putting the second under the first so that the same order is retained. The person notes any card mentally and remembers its number from the top. A card must be selected before you reach the middle of the pack. This done, while the cards are upright, pull the top card of the right-hand lot on top of those in the left hand, square the deck and cut it as nearly as possible in half. Again run the faces of the cards in the top half before the spectator’s eyes so that he can be sure his card is still in it. It is there but unknown to him it lies one card higher than he thinks owing to your having pushed off one card from his packet.

Hand the top packet to the spectator, you take the lower one. Deal one card face down on the table, the spectator deals his top card on yours, counting one; deal a second on this and he deals his second card on top, counting Two continue thus, dealing alternately until he arrives at one number less than the depth of his card in his packet. At this point pick up the pile of dealt cards (the top card is the selected card) with the right hand and as you ask him to name his card and deal it face down on the table, place the right hand packet over the cards in your left hand as if to square them but hold them upright and with the left thumb pull the top card of the right hand packet on top of the left hand pile. Put the right hand packet down, then deal the top card, the card just transferred, face down on the table. He names the card he thought of and turns his card, it is another card altogether: you turn yours, it is his card.



EFFECT:—A spectator shuffles a pack of cards, which can be his own, and then spreads the cards face down on a table. He points to any card he pleases, and that card is removed from the pack and kept in full view. Next he is asked to think of a card. He names it and that card is missing from the deck. He himself turns over the card he pointed out, it is the card he thought of.

SECRET:—The trick is hardly as good as its sales talk but can be made effective. When the spectator points out a card you pick it up and place it in your outside coat pocket at the top, allowing about half the card to protrude, in order to keep it in sight the whole time, as you say. As soon as he names the card he has mentally selected, pick up the pack, run through the faces quickly and on coming to that card transfer it to the top. Say that you cannot find it and ask the spectator to go through the pack to verify the fact that the card is missing. Palm the top card in your right hand and give him the pack. He also fails to find the thought card. With your right hand apparently take the card from your coat pocket and put it face down on the table, it is the card. What you really do is to push the card in the pocket right down out of sight and insert the palmed card, bringing it out in place of the other.

The following description of the effect of a trick by Robert Houdin in his book Les Secrets, published in 1868 will be found interesting. To place the first card that comes to hand on a table and to predict that whatever may be the card another spectator may please to think of such card shall be identical in suit and value with the card previously removed.

The modern inventor puts the card in his pocket instead of on the table and calls it a new trick.


Prepare for the trick by slipping two cards into your right hand trouser pocket. When ready to do the trick, you can show the pocket empty by pushing the cards to the top inner corner as you pull out the pocket. Have the deck shuffled, take it back and deal the three top cards face up. Memorize the values, ask a spectator to think of one of the three. Put them in your trousers pocket. Bring out the two previously hidden cards one by one and put them face down on the pack without showing the faces. Now have the card mentally selected and, remembering the values of the cards still in your pocket, and the order in which you placed them, you have no difficulty in bringing out the right card. It must be produced without hesitation or fumbling.



The effect is that four aces and one Queen are sealed in separate envelopes. These are mixed thoroughly, yet when they are handed to you one by one you tell which contains the Queen.

The secret is very simple. The aces are placed in the envelopes on their sides, while the Queen is stood upright. Of course this is not done openly. Place the Queen in the envelope in exactly the same way as the others but under cover of the flap turn it upright.

By not announcing what you are going to do the Queen envelope may be handed to you first of all. In which case you say you willed the spectator to do that and open the envelope to see if you are right, turning the card lengthwise before bringing it out. The same effect can be obtained if the Queen envelope is handed to you last. In all other cases simply place the envelope to your forehead and announce which one holds the Queen. Camouflage the fact that you get your information by feel.



The trick depends upon a special move. Take any deck, hold it firmly at the inner left corner between the thumb and 1st and 2nd fingers. Press downward to the left forcibly with the thumb and the deck will break cleanly at some point. Close the pack and repeat the action, the deck will break at the same point. If the pack breaks at more than one spot, use greater pressure.

To apply this principle to a trick: borrow a deck after having had it well shuffled. Ask the spectator to take out a pencil and paper and under cover of his doing this, test the pack for the break as above; cut if necessary, to bring it at a point about one-third of the way from the top, after glimpsing the index of the card at the bottom of the portion that slides. Write this card on the paper, fold the slip and hand it to the spectator. Give him the top card and, holding the pack in position for the sliding move, call attention to its being squared perfectly and show all sides. Tell the spectator to thrust the card into the deck, face up, anywhere he pleases, but you take care it goes in under the natural break. Now move the inserted card so that it protrudes diagonally from the corner opposite your left thumb. Raise the pack with the left hand till it is upright, make the slide motion, pushing the upper portion an inch to the right, at the same moment seize this packet and the inserted card with the right hand and draw them away. The bottom card of the packet is shown and your prediction read, they coincide.



Any complete deck is handed to a spectator to shuffle: instruct him to merely think of a card as he shuffles. Take the pack and spread it widely on the table with the faces up. Tell the spectator to hold his right hand over the cards, with his forefinger pointing downwards, and move it slowly from one end of the row to the other and back again. When he comes to the card he thought of tell him he is to say mentally That’s it, but on no account to hesitate or stop. Before he does this take up your position a little distance away from the table.

It is a psychological fact that if the spectator carries out your instructions he will hesitate for a fraction of a second when he comes to his card. If you stood close to him this could not be detected but from a little distance it becomes quite noticeable and you learn the approximate position of the card, within 5 or 6 cards at the very most. Return to the table, glance at this group memorizing them, cut the deck to bring them to the top and put the pack behind your back. In memorizing the cards, disregard the suits and remember the values as you would a telephone number, thus 48-762. Ask the number of spots on the card and bring forward the correct one, putting it face down. The suit is named and you turn the card.



The following five cards are placed face up in an even row on the table, K.H., 7C., A.D. 4H. and 9D. The performer addresses a spectator, somewhat as follows:—I have picked out five cards at random and I want you to mentally select just one. You have an unrestricted choice and you must not think that I am trying to influence you in any way. For instance, here is an ace, occupying the central position; you may think of it, and again you may not. Perhaps you think I had a motive in placing just one black card among the cards. This might influence your choice, or again it might not. At any rate look over the five cards carefully, as long as you wish, but rest assured that whatever card you definitely decide upon I shall presently place face down upon your hand and, when you yourself are holding the card, I shall ask you to name your card. It will be your card. Even when the card is on your hand you have the privilege of changing your mind, still the card will be the one thought of.

When the spectator has made his mental choice, pick up the five cards, mix them, draw out the 4H. and put it on his hand face down. He names his card, it is almost inevitably the 4H. The trick is a purely psychological one. The spectator rejects the Ace and the King as being too conspicuous, the 7C. is the one black card and anyway 7 has become an overworked number in such tricks, the 9D. is never chosen being widely considered an unlucky card, and this reasoning leaves one card only, the 4H. Your patter must be directed towards making the spectator consider each card and form a reason for rejecting or choosing it; if you allow a snap choice the trick is almost certain to fail.

Until you have had some experience with the effect instead of putting the 4H. on the spectator’s hand, simply lay 5 cards in a pile with the 4H. on the top and K.H. at the bottom. Then if the K.H. is named simply turn the packet over.


Ask someone to just think of a card as he shuffles the deck. He may change his mind as often as he pleases but, having fixed on one card, he must keep to it. Next take a blank card about the size of a playing card, draw four lines across it, making five spaces, the first, third and fifth spaces somewhat larger than the second and fourth. Hand this with a pencil to the spectator asking him to fill in the spaces with the names of four indifferent cards and his card in any order he pleases. You address him somewhat after this manner: You may write the cards in any order. Your mentally selected card can be written in any space you see fit. You may write your card in the first space, or the last or again in the middle, but don’t let me influence your choice of space as this is entirely up to you. Almost invariably the thought card will be written in the second space, or, if not there, in the third space. However, you have a second string to your bow by watching his manner of writing. You should stand at some little distance from him since you need only watch his hand. There will always be a little hesitation in the writing of the four cards but, when he writes the name of his mentally selected card he writes it in rapidly.

This having been done, take back the pack and the list, glance at the name of the card in the space you have decided on and throw the list face down on the table. Run through the deck, take out the card and put it face down on the table. Give the spectator the list asking him to cross out the indifferent cards, then turn the card you put out. With very little experiences with the feat you should get the card every time. The impression left on the spectator’s mind is that you picked the card from the whole pack.



This is another trick of the psychological order, the mind of the spectator being influenced to follow your suggestions.

Take two sets of aces, hand one to the spectator and take the other yourself. Place the AH. face down on the table without showing it and say to the person, I want you to select any one of your four aces and put it face down on mine. You may pick any ace you please, for instance the AS. but don’t let me influence your mind or choice. Just put your card down here. Presuming you have chosen a man for the feat it is practically certain he will pick the AH, since he will eliminate the AS. through your having named it. If you are dealing with a lady mention the AC. and the probability is she will put down the AD.

Continue then by having the person deal the other three aces face up and you put your corresponding ace on each one. Finally turn the two face down aces showing they match.

If you have a magician to deal with always put down the AC as your first card. He will ignore the AH and the AD since they play an important part in mental selections of cards. Of the two black Aces he will choose the AC as being less prominent. Finish as above. Tricks like these are not certain to succeed but they are very interesting and, if presented as feats of mindreading, you lose no prestige in case of failure and score when successful.



Any full deck and its case may be used. Allow a spectator to shuffle the cards, retaining one and hand the remainder to you. Square these carefully and insert them in the case. The spectator having noted his card, turn your back and hold out the case, open end towards him, asking him to insert his card somewhere in the middle. By pressing on the end of the case with your finger and thumb the card will be prevented from going exactly flush with the rest. Have the flap pushed in.

Keeping your back turned while the spectator writes the name of his card, quickly open the case, grip the pack tightly and pull all the cards halfway out of the case. Run your thumb lightly over the ends and pull out the one card that protrudes slightly, put it in a vest pocket, sighting it as you do so, close the flap again, turn and toss card case on the table. You not only know the card but you have possession of it and you can finish the trick as you wish.

Keep your elbows pressed closely to your sides as you extract the card from the case so that your movements are not betrayed to the spectators.


Using any deck that has been freely shuffled, secretly note and remember the top and bottom cards. Looking through the deck to remove the Joker gives a good opportunity for doing this. Then riffle shuffle letting the last card of the left hand portion fall first, and the last card of the right hand packet fall last, so that the two cards remain in position. With little practice the cards can be spotted while riffle shuffling. Have any card selected, have it noted and replaced on the top, under-cut burying it in the middle but really bringing it between the two noted cards. You may let the spectator make a short overhand shuffle without danger of separating the cards, or the cards may be cut as often as you please with complete cuts.

Knowing the position of the card you can locate it by running over the faces and finally reveal it as you please. A better way is to riffle the index corners till you spot the noted cards and cut at that point, but this requires some practice.


Any pack having been thoroughly shuffled by a spectator, take it back and casually spread the cards from the top as if to have one drawn, really count fifteen, insert tip of little finger and close the spread. Announce that instead of having a card drawn you will attempt to find one merely thought of. Take off the fifteen cards above the little finger and lay the rest down. Take out of the 15 any Club, then any Heart, any Spade and lastly any two Diamonds: remember the order C. H. S. D. D. but take no notice of the values except that of the last D. which you must remember. Fan these five cards and ask a spectator to mentally select one. This done drop the five on top of the deck and throw the other packet of ten on top of them and square the deck. False shuffle and cut if you can, then casually cut some cards off the top, really five exactly, and push them into the middle; do the same with a small number, any number of cards from the bottom. Again cut five exactly off the top, put them in the middle and any small number from the bottom into the middle.

The five cards from which the card was mentally selected are now on the top and several riffle shuffles may be made safely leaving them there. Place the pack in your breast pocket and have the card named. You can then instantly produce it from the pack.


Using a borrowed deck which has been thoroughly shuffled you have it given to any spectator who may be chosen. The lights are put out and this person places any card in your hand. You at once name it and when the lights are put on again you are seen to have called it correctly. The effect may be repeated.

At any favorable opportunity, for instance in the course of a trick in which you had to turn your back to the spectators with the deck in your hands, take off the top two or three cards, memorize them and slip them into a vest pocket. Before the lights are put out hold your hand near to the spectator who has the pack so that he can place a card on it without fumbling. When the lights are put out and he puts a card on your hand, at once slip into a pocket and take out the first of the cards memorized from your vest pocket. Place it face down on your hand and put your hand out in the same position as before.

The trick bears repetition and simple as it is has proved baffling if a little semi-scientific talk is introduced about the development possible with the sense of touch and so on.



From any deck which has been shuffled by a spectator, let a card be freely selected and noted. Have it replaced and bring it to the top by whatever method you use, and false shuffle, leaving it in that position. Let a second spectator draw a card, show it and ask if it is the card first chosen. On being assured that it is not, lay it face up on the top of the deck.

Ask the spectator who drew the first card to stand on your left side, facing the audience with you. Tell him he is to hold his hands behind his back and that you will place the cards in his hands, he is then to at once draw off the reversed card from the top and thrust it in the middle of the deck. As you put the pack behind his back, make the Charlier pass bringing the reversed card and the chosen card next to it to the middle, and put the pack in his hands. He takes the top card, which faces the same way as the rest, and pushes it into the middle of the pack where it is simply lost. Let him then bring the pack forward and spread it revealing the reversed card. Tell him to cut at this card and name the one he chose. He turns over the next card and the effect is that he has himself discovered his own card.

The trick is included in this section because the necessary one hand pass can be done so slowly, the cards being out of sight behind the spectator’s back, that no sleight of hand is necessary.


Lu Brent

Using any deck allow a spectator to shuffle the cards, then divide them into two packets and give you one. Tell him that while your back is turned he is to select any card from his packet, note what it is and put it face down on the top of his packet. Turn away and with your elbows pressed to your sides reverse the card on the bottom of your packet and also the second card from the top. When the spectator is ready, turn round, place your packet on top of his and tell him to put the pack behind his back. Next he is to take off the top card and put it at the bottom of the pack, then to turn the present top card over and thrust it into the middle. This done he brings the pack forward and you spread it, revealing one reversed card: divide the pack at this point, have him name his card, turn over the card below the reversed card, it is his card, thus proving that he found it himself.

What really happens is obvious enough: in reversing a card he simply rights the card already reversed by you so that it is lost amongst the other cards when he inserts it. The other card reversed by you at the bottom of your packet is the one that shows up above, as of course it has to do.


The invention of this trick

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