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Living Beyond My Circumstances
Living Beyond My Circumstances
Living Beyond My Circumstances
Ebook139 pages1 hour

Living Beyond My Circumstances

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About this ebook

When Deb Willows was diagnosed with cerebral palsy 50 years ago, her parents were advised to “put her in an institution and get on with your lives.” Experts believed parents were incapable of raising disabled children. But God had other plans. Deb’s parents challenged her to see her severe limitations as opportunities, to dream big dreams and to work hard to accomplish them. Overcoming many challenges, Deb has blazed the trail for other disabled people, representing Canada around the world as a Paralympian and the first disabled boccia ball referee. Her story is one of hope and inspiration for everyone who has a dream they want to achieve but with obstacles to overcome. Deb Willows has truly lived beyond her circumstances and demonstrates that with God’s help we can all accomplish great things!
Release dateFeb 15, 2015
Living Beyond My Circumstances

Deborah L Willows

Deborah represented Canada numerous times on the world stage in swimming, slalom, wheelchair soccer and boccia. At her first international boccia event (New York, 1984), she won a bronze medal in the women’s CP1 category. She competed at the 1988 Paralympic Games and set a Canadian and world record in the 50m backstroke at the 1986 Paralympic Games. In 1990, Debbie broke this record at Assen, and then demonstrated slalom for the Queen of Holland. A highlight of her career is participating as an international referee at the 1992 and 1996 Paralympic Games. For a number of years, Debbie was also the treasurer for the International Boccia Committee of CPISRA. She has written several articles and spoken in many venues. Deb’s work appeared in the books Heal Our Land and Everyday Grace, Everyday Miracles.

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    Book preview

    Living Beyond My Circumstances - Deborah L Willows


    This book is dedicated to Jesus Christ, my Saviour and Lord. Without Him, my life and this book would be meaningless.

    Endorsements for Living Beyond My Circumstances

    Courage. Heroes. Crisis. Victory. God doing the impossible. A storyline for a novel? No. This is the life story of Deb Willows. She lets God shine through her circumstances. She honours her parents and friends as heroes...and especially honours God for giving her life and opportunity. Love and joy permeate her writing. In my own life I was deeply impacted by a mentor who had cerebral palsy. Deb is making the same impact in countless lives. This book will challenge you to walk in and live above your circumstances.

    —Jerry E. White, PhD

    (Major General, USAF, Ret; International President Emeritus)

    Debbie Willows is on a journey that none would desire, but getting to know Debbie is a very encouraging experience. As a handicapped person, it is so challenging to see how, in her determination, no mountain is too high to climb. Her faith in the Lord Jesus is one to be espoused and causes one to realize that, with God, all things are possible. This book will be an encouragement to deny the negative and try those things made possible by God.

    —Dr. Nell Maxwell

    This story is about a young lady who can’t walk or use her hands but who, by her strong character and unwavering faith in God, is living a life of positive influence and service to others. I believe this book will have a life-changing effect on all who read it. Debbie has never been a burden on anyone. She is truly an amazing inspiration to all who are blessed to know her.

    —Dan, Deb’s dad

    I hope and pray that those who read this book will see the Deb we know: smart, loving, kind and generous, and one who has the ability to make friends. She puts God first in all she does. She once said to me, if she could walk, she would not be who she is. Deb is an amazing lady, and anyone who has the privilege of getting to know her will be blessed.

    —Marg, Deb’s mom

    Growing up with Deb was like growing up with any other big sister. What my parents did, which was very unusual, was to tell Deb and us that she was normal and everyone else was disabled. We believed them and therefore treated her like any brothers would treat a sister. From my perspective, she was a fantastic sister. Deb laughed with us, cried for us and set an example of how to live.

    —Terry, Deb’s brother

    I always thought of Deb as fun. (She would lick her Smarties and O’Henry bar so we wouldn’t take them from her.) Deb was also really brave, especially as a teen attending a school of 2,500 students. As an adult, she is a patient leader. (We’re quite impatient.) She has a pastor’s heart, a real love for people—people I’d write off. She ministers to me and to my family. When we need advice or wisdom, we go to Deb. We all gravitate to her. She is an encourager, a servant of God. She has no other agenda but to serve the Lord and do His work.

    —Danny, Deb’s brother

    I am pretty proud of Deb and what she has done with her life. Unfortunately, I work a lot, so I don’t get to spend much time with her. But when she needs someone, I am there no matter what I’m doing. She is awesome, and I can’t imagine having anyone else as my sister. Deb is the best.

    —Sharon, Deb’s sister

    Table of Contents



    Introduction—Celebrating the First Half Century

    Go for the Gold

    International Adventures

    A Slight Setback

    Real School

    Family Life

    A Daughter’s Love

    Minds of Our Own

    A World of Extremes

    Tally Ho!

    Beyond Competing

    Foray into the Business World

    Lego, Another Name for Independence

    Help Wanted

    Go North, Young Woman

    A Note from the Author

    About the Authors

    Appendix 1—Author’s Biography

    Appendix 2—Highlights of Author’s Athletic Timeline

    Appendix 3—The Romans Road to Salvation

    Appendix 4—The Paralympic Games

    Appendix 5—Resource List


    Deb Willows is one of those people you never forget—and those who know her well consider her a treasured asset in the Kingdom of Christ. That’s because Deb knows something about what it means to be more than a conqueror. She understands how to welcome a trial as a friend and rejoice in suffering. She understands the virtues of perseverance and persistence. She lives out the encouragement Paul gave to Timothy to endure hardship as a good soldier. Such mandates from Scripture are tall orders for the average believer, and I’m convinced that is why God raises up special servants like Deb Willows. He understands the power of example.

    And that’s why Deb is such a treasure in the kingdom. She’s the example we all need. Why? Well, those who endure greater conflict always have something powerful to say to those who face lesser conflict—and that’s how I look at this remarkable servant of the Master. This woman is a rare jewel in the body of Christ, inspiring and encouraging all those who know her. And I trust you will come to know her well through this book, Living Beyond My Circumstances. The book you hold in your hand is filled with nuggets of biblical insight and wisdom, honed and shaped from years of living with a significant disability. So be encouraged. Be blessed. And see what wonderful things the Holy Spirit has to say to you through Deb’s story!

    Joni Eareckson Tada,

    the Joni and Friends International Disability Center (Summer 2012)


    To my mom and dad, who loved me the way I was and never expected less of me. Thank you for showing Christ’s love daily.

    To Sharon, Dan and Terry, my siblings, who treated me like one of them. Thank you.

    To Steph: Thank you for your friendship and help to accomplish another dream.


    Steph Beth Nickel

    Introduction: Celebrating the First Half Century

    In 2011 I celebrated 50 years of life on earth, 50 years of joy, struggles and pain. Living with cerebral palsy was taking its toll on my body. My neck, shoulders and lower back are always in pain. Even so, each year was intertwined with God’s faithfulness. I’d had 50 years to live for Him.

    So, what do you do to celebrate half a century of life? You go big! We booked my dream vacation, a Hawaiian cruise, in September 2010 and planned the excursions we wanted to take.

    How do we get Deb on the tours? asked Heather, friend, attendant and travel companion.

    Like always; we just do it. Pretty much my mom’s answer to everything.

    I’d taken many trips with only my parents to help, but they weren’t as young as they used to be. Five of my friends volunteered to save up and come along. My poor dad was the only man in the group.

    On March 26, Katie, Holly, Heather and I left Huntsville, Ontario, at 5:00 a.m. to drive to the Lester B. Pearson Airport in Toronto. Sylvia drove from London and met us there. We then flew to San Diego, where we connected with Mom and Dad. Esther was to fly in later.

    Exhausted but unable to sleep, around 4:00 the next morning I asked, Syl, is Esther here yet?

    Not yet.

    What’s happened to her? Is she going to make it on time?

    Not long after, there was rustling in the hall. Syl, I think someone’s at the door.

    Whew! It was Esther. Her flight had been grounded in Atlanta, and she’d had to get another to San Diego. She was tired, but she made it.

    The salt air tickled my nose as the eight of us boarded a cruise ship bound for Hawaii.

    Over the next two weeks, each friend took turns helping with my care. It’s one thing to assist in my home, but trying to help me shower or get to the toilet on a rocking ship...that’s a whole new world. My wheelchair and I ran into many walls because of the rough seas. Without my power chair, I was totally reliant on my travel companions for everything.

    When we arrived at the first island, we were greeted warmly by nationals who placed leis of shells around our necks while others danced to Hawaiian music. The tinkle of the shells and the rhythmic drumming filled my ears. It brought tears to my eyes. I’m really here!

    We had 14 days of food and crazy fun. We toured four islands. We saw beautiful gardens

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