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Heroku Cloud Application Development
Heroku Cloud Application Development
Heroku Cloud Application Development
Ebook691 pages5 hours

Heroku Cloud Application Development

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About this ebook

An easytofollow, handson guide that clearly explains the various components of the Heroku platform and provides stepbystep guidance as well as numerous examples on how to build and troubleshoot robust and scalable productionready web applications on the Heroku platform.

This book is intended for those who want to learn Heroku the right way. Perhaps you are new to Heroku or are someone who has heard about Heroku but have not built anything significant with it. You should have knowledge or familiarity with cloud computing and basic knowledge of database and network deployment.
Release dateApr 24, 2014
Heroku Cloud Application Development

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    Heroku Cloud Application Development - Anubhav Hanjura

    Table of Contents

    Heroku Cloud Application Development


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    1. Hello Heroku

    What is cloud computing?

    Cloud service models

    What is cloud application development?

    Key advantages of cloud application development

    Introducing Heroku

    Walking down the memory lane

    An overview of Heroku's architecture

    Process management


    HTTP routing

    Heroku interfaces

    The Heroku feature set

    Let's play Heroku

    Getting ready for the ride – the prerequisites

    Signing up

    Installing the Heroku toolbelt

    Logging in and generating a new SSH key

    Test driving Heroku


    2. Inside Heroku

    The Heroku platform stack

    The Celadon Cedar stack

    Request routing in Heroku

    The execution environment - dynos and the dyno manifold

    Heroku's logging infrastructure – the Logplex system

    The Heroku add-on architecture

    Programmatically consuming Heroku services

    The Heroku Platform API




    Accessing the API

    API clients

    Calling the API


    Limits on API calls

    The Heroku process architecture


    Declaring process types

    The Procfile format

    A sample Procfile

    Adding Procfile to Heroku

    Running applications locally

    Setting local environment variables

    Process formation

    Process scaling

    Stopping a process type

    Checking on your processes

    Process logs

    Running a one-off process

    Running anything


    3. Building Heroku Applications

    Heroku's guiding influence – the Twelve-Factor App methodology

    A codebase is always versioned and it can have multiple deploys

    Declare and isolate dependencies explicitly (always)

    Configuration should be stored in the environment

    Backend services should be treated as attached (loosely-coupled) resources

    Strict separation of the build, release, and run stages of an app

    An app in execution is a process or many processes

    Services should be exported through port binding

    An app should scale out through its process model

    Faster startup and graceful shutdown is the way to app agility and scalability

    Development and production (and everything in between) should be as similar as possible

    The app should just log the event not manage it

    App's administrative or management task should be run as a one-off process

    Creating a Heroku application

    Configuring your Heroku application

    The Heroku application configuration API

    Examples of using application configuration

    The persistence of configuration variables

    Accessing configuration variables at runtime

    Limits on configuration data

    Using the Heroku config plugin

    Introducing buildpacks

    Using a custom buildpack

    Specifying a custom buildpack at the app creation stage

    Third-party buildpacks

    The buildpack API

    Components of a buildpack API

    The bin/detect script

    The bin/compile script

    The bin/release script

    Writing a buildpack

    The slug compiler

    Optimizing the slug

    Size limits


    4. Deploying Heroku Applications

    Deployment on Heroku

    Getting a Heroku account

    Installing the toolbelt client kit

    Logging into the Heroku account

    Setting up SSH

    Writing your application

    Pushing your application to Heroku

    The Git vocabulary

    Getting started with Git

    Tracking a new project

    Using an existing Git project

    The life cycle of an artifact in Git

    Tracking files in a Git project

    When you don't need Git to track your files

    The git diff command – knowing what changed

    Committing your changes

    Deleting a file

    Moving a file

    Viewing commit history

    Undoing a change

    You can use some Git help

    The local repository

    Remote repositories

    Creating a Heroku remote

    Renaming an application

    Sending code to Heroku

    Optimizing slug size

    Cloning existing Heroku applications

    Forking an application

    Side effects of forking an application

    Transferring Apps

    Optimizing deployments

    The choice of a region

    Tracking application changes

    Setting up Deploy Hooks






    Release management

    Checking installed releases

    Verifying the new release

    Rolling back the release


    5. Running Heroku Applications

    The Heroku app lifecycle

    The Heroku CLI

    How to get the Heroku client tool

    Verifying the tool

    How to get the latest Heroku client tool

    Where is the Heroku client stored?

    What if my client installation is corrupted or not working?

    The Heroku CLI commands

    Heroku CLI commands by function

    Extending the Heroku CLI

    The Heroku CLI and add-ons

    A note on Heroku CLI and security

    Running your cloud apps locally

    Using Foreman to check Procfiles

    Using Foreman to run apps directly

    Running one-off commands

    Foreman command-line options

    The Apps page

    The Resources tab

    Managing resources

    The Activity tab

    The Access tab

    The Settings tab

    The Run Production Check tab

    Heroku support


    6. Putting It All Together

    Heroku's support for Java

    General support for Java

    Database support for Java apps

    Environment configuration

    Integrating Eclipse with Heroku


    Configuring Heroku in Eclipse

    Installing the Eclipse plugin for Heroku

    Setting up Heroku for development

    Setting up SSH support

    Creating a new Heroku Java app in Eclipse

    Using an existing Heroku application

    Pushing code to Heroku

    Pushing code to the Git repository

    Managing Heroku apps in Eclipse

    Viewing your Heroku application

    Getting to the application's details

    Reviewing the application's details

    Going deeper into the application information

    Adding collaborators to the application

    Changing the environment variables

    Heroku's process management in Eclipse

    Scaling your app dynos

    Restarting your web app


    7. Heroku Best Practices

    The One Cloud development platform

    Introducing the Cloud 9 IDE

    The C9 user interface

    The C9 project view

    Setting up preferences in the C9 IDE environment

    Deploying on Heroku

    Performing Git operations using the C9 IDE

    Heroku and the data store

    Creating a Heroku Postgres database

    Logging in to the database

    Creating more databases – the fork

    Synchronizing databases via database followers

    Checking database logs

    Performance and the Heroku Postgres database

    Disaster recovery in Heroku PostgreSQL

    Importing data into Postgres

    Deleting a Heroku Postgres database

    Accessing Heroku Postgres externally

    Accessing the database credentials

    Connecting from outside of Heroku

    High availability Postgres

    Choosing the right plan

    When does Heroku Postgres failover?

    Effect of the failover

    Checking the availability status after failover

    Configuring domains the right way

    Overview of DNS

    Working with DNS in Heroku

    Configuring your domain

    Domain addition rules

    Adding a custom domain to Heroku

    Configuring domain DNS

    Checking DNS configuration

    Removing Heroku custom subdomains

    Other domain-related considerations

    Optimizing applications

    The 2X dyno effect

    When do I need the 2X dynos?

    Checking whether you need 2X dynos

    What if I use 2X dynos?

    Now some examples...

    Notes on 2X dynos

    Managing your app dynos

    Using the Heroku scheduler

    Using NewRelic to keep the dyno alive


    8. Heroku Security


    Communication between the developer's machine and the Heroku platform

    General concepts of security

    Security of developer communication with Heroku

    A look inside the SSH protocol

    Client authentication

    App security and the Heroku dashboard

    Your Heroku account and the dashboard

    Security of applications and data resident on Heroku and third-party servers

    Heroku security practices

    Source code security

    Build and deploy security

    Application security

    Data security

    Configuration and metadata

    Infrastructure security

    Security in add-ons

    Securing the logging infrastructure

    Network security

    Security standards and compliance

    Securing web requests

    Piggyback SSL

    SSL for a custom domain

    Application security tools


    A sample wwwhisper app

    Getting wwwhisper

    Removing wwwhisper

    Enabling wwwhisper in your application

    For other Rack-based applications

    Post wwwhisper enablement

    Local setup for wwwhisper

    Using wwwhisper locally

    Disabling wwwhisper in a local environment

    Tinfoil website security scanner

    Upgrading the add-on

    The TINFOILSECURITY_SCAN_SCHEDULE configuration parameter

    The Tinfoil security scanner dashboard

    The scanning process


    9. Troubleshooting Heroku Applications

    The need for troubleshooting

    Your window to the running app – the logs

    A little more about Logplex – Heroku's logging system

    Sources and drains

    The message limit

    Retrieving Heroku logs

    Getting last 'n' log messages

    Getting live log messages

    Setting up logging levels

    Dissecting the Heroku log message

    Log message types

    Log filters

    Examples of log filtering

    Getting more from logging – other logging tools

    Techniques for troubleshooting your app

    Troubleshooting application downtime

    Debugging HTTP requests and APIs

    Validating your process formation

    Checking your database

    When everything else fails

    Production check

    A recommended Heroku configuration

    The stack

    The process formation

    Database service

    Domain and security considerations

    Proactive health monitoring

    Maintenance windows

    Checking the maintenance status

    Enabling the maintenance mode

    Disabling the maintenance mode

    The maintenance window – behind the scenes

    Customizing site content

    Customizing error pages

    Testing custom maintenance and error pages

    When requests time out

    Error classification in Heroku


    10. Advanced Heroku Usage

    Experimenting with Heroku Labs

    Using Heroku Labs features

    Seamless deployment using pipelines

    Enabling the pipelines feature

    Performance monitoring

    Switching on monitoring

    Log snapshot

    Watching your app closely using the Request ID

    Supporting the Request ID

    Introducing Websockets

    Websocket versus HTTP

    Websocket is not HTTP

    Websocket use cases

    Typical apps using Websockets

    Supporting Websockets in your app

    Establishing a Websocket connection

    Disadvantages of using Websockets

    Heroku and Websockets

    Switching on Websocket support

    Turning Websockets off

    The Websockets example

    The server code

    The client code

    Your first Heroku Platform API call

    Before we get started

    Supported API methods

    Sample uses of the platform API

    Creating an application

    Create an application API response

    Retrieving application information

    Modifying application information

    Deleting an application

    Interpreting an API response

    Error operations

    Error format

    An example error response


    Sharing your app on Heroku

    Prerequisites for collaboration

    Adding app collaborators to the Heroku dashboard

    Deleting a collaborator

    Adding collaborators via the Heroku CLI

    Listing collaborators

    Removing a collaborator

    Collaborator actions

    Working on the app

    Viewing the app



    Heroku Cloud Application Development

    Heroku Cloud Application Development

    Copyright © 2014 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the authors, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: April 2014

    Production Reference: 1170414

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Livery Place

    35 Livery Street

    Birmingham B3 2PB, UK

    ISBN 978-1-78355-097-5

    Cover Image by Sagar Shiriskar (<[email protected]>)



    Anubhav Hanjura


    Andy Dirnberger

    Aki Iskandar

    Ritesh Kumar

    Andrea Mostosi

    Ariejan de Vroom

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    Abhinash Sahu

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    Arvindkumar Gupta

    Cover Work

    Arvindkumar Gupta

    About the Author

    Anubhav Hanjura is a cloud technology enthusiast and a software architect. He specializes in server-side development (C++, C, and Java) for distributed software platforms, and is an avid blog reader. When he is not designing software systems, you can find him collecting books, pondering over puzzles, or bookmarking general trivia. He is a passionate mentor, has authored several white papers, and has also served as a project guide for students on many occasions. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from NIT, Surat.

    I would like to thank my parents, Roshan and Usha, for constantly reminding me of the value of sharing. I would like to thank my teachers and friends for inspiring and believing in me. Last but not the least, I would like to thank my daughter, Edha and my wife, Sheetal for letting me steal their time to write this book.

    About the Reviewers

    Aki Iskandar is an entrepreneur and software architect. He owns and operates two small software companies—one is a consultancy, specializing in Ruby on Rails and native iOS development, and the other provides an online marketing platform for small companies. This online service has been completely built using Ruby on Rails, and is hosted on the Heroku infrastructure. Aki has launched other subscription-based online services, before the days of cloud computing, claiming that he was spending more time administering the servers (load balancing, databases, replication, web servers, e-mail servers, monitoring, file syncs, and so on) than writing code for the applications. Today, he recommends that his clients take the cloud computing route over self-hosting, with very few exceptions. His favorite cloud provider is Heroku.

    Prior to starting his companies, he spent 14 years as a consultant. During that time, he was a consultant for various large companies, including Microsoft, Compuware, Progressive Insurance, Allstate Insurance, KeyBank, Ernst & Young, and Charles Schwab. In his last full-time position, which was almost three years ago, he served as an enterprise architect at PNC Bank (as a core member of PNC's Enterprise Architecture team, and he also co-chaired their Architecture Review Board). You can read Aki's blog and learn more about his companies on his personal website He lives with his son, Justin, in the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio.

    Andrea Mostosi is a passionate software developer. In 2003, he started at high school with a single-node LAMP stack and he grew up by adding more languages, components, and nodes. He graduated from Milan and worked for several web-related projects. He is currently working with data, trying to discover information hidden behind huge datasets.

    I would like to thank my girlfriend, Khadija, who lovingly supports me in everything I do. I would also like to thank the people I collaborated with, for fun or for work, for everything they taught me. Finally, I'd also like to thank Packt Publishing and its staff for this opportunity to contribute to this project.

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    Cloud application development is the new black. With the advent of server virtualization, hardware resources have become cheaper. You can buy hardware on demand and pay only for the time you use it. The next wave of virtualization is that of software virtualization, that is, having the ability to use available software on demand and build your own apps on top of it. Here too, you pay only for what you use and how long you use it. The Heroku Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a software platform that provides a combination of the underlying operation system resources, language runtime, and supporting software to help you build your own web apps on demand.

    This book on Heroku cloud application development is intended to introduce you to the fundamentals of the Heroku Platform as a Service, and help you to understand the rich feature set of the Heroku platform that enables building powerful and scalable web apps. In addition, this book also showcases techniques to deploy and troubleshoot the web apps deployed on Heroku and helps you understand the nuances of the choices you have to make while building apps for the Heroku environment. And that isn't all. You will also be presented with the best practices of using Heroku for developing web apps as well as getting a feel for the advanced aspects of the platform. The book also educates the user on how to securely use the Heroku platform for developing production-ready and high-performance web apps.

    In essence, Heroku cloud application development is all about rapid application development for the cloud, (re)using available software add-ons and underlying platform infrastructure to build, deploy, and manage really powerful and scalable web apps.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Hello Heroku, introduces you to the world of Heroku. It also provides a historical background on how Heroku evolved to what it is today followed by a basic understanding of Heroku's architecture. Finally, it takes you on a test drive to get a firsthand experience with the Heroku cloud platform.

    Chapter 2, Inside Heroku, covers the foundational aspects of the Heroku platform. It covers the details of various components of the Heroku architecture, including the Heroku platform stack, the request routing system, the Logplex logging framework, the add-ons, the dyno (process), and the platform API.

    Chapter 3, Building Heroku Applications, covers the principles governing building web apps on the Heroku platform. It also illustrates the process of building and configuring web apps besides covering the steps involved in preparing a production-ready app from your code using language-specific buildpacks.

    Chapter 4, Deploying Heroku Applications, describes the application deployment process on the Heroku platform. It covers the basics of the Git distributed version control system and illustrates the most common source management operations. It also covers the concept of forking and cloning apps besides ways to optimize your app deployment. It also showcases various aspects of Heroku app release management process through illustrative examples.

    Chapter 5, Running Heroku Applications, illustrates the process of running a Heroku cloud app in detail. It covers the Heroku command-line interface (CLI) used to perform Heroku operations such as creating or updating apps. It also explains how to use the Foreman tool to troubleshoot the apps locally before deploying them to the Heroku cloud. Additionally, it describes the key features of the Heroku dashboard related to running Heroku apps.

    Chapter 6, Putting It All Together, sums up the learning about the foundations of the Heroku platform and illustrates the whole process of building, deploying, and managing Heroku apps using Java on the Eclipse app development platform.

    Chapter 7, Heroku Best Practices, covers the details of best practices that developers can use not only to deploy but also to write apps on the cloud using the Cloud 9 cloud-based integrated development environment. This chapter also provides detailed coverage of best practices such as setting up the Heroku PostgreSQL database, configuring DNS for your web app, and optimizing applications to use higher end services provided by the Heroku platform.

    Chapter 8, Heroku Security, covers two parts of the Heroku security puzzle—the developer communication with the Heroku platform and securing the Heroku platform from malicious attacks from the external world.

    Chapter 9, Troubleshooting Heroku Applications, describes the techniques developers can employ to fix problems encountered while developing apps for the Heroku platform. It covers how to troubleshoot application downtimes, isolates HTTP request issues, debugs database problems, and runs production checks to warn you about potential issues. It also shows how you can use the maintenance windows to gracefully handle app upgrades.

    Chapter 10, Advanced Heroku Usage, introduces the advanced features of Heroku. It covers the Heroku Labs feature, including Websockets, illustrates the Heroku Platform API through practical examples, and shows how developers can do social coding using the collaborative features of the Heroku dashboard.

    What you need for this book

    The software needed for this book includes the Heroku toolbelt (client) (, Eclipse IDE for EE, the Mozilla Firefox web browser, and the curl tool.

    Who this book is for

    This book is for application developers who are looking to learn cloud application development using the Heroku platform. Knowledge of Ruby and Java is desirable. Previous knowledge of the Ubuntu OS is helpful though not mandatory.


    In this book, you will find a number of styles of text that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles, and an explanation of their meaning.

    Code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles are shown as follows: Use the ps:scale command to scale up the web processes.

    A block of code is set as follows:



    cat << EOF



      - heroku-postgresql:dev


      web: bin/node server.js


    Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

    $ heroku create myapp --buildpack

    New terms and important words are shown in bold. Words that you see on the screen, in menus or dialog boxes for example, appear in the text like this: You can also restart a web application using the Restart button on the Processes tab of your web app.


    Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.


    Tips and tricks appear like this.

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