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QlikView for Developers Cookbook
QlikView for Developers Cookbook
QlikView for Developers Cookbook
Ebook712 pages2 hours

QlikView for Developers Cookbook

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About this ebook

The recipes in this Cookbook provide a concise yet practical guide on how to become an excellent QlikView developer. The book begins with intermediate level recipes and then moves on to more complex recipes in an incremental manner.This book is for anyone who has either attended QlikView Developer training or has taught themselves QlikView from books or online sources. You might be working for a QlikView customer, partner, or even QlikView themselves (or want to!) and want to improve your QlikView skills.
Release dateJun 24, 2013
QlikView for Developers Cookbook

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    QlikView for Developers Cookbook - Stephen Redmond

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    QlikView for Developers Cookbook



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    1. Charts


    Creating custom pop-up labels on a bar chart

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

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    Creating a box plot chart for a simple data set

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

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    See also

    Using the wizard to create a box plot chart

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

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    See also

    Creating a Stephen Few bullet chart

    Getting ready

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    See also

    Creating a modified bullet chart in a straight table

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

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    See also

    Creating a bar chart in a straight table

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

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    See also

    Creating a Redmond Aged Debt Profile chart

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

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    See also

    Creating a waterfall chart

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

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    Replacing the legend in a line chart with labels on each line

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

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    See also

    Creating a secondary dimension in a bar chart

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

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    Creating a line chart with variable width lines

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

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    Brushing parallel coordinates

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

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    See also

    Using redundant encoding with a scatter chart

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

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    Staggering labels in a pie chart

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

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    Creating dynamic ad hoc analysis in QlikView

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

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    2. Layout


    Changing the default object layout options

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

    See also

    Changing the default selection color scheme

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

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    See also

    Modifying the green, white, and gray selection color schemes

    Getting ready

    How to do it

    How it works…

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    See also

    Modifying the green, white, and gray selection color schemes in QlikView Server

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

    See also

    Using containers as an alternative to multiboxes

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

    Using the design menus to custom format a cell

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

    There's more…

    3. Set Analysis


    Using dollar expansion in Set Analysis to enable from-date and to-date selection

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    Using alternate states with Set Analysis

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

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    See Also

    Using Set operators to exclude values from results

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

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    Using Set Analysis with a Date Island

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

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    See Also

    Using Sets to avoid key tables

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

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    4. Advanced Aggregations


    Using TOTAL to calculate the percentage of total and subtotal

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

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    Using AGGR to calculate the percentage of the maximum value

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

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    Using AGGR to resolve a Sum of Rows issue

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

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    See also

    Creating a dynamic AGGR expression for a Group dimension using Dollar Expansion

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    See also

    Using RangeMax to return only positive numbers

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

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    See also

    Creating a dynamic Part-to-Whole pie chart

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

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    See also

    Creating a colored treemap using colormix

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    There's more...

    Using RangeSum to calculate a rolling total in a multidimension table

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

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    Showing only the top 3 values in a pivot table

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

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    Creating a Statistical Control Chart using Standard Deviation

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

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    See also

    Creating a Moving Range chart

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

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    See also

    Creating a control chart using Moving Range

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

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    See also

    5. Advanced Coding


    Extracting QlikView data to a Word report

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

    There's more…

    See also

    Printing reports to PDF using PDFCreator

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

    See also

    Creating a chart using a macro

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

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    Using VBS functions in charts

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

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    6. Data Modeling


    Concatenation of fact tables to avoid loops and synthetic keys

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works...

    There's more...

    See also

    Creating a Key/Link table in QlikView

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works...

    There's more...

    See also

    7. Extensions


    Creating a simple HTML extension

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

    There's more…

    See also

    Creating a simple HTML table

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

    There's more…

    See also

    Creating an interactive extension

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

    There's more…

    See also

    Using external libraries with extensions

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

    There's more…

    See also

    8. Useful Functions


    Handling null in numeric fields or calculations

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

    There's more…

    See also

    Using Dual to handle period name sorting

    How to do it…

    How it works…

    There's more…

    See also

    Parsing text to numbers and dates

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

    There's more…

    See also

    Calculating Year To Date dynamically

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

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    Labeling a pie chart to replace the legend

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

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    See also

    Calculating the lowest or highest value in a range

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

    There's more…

    Consolidating a date-time value into quarter hourly segments

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

    There's more…

    Dynamically filtering by From/To dates

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

    There's more…

    9. Script


    Creating flags in the script

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    There's more...

    Replacing IsNull

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

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    Storing and dropping using a subroutine

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

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    See also

    Keeping a trace on things

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

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    See also

    Using the AND mode in listboxes

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

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    Using Exists and Keep to limit the data load

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

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    Setting the default display format

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

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    See also

    Setting the default sort order

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

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    See also

    Matching financial periods to dates

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

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    See also

    Handling partial reload in the script

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

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    Using Peek and Previous to calculate against loaded records

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

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    Creating a simple Gantt for a dashboard using Interval Match

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    See also

    Reading users from Active Directory

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    Getting a sub-URL using the Table wizard

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    There's more...

    Using parameters in Dollar Sign Expansion

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    Removing fields with a wildcard

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    There's more...

    Handling multiple subfolders in a script

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    10. Improving Performance


    Reducing the number of distinct values

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

    There's more…

    See also

    Creating counter fields to avoid Count Distinct

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

    There's more…

    See also

    Creating flag fields to avoid Sum of If and other inefficient expressions

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

    There's more…

    See also

    Denormalizing for performance

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

    There's more…

    See also

    11. Security


    Section Access gotchas

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

    There's more…

    See also

    Blocking user access to a field using OMIT

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

    There's more…

    See also

    Making all values available to Admins and Managers

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    How it works…

    There's more…

    See also


    QlikView for Developers Cookbook

    QlikView for Developers Cookbook

    Copyright © 2013 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: June 2013

    Production Reference: 1170613

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Livery Place

    35 Livery Street

    Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-78217-973-3

    Cover Image by Stephen Redmond (<[email protected]>)



    Stephen Redmond


    Steve Dark

    Ralf Becher

    Miguel Ángel García

    Barry Harmsen

    Acquisition Editor

    Usha Iyer

    Lead Technical Editors

    Rukmini Iyer

    Neeshma Ramakrishnan

    Technical Editors

    Jalasha D'costa

    Saumya Kunder

    Lubna Shaikh

    Amit Ramadas

    Project Coordinator

    Apeksha Chitnis


    Amy Guest


    Monica Ajmera Mehta

    Production Coordinator

    Manu Joseph

    Cover Work

    Manu Joseph


    If you can't explain it simply, you do not understand it well enough.

    This quote, often attributed to Albert Einstein, very nicely sums up my thoughts on how to best test and improve your (QlikView) skills and knowledge. Starting out as a hands-on practitioner, this lead to me teaching QlikView and writing a blog about it, and culminated in 2012 when Miguel García and I wrote the book QlikView 11 for Developers.

    When we finished writing the first draft of the book back in June 2012, our editor asked us to recommend people for technical review. Stephen Redmond was one of the first persons to come to my mind. Anyone who has read his blog or interacted with him can see that he knows QlikView. More importantly though, as I know from experience, he also has no problem voicing a strong opinion. Since we intended for QlikView 11 for Developers to compete on quality and depth of subject, Stephen was an ideal technical reviewer to challenge us. Along with that of the other technical reviewers, Stephen's expert feedback helped ensure that our book achieved the quality and depth that we strived for.

    After being published in November 2012, QlikView 11 for Developers quickly became the best rated and best-selling book on QlikView, and has continued to do very well. It has helped novices take their first steps in QlikView, as well as help more experienced developers prepare for their certifications.

    Given the success of QlikView 11 for Developers, you can imagine that I was initially skeptical when I learned that our publisher wanted to release another book about QlikView. Why would you need another book?

    I was reassured, however, when I learned that Stephen would be taking on the job. Not only because his involvement in our book would ensure minimal overlap between the two titles, but also because I was (and am) confident that he would deliver quality material that appeals to anyone who is looking to further enhance his or her QlikView skills and knowledge. The man who brought us the Redmond Debt Profile Chart was bound to have many more interesting and innovative recipes up his sleeve.

    As a technical reviewer for this book, I got a first-hand look at the materials Stephen was producing and I can tell you that this is quite a different book that will be a valuable addition to your library. Stephen's cookbook allows for casual, bite-sized reads by offering self-contained recipes. It is as if you've just discovered a completely new QlikView blog with dozens of tips and tricks. The recipes will take you from simple-but-effective tricks to sophisticated solutions. Even I have found a few recipes that I cannot wait to serve my clients. Best of all, they are all explained in a simple, straightforward manner, demonstrating that Stephen absolutely understands QlikView very well.

    Barry Harmsen

    Independent Business Intelligence Consultant, Co-author of QlikView 11 for Developers, and blogger at

    About the Author

    Stephen Redmond is CTO of CapricornVentis Limited (, a QlikView Elite Partner. He is the author of several books, including the very popular DevLogix series for SalesLogix developers.

    In 2006, after working for many years with CRM systems, reporting and analysis solutions, and data integration, Stephen started working with QlikView. Since then, CapricornVentis have become QlikView's top partner in the UK and the Ireland territory and, with Stephen at the head of the team, have implemented QlikView in a wide variety of enterprises and large business customers across a wide range of sectors from public sector to financial services to large retailers.

    Stephen regularly contributes to online forums, including the Qlik Community. His QlikView blog is at, and you can follow him on Twitter (@stephencredmond), where he tweets about QlikView, BI, data visualization, and technology in general.

    I would like to thank my family for their ongoing support. None of what I do would be possible with them.

    A big shout out to my colleagues at CapricornVentis, who are a great team to work with.

    A special thanks to all of the customers that I have worked with implementing QlikView. It is your business issues that have inspired me to create the solutions that occupy these pages.

    About the Reviewers

    For 10 years, Steve Dark was a SQL Server / MS ASP developer building web based reporting solutions, until he was shown a demo of QlikView. Soon after this revelation, Steve left his previous employer to set up Quick Intelligence – a consultancy focusing entirely on QlikView and delivering business

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