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Star Crossed Shifters
Star Crossed Shifters
Star Crossed Shifters
Ebook192 pages2 hours

Star Crossed Shifters

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Nick Caputo is a wolf shifter, and the new clan enforcer. He knows with every fiber of his being that Violet Tago (a shifter that can't shift) is his mate. One kiss. One simple taste and she'll be his. Since arriving in Pepper Valley, Violet has ignored any burgeoning attraction for Nick, and instead crushes big time on her brother's best friend, Brody. Brody Westwood, also a wolf shifter, has never thought twice about his best friend's kid sister. The fact is, he wants nothing to do with any supernatural being. After seeing his best friend, Griffin, fall in love, marry, and have children, Brody decides it's time to settle down with a family of his own. When a new curvacous beauty shows up in town, the attraction practically crackles the air between them. But Leah Cross isn't human...or a shifter. Two couples with undeniable attraction. Under the Colorado sky, they are Star Crossed Shifters. ***Please note: This story is approximately 40,000 words and includes profanity,multiple depictions of sexual situations, and violence.

PublisherC.A. Tibbitts
Release dateJul 20, 2015
Star Crossed Shifters

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    Book preview

    Star Crossed Shifters - C.A. Tibbitts


    Pepper Valley Shifters #4


    C.A. Tibbitts

    Copyright © 2015 C.A. Tibbitts

    Smashwords Edition

    Cover artwork by C.A. Tibbitts

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    To my husband: 18 years and counting! I am so glad that I met you! Someday, I'll have a computer nerd in a story and that'll be all you, baby!

    To my readers: From those that have read my stories from the beginning, to those that are new to my writing, I feel so blessed to have you! I am happy to call you my friends! Without you, my stories mean nothing. Thank you for reading, from the bottom of my heart!

    Sincerely, C.A. Tibbitts
































    It was a time of celebration for the Pepper Valley shifter clan of Colorado. Great Scott's Bar & Grill, owned by the shifter clan lead Finley Finn Scott, was decked out in blue streamers and balloons, and a large sign that said Welcome to the Clan, Michael and Jesse. The cake had been cut and a blue-tinted punch handed out.

    Nick watched from his post beside the front door as Forrest and Addie walked up to the small stage in the corner. He had plans for that stage now that he was manager. He was in talks to have a local band play late on Friday and Saturday nights to bring in a younger crowd.

    Excuse me! Forrest yelled to get the attention of the clan members. While we welcome Michael and Jesse to the clan, we might as well welcome another clan member.

    Addie grinned and settled her hand over her mate's on her stomach. I'm pregnant.

    Yes! Finn's loud whoop of excitement broke the silence before the crowd started clapping. This would make the third grandchild for Finn, after Maisie and Michael from Finn's daughter, Fiona.

    Forrest grinned and kissed Addie's cheek.

    Nick glanced at Violet across the room. She looked beautiful in her red sleeveless dress, her black hair cascading down her back in curls. Her and her brother, Griffin, looked a lot alike, with their dark curly hair and exotic Samoan features. She always wore minimal, if any, makeup, and managed to outshine any female in the room. Violet was almost the same height as Nick, slightly less than six feet tall, with lean muscles from teaching yoga.

    While that is exciting for you, I think my announcement has more shock value.

    All eyes turned toward the door.

    Dad? Zane's voice cut through the whispers.

    As the clan's new enforcer, Nick was responsible for security. In a matter of a few seconds, he had Alexander Adams shoved against the wall, his tattooed forearm braced against Adams' neck.

    Brody and Griffin surrounded the two. There was no way Alexander Adams would get away.

    What are you doing here, Dad? Zane was close now. How are you out of prison?

    It's called bail. I still haven't had my trial, and when the judge found out the D.E.A. had me tossed into solitary for no good reason, it was a quick call to the bank and I was free, Alexander said with a smirk.

    Nick tightened his hold, cutting off Alexander's air supply. Bastard. He had worked with Griffin and the rest of the clan to rescue Griffin's mate, Dani, and their son, Reilly, whom Alexander Adams had kidnapped. From prison, Adams had also managed to have Zane's mate, Dixie, kidnapped as well.

    Terry Reins, the human lead of the D.E.A. Shifter Division, burst into the restaurant, breaking the silence. Fuck, Adams! Can't you go home to plot your evil doings and leave the Pepper Valley clan alone?

    Nick eased off, only slightly. He looked across the room at Violet, catching her eyes momentarily before she looked back down at the baby in her arms. Violet was his fated mate, he knew it deep within his soul, even if she refused to look at any shifter but Brody Westwood.

    I only want to speak my peace, and then I will leave, Alexander replied.

    Say it, then get the fuck out, Griffin hissed.

    I'm so glad you are here, Mr. Tago. It makes my news so much more powerful.

    Griffin narrowed his eyes at Alexander, who looked away and cleared his throat.

    I found out this little gem a while ago, and now seems like the perfect time. You see, Fiona is Griffin's child, not Finn's. The words came out of Alexander's mouth in a rush, and he grinned evilly when he was allowed to speak the secret.

    Stop lying, asshole, Nick hissed. He yanked Adams around by the arm, and shoved him face first into the wall.


    Brody's confused voice had Nick glancing at Griffin, who was now pale, considering Griffin's darker Samoan complexion. He looked across the room to Fiona, Finn, and Forrest when a slap rang out.

    Finn did not even flinch, but looked resigned when Fiona slapped him once more.

    Forrest gathered his sister, if she could still be considered Forrest's sister now, in his tight embrace, whispering in her ear. Though red-face, she collapsed against Forrest's chest and started to sob.

    Jace, Fiona's husband and mate, gave Finn a scathing look, then glared at Griffin, before rubbing at Fi's back and taking on the role of comforter.

    Forrest kissed his wife and mate, Addie, on the forehead before yanking Finn by the arm toward the restaurant's office.

    Griffin got one good solid punch in to the back of Alexander's head, causing Adams to slump to the floor, before Brody held back his best friend.

    Terry sighed and ran his hand back through his hair. This is fucked up, he muttered, looking at Griffin with a sad smile. He turned to Nick. Help me get him to my truck and I'll dump him at his house in Colorado Springs.

    Nick nodded, tossing Adams over his shoulder effortlessly. He might be shorter than Griffin, but he was almost as strong. He wanted to prove to the clan, and to Griffin specifically, that he had what it took to be the clan enforcer. Griffin was big and badass, with muscles upon muscles, and tattoos to match. He was also the former clan enforcer. Nick knew he couldn't show any weakness to his future brother-in-law…if the fucking golden-haired pretty boy known as Brody would get out of his fated mate's head. He followed Terry outside with an unconscious Adams in tow.


    Brody watched the door close behind Nick, Terry and an unconscious Alexander before focusing his attention on his best friend. It's true, and you knew?

    Griffin's jaw clenched in anger, giving Brody one short nod before turning to walk toward his daughter.

    Wow, Brody whispered, leaning back with his left knee bent to place his cowboy boot tread against the wall. He noticed Violet looking his direction, so he looked at the floor.


    I know this is a horrible time to discuss this, but Cheri really wants to meet you on Friday. Dani moved Jesse to her shoulder as her baby boy snuggled up and fell back asleep.

    Brody gave her a small smile. I would like that. A few months ago, he had finally relented and asked Dani to set him up with her human coworker. He had never wanted the drama of a shifter mate, even if his best friend's sister made no qualms about openly lusting after him. There was no way in hell he'd date Violet Tago, even if she couldn't shift. Besides, she was not his type. Violet was tall and lean, while Brody preferred petite and curvy.

    Great. Since things are a bit up in the air right now, Dani said while glancing at her mate, who was currently trying to talk to Fiona with no luck, why don't you come by my work place to pick her up? Her day ends at four.

    Brody nodded. Where should I take her? What does she like? Does she-

    I'm not going to do all the work for you, Mr. Westwood. Ask her yourself, Dani said with a smirk. If you'd like, Griffin and I can come along.

    Brody chuckled, picking up the toddler that was yanking on his jeans. Heya, Reilly. He sat his honorary nephew on the table in front of him. With dark black hair and Griffin's hazel eyes, Reilly looked the spitting image of Griffin, whereas baby Jesse looked more like his mom, with brown hair and brown eyes. And Fiona? Well, Fi didn't look at all like Griffin, with her bright red hair, freckles on pale skin, and short stature.

    Boon! Reilly exclaimed, pointing toward the ceiling.

    Brody grinned. I see that. You like balloons, Rye?

    Reilly nodded emphatically. He squirmed off the table, landing gracefully like the cat shifter he probably was, and took off toward Maisie.

    The back door opened and closed, and for some inexplicable reason, Brody's eyes were drawn to the figures entering. Carly, the restaurant's waitress who also happened to be fae, walked in with a gorgeous brunette that could have been her sister. Petite and curvy, just like he liked his women! When the stranger's eyes settled on his, he felt a tingling at the base of his spine. He instantly settled his hands in his lap to cover a sudden erection. What the hell?

    Carly and the mystery woman walked off to the kitchen, breaking some sort of spell.

    Brody took a breath and his crotch got a little less tight. Now that was strange!


    Who was that? Leah stopped her sister on the way to the walk-in freezer.

    You'll have to be more specific, Lee. Carly grabbed some racks of ribs to marinate for the next day's dinner special.

    Blond, blue eyes, cowboy boots. Gorgeous.

    Sounds like Brody, Carly answered. Can you grab the marinade from the refrigerator? She grabbed a large pan and began stacking the meat.

    That's it? Sounds like Brody? You haven't noticed he is a walking wet dream? Leah grabbed a large bottle from the refrigerator and handed it to her sister.

    He's cute, Carly confirmed with a shrug.

    Oh my God, you have it so bad for your boss! You can't even appreciate the hottie that is going to be the father of my children! Leah exclaimed.

    Do you know how many times I have heard that in the last ninety years? And how many children do you have, Leah? That's right. Zero! And Finn is…he's…

    Leah chuckled at her sister being tongue-tied, there was something about the redheaded shifter that had Carly's panties all in a twist. As far as she knew, Carly and Finn had never even come close to kissing, even though Carly had worked with him, and lusted after him, for a few years.

    He's a shifter, Carly finally added.


    I'm fae.

    Again, so what? Leah shrugged. There's no law that says we have to stick with our own kind.

    I don't want to talk about it. Carly poured the bottle of marinade over the ribs and retrieved the plastic wrap to cover the top.

    Fine. Tell me about Brody. If she didn't know better, Leah would have thought Brody was fae, or at least a witch.

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