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The Stone Heart
The Stone Heart
The Stone Heart
Ebook45 pages19 minutes

The Stone Heart

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About this ebook

In this short paranormal romance story, Lorena has fallen into an impossible love with Jaysen, a broken-hearted cop. But in their perilous sexually charged game of Hide and Seek at midnight...who wins? The dark of the cursed night? Or the bright light of day?

This short story was previously published in the anthology It Happens at Midnight (January, 2012), and in the print anthology Northern Heat.

Release dateMay 29, 2013
The Stone Heart

Bonnie Edwards

Bonnie Edwards has been published by Kensington Books, Harlequin Books, Carina Press, and more.  With over 40 titles to her credit, her romances have been translated into several languages. Her books are sold worldwide.  Learn about more exciting releases and get a free romance by subscribing to her newsletter, Bonnie’s Newsy Bits through her website. Cheers and happy reading! Bonnie Edwards

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    The Stone Heart - Bonnie Edwards

    Text Copyright © 2012 Bonnie Edwards

    All Rights Reserved

    The scanning, uploading, printing and distribution of this work without the express written permission of the author is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized versions of any work, and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of this author’s rights is appreciated.

    THE STONE HEART originally published as part of the electronic anthology It Happens at Midnight and the print anthology: Northern Heat.

    This ebook is copyright protected. No part of it can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the author.

    Cover by Delilah Stephans Designs

    Please Note

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments events or locales is entirely coincidental.

    To the Pen Warriors for their constant support, unflagging generosity

    and general know-it-all-ness.

    And to Ted, always.


    by Bonnie Edwards

    THE GYPSY NIKKO FRIGHTENED Lorena Krenz more after his death than he had in all the days of his life. For thirty years she’d half expected him to come back from the grave to torment her. But if Nikko planned to return, it wasn’t through reincarnation as Jaysen Gray.

    She had her proof that Jaysen had been born before Nikko’s death. Relieved, she closed the genealogical website. She’d waited weeks to ask Jaysen his birthdate and this confirmation eased her mind.

    After living this way for over a hundred years, she deserved what comfort she found in Jaysen’s arms. Need had outweighed natural caution with the brawny cop who’d wooed and seduced her for weeks before she’d succumbed. Foolishly she’d taken his comfort for too long before checking him out, afraid that she’d find the vicious gypsy Nikko lurking under Jaysen’s attractive exterior.

    Now, she needn’t worry.

    Not that this fling with Jaysen would last long. It couldn’t. But for as long as it lasted, she would enjoy him freely, completely. Even without Nikko’s interference she knew it would pain her to end things. She felt far too much for Jaysen. In a way, she regretted having checked on him. This evidence that he was exactly who, and what, he said he was would only encourage her to dream.

    And dreams were for fools.

    She checked the day’s receipts and sighed. Books were fast becoming outdated and profits were next to nil. Maybe scrapbooking supplies would suit the neighborhood better.

    She loved closing the shop alone, her senses alive and tuned to the dangers in the night. The titillation of fear brought its own rewards. The long walk through the empty streets

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