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I Shouldn’t Do God: Wallace Runnymede Satire Catastrophes, #1
I Shouldn’t Do God: Wallace Runnymede Satire Catastrophes, #1
I Shouldn’t Do God: Wallace Runnymede Satire Catastrophes, #1
Ebook59 pages36 minutes

I Shouldn’t Do God: Wallace Runnymede Satire Catastrophes, #1

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About this ebook

This is the first book in my series of fake news satire compilations, Wallace Runnymede Satire Catastrophes.

Wallace is still Charlie...

But dare you say yet that you are Wallace?

Release dateApr 11, 2016
I Shouldn’t Do God: Wallace Runnymede Satire Catastrophes, #1

Wallace Runnymede

Wallace Runnymede's general contact address for writing-related matters is [email protected] __________________________________ Wallace Runnymede has but one Golden Rule. If you ask me: By what authority do you write these things? I have but one answer that can ever be worth the giving: Ça me plait.

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    Book preview

    I Shouldn’t Do God - Wallace Runnymede


    Each of the stories in this compilation is purely fictional in character. The tall tales collected here are not written for malicious or mischievous purposes, but rather, in order to shine a light on human behavior, ideas and sentiments in the multitude of forms we all encounter.

    All words and actions attributed to fictional personas of real human persons, living or dead, are humorous in character, and are to be understood as such. These same fictional personas are not to be understood as directly corresponding with the actual people they may be deemed by readers to parody or represent.

    The personas are merely a medium for satirizing certain commonly held notions, ideas or ideals that are found in a variety of contexts.

    Thus, the satirical representation of living figures via personas can often reflect popular and current images, impressions and opinions that some individuals in many contexts (media, academic, etc.) hold about these figures, rather than representing facts about the actual person.

    Hence, at no point should any fictional personas that may resemble real people be mistaken for any actual historical figure, whether of past or present.


    I am grateful to The Spoof and Glossy News for giving me the opportunity to publish some of the stories in this compilation. No endorsement from either of these outlets is expressly stated or implied.


    The introductory essay to I Shouldn’t Do God has been written especially for this anthology, and has not appeared anywhere else before.

    On the other hand, all of the fake news stories in this anthology have appeared in online satire or humor outlets, apart from the following new material:

    Smiting Apologism.

    This is a follow-up to a satire story on the Jehovah’s Witnesses sect that was originally published on the satire website Glossy News.

    Bush, Obama, Sturgeon: ‘Inspirational’ Spiritual Seminars.

    Unlike Smiting Apologism, this is a completely new story, unrelated to previous ones.

    Aside from including these two new stories, I have also carefully revised all of the stories in this anthology that have been previously published in other outlets. Some of the stories now have minor ‘tweaks,’ while others have significant new additions.

    I hope that whether you have read some of my fake news satire online before or not, you will find the new version of older stories (as well as the completely new texts) amusing and thought-provoking.


    This is a significantly expanded edition of the first volume of my anticipated series of ‘fake news’ satire stories. The content of the original version originally ran from the essay Why Shouldn’t I Do God, to the second new story (i.e. never previously published elsewhere): Bush, Obama, Sturgeon: ‘Inspirational’ Spiritual Seminars.

    I now also include some stories that weren’t in the first edition of I Shouldn’t Do God. These are: Robertus Santorini’s Spiritual Warfare on Winning-Mart; God Finds Message from All Humanity in a Cucumber, Fanatics Outraged; God Issues Defamation & Copyright Cease and Desist; and Concluding ‘Humorous’ Epilogue.

    Fortunately, however, the humor

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