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Daniel and the Woodland Gnomes
Daniel and the Woodland Gnomes
Daniel and the Woodland Gnomes
Ebook19 pages14 minutes

Daniel and the Woodland Gnomes

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(Short Story)
Daniel Martin's fun day of fishing has started out terribly. An argument with his little brother has him feeling resentful and a bit shameful. Although, after an unusual and very unexpected encounter with two woodland gnomes, Daniel begins to rediscover the value of family. But for now he must put aside his own family issues to help the troubled gnomes, who are also experiencing a family crisis. However, standing in the group's way, the one causing all the trouble, is the mean and dastardly troll, Odium.

This ebook is approximately 16 standard book pages.
*For ages 9-12
Release dateMay 7, 2013
Daniel and the Woodland Gnomes

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    Daniel and the Woodland Gnomes - J. Joseph Perry

    Daniel and the Woodland Gnomes

    By J. Joseph Perry

    Copyright © 2013 Sunrise Publishing

    E-Book Distribution: XinXii

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written consent of the copyright owner.

    This story herein is a work of fiction. All of the characters, places, and events portrayed in this book are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously.


    Daniel and the Woodland Gnomes

    A cool, satisfying breeze whisked across Daniel Martin’s freckled brow as he stood alongside his favorite fishing stream. With a smooth underhand flip, his cork bobber went sailing, and when it hit the water, it made a subtle splash. The 12-year-old boy then sat against a shady oak tree, and stretched his wiry legs.

    Ok, fish. Come and get it, he grumbled.

    It was a hot day. This made Daniel more irritable than he already was. The fight he’d had earlier with his younger brother, Alex, was still fresh in his mind. He couldn’t stop thinking about it.

    Daniel grumbled again. "Why does he always have to be such

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