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Notes from the Ruins: Let’s Tell This Story Properly Short Story Singles
Notes from the Ruins: Let’s Tell This Story Properly Short Story Singles
Notes from the Ruins: Let’s Tell This Story Properly Short Story Singles
Ebook27 pages19 minutes

Notes from the Ruins: Let’s Tell This Story Properly Short Story Singles

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Honouring strong new voices from around the world, the 2014 Commonwealth Short Story Prize is a global award, open to unpublished as well as published writers, with a truly international judging panel. This global anthology presents the winner of the 2014 Short Story Prize, Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi’s “Let’s Tell This Story Properly,” alongside some of the most promising and original stories entered for the prize during the past three years by emerging writers across the literary landscape of the world. Gathered from over ten thousand entries, the selected stories are provocative, rich in flair and ambition, and push the boundaries of fiction into fresh territory.

Notes from the Ruins is by India’s Anushka Jasraj.
Release dateAug 29, 2015
Notes from the Ruins: Let’s Tell This Story Properly Short Story Singles

Anushka Jasraj

Anushka Jasraj is a fiction writer from Bombay. She holds a BFA in film production from NYU, and an MFA in creative writing from the University of Texas-Austin. Her work has appeared in Granta online, Internazionale, and the Four Quarters magazine.

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    Book preview

    Notes from the Ruins - Anushka Jasraj

    Table of Contents

    The Commonwealth Short Story Prize

    Foreword by Romesh Gunesekera

    Editor's Note

    Anushka Jasraj (India): Notes from the Ruins

    About The Authors

    The Commonwealth Short Story Prize

    The Short Story Prize was launched by Commonwealth Writers in 2012 as an award for the best piece of unpublished short fiction written in English from across the Commonwealth. It is one of the few international prizes open to published and unpublished writers alike and to stories translated into English.

    Commonwealth Writers is the cultural initiative of the Commonwealth Foundation, an international development organization based in London. It was set up to inspire and connect writers and storytellers across the world. We believe that well-told stories can help people make sense of events, engage with others, and take action to bring about change.

    This anthology comprises some of the strongest entries to the prize between 2012 and 2014, selected by the Chairs of the judging panels: author Bernardine Evaristo, broadcaster and journalist Razia Iqbal, and editor and critic Ellah Wakatama Allfrey.

    Each year the international judges select five winning writers from five different Commonwealth regions — Africa, Asia, Canada and Europe, the Caribbean, and the Pacific — one of whom is chosen as the overall winner.

    We receive thousands of stories from almost every

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