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Belladonna Dreams: Dreams and Reality, #10
Belladonna Dreams: Dreams and Reality, #10
Belladonna Dreams: Dreams and Reality, #10
Ebook291 pages4 hours

Belladonna Dreams: Dreams and Reality, #10

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Poisoning is the preference of most female serial killers and Sioux Falls, South Dakota has a poisoner on their hands.  The killer's choice, belladonna, a rare flower in the United States.  The use of it is nearly unheard of.

Then a chance encounter; a hand gesture, the laugh, Aislinn Cain knows it's him.  Her old foe has returned to torment her.  The rest of the SCTU is worried her brain tumor has returned, because it's impossible.

As Aislinn falls further down the rabbit hole, chasing phantoms, the team tries to pull it together to find their poisoner.  However, Aislinn isn't the only one chasing phantoms, as belladonna brings back nightmares for another member of the SCTU and will leave them questioning their decision to work with serial killers.  Then someone attacks the VCU, further hindering the investigation. 

Amid the mass deaths, the SCTU must decide between tacking down the person poisoning bar patrons in South Dakota or getting revenge for their fallen serial killer hunters.  Finding this killer will bring more questions than answers, it will open old wounds, and force everyone to rethink what they know about serial killers

PublisherHadena James
Release dateSep 10, 2015
Belladonna Dreams: Dreams and Reality, #10

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    Belladonna Dreams - Hadena James


    ARSENIC WOULD HAVE been too obvious because the effects would have been too horrific for his work, so instead, he settled on belladonna.  The poison mimicked the effects of being drunk or on XTC, or both.  That worked for him.  There was no need to give away too many clues, at least not in the beginning. 

    Eventually, they might figure it out.  Maybe.  Poison was traditionally a woman’s choice for a murder weapon.  Lucas would know that, and that overly important Aislinn Cain would know that as well.  Not that she would have used poison.  Oh no, the great sociopathic crime fighter was more inclined to kill with a blade.  Even with witnesses, she had disemboweled her last victim. 

    An attractive young lady out with a group of friends stood at a table near him.  She would be his first, the first of many.  He needed at least five even to think about catching the attention of the SCTU.  Also, he had to worry about the VCU catching the case instead, and that would be problematic. 

    However, he had a plan.  One that would shock them all.  A single event, claiming the lives of several women.  That would get someone’s attention. 

    He had chosen this bar because it was special.  There were no cameras because he knew the owners.  He had once investigated them. 

    As he watched, a waitress in a short skirt and a top that was too small, began to sashay over to the young lady he had singled out.  A fresh round of drinks for her and her friends that were no doubt bought by some man looking to dip his stick in one of their holes tonight.  The guy was out of luck. Other plans had been made for the ladies. 

    All he had to do was wait.  Wait for the table sentinel to wander off, leaving their drinks unattended.  The sentinel was growing uncomfortable in her chair.  She was shifting more.  Soon, she would have to go to the bathroom.  While they had taken turns dancing and using the restroom, the lone sentinel had yet to go.  She had been in the club for more than two hours, and now the time was coming. 

    Her eyes darted around furtively, checking to see if someone was giving her table or friends too much attention.  The look landed on her friends out on the dance floor.  They were too involved in the music to realize that she wanted their attention.

    She waited as long as she could.  Finally, she gave in, leaving their table unattended.  He got up, walked to the table quickly and squeezed the dropper he had filled into their drinks, and was back at his table in less than a minute.  No one had noticed him.  He had touched nothing except his glass of whiskey on the rocks.  He left a twenty to pay for his last drink and tip his waitress, then left.

    The ride home was uneventful.  Once there, he stood in front of the mirror.  It was amazing what some rubber and make-up could do.  First, he pulled off the dark brown wig.  His long, naturally black hair shined in the light.  Second, he began to peel away the base of his disguise. The rubber skin was lighter than his real flesh.  As it peeled away, it revealed reddish brown skin that kept a perfect tan all year.  Then, he removed the contacts, changing his eyes from a deep blueish grey to the more natural brown.  He washed his hands, removing the make-up that covered them, making them pale.  Next came the tips of his fingers, peeling off the fake fingerprints.  Finally, he moved from standing in front of the mirror to sitting in the wheelchair that supposedly confined his body.

    It had taken three hours to become the man he saw in the mirror and it took less than an hour to make him disappear.  It was disposable.  Alejandro Gui went into the hallway where he ditched his disguise and picked up the trash bag.  He rolled through the house to the back door, taking the trash bag out and tossing it into the fire pit, it didn’t take long for the coals to heat up.  He threw a few pieces of wood onto it as the flames roared to life, melting the evidence of his crime. 

    Next, he tossed in several types of plastic: two milk jugs, three two-liter containers for soda, a few Gatorade bottles, and some empty cleaning supply bottles.  The smoke that billowed up was pitch black.  Alejandro rolled away from it. 

    Burning your trash?  His sister’s voice startled him. 

    Yeah, I decided it was about time to get rid of some of the stuff that had been piling up for recycling.  The bottles with chemicals make interesting colors, he answered.

    And toxic fumes.  His sister moved him back a little further from the fire.  I thought I saw you pull up.  Did you have a good time tonight?

    Oh, yeah, it’s always so much fun to check the fences.  It’s the most exciting part of my life.  He smiled at her.

    Hey, it could be worse. You could be stuck in this house doing nothing.  She pointed at the house. 

    The nation built it to accommodate his physical condition.  In return, Alejandro checked the fences that held the nation’s large herd of cattle and their stock of goats.  It wasn’t a great job and the pay sucked, but with his disability from the government, he didn’t really need any money from the nation.  However, they didn’t want him to think he was living off their charity.  They understood the pride of a man.

    What they didn’t understand was his anger.  Emotion dominated his entire life.  The hatred ate at him, swallowing his soul. 

    The source was Aislinn Cain, the little know-it-all college student that liked to play with monsters, had ended his career.  She had put him in this chair; the chair that he had overcome only out of sheer determination.  She might not have injected him with the arsenic, but she was at fault.  Her fucked up family’s pedigree was what had led him down the path to exposure to the poison.

    Now, she was the media’s sweetheart.  She was the hero.  She was the one they liked to splash on the front page of newspapers.  She had not only nearly killed him, but she had stolen his spotlight.  It used to be him, with his beautiful hair and perfect features that graced the front page of newspapers. The reporters had wanted to interview him with his great voice to get sound bites to air on the major news. 

    Now, they wanted her.  She acted as if she didn’t want it.  She acted as if the media was a chore, a nuisance, something to be avoided.  However, Alejandro had been there, and he knew how wonderful all that attention was.  There was no way that she actually disliked it. 

    With him gone, she had managed to put a puppet in charge of the SCTU.  That FBI agent with the sexy lips and red hair, a real smooth talker.  Aislinn Cain had enthralled him.  There was no doubt they were sleeping together.  She probably dictated which serial killers they were going after while the two cuddled at night. 


    INCOMPETENCE RUNS WILD, like hedgehogs, I told Lucas.

    Hedgehogs?  Lucas asked.

    I know, I am now picturing little hedgehog armies attacking hamster villages to loot and pillage.  I had something better to insert, but suddenly could not think of it and hedgehog just popped out.

    Thanks, now I’m picturing hedgehog armies attacking villages filled with hamsters.  I have never even seen a live hedgehog.

    Me either, I admitted.  So why are we attempting another barbecue?

    Lucas and I were meat shopping.  I did not understand why Gabriel insisted on having get togethers. We worked together.  We saw each other all the time.  We all lived on the same street even.  However, my complaints about incompetence had nothing to do with Gabriel or barbecues, and everything to do with people not being able to park. 

    Because it is important for us to do things together that do not include blood and gore.

    So, I should not ask for my steak to be cooked rare?  I raised an eyebrow.

    That’s not the same, Lucas said.

    Blood is blood, whether from human or cow.

    Stop being obstinate.  Have your mooing steak; it will be fine.

    What are we supposed to get besides a million steaks?  I asked.  There had been a list at some point, but I had no idea what had happened to it.

    It’s not a million steaks, it’s twelve.  Instead of picking an argument, pick out your steak.  Lucas pointed at the butcher’s cabinet.  Oh, that’s the problem. You’re cranky that the VCU is going to be there.

    Shut up and pick out some steaks.  I pointed at the cabinet. 

    I was indeed cranky that the members of the VCU were going to be there.  My life was compartmentalized. While the VCU was work, Malachi was personal, so ne’er the twain shall meet in my opinion.  This was impossible, to be sure, since we both worked for the federal government chasing serial killers.  However, since I had become a US Marshal, we had not really hung out.  When we did, I tasered him, mostly because he was a jackass, but some part of me just enjoyed it.  A lot. 

    There was serious doubt that any of my teammates were going to let me Taser Malachi during a barbecue.  Unless he did something incredibly stupid, like propose marriage again, then they might let me. 

    What do you think?  Lucas asked. 

    What?  I blinked at him a few times.

    I love it when you are riveted by my every word.  For Xavier’s girl, what do you think?  Should we go with a KC Strip or a Porterhouse?

    I thought she was a vegetarian.  I frowned.

    Oh, I... Lucas paused, ...I don’t honestly know.  I’ll get her a strip and a veggie burger or something.

    Like Gabriel will let you taint his precious grill with a veggie burger.

    There were staples at Gabriel’s barbecues: steaks, corn on the cob, and portabella mushroom tops seasoned and filled with cheese and a dab of butter.  These three items cooked on the grill.  Everyone was responsible for bringing a side dish.  I grabbed a Porterhouse for Malachi, a T-Bone for my mother, and a good-looking New York Strip for myself.

    You live in Kansas City, so get a KC Strip, Lucas teased.

    I am really hungry, I answered.  We finished our search for steaks to toss on the grill and moved on.  I filled the cart with different kinds of potato chips. 

    Old Fashioned Potato Salad or Mustard Potato Salad?  Lucas asked.

    Coleslaw, I answered.

    I don’t remember that being a choice.

    I do not know why you would ask my opinion on potato salad.  I reached around him and grabbed a container of pre-made coleslaw.  I also grabbed a container of white potato salad instead of yellow.  We grabbed stuff for a regular salad, an apple pie, a German Chocolate cake, a Chocolate Silk pie and assorted cupcakes.  I was not sure why we needed all the desserts, but like the potato salad, I was probably the only one that did not know why we needed it.

    The cashier gave us a funny look as she rang up our cart full of crap. The thing was nearly overflowing with food, beer, soda, and tea.  We had gotten stuff to make homemade ice cream, and strawberry or mango peach margaritas.  I had to work really hard not to let my mouth fall open when the cashier gave us the total. 

    The price of food bought at a grocery store often shocked me.  Left to my own devices, I lived on spaghetti, popcorn, and take-out.  It was actually cheaper for me to eat this way, although it was not always healthy.  Buying real food always reminded me of how expensive the world was to live in.

    We had stopped doing potluck and instead just taken up a collection for sides.  No one was ever sure of anything that came out of Xavier’s kitchen.  For a doctor, he was a slob.  The only time he was sterile was when he was working, although honestly, Xavier was a slob by all standards.

    Nyleena was on vacation this week.  My normal leash holder would not be around.  I did not do well with new people.  The only new person would be Xavier’s girlfriend, but that was enough. 

    Did we get food for the new one?

    If you mean Wendy, the answer is yes, Lucas said.

    Wendy?  As in the fast food chain?

    I don’t believe they are related. They just happen to have the same first name. 

    It works.  Xavier is a little bit like Peter Pan.

    How?  He doesn’t fly.  He grew up.  He doesn’t use fairy dust.  So, tell me how Xavier is like Peter Pan?

    They are both brain damaged.  I shrugged.

    I’m not going to ask. I have a feeling this is a lot like the hedgehogs from earlier.

    Oh, come on, he flew around and fought with swords.  He had to have lots of head injuries.  Besides, what boy does not want to grow up?  Obviously, he was brain damaged.

    Ace, I love you.  Please stop talking.

    Deep down, you know I am right. I put the cart away.  We both climbed into my car.  It roared to life, making enough noise to wake the dead.  It had recently gotten a tune-up and sounded like a monster.  I still was not sure about the new muffler. It seemed to get a lot of attention.  This was not the car for someone trying to keep a low profile to begin with, and the muffler was not making it any easier.

    Neither was the stereo system that had recently become possessed.  The volume turned itself up and down.  That was the original reason it had gone to the shop.  They had talked me into a new muffler, a complete service, and new tires.  The stereo was currently blaring Das Letzte Streichholz by Oomph!  Lucas attempted to turn it down and it stayed that way until I pulled out of the parking lot, at which point, the stereo turned itself all the way back up. 

    I thought you were getting this fixed?  Lucas shouted over the music.

    I did, I shouted back.

    Can’t tell, Lucas shouted as the volume turned itself all the way down. 

    See, fixed.  I shrugged.

    Yes, I was missing the sound of the muffler for a moment, Lucas rolled his eyes.  You realize you got hosed, right?

    Big time.  I turned another corner.  The radio stayed blissfully quiet while we drove back to Gabriel’s house. 

    I put on my best happy face, which looked a lot like a frown and steeled myself.  Caleb Green was going to be there.  I really liked Caleb. He was a nice guy who controlled Malachi exceptionally well.  Unfortunately, I was beginning to suspect that Caleb had an interest in me.  That was going to make our relationship complicated.  Most men did not understand what asexual meant. 

    Wendy Davidson was a tall brunette with big blue eyes, long legs, perfect teeth, and breasts the size of watermelons.  She was smart enough to keep up with the conversation, which was better than most of Xavier’s girlfriends.  However, it was obvious that Xavier had no interest in her brainpower.

    It was also obvious that Wendy was not very interested in Xavier’s brainpower, his personality, or his looks.  This left two things. She was interested in getting in with a cop, we had groupies just like serial killers, or she was interested in the short life span and nice fat benefit package. 

    My mother sat between Malachi and Caleb Green.  She liked both men and it kept her from looking at my plate.  I had to admit, nobody in the group ate their steaks as rare as I did.  I wanted it hot all the way through, but red, not pink.  It was enough that I had to put all my other food on a different plate because I did not like the blood mixing with things like salad and rolls.

    Fiona sat closest to me.  I had to admit I was wrong.  When I had first met the sage burning pagan, I had pegged her as a vegetarian, possibly a vegan.  She was the only one that ordered her steak medium rare.  It did not moo like mine, but it was close.  In addition, she had requested a porterhouse, not a steak for the gentle hearted female vegetarian.  I had scolded myself for buying into stupid stereotypes when she had ordered a cheeseburger the first time I ate with her.

    She still was not my favorite person, but she was growing on me, like mold.  Fiona was a hell of a lot better than Wendy, who had ordered her steak burned to a crisp and wiggled when she spoke.  I wanted to show her where the bathroom was.

    My mother carefully prodded Malachi.  For a moment, a look crossed his face, and then it was gone.  He took his elbows off the table.  Green followed suit and suddenly, we were all very aware of our elbows, napkins, and silverware. 

    Overall, the food was good, the barbecue went over well and I managed to avoid Wendy.  I now sat in a bag chair.  My mother sat next to me, with a Pina colada in her hands.  She kept commenting about how she could not taste the rum.  This was due to Trevor’s skills at whipping up drinks.  My mother was going to stagger home if she drank too many of his Pina coladas.  Even I had an alcoholic beverage; something called a mojito.  It tasted of cherries and mint.

    Gabriel and Malachi both pulled chairs up to my mother and me.  I had an ashtray on a small table between the two of us.  It was this that the guys coveted more than our company.

    Groupie or gold-digger?  My mom asked Malachi quietly.  I had learned long ago that my mother was a woman who spoke her mind.  She had to be to deal with my father’s family.

    Gold-digger, Malachi answered, sipping a margarita.  The smell of the tequila was strong.  I wondered how much extra Malachi had requested.

    Totally, Gabriel agreed. 

    Maybe if you all blow smoke at her, she’ll instantly die from suffocation, Fiona offered.

    I think we would need a few more smokers, I told Fiona.

    I’m willing to light up for the cause, Fiona smiled at me.  I could not help but smile back.


    BADGER, THE FIVE-MONTH old mutant Akita, peed on me as I entered the house.  I frowned at him.  He did this every time I came home.  It did not matter if I had gone next door or was away chasing a serial killer.  My mother was looking into this bizarre behavior.  It seemed I was the only one it peed on and it could hold it all day long and never have an accident.

    Mom had given me naming rights on the puppy.  It had taken me over a week to name him because I had to go to Texas.  However, upon my return, he peed on me.  Then for the three days I had been home, he pestered me.  In the mornings, he would run and jump in my bed at full speed, flying through the drawn curtains as if he were possessed.  If I shut my door, he whined and barked at it.  He did not want in; he just did not want the door closed.  He actually preferred sleeping in my mom’s room in a bed she had bought for him.  Despite that, it was me that he woke up in the mornings when I was home.  Therefore, I had named him Badger because she would not let me name him Demon Spawn.

    We were wrapping up a long weekend.  Neither the VCU nor the SCTU had been called to duty for four days.  It was rather impressive.  Of course, the VCU had earned a lot of time off earlier

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