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Sweet Temptation
Sweet Temptation
Sweet Temptation
Ebook484 pages7 hours

Sweet Temptation

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

This swoonworthy, romantic companion novel to Wendy Higgins's New York Times bestselling Sweet Evil series is told from irresistible bad-boy Kaidan's point of view. Readers will love getting inside Kaidan's head, especially fans of the Divergent series by Veronica Roth, the Selection series by Kiera Cass, and Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire.

When bad-boy drummer Kaidan Rowe encounters good girl Anna Whitt, the girl chosen to vanquish the demons from earth, he can't stop thinking about her. The Nephilim son of the Duke of Lust, Kaidan tries to help Anna embrace a life of sin, but she gradually helps him see that he's meant to do more with his life. Their relationship is as tortured as it is passionate, for Nephilim are forbidden to fall in love. But as hard as they may try to obey, Kai can't seem to stay away from Anna, nor Anna from Kai.

Full of chemistry and high-stakes drama, this companion book is darker, hotter, and completely satisfying.

Release dateSep 8, 2015

Wendy Higgins

Wendy Higgins is the New York Times bestselling author of the Sweet Evil series, The Great Hunt, The Great Pursuit, Flirting with Maybe, and Kiss Collector. Born in Alaska as an Army brat, she lived on five different military bases across the US. Wendy now lives on the Eastern Shore of Virginia with her husband and children, writing full-time. You can visit her online at

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Keeping; Love the series; this is the books told from Kaiden POV

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Sweet Temptation - Wendy Higgins


"I wanna hate every part of you in me . . .

You say that I’m privileged but my gift is my curse."

Bite My Tongue by You Me At Six

"Sit down, son."

Young Kaidan did as his father asked, obediently sitting in the oversized leather chair beside him in the sitting room of their London home. Kai’s stomach buzzed with nervousness. He rarely had his father’s full attention, so he felt heavy and exposed under his intense stare. Kaidan savored Pharzuph’s eyes on him, and for a moment let himself pretend this meeting was something more than business—he let himself imagine his father’s smile was born of concern for him, rather than the glee of malice. He wanted to tap out a beat on his leg to soothe himself, but his father couldn’t stand fidgeting of any kind so he remained still.

Pharzuph looked over his young son, whose hair was longer than the other boys’ at school, and had unruly curls at the edges. Kai wore the same white shirt and navy trousers as his peers, but he still managed to stand out through his musical talents and the way he carried himself. The way he talked with blasé confidence and walked in an unhurried stride—all of this had been practiced and orchestrated by the handsome man sitting before him.

You’re eleven now. Time to begin your training.

Kaidan nodded. He’d known this day was coming. He’d watched last year as his friends, the twins Marna and Ginger, faced their training. He’d been frightened by the bitterness that overtook Ginger, and the sadness that seemed to drape Marna. They were no longer his mates in the carefree way of children. Even their eyes were different: calculating and searching.

You know you’re the son of Lust.

Yes, Father. Kai had been made to watch his father at work for some time now. He’d been given magazines and films to peruse long before he understood any of it.

Now, tell me the sins we deal with as Dukes and Nephilim.

Kaidan pushed the hair from his eyes and rattled off the seven deadly sins in a shaking voice. Lust, greed, sloth and gluttony, murder, pride, wrath, and envy. The other sins we promote are hatred, substance abuse, lies, theft, and adultery. He placed his hands in his lap.

Don’t sit like that, his father snapped. You look too proper. Put your hands on the arms of the chair like you own the place.

Kaidan quickly moved his hands to the arms of the chair.

Why do you suppose the sins are called ‘deadly’? Aside from the obvious. Murder.

Kaidan swallowed hard. He didn’t know how to answer, and he was afraid of being whacked across the head, just as he had been when his favorite nanny was sacked and his father caught him crying.

Pharzuph leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees and twining his fingers. Listen well, Kaidan. Because this is the most important lesson of all. This is our purpose—the purpose of all demons and Nephilim. The sins are called deadly because they slowly kill one’s spirit. His blue eyes began to glisten with fervent zeal as he went on. Over time, something as simple as casual sex or nicking items from a shop can soon become obsessions. Humans need more. They are stupid beings, Kaidan. They never have enough. More thrills, more attention. They are selfish creatures. Never satisfied. It is our job to help them on their journey to ruin. Do you understand?

Kaidan nodded. Disdain for humans had been ingrained in him from the beginning.

They were chosen by the Maker to live lives of freedom here on earth while angels such as myself were banished for wanting a simple bit more. His father’s eyes flashed red. "He chose them—this ungrateful race—to flaunt His blessings on, while we were left to rot in hell. But we’ve found a way to punish Him. . . . Pharzuph smiled wickedly. Every day we turn His beloved earthlings against Him. We cause them to focus on their bodies and their urges, their wants and desires. We give them something tangible to hold on to, but just for a moment. Because the sins are fleeting satisfactions."

Kaidan nodded, shocked that the humans could be so easily fooled. So blind. They deserve it if they’re that stupid, Kai said, and his father gave a laugh of pride.

Indeed, son. They deserve every moment of pain they get. The Maker tells them to be careful—he dangles a bit of fun in their faces, but tells them they cannot have it. But we are here to tell humans to take what they want. And when they have the nerve to cry over the consequences—to pout and curse the world—we laugh. Because the Maker is hurting.

Why? Kaidan breathed. If they’re all so horrible, why does it hurt Him?

Pharzuph’s eyes narrowed into a sneer. "Because He loves them. Because He’s promised them free will, which means he will not interfere in their idiotic choices. It’s pathetic. Now Pharzuph chuckled. He’s backed himself into a corner and can only watch as His creation destroys itself . . . with our help. And never forget—as much as He loves them, he loathes our kind. Never. Forget. His unworthy humans are all born with a chance at reaching the heavenly realm. You were not born with that chance."

Kaidan pressed his hands hard against the chair arms to keep from trembling. He hated when his father spoke of hell—that place of dimness where joy could not be had—the place he was destined to go when he died.

At a knock on the house door, Pharzuph smiled. Now you understand the why of our job. It’s time to learn the how. Our helpers have arrived. Are you ready, Kaidan?

The young Neph could not speak. He could only nod. He’d spent the last year mentally preparing himself for this and wanted to make his father proud.

Very well, said his father. You’re going to love your job, son. I daresay it’s the best of the lot. He leaned forward and grinned at Kaidan. You’ve got all the makings of a superb Neph. You will be a powerful force. You will bring people to their knees with the desire they feel for you, and they will spend the rest of their lives wishing for another touch, searching for another man like you. But there is only one Kaidan Rowe, and you will be like smoke. Make-believe. They cannot hold you, because there is no one like you who exists in their world.

Kaidan’s heart pounded in the wake of his father’s words. Then he heard several sets of footsteps coming down the hall toward their sitting room—toward him. He gripped the chair’s arms tighter and set his face in a bored expression to hide the fear and excitement exploding through him like indecipherable lyrics. It was time to set himself apart from the other boys. There was no room in his life for guilt or humanistic morals. He was born for this. He was determined to embrace it and finally earn his father’s approval, despite the sourness rising up in his throat.

Pharzuph leaned back in his chair, lifting an ankle across his knee, staring darkly at Kaidan. A knock sounded on the sitting room door and his father’s lips rose in a wicked grin. And now, son, the fun begins.


Sweet Evil

Break Me by Kaidan Rowe

I can see you, see you, see you, seeking me out.

You can sense me, sense me, and it’s freaking you out.

I make you thirsty, hungry, but you can’t stay away.

Your eyes are on my body ’cause you want it my way.

Your mind and soul are screaming,

Saying RUN from the danger.

You know that something ain’t right

But you’re a bee to my nectar.

Your mind and soul are screaming,

Warning, He’s gonna break us,

But your body is begging me

To feed your emptiness. . . .


I want those eyes to push me

And those hands to pull me,

Need those hips to break me,

Baby, break me, break me.

It’s gonna hurt tomorrow

When you’re sayonara,

But for now, for now, baby, break me,

Break me.

You ignored all the signs

From your heart and your mind

Now your body is spent,

Baby, broken, broken.

You had a taste of the good life,

Sweet and salt from the high dive.

Now your tongue is left craving.

Baby, craving, craving.

You and me, we were doomed.

Now you’re licking your wounds.

And I’m gone, baby, gone

On the winds of the dawn.





"Like a big bad wolf I’m born to be bad and bad to the bone.

If you fall for me I’m only gonna tear you apart."

Break Your Heart by Taio Cruz

"I’m never gonna fall, but I’m never hard to catch . . .

My heart will never break, I’m just here to break a sweat."

Casual Sex by My Darkest Days

I’m the last of the band to walk into the party after our gig. I feel the eyes on me before I see them—the energy of auras blasting orange and red—excited whispers of Oh my God, it’s Kaidan Rowe carried along sublime waves of music at high wattage. Guardian angels float above their charges, wary when they see me.

I take my time entering the room behind our lead singer, Michael, who makes a grand entrance of throwing his arms up in the air as if to say, These are my people! Everyone cheers. Nobody seems to mind that he’s a cheeky bastard.

I’ve been in America less than a year this March and not much has changed from when I lived in London. My life is still a blur of drums, sex, and food—the Kaifecta—the only things worth living for in this fucked-up world.

My fingers are in the pockets of my black denim jeans and the front of my hair covers one of my eyes, but I can still see through the strands of brown. In one quick moment I scan the room and find three girls from the gig with red-hot auras, eyes glued to me. In half a minute I’m able to gather all I need from their auras, their body language, and the whispered conversations they’re having, which I hear clearly with my Nephilim senses.

I am all over that. . . .

. . . heard he’s amazing . . .

. . . probably a jerk. He’s way too hot. . . .

That last one is far more innocent than the others, and she is the one I choose. A cute brunette. I send her a nod. When she stares and slowly blushes, I look away. Then I turn and follow my mates into the kitchen for a drink.

The first seed has been planted. She will pursue.

In the kitchen a girl with short blond hair laughs at something some bloke is saying. He’s the nice guy, comedian type, wearing an oversized T-shirt. The moment I walk in, her attention wavers to me and her happy yellow aura turns to a fog of surprise, a flame of orange excitement, and then an uprising of red. The bloke tries to get her attention back, but I’ve friend-zoned him. Poor guy. I do feel bad for the ones who have to try so hard. If only they’d act like the sexual beings they are.

Any bloke who seems not to think about sex all day and night is a right liar. Or he’s attempting to train his mind for sainthood, which is idiotic.

Trust me on this.

When the blond chick turns to grab her drink, sending a fluttery-eyed glance my direction, the seemingly nice guy ogles her arse, as he should, and his aura goes thick as red mud. When she turns to him again, he quickly retrains his face into the quirky smile.

I know all the tricks. Don’t bother with the polite, shy bit. It’s not what most birds go for—though I have had to put on the witty, good-guy act to win over a few. I’m willing to play whatever role will put them in their comfort zone—their ease leads to their nakedness. And nakedness is my comfort zone. It is what I seek.

Something soft brushes against my arm, and I look down to see the brunette from the other room sliding purposely against me as she edges through the crowd toward the drink counter. Our eyes meet and I give her a smile. She tucks her hair behind her ear and glances down before looking back up at me.

Sorry, she says. I’m just . . . She points to the drinks on the other side of me.

May I get you something? I ask.

She stares for a moment, as if my voice and accent were unexpected. Her chest is pressed against my upper abs, and the crowd jostles us together. A cloud of red surrounds her, and I open my senses to let in the peachy scent of her pheromones.

Right. That’ll do. I’m ready to shag her. Thankfully I’m a pro at this next bit. Getting someone into bed is an art. A dance. It’s crucial not to misread her.

Without asking, I whisk her cup from her hand and turn to make a fresh drink. In moments I hand her a full glass, ice clinking.

I hope rum and Coke is all right? I already know it is because I smelled the remnants of her drink with my supernatural senses.

Her eyes go wide. That’s what I was drinking! Her smile is huge, as if this is a sign that I am her Mr. Right.

Brilliant. What’s your name, then?

Brittany. And you’re Kayden, right?

I smile. Nobody can seem to spell or pronounce my name. I’m used to this. Close, luv. It’s Kaidan.

Oh, sorry. She tries my name out the right way, Ky-den.

Sounds lovely when you say it. Taking her by the elbow, I gently lead her away from the crowded kitchen. Were you at the show? She was. I saw her.

"Yes. Ohmigawd, it was so good. You guys rock."

Ah, thanks. Mind if we go out back? It’s hard to hear you. I’m already opening the back door and she gladly exits. Her aura pushes outward when I touch her waist and lead her away from the smokers outside. We find a wooden bench swing to sit on. It’s dark out, and the light from the back porch is now dim.

We glide back and forth. Her aura is jittery and I need to relax her.

Are you in school? I ask, though I don’t care.

Yeah. It’s my first year at Georgia Tech. You?

I shake my head. No college for me. I’m going to be what they call a senior in high school, but she doesn’t need to know that bit.

Not to be rude, but you’re nicer than I thought you’d be, she says. Most good-looking guys are . . .

Pricks? I supply.

She nods and takes another drink. Her aura is a nervous gray as she asks, Do you . . . um . . . have a girlfriend?


No, I say sadly. I’m not the settling-down type.

This shouldn’t make her happy, but it does. I see it in the way she bites her lip against a smile. Her aura is excited. I think everyone’s the settling-down type eventually. You just have to find the right person.

Gotta love delusional romantics.

I’ll never settle down, Brittany. It’s the truth, but I say it like an unfortunate mantra.

You never know, she whispers, angling toward me.

She wants to be the one who settles me. They all do. I’ve been honest with her, just as I am with all of them. I can’t help it if she wants to fool herself.

I turn my head, catching a glint of the night’s stars in her eyes.

What do you want from life, Kaidan? she asks.

I want to stay alive.

I take the drink from her hand and set it down. All I want right now, Brittany, is you.

Today is my birthday, and I’m prepared to use that fact as a wild card, but it’s not necessary. She is mush. Her aura is on spin cycle. I slide one hand around her waist and pull her hip to mine. I ignore her guardian angel, who has gone frantic above her. She lets out a whimpering breath and I kiss her. She molds to me, ripe to my touch. Things escalate more quickly than I expected—I thought I’d have to be the initiator, but her hands are all over me. She is clearly ignoring her guardian angel’s whispers to run, run, as fast as she can. Most people aren’t in tune with their angels, and that works to my advantage. Her hands are everywhere.

God, Brittany, I need you.

Her chest heaves as she takes in air. Where can we go?

Hell yes.

I look up to the house and focus my hearing on the upstairs bedrooms. All occupied. Shite. Then I catch a conversation in the dining room. . . .

I can’t find her. Derek says he saw her go off with the drummer. He said that guy’s bad news.

Oh, freaking great. Just what we need. She finally breaks up with Douchebag and now she’s gonna get her heart broken by Mr. One-Night Stand.

Fantastic. The vigilante friend patrol. And they know their little Brittany well. They’ll be out here any moment.

I know it’s not ideal, but we can go to my car if you’d like.

She nods. I take her hand and we walk quickly around the side of the house. I’ve parked my SUV away from everyone else—you never know when you’ll need a bit of privacy.

I click the button to unlock the doors, help her into the massive backseat, and step in behind her. We pick right up where we left off. Soon we are both in our comfort zones, naked. She suddenly hesitates.

This is where most blokes bung it up. Many girls experience a moment of moral hesitancy when their blasted angel’s whispers faintly break through, causing them to face the reality that they just met me and this might not be the best idea.

I’ve only been with one guy, she tells me, breathing hard. We were together a long time. I don’t usually . . . you know . . . this is not like me.

Most fellows push, pressure, guilt, whatever. But this is where I’m golden. I nod as if I respect what she’s divulged.

We don’t have to, Brittany, I say as I begin nuzzling against her, giving her a preview of my strong hips, my ability to move them. We can stop. I begin to pull away.

No! She nearly panics, clutching me close. Don’t stop. I just . . . I need you to know.

I understand, I whisper against her lips. You’re a good girl.

She kisses me with renewed passion, as if I have seen into her soul and understand her like no one else.

And so I keep going, and I make it worth her while. I give her plenty to tell her friends tomorrow, though it’ll likely be followed up days later with tears when she realizes I’m never going to call—that I won’t acknowledge her when she shows at my next gig. Because she’s not the one. I tried to warn her.

The one does not exist for Kaidan Rowe.

Only the right now. Only feeding the urges. Only my survival matters.

I’m surprised to see a limo in the driveway when I return home—I had thought Father was staying in New York for work. Being the vice president of Pristine Publications means nonstop parties with models, actors, and various supporters of the rich and famous porn industry. I wonder for the millionth time why he chose to live in Atlanta rather than New York City, and then with a twist of my gut I’m reminded.

Madame Marissa.

I hear her nauseating, lazy laughter when I push my hearing into the house. I want to turn my car around, but I know Father has heard me by now. He’s always listening. He’s the one who taught me to be constantly on the lookout. He’s the one who taught me everything I know.

He’s the Duke of Lust. Known to demons as Pharzuph. Known to humans as Richard Rowe. And he chose to make his home near the most sinister human bitch that ever lived—leader of the largest sex trafficking ring in the Southern states. The two of them go way back, having met in the U.K. Father even brought her and several of her older girls over to help with my carnal training when I first turned eleven.

I’ve never hated someone as much as I hate Marissa.

I grit my teeth and take my sweet-arse time getting out and trudging in through the giant doors.

I want to go straight down to my room in the basement, but I’d be smacked in the skull for slighting our guest. So I paste a polite expression on my face and enter the heated sun porch beside the indoor pool. The room is as lush with plants as a damn jungle and smells like chlorine and tropical flowers.

There are plenty of lounging chairs, but Marissa is sat on Father’s lap. Her guardian angel looks resolute, if not a bit worn, beside her. I actually feel bad for the spirit, especially since a peevish demon whisperer is circling it like a giant gnat.

Marissa’s black hair reaches her hips, and her giant breasts are about to tumble out of her black scoop-neck dress, a sight that does nothing for me. Bloodred lips match her creepily long nails, and she gasps when she sees me.

Look at him, Richie . . . he looks more like you every time I see him.

Father nods, looking me over and tipping his nose up, probably to check the air around me, to be sure I’d done my job for the night. His sense of smell is astounding.

I nod back. Father. Marissa. I hope you’re well.

It’s only two in the morning, Father says. Early night for you. How many’d you get?

Damn it. One, I admit. I would have stayed out if I’d known they’d be here.

Not much of a birthday celebration, Marissa says. Of course she would remember my special day.

Father looks from her to me. Is it March thirty-first already?

Marissa laughs and swats his shoulder before looking at me again. Seventeen looks nice on you. And you’ll only get better as you age.

I choose to ignore this. Mates threw me a party last night since we had a gig tonight, I lie.

Marissa stands and saunters toward me on high heels. She’s in her late thirties. She’s pale as porcelain. Avoiding the sun has been good for her skin. If she weren’t so evil I’d think she was hot.

She comes too close and looks up at me with a pout. I know what she wants. She fancies a kiss, which I never voluntarily give to her. I lean down to quickly peck her cheek, but she grabs the back of my neck with viper claws and takes my mouth with a satisfied sound. No tongue, thank God, but she takes my bottom lip between hers and suckles it. I’m certain her lipstick is all over me now.

Father chuckles at the ridiculous display, as if Marissa is an auntie pinching my cheeks, not molesting my mouth.

Madame has a job for you, son, he says from his lounging position.

This causes Marissa to release my lip and turn for her purse. I take the opportunity to wipe my lips with the back of my hand and school my face to hide the revulsion I feel.

I’ve a new niece coming from Hungary in a couple months. Marissa has taken a photo from her purse, and she crosses her arms while she explains the fate of a girl who was either stolen from or sold by her desperate family. A valued client has requested a virgin, so she is to stay innocent.

She hands me the picture and I blink several times, rocking back on my heels. The girl can’t be older than eleven. She hasn’t even begun developing. She’s frail and tiny with stringy blond hair and big doe eyes. Father watches me with expectancy and Marissa clicks her long nails together, a familiar sound that follows me into nightmares.

For the first time ever my disgust overrides my fear.

"She’s a bloody child," I spout without thinking.

Father sits up, his forehead pinching at my minor outburst.

Marissa snatches the picture back, but her eyes are amused. She is old enough.

Father stands and walks over now, taking the picture. "She’s not that young. And her age is not your concern." I hear the edge of warning in his voice, a sound that feels like shards of ice. He’d kill me in a second. I have no doubt of that.

We’re not asking you to have sex with her, Marissa croons. We just don’t want her too terrified when her new owner touches her. Some buyers like that, but not this one.

Ugh! I don’t want to touch her at all.

When it comes to girls my age and older women, I’m down for anything. But this is disgusting. Father deals with lust of all kinds—he’s into the sickest shit out there—but I cannot, I will not, physically force myself to be attracted to a child.

Looks like your boy’s more plain vanilla than you thought, Marissa mutters.

He’ll be fine when the girl arrives, luv, Father assures her, eyeing me. He’ll do what needs to be done.

Fuuuuck. Will I? I think of the little girl’s face again, and my stomach cramps.

No. I won’t. This is not good. I’ve crossed a lot of lines in my life to make Father happy and prove my worth, but this is different.

Maybe the picture is old. I can only hope, because I don’t want to find out what consequences he has in store if I lose my usefulness to the demonic cause. I should have known breaking hearts wouldn’t be enough.

Yes. Devil woman runs her nails down my arm. He always does what needs to be done.



Strange Girl

"My devil loves your angel, you can’t take that away . . .

See if she’ll take her halo off, if only for today."

Devil’s Love Song by Tishamingo

I am still pissed off when I get to the club. When we parted this evening, Father’s face was tight as he reminded me it’s now May and the child will be arriving soon. In the two months since I turned seventeen and showed defiance about the young girl, Father has been pushing me. Testing me. Nothing is good enough.

We stand backstage and Raj is adding more gel to his fauxhawk, staring in the mirror and pinching the tips of his hair. His eyes are bloodshot from the spliff he just smoked. "What’s wrong with you?" he asks.

I shake my head and look away. I can’t exactly tell him my father’s a demon, that he expects me to do horrible things. No humans know what I really am.

I’m still trying to scrub the image of the enslaved girl from my mind as we take the stage. It does me no good to think about her, or the hundreds of others like her who I’ve hurt already.

Don’t feel.

Don’t think.

Don’t acknowledge it’s real. Just go through the motions, like always.

I slide onto my stool and twirl the drumsticks, savoring the familiar feel of the cool, smooth wood between my fingers. Deep breaths. Time to clear my head in the only way I know how. Sitting behind the drums, I am myself. The real me. Even during sex I cannot completely let go—I am hyperaware. Music is the only way.

I look out at the packed house. Girls screaming, jumping up and down in front of the stage. Loads of skin on show.

This I can do.

Starting with feather taps and working my way across the set, I rip a line of beats to warm up. Immediately the energy in the room changes, heightens. Conversations hush and heads turn toward the stage, then voices buzz back to life louder than before. A wicked beat can change the entire atmosphere in a room. Michael, feeling it too, shoots me a grin before checking his cords and mic. I feel eyes on me, heating my blood. Yeah, a good beat is sexy. Makes people wanna move their bodies . . . their hips. . . .

Plain vanilla my arse.

Damn it. I have to stop thinking about that.

Michael throws his strap over a shoulder, electric guitar slung low. He picks off a few notes, eyeing Raj on bass until they both nod, satisfied with the sync.

When we’re set, Michael motions the DJ, who tells the room to give it up for Lascivious. And they do. Nice and loud.

I purposely don’t eye the energized crowd as Michael takes to the mic with the welcome. I have to focus. Can’t be distracted by all the chicks and their curves.

Michael gives me the go with a flick of his chin and I raise the sticks above my head to count us in.

One, two, three, four! Bam.

First song is high energy, throwing me into a chop out and ending with muscle burn. All the shit in my life disappears and there’s only the creation of beats—beats that vibrate from soul to soul across the room, bringing flesh to life, every cell thumping in a rhythm they can barely contain. We’re on fire.

I imagine joy is something akin to this. Just letting go.

My forehead is already damp by the end of the first song. I push my hair aside and get set for the second song, which begins slower.

When the room settles I start on the warm cymbal, a shushing buildup to a quiet beat. Michael always makes it to second base with the microphone when he sings this ballad bit. And then the real fun begins—dramatic silent pause and stillness, followed by a raw, all-out punishment of the drums, screamed lyrics, and a high-decibel refrain loud enough to rip the rafters from the roof.

This is The Zone. The place where I can truly breathe.

My body takes over, and hit after hit falls just right until the crash of the cymbals. I whirl the drumsticks over my head with a flourish, then tuck them under my arm.

Damn, what a rush. I feel good. Focused. Until my stupid hair catches in my eyes and I can’t blink it away. I swat it aside. We have a minute before the next song while Michael bullshits with the fans a bit, keeping them worked up.

Two girls in front shout my name. Mother Nature has blessed them both with perfect tits, and they, in turn, bless us all by wearing tiny shirts. Such kindness deserves a grin. Maybe they’ll make it backstage later. I shift on the stool as I imagine it.

Argh. Stay focused.

The third song begins. Raj picks the tune on his bass line, and then I come in strong, willing myself to get lost in the intricate details. When it ends I quiet the tinging cymbals between my fingers. With a tilt of my head I flick the hair from my eyes and grab my water bottle from the floor.

I scan the crowd, attempting not to check out the gorgeous cleavage display for the time being, hoping to avoid the faces of a few girls who’ve been stalking me. But my scanning skids to a halt at the sight of a fresh-faced blonde staring right at me. She’s a complete doll with a wild mane of long hair and a spicy red aura. But the bit I notice next sends an iced razor down my spine.

Bloody hell . . . is that a badge on her chest? I stare in disbelief at the small, round supernatural burst of light emanating from the core of her torso. It isn’t black like most badges—it’s a dark yellow swirled with white. I’m suddenly stiff and on guard, imagining the knife in the ankle of my left boot. I search around the strange girl, looking for a possible guardian angel, but she has none.

Shit. A bloody fucking Neph is at my gig. Sent by my father, no doubt.


I try to swallow but can’t, so I force down a few gulps of water. For half a moment I forget where the fuck I am. Then Michael is giving me the go for the next song. I drop the bottle to the floor and pull the sticks from under my arm.

I’ve lost all focus. I don’t know how I stay on beat. I glance over to keep an eye on the Neph, but she’s gone, pushing her way through the crowd. What is she up to? It takes every ounce of self-control not to abandon the band and follow her. She goes into the loo, but it’s likely a ruse. I thought I knew every Neph close to my age, but I’ve never seen her. I’d remember that face. That hair.

I silently curse the song for being so long, but at least it’s our last before the next band comes on. I shove my auditory senses over the massive crowd and straight into the girls’ loo. I listen, trying to make sense of the silly conversation while thrashing out the backbone of the song.

I heard that guy Kaidan has gonorrhea.

I miss a beat and my bandmates shoot me questioning glares. I can’t remember the last time I’ve dicked up a song, but I’m too concentrated on the bathroom drama.


Clearly the Neph is trying to keep the other girls from coming backstage to meet me. Fewer obstacles in her way as she attempts to find me and . . . do what? Kill me? Test me somehow for Father and the other Dukes?

And now what is she going on about? She’s taking back what she’d said about me and apologizing? What the . . . ? This doesn’t make a bit of sense.

Finally the blasted song is wrapping up and I can put an end to this rubbish.

The blond Neph heads back into the club just as we’re rushed off the platform. I keep my hearing tight around the girl as I walk backstage. She meets up with some guy called Jay. Their conversation sounds ordinary. She’s a good actress, but she can’t fool me.

Anna. He calls her Anna.

Jay is taking Anna backstage. Perfect. I feel the weight of my knife in my boot as Michael, Raj, and Bennett high-five down the hall and bump shoulders next to me.

Time to play, little Neph.

Ah, cripe. Three local models are waiting for me backstage. I forgot I’d invited them. My mind is too preoccupied to fully appreciate the females encircling me as I sense the Anna girl walking in with two human boys.

The girl next to me lifts a cigarette. I have a matchbook out of my pocket and lit before she can reach for her lighter—a pub talent I’d perfected at age fourteen after seeing my father do it. But I can’t pretend to be more interested in the girls—I’m too distracted by Anna as I watch her human boys leave her there, looking out of place and uncomfortable in her own skin. And her aura! Her emotions are on display all around her. Why the hell is she letting them show like that? Some sort of trick to confuse me, no doubt. Can you trick your body into displaying false emotions?

The models chat me up and I reply absently, but I can’t for the life of me take my eyes off Anna. And then she raises her eyes to mine, giving my pulse a punch.

Her aura goes berserk, and she drops her eyes abruptly, as if shy. As if. Does she think I’m a fool? She looks back up, and I swear she appears terrified, which irks the hell out of me. She thinks she can play me? Balls to the wall. Time for confrontation.

A slender hand grabs my arm and calls my name in a whine. I raise an index finger and excuse myself.

The Neph’s eyes dart all around as I approach, which only makes me stare harder. What is the point of this frightened, innocent act? I don’t know what she’s playing at but she’s about to lose.

Finally she holds my eyes, locked.

Who are you? I ask.

Her mouth pops open. I’m . . . Anna?

Trying to be cute, eh? Not buying it. But damn, she is cute. Fifteen. Maybe sixteen. Legs and arms are a bit too thin in the denim skirt and tank top, but she’ll fill out as she gets older, no doubt. Her long, honeyed hair falls smoothly to her waist and her face has lovely symmetry. Brown eyes that tip slightly downward at the corners. Small nose. Rosebud lips. The wholesome, all-natural look is

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