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An Unlucky Match
An Unlucky Match
An Unlucky Match
Ebook56 pages56 minutes

An Unlucky Match

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After her previous betrothals ended in the deaths of two prospective husbands and the life-threatening illness of a third, Lady Audra Lambton – known to society as "the Poor Lamb" – prefers to avoid the ton. But if she successfully marries off her brother's young ward, he'll sign over control of Audra's dowry. The prospect of financial freedom lures Audra to London for another Season, where she once more encounters Lucas Kinley, the third of her ill-fated fiancés. Lucas is as deliciously tempting as ever, but can Audra take another chance with the Poor Lamb's curse – and Lucas's life?

Leigh Michaels is the award-winning author of more than 100 books, including historical romance, contemporary romance, and non-fiction. Six of her books have been finalists in the prestigious RITA contest sponsored by Romance Writers of America, and 35 million copies have been published in 25 languages and 120 countries. She is the author of On Writing Romance, and teaches romance writing at Gotham Writers Workshop.

PublisherPBL Limited
Release dateAug 19, 2015
An Unlucky Match

Leigh Michaels

Leigh Michaels ( is the author of more than 100 books, including contemporary romance novels, historical romance novels, and non-fiction books including local history and books about writing. She is the author of Writing the Romance Novel, which has been called the definitive guide to writing romances. Six of her books have been finalists in the Romance Writers of America RITA contest for best traditional romance of the year, and she has won two Reviewers' Choice awards from Romantic Times (RT Book Review) magazine. More than 35 million copies of her books have been published in 25 languages and 120 countries around the world. She teaches romance writing online at Gotham Writers Workshop.

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    An Unlucky Match - Leigh Michaels

    An Unlucky Match

    By Leigh Michaels

    A Regency short story

    Copyright 2015 by Leigh Michaels

    Cover design by Lynda Alfano copyright 2015

    Art provided by Fotolia and Dollar Photo Club

    Originally titled Shadows of Love

    first published

    in the collection Here We Go Again, copyright 2014

    After her previous betrothals ended in the deaths of two prospective husbands and the life-threatening illness of a third, Lady Audra Lambton – known to society as the Poor Lamb – prefers to avoid the ton. But if she successfully marries off her brother’s young ward, he’ll sign over control of Audra’s dowry. The prospect of financial freedom lures Audra to London for another Season, where she once more encounters Lucas Kinley, the third of her ill-fated fiancés. Lucas is as deliciously tempting as ever, but can Audra take another chance with the Poor Lamb’s curse – and Lucas’s life?


    Shadows of Love

    About the Author

    Other Books


    Here we go again, Audra Lambton told herself as she turned from watching the dancers and found herself suddenly face to face – well, nose to beak, really – with London’s most notorious gossip.

    Lady Audra, the woman repeated. I asked if you are dreaming of days gone by.

    Audra asked herself why she hadn’t just walked on, pretending not to hear. Possibly because it was so rare for Lady Stone’s gravelly tones to be mixed with anything which resembled compassion. The old woman’s opinions were generally every bit as sharp as her nose, which seemed to precede her into any room.

    Audra sighed inwardly, while pasting a smile onto her face. I beg your pardon, Lady Stone. Were you speaking to me?

    Are you regretting your lost love? I couldn’t help but notice that you were watching Lord Kinley waltzing with that milksop of an heiress.

    I wasn’t... The protest was automatic – and foolish, Audra realized, for she had been watching Lord Kinley as he circled the dance floor. And pure bad luck it was that the very first festivity she attended on her return to London – Lady Stone’s ball celebrating the pagan festival of Imbolc... or possibly the feast of St. Brighid; Lady Stone had been vague about the distinction, and in any case both fell at the start of February – was also the first time Audra had been in the same room with Lucas Kinley since their betrothal had ended abruptly last spring.

    But in truth, whether they bumped into each other on the dance floor or stayed at opposite sides of the room all evening would make little difference. The ton gossips would have a grand time speculating, and Lady Stone seemed to want a head start.

    "Of course, love – or the loss of it – doesn’t seem to be hurting him," Lady Stone added.

    There was never any question of love between us, Audra said before she could stop herself.

    Lady Stone’s gaze sharpened. "No one would deny that your betrothal was a very sensible arrangement, at least on Lord Kinley’s side. Such a pity about his father and that unfortunate gambling problem. At least the man had the good taste to die before the family was quite washed up, though one does wonder..."

    "Whether the situation was even worse than the ton knew, to make Lord Kinley take the risk of betrothing himself to me? Audra willed her tone to remain steady. A simply enormous dowry will make a gentleman overlook all kinds of warning signs."

    Yes, it will – at least for a while. Lady Stone clucked her tongue. Come now; don’t look at me as though I’m spitting toads, for I only said what you yourself are obviously thinking. But it’s foolish to believe your ill luck has made you some sort of antidote, Audra. As soon as word spreads that you have returned to town–

    Since I am in London only because my brother’s ward requires a chaperone, the gentlemen need not bother to call on me. Audra curtseyed. "Your pardon, Lady Stone, but

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