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Bullies and Brigands and Wolves, Oh My!
Bullies and Brigands and Wolves, Oh My!
Bullies and Brigands and Wolves, Oh My!
Ebook36 pages33 minutes

Bullies and Brigands and Wolves, Oh My!

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About this ebook

Bullies and Brigands and Wolves, Oh My! is a collection of three short stories by E.R. Dillon. The first story is about a girl who must cope with a bully. The second is the tale of a convict with a dangerous choice to make. The third answers the question: is the young stranger a shapeshifter who brings misfortune to an Indian village?

PublisherE.R. Dillon
Release dateAug 17, 2015
Bullies and Brigands and Wolves, Oh My!

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    Bullies and Brigands and Wolves, Oh My! - E.R. Dillon


    Collection of Short Stories by E.R. Dillon

    Copyright 2015 by E.R. Dillon

    See website for other publications by E.R. Dillon:


    1. SISTERS OF THE HEART [The story of a girl who must cope with a bully]

    2. THE BRIGAND OF BEAUVAIS [The story of a convict with a dangerous choice to make]

    3. STALKING WOLF [Is the young stranger really a shape-shifter who brings misfortune to an Indian village?]



    E.R. Dillon

    A CLOD OF WET MUD struck the side of Andrea's face. Instinctively, she flung up a protective hand. In the next instant, another chunk struck her forearm and spattered across the front of her tan linen tunic.

    And stay away, you wart hog! Hulda bellowed. Her long dark hair swirled around her as she bent to scoop up another handful of soft clay. Behind her, half a dozen adolescent girls smirked and giggled.

    Andrea ran for the safety of the woods a short distance away. Briars tore at her clothing. Brambles scratched her arms and legs. Her face stung, more from humiliation than from the pelting with mud.

    After a moment, she abandoned her headlong flight for a slower, more dignified pace. After all, she was the daughter of a warrior queen. There was no call for her to scurry away like a frightened rabbit. Yellow rays of morning sun filtered through the branches overhead. As she passed through a patch of sunlight, her tawny hair shimmered like a golden halo, although at that moment, her thoughts were far from angelic.

    Who does Hulda think she is? she said, grumbling out loud. She looked down at the streaks of dirt on her tunic. Not only did the scratches on her arms and legs burn, but the briars tore out some of the embroidery she had so painstakingly sewn onto the edge of her sleeves. It's all her fault.

    Ever since she had met Hulda six months ago, there had been an ongoing rivalry between them. Both of them were twelve years of age, but the similarity ended there. Hulda was a Phrygian Amazon from beyond the mountains. It was no wonder the girl towered head and shoulders above even the older girls. Hulda was also the daughter of the Queen of Phrygia, which is why she thought she could take what she wanted without regard for anyone else. Earlier that morning, Hulda wanted to swim in the river, so she took over the whole stretch of sandy beach for herself and her friends.

    Instead of following the well-used path through the forest to the bridge, Andrea

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