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The Space Bounty Hunters Series: Complete Collection
The Space Bounty Hunters Series: Complete Collection
The Space Bounty Hunters Series: Complete Collection
Ebook254 pages3 hours

The Space Bounty Hunters Series: Complete Collection

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Kerry followed her lead down the space station’s darkened corridor. A small outpost on the far rim of Alpha sector, the tiny station was a tin can floating next to a field of pockmarked asteroids. It served only as a listening post for radio communications between ships and the sol system. The workers manning this place were dead. She and Marcus found what was left of them strewn across the control room when they arrived.

Small and cramped, the entire station was dark. The damn thing they were hunting had gotten into the wiring system and ripped it apart. They were working only by the lights affixed to the muzzles of their weapons. Kerry knew she needed to stay alert, but the humidity and extreme heat in the small space made her head fuzzy. The creature had also gotten into the temperature control system and mucked it up. This tiny station was an island in the near absolute zero of space. Tropical and sticky.

Sweat ran down Kerry's face and neck, pooling between her breasts and the armor plating she wore to protect herself from the creatures they hunted. She was sweating all over underneath her suit. If this lasted much longer she swore she’d just pull the damn thing off and walk around in her tank and underwear. She’d probably have an easier time maneuvering anyway.

Marcus took the next turn ahead after stopping to peer around the corner with a mirror. A handy little device and extremely low-tech, it helped them avoid walking into any number of traps. From her vantage point pressed up against him, as they moved along the hallways checking each and every sound, each and every corner, Kerry could see the reflection from her flashlight bouncing off of the armor covering Marcus’ firm ass and corded thighs. He had thighs like a rugby player, built from years of chasing down escaped creatures for their employers. His whole body was a well-toned machine. Each muscle and fiber worked repeatedly in the company gym with one goal in mind, monster hunting.

That was what they called it, this never-ending hunt through the Alpha sector for biological oddities, experiments gone wrong or even just dangerous xenos that threatened traffic in the area. Xenos were alien animals from other planets and moons. Most of them were okay, adapted perfectly to their own environment and dangerous only to their own prey. Some were sharp and strong and clever and in Kerry's opinion, utterly homicidal. Occasionally, these dangerous beasts snuck onto cargo ships when they landed or made their way into poorly guarded outposts to try out new human snacks. They had to be at the top of their game to keep up with these creatures. So they trained, and they hunted and they trained for more.

Kerry enjoyed watching Marcus train, enjoyed working out with him since they had been partnered together. He was entirely too focused on his job though. That strength, those muscles, and skin needed more than danger and death. They needed to be licked and stroked and scratched. Sometimes, she just wanted to pin him to the gym mat and grind lewdly against his crotch until she felt a response.

And those eyes. Turned up slightly at the outside corners with topaz blue irises, they were twice the diameter of a normal human iris, surrounded by a pale blue sclera instead of white. He wasn’t completely human. Kerry didn’t care; she could spend all day drowning in those eyes.

PublisherChandler Dee
Release dateSep 30, 2015
The Space Bounty Hunters Series: Complete Collection

Chandler Dee

Author of the "Lycans Series" and "Space Bounty Hunters Series".

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    Book preview

    The Space Bounty Hunters Series - Chandler Dee

    The Space Bounty Hunters Series

    By Chandler Dee

    1st Edition

    Copyright 2015 by Chandler Dee

    1st Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed only for your personal use. Do not resell or give copies to other people without the author's permission. If you have not paid for this ebook, or it was not purchased only for you to use, please return it to the distributor and buy a new copy. Peace and thanks.

    Table of Contents:

    Dear Reader

    Predator on the Rim

    The Immortality Backup

    The Chimera Problem

    The Hidden Planet

    Earth Return

    Sample: Lycan's Sacrifice

    Dear Reader,

    This is the second series of short stories I've completed in the romance genre. In The Space Bounty Hunter Series we go a different direction, heading out into the farthest reaches of space and back again. Our heroine, Kerry Reva, is a spunky, adventurous woman with a thing for her human-alien hybrid partner, Marcus. Follow along as she hunts down dangerous creatures, people, and falls in love. At the same time, Kerry and Marcus stumble across a massive secret that could alter the course of Human and Elasian history.

    This complete series so far includes:

    -Predator on the Rim

    -The Immortality Backup

    -The Chimera Problem

    -The Hidden Planet

    -Earth Return

    At the end of this book are a few sample pages from Lycan's Sacrifice, the first story in another short story collection called, The Lycans Series. If you like werewolf romances, consider buying the collection or reading the freebie story, "A Lycan's Mate", which focuses on a side character in the series, Jurisa, leader of the Cold Mountains wolf pack.

    Chandler Dee

    September 2015

    Bounty Hunter: Predator on the Rim

    Chandler Dee

    2nd Edition

    Copyright © 2013 by Chandler Dee

    2nd Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy. Thank you.

    Kerry followed her lead down the space station's darkened corridor. A small outpost on the far rim of Alpha sector, the tiny station was a tin can floating next to a field of pockmarked asteroids. It served only as a listening post for radio communications between ships and the Sol system. The workers manning this place were dead. She and Marcus found what was left of them strewn across the control room when they arrived.

    Small and cramped, the entire station was dark. The damn thing they were hunting had gotten into the wiring system and ripped it apart. They were working only by the lights affixed to the muzzles of their weapons. Kerry knew she needed to stay alert, but the humidity and extreme heat in the small space made her head fuzzy. The creature had also gotten into the temperature control system and mucked it up. This station was an island in the near absolute zero of space. Tropical and sticky.

    Sweat ran down Kerry's face and neck, pooling between her breasts and the armor plating she wore to protect herself from the creatures they hunted. She was perspiring all over underneath her suit. If this lasted much longer she swore she'd just pull the damn thing off and walk around in her tank and underwear. She'd probably have an easier time maneuvering anyway.

    Marcus took the next turn ahead after stopping to peer around the corner with a mirror. A handy little device and extremely low-tech, it helped them avoid walking into any number of traps. From her vantage point pressed up against him, as they moved along the hallways checking each and every sound, each and every corner, Kerry could see the reflection from her flashlight bouncing off of the armor covering his firm ass and corded thighs. He had thighs like a rugby player, built from years of chasing down escaped creatures for their employers. His whole body was a well-toned machine. Each muscle and fiber worked repeatedly in the company gym with one goal in mind, monster hunting.

    That was what they called it, this neverending hunt through the Alpha sector for biological oddities, experiments gone wrong or even just dangerous xenos that threatened traffic in the area. Xenos were alien animals from other planets and moons. Most of them were okay, adapted perfectly to their own environment and dangerous only to their own prey. Some were sharp and strong and clever and in Kerry's opinion, utterly homicidal. Occasionally, these dangerous beasts snuck onto cargo ships when they landed or made their way into poorly guarded outposts to try out new human snacks. They had to be at the top of their game to keep up with these creatures. So they trained, and they hunted and they trained for more.

    Kerry enjoyed watching Marcus train, enjoyed working out with him since they had been partnered together. He was entirely too focused on his job though. That strength, those muscles and skin needed more than danger and death. They needed to be licked and stroked and scratched. Sometimes, she just wanted to pin him to the gym mat and grind lewdly against his crotch until she felt a response.

    And those eyes. Turned up slightly at the outside corners with topaz blue irises, they were twice the diameter of a normal human iris, surrounded by a pale blue sclera instead of white. He wasn't completely human. Kerry didn't care; she could spend all day drowning in those eyes.

    It's not that she hadn't made her attraction to him clear. Hell, the first week she never presented so much to one man in her life. She'd never been rejected so much either. He never pointed it out to her, just ignored it or didn't notice her come ons.  It made her so irritated, bruised her ego too. Kerry gave up out of frustration. In the months since that first week she hadn't seen him so much as glance at another person's chest or crotch or other assets. Half the time, she wondered if he were even capable of having sex.

    Marcus slowed to a stop halfway down the hallway. He didn't move, his muscles bunched in readiness, waiting, feeling out the atmosphere around them. Kerry knew what this meant. The creature they were hunting was very close, hiding, possibly lurking somewhere in the darkened corners. Confident in her lead's abilities, she waited while Marcus felt out the area, quietly analyzing potential threats, mentally casting them aside before moving onto the next.

    The high-pitched whine warned her before the creature's attack, so she barely had enough time to get down, put her weapon up and start firing. It shot out over top of them from an air vent they had just walked past. It was in a corner tucked between the bulkheads in the wall. They couldn't possibly have seen it.

    Her shots, without enough time to target, flew wildly past the long-limbed, long-clawed humanoid. Marcus heard it coming before her and had dropped down, but his bigger frame still made a bette target for the creature. It swiped with one of those clawed hands connecting with the vulnerable flesh between her lead's helmet and his body armor as it thumped to the ground opposite. Marcus's sharp cry burst through her receiver in an earsplitting crackle.

    It ran at them, tackling Marcus without stopping, raising its arms back for another swipe at the vulnerable flesh of his neck, a second from tearing open his jugular. Not thinking, only reacting in response to her training, Kerry raised her weapon and fired repeatedly at the beast despite its close proximity to her lead. Better to be shot to death than to have one's throat slit and bleed out like a pig.

    The creature's high-pitched whines burst out as the bullets impacted its torso, pushing it off of Marcus.  It scrambled up, leapt away on long limbs, turned a corner at the end of the hallway and disappeared.

    Go after it, Marcus yelled at her through the comm. Kerry turned to Marcus, half ready to argue with him. He was down, but he screamed at her again. Threatened to shoot her himself if she didn't do her job and go after the creature. That was all the impetus Kerry needed.

    Adrenaline rushing through her system and sweat pouring down her skin, Kerry tore off down the hallway after it. The high-pitched whine was gone. All she could hear was her heart pounding in her ears and the thumping of her feet on the metal grating beneath and Marcus's heavy breathing on the other end of the comm.

    Update Kerry, Marcus demanded.

    It's gone. Fuck, it's gone.

    Kerry scouted further down the hall searching frantically for any sign of the creature. She found dark red blood spots trailing to an elevator with the door ripped open. Kerry jammed the muzzle of her gun into the opening, ready to fire at the first sign of movement, but it was empty inside. She forced her way in further. Marcus demanding updates in the background, yelling for more information. Kerry could only say what she had seen, an empty elevator. An entry hole was torn in the doors and an exit was torn into the top of the ceiling. Kerry managed to force the elevator doors part enough to slip into the enclosed space. It made the hair on the back of her neck rise and her skin itch to be in a trapped space with few exits.

    Still, she heard no whines, no shrieking cries, except that of her lead demanding an almost constant stream of information. She resorted to describing everything she saw just to shut him up. Again, Kerry pointed the muzzle of her weapon up through the hole in the elevator. Finger resting lightly on the trigger, she listened for the sound of an impending attack. None came. She peered into the crevices of the elevator shaft all the way up to the top of the defunct space station. Nothing. It had gone somewhere, but she could not see any other torn metal signaling the creature forcing its way out of the shaft.

    At that point she realized Marcus had stopped demanding updates. He'd gone suspiciously quiet, the comm. only transmitting the sound of heavy breathing and painful coughing.

    Kerry backed out of the elevator. She kept her gun pointed at the enclosed space as she backtracked towards her lead. She needed to get back to check his wounds. For all she knew, the angry bastard was bleeding to death and not telling her. Kerry told Marcus she was coming before she rounded the corner and still only got breathing in response.

    She stopped dead as she came into the beam of his flashlight. His gun pointed straight at her from his position propped up against the bulkhead.

    Marcus, she said, and was relieved to see him lower the weapon. He didn't try to acknowledge her over the comm, only grunted in response. The minor acknowledgement caused a harsh coughing fit.

    Kerry hustled over to his side. On a preliminary check, she could see he'd wrapped gauze tightly around his groin at the joint between leg and hip, and also had wrapped it around his neck. She couldn't tell much else in the lightless interior. Kerry needed to get him back to their ship to have a better look with the med-scanner. She called up a transparent overlay of the space station and had the computer screen built into her helmet's visor map out the fastest route back to the ship. Kerry urged Marcus up, slinging his arm over her shoulder. Despite his condition, Marcus turned to cover the rear while she took point, half-dragging him along by the arm.

    Fear crept over her. This was wrong. It was wrong from the beginning. They should never have wandered into the corridors without trying to fix the station's power supply. When they got back to the ship Kerry was tempted to take off and to blow the small station apart with the ship's weapons. It would be a heck of a lot easier and faster way to complete the job.

    Busy following the highlighted path overlaid on her screen, Kerry barely managed to remember to stop and check round corners with their handy-dandy mirror. She breathed a sigh of relief when she reached the port where they were docked. Kerry entered the access code, the titanium doors slid open and Kerry and Marcus tumbled in.

    Her lead was in bad shape, coughing up bluish blood that streamed down his chin. Kerry dragged Marcus to the medical unit installed in the sidewall of their small ship. She propped him against the wall and activated the system. A curved, metal bed big enough for one person slid out. Kerry started stripping Marcus of his armor, batting aside the hands that tried to stop her. No time for modesty now.

    She got his helmet off to see his eyes closed and brow furrowed in obvious pain.

    Kerry used a surgical scalpel to cut off the skin tight suit covering his body. His long, narrow torso and back were shaded in dark angled markings that Kerry first mistook for bruising. The edges were too regular and consistent. The markings were too regular to be bruises. They were another marker of his little mentioned alien ancestry.

    She did the same for the thin fabric strip that served as underwear and was surprised to see his genitals were entirely human in shape and function.

    She'd always wanted to get a look at his naked body. Too bad, it took drawing blood to get her wish. Kerry didn't take any more time to gape. Her lead was barely responsive, only the blood he leaked signaled active life.

    She laid him out on the bed, turning on the laser scanner. Kerry didn't wait for the standard full body scan. She focused the imager on his neck. Within seconds, a three-dimensional image of the area popped up in front of Kerry. She pulled back digital layers of tissue and focused in on the wound left by that creature. Its claws were long enough that one managed to puncture his throat. Blood was seeping into his trachea and Marcus had to cough to keep it from draining into his lungs.

    Kerry removed the surgical gauze. She hated the agonized sound he made as she closely examined the wound. Kerry didn't dare give him a pain killer. She had no idea how it might affect his physiology. The wrong sedative might stop his breathing.

    The medical computer provided instructions for cleaning and sealing the wound. She needed to stop the bleeding first. Kerry picked up a pen cauterizer.

    Sorry, Kerry said to Marcus. This is going to hurt.

    Using the 3D scan as a guide, she angled the cauterizer into the wound. Marcus stiffened, but to his credit held incredibly still. When she hit the bleeding vein, Kerry cauterized the bleed with a flash of heat at over two thousand degrees Fahrenheit. Marcus choked, gagging as the device worked. Smoke from burning flesh filled the small interior.

    I'm sorry… Sorry, Kerry cried, backing away from him. She could not do it. Kerry was surprised. She'd always gone where no others dared go before. She always prided herself on not being afraid of anything. Now, Kerry got squeamish over a simple medical procedure.

    Marcus looked over at her. It was him. She didn't want to hurt him. He held out a hand and Kerry took it. Her hands were shaking so bad that she almost dropped the pen. He squeezed the hand he held, mouthing for her to keep going.

    Kerry took a deep breath, focusing her scattered energy. She relinquished his hand and tried to distance herself mentally from the procedure. When her shaking was under control she approached him and repositioned the pen. Following the 3D image she sealed another bleed, and another before she felt safe enough to stop. Marcus remained still the entire time, looking up at her. Kerry watched the 3D scan for several long seconds, and was relieved to see no more blood flowing into his throat from the wound.

    Not bad, he managed to croak out.

    Kerry smiled. She set the pen aside and diverted her attention to the groin wound he'd also wrapped in tight gauze. According to the scanner, it was deep, but bled little. Kerry used sterile water and alcohol to wash them out and cauterized a couple of minor bleeds. It was much easier this time. She didn't have to listen to Marcus gagging on the pen.

    She tried not to handle the sensitive area more than necessary. She tried not to let her hands wander too much either. Marcus was the sort of man you wanted to keep on touching. Kerry sighed and finished by applying an antibiotic and sealing the punctures with a dermal seal.

    She did the same to his neck, pleased to see that he was

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